Oracle_Chapter 1

Chapter 1 Introducing Oracle

One of the problems in comprehending a massive product such as the Oracle database is the difficulty of getting a good sense of how the product works without getting lost in the details of implementing specific solutions.


We've tried to write a book for a wide range of Oracle users, from the novice to the experienced user. To address this range of users, we've focused on the concepts and technology behind the Oracle database. Once you fully understand these facets of the product, you'll be able to handle the particulars of virtually any type of Oracle database. Without this understanding, you may feel overburdened as you try to connect the dots of Oracle's voluminous feature set and documentation.


Oracle has grown from its humble beginnings as one of a number of databases available in the 1970s to the market leader of today. In its early days, Oracle Corporation was known more as an aggressive sales and promotion organization than a technology supplier. Over the years, the Oracle database has grown in depth and quality, and its technical capabilities now are generally recognized as the most advanced. With each release, Oracle has added more power and features to its already solid base while improving the manageability.


comprehend: <script language=JavaScript> doOutputPhone("27kCmprI5hend3") </script>  v.了解,领会;包含包括

massive: <script language=JavaScript> doOutputPhone("25mAsIv3") </script>  a.巨大的,大量的,大规模的,魁伟的,结实的

Associate : <script language=JavaScript> doOutputPhone("2[5s[uFIeIt3") </script> <script language=JavaScript> doOutputChinese("vt. 把…联系在一起;交往 n.合伙人 a. 副的"); </script> vt. 把…联系在一起;交往 n.合伙人 a. 副的

Promotion : <script language=JavaScript> doOutputPhone("2pr[5m[uF[n3") </script> n. 提升;促进

institutional: <script language=JavaScript> doOutputPhone("27InstI5tju:F[n[l3") </script> a. 制度的,公共团体的,学会的

logo: <script language=JavaScript> doOutputPhone("25lCg[u3") </script> n.图形,商标 n.徽标

Groundwork 基础

Oracle Database 10g, released in 2003 and the current release, enables grid (the g in 10g) computing. A grid is simply a pool of computers that provides needed resources for applications on an as-needed basis. The goal is to provide computing resources that transparently scale to the user community, much as an electrical utility company can deliver power to meet peak demand by accessing energy from other power providers' plants via a power grid. Oracle Database 10g further reduces the time, cost, and complexity of database management through the introduction of self-managing features such as the Automated Database Diagnostic Monitor, Automated Shared Memory Tuning, Automated Storage Management, and Automated Disk Based Backup and Recovery. One important key to Oracle Database 10g's usefulness in grid computing is the ability to provision CPUs and data.

就像是电力供应商在用电高峰期间,可以通过供电网络从其它的供应商那里获取电力一样。   自动管理特性


1.3 Summary of Oracle Features


The remainder of this book examines different aspects of Oracle such as data structures, performance, and parallel processing.


To give some structure to the broad spectrum of the Oracle database, we've organized the features into the following sections


In this chapter, we've included a lot of terminology and rather abbreviated descriptions of features. Oracle is a huge system. Our goal here is to quickly familiarize you with the full range of features in the system. Subsequent chapters will provide additional details. Obviously, though, whole books can be (and have been!) written about each of the feature areas summarized here.


Remainder <script language=JavaScript> doOutputPhone("2rI5meInd[3") </script>   n.剩余(物);余数

examine: <script language=JavaScript> doOutputPhone("2Ig5zAmIn3") </script>  vt. 1.检查 2.询问 3.对…进行考试

transparently adv. 明亮地, 显然地,易觉察地
procedural: <script language=JavaScript> doOutputPhone("2pr[u5sI:dV[r[l3") </script> a.

terminology: <script language=JavaScript> doOutputPhone("27t[:mI5nCl[dVI3") </script>  n.术语学,术语

abbreviated: <script language=JavaScript> doOutputPhone("2[5brI:vIeItId3") </script>  adj. 1 缩短的 2 (衣服) 仅可遮体的 3 小型的

subsequent: <script language=JavaScript> doOutputPhone("25sQbsIkw[nt3") </script>  a. 后来的,并发的

spectrum: <script language=JavaScript> doOutputPhone("25spektr[m3") </script>  n.系列,范围;光谱


1.4 Database Application Development Features


The main use of the Oracle database system is to store and retrieve data for applications.


All flavors of the Oracle database include different languages and interfaces that allow programmers to access and manipulate the data in the database.


flavor: <script language=JavaScript> doOutputPhone("25fleIv[3") </script>  n. 滋味,香料vt. 加味于

Oracle's PL/SQL, a procedural language extension to SQL, is commonly used to implement program logic modules for applications.


The inclusion of Java within the Oracle database allows Java developers to leverage their skills as Oracle application developers.


Oracle data warehousing options for OLAP and data mining provide a Java API.

leverage: <script language=JavaScript> doOutputPhone("25levLrIdV3") </script>  vt.影响、n.[U] (为达成目的之) 手段; 力量; 影响力

warehousing: <script language=JavaScript> doOutputPhone("25wZ[hauzIN3") </script>  n. 入库;储仓;(商业银行所提供的)周转性短期贷款;【俚】用别人名义购入股票  数据仓库


You can also store objects in the database as varying arrays (VARRAYs), nested tables, or index organized tables (IOTs).


nested: 嵌套

Programmers can interact with the Oracle database from C, C++, Java, COBOL, or FORTRAN applications by embedding SQL in those applications. Prior to compiling the applications using a platform's native compilers, you must run the embedded SQL code through a precompiler.


Prior  a./ad. 优先的,在前的,在…之前

If you're an experienced programmer seeking optimum performance, you may choose to define SQL statements within host-language character strings and then explicitly parse the statements, bind variables for them, and execute them using the Oracle Call Interface (OCI).


Why would someone want to use OCI instead of the higher-level interfaces? In certain programming scenarios, OCI improves application performance or adds functionality. For instance, in high-availability implementations in which multiple systems share disks and implement Real Application Clusters/Oracle Parallel Server, you may want users to reattach to a second server transparently if the first fails. You can write programs that do this using OCI.


optimum: <script language=JavaScript> doOutputPhone("25CptIm[m3") </script>  adj.最优的 n.最佳状态,最佳条件

explicitly: adv.清晰地

scenario: <script language=JavaScript> doOutputPhone("2sI5nB:rI[u3") </script>  n.剧本,脚本;概要

reattach: <script language=JavaScript> doOutputChinese("vt.重新接上"); </script> vt.重新接上

transparently: adv. 明亮地, 显然地,易觉察地


There is a need for extensions to the standard functionality of a database for storing and manipulating image, audio, video, spatial, and time series information.


spatial: <script language=JavaScript> doOutputPhone("25speIF[l3") </script>  a. 空间的,空间性的,场所的

Oracle Text includes what was previously referred to as the "ConText cartridge" with Ultrasearch capabilities. It can identify the gist of a document by searching for themes and key phrases in the document.


cartridge: <script language=JavaScript> doOutputPhone("25kB:trIdV3") </script>  n.弹药筒,子弹;软片

ultra: <script language=JavaScript> doOutputPhone("25Qltr[3") </script>  a. 过度的,过激的,极端的 n. 过激论者,急进论者

gist: <script language=JavaScript> doOutputPhone("2dVIst3") </script>  n.要旨;梗概

theme: <script language=JavaScript> doOutputPhone("2WI:m3") </script>  n.题目,主题,主旋律,话题

The audio and video portions of interMedia can store and retrieve audio and video clips, respectively.


The locator portion of interMedia can retrieve data that includes spatial coordinate information.


clips v. 剪,修剪;钳,夹住 n.夹子,钳子,回形针

respectively ad.各自地,分别地

coordinate (1) adj. (重要性、地位、身份等)(2) adj. 同等的,同格的,等位的


Oracle added native XML datatype support to the Oracle9i database and XML and SQL interchangeability for searching. The structured XML object is held natively in object relational storage meeting the W3C DOM specification. The XPath syntax for searching in SQL is based on the SQLX group specifications.


interchangeable: <script language=JavaScript> doOutputPhone("27Int[5tFeIndV[bl3") </script>  adj.可互换的

specification: <script language=JavaScript> doOutputPhone("27spesIfI5keIF[n3") </script>  n.指明,详述;规格,说明书

syntax n. 语法,有秩序的排列,句子构造 n. 句法,语法


1.5                   Database Connection Features


Using Oracle Names can reduce maintenance efforts, because a change in the topology of your network will not require a corresponding change in configuration files on every client machine.


The Advanced Security Option was once known as the Advanced Networking Option (ANO). Key features include network encryption services using RSA Data Security's RC4 or DES algorithm, network data integrity checking, enhanced authentication integration, single sign-on, and DCE (Distributed Computing Environment) integration.


Oracle Label Security controls access to data by comparing labels assigned to data with label authorizations granted to users. Multiple authorization levels are possible within a single database. Label security authorizations are managed through the Policy Manager. Policies are enforced in the database instead of through views, thus greatly simplifying management of data accessibility and providing a more secure implementation.


maintenance: <script language=JavaScript> doOutputPhone("25meIntIn[ns3") </script>  n.维持,保持;保养,维修;坚持,主张

topology: <script language=JavaScript> doOutputPhone("2t[u5pCl[dVI3") </script>  n. 地志学,拓扑数学,局部解剖学

encryption: 加密

algorithm: n. 【数】互除法;演算法;规则系统

authentication: <script language=JavaScript> doOutputChinese("认证"); </script> 认证

authorization: <script language=JavaScript> doOutputPhone("27C:W[raI5zeIF[n3") </script> n.授权,委任状


1.6        Distributed Database Features


Oracle's two-phase commit mechanism, guarantees that all the database servers that are part of a transaction will either commit or roll back the transaction.

phase: <script language=JavaScript> doOutputPhone("2feIz3") </script> n. 阶段;方面;相位 vt.定相;使分段进行

commit: <script language=JavaScript> doOutputPhone("2kE5mIt3") </script>  vt. 1.犯(错误,罪行等) 2.把…托付给,提交

Heterogeneous Services

heterogeneous: <script language=JavaScript> doOutputPhone("27het[r[u5dVI:nI[s3") </script>  adj.异类的,不同的

Optional Transparent Gateways use agents specifically tailored for a variety of target systems. Transparent Gateways allow users to submit Oracle SQL statements to a non-Oracle distributed database source and have them automatically translated into the SQL dialect of the non-Oracle source system, which remains transparent to the user. In addition to providing underlying SQL services, Heterogeneous Services provide transaction services utilizing Oracle's two-phase commit with non-Oracle databases and procedural services that call third-generation language routines on non-Oracle systems. Users interact with the Oracle database as if all objects are stored in the Oracle database, and Heterogeneous Services handle the transparent interaction with the foreign database on the user's behalf.











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