centos7 mongo(复本集)+monstache+es数据同步

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13 篇文章 0 订阅


cd application/
wget https://dl.google.com/go/go1.14.4.linux-amd64.tar.gz
tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.14.4.linux-amd64.tar.gz
nano /etc/profile #配置环境变量修改如下:
export GOROOT=/usr/local/go
export GOPATH=/home/go/
export PATH=$PATH:$GOROOT/bin:$GOPATH/bin
export GOPROXY=https://mirrors.aliyun.com/goproxy/

source /etc/profile #应用环境变量配置


cd /usr/local/
yum install -y git
git clone https://github.com/rwynn/monstache.git
cd monstache
git checkout rel5
yum install -y gcc
go install
chmod -R 740 /usr/local/monstache
monstache -v


cd /usr/local/monstache/
nano config.toml

# connection settings

# connect to MongoDB using the following URL
mongo-url = "mongodb://root:123@,,"
# connect to the Elasticsearch REST API at the following node URLs
elasticsearch-urls = [""]

# frequently required settings

# if you need to seed an index from a collection and not just listen and sync changes events
# you can copy entire collections or views from MongoDB to Elasticsearch
direct-read-namespaces = ["product.products","product.categroies"]

# if you want to use MongoDB change streams instead of legacy oplog tailing use change-stream-namespaces
# change streams require at least MongoDB API 3.6+
# if you have MongoDB 4+ you can listen for changes to an entire database or entire deployment
# in this case you usually don't need regexes in your config to filter collections unless you target the deployment.
# to listen to an entire db use only the database name.  For a deployment use an empty string.
#change-stream-namespaces = ["mydb.col"]

# additional settings

# if you don't want to listen for changes to all collections in MongoDB but only a few
# e.g. only listen for inserts, updates, deletes, and drops from mydb.mycollection
# this setting does not initiate a copy, it is only a filter on the change event listener
#namespace-regex = '^mydb\.col$'
# compress requests to Elasticsearch
#gzip = true
# generate indexing statistics
#stats = true
# index statistics into Elasticsearch
#index-stats = true
# use the following PEM file for connections to MongoDB
#mongo-pem-file = "/path/to/mongoCert.pem"
# disable PEM validation
#mongo-validate-pem-file = false
# use the following user name for Elasticsearch basic auth
# elasticsearch-user = "elastic"
# use the following password for Elasticsearch basic auth
# elasticsearch-password = "<your_es_password>"
# use 4 go routines concurrently pushing documents to Elasticsearch
elasticsearch-max-conns = 4
# use the following PEM file to connections to Elasticsearch
#elasticsearch-pem-file = "/path/to/elasticCert.pem"
# validate connections to Elasticsearch
#elastic-validate-pem-file = true
# propogate dropped collections in MongoDB as index deletes in Elasticsearch
dropped-collections = true
# propogate dropped databases in MongoDB as index deletes in Elasticsearch
dropped-databases = true
# do not start processing at the beginning of the MongoDB oplog
# if you set the replay to true you may see version conflict messages
# in the log if you had synced previously. This just means that you are replaying old docs which are already
# in Elasticsearch with a newer version. Elasticsearch is preventing the old docs from overwriting new ones.
#replay = false
# resume processing from a timestamp saved in a previous run
resume = true
# do not validate that progress timestamps have been saved
#resume-write-unsafe = false
# override the name under which resume state is saved
#resume-name = "default"
# use a custom resume strategy (tokens) instead of the default strategy (timestamps)
# tokens work with MongoDB API 3.6+ while timestamps work only with MongoDB API 4.0+
resume-strategy = 0
# exclude documents whose namespace matches the following pattern
#namespace-exclude-regex = '^mydb\.ignorecollection$'
# turn on indexing of GridFS file content
#index-files = true
# turn on search result highlighting of GridFS content
#file-highlighting = true
# index GridFS files inserted into the following collections
#file-namespaces = ["users.fs.files"]
# print detailed information including request traces
verbose = true
# enable clustering mode
cluster-name = 'es-cn-mp91kzb8m00******'
# do not exit after full-sync, rather continue tailing the oplog
#exit-after-direct-reads = false
namespace = "product.products"
index = "hotproducts"
type = "products"

namespace = "product.categroies"
index = "hotcategroies"
type = "categroies"


monstache -f config.toml


GET hotproducts/_count

GET hotproducts/_search



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