xinguimengdeMacBook-Pro:man_vanthink xinguimeng$ svn ci application/library/BasicModels.php
svn: E205007: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: E205007: Could not use external editor to fetch log message; consider setting the $SVN_EDITOR environment variable or using the --message (-m) or --file (-F) options
svn: E205007: None of the environment variables SVN_EDITOR, VISUAL or EDITOR are set, and no 'editor-cmd' run-time configuration option was found
xinguimengdeMacBook-Pro:man_vanthink xinguimeng$
xinguimengdeMacBook-Pro:man_vanthink xinguimeng$ svn ci application/library/BasicModels.php -m "demo"
Sending application/library/BasicModels.php
Transmitting file data .
Committed revision 1136.