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原创 OkHttp源码分析(二)OkHttpClient、Request、Call、Dispatcher详解


2019-09-22 21:37:07 634

原创 OkHttp源码分析(一) 请求和响应过程简单分析


2019-09-21 12:59:37 278

原创 【Java】Java AIO使用详解

欢迎关注公众号: nullobject 。文章首发在个人博客 https://www.nullobject.cn,公众号nullobject同步更新。这篇文章主要讲解Java AIO网络编程。1. AIO是什么本文所说的AIO特指Java环境下的AIO。AIO是java中IO模型的一种,作为NIO的改进和增强随JDK1.7版本更新被集成在JDK的nio包中,因此AIO也被称作是NI...

2019-09-11 18:48:08 2459

原创 【Netty】Netty NIO Server启动流程分析

Netty是一个Java异步网络通信框架。Netty中基于Java NIO实现了异步IO通信,其中实现的NioServerSocketChannel/NioSocketChannel等相关的组件,实际上就是对Java NIO相对组件的封装。本文将从Java NIO启动过程开始,对Netty中NIO Server的启动流程进行学习和分析。

2022-01-22 17:24:10 568

原创 PTPIP协议中文版

欢迎关注公众号: nullobject 。文章首发在个人博客 https://www.nullobject.cn,公众号nullobject同步更新。这篇文章主要为PTPIP的学习笔记文章目录0 说明1 PTP-IP协议简介1.1 目的1.2 格式规范1.3 参考1.4 手写字母缩写和缩写词1.5 参与人员1.6 照片传输协议(“PTP”)条款1.6.1 设备规则1.6.2 会话(S...

2019-08-02 14:43:46 2329

原创 修改AndroidStudio缓存目录

1 说明修改Android Studio缓存目录,主要是修改.AndroidStudio文件夹和m2文件夹所在目录。.AndroidStudio主要用于保存AS的配置以及插件。默认情况下,.AndroidStudio 默认的目录位于C盘系统用户文件夹下:1560927672266AS默认会为每个版本都生成一个.AndroidStudio目录,当然这可以在安装和更新AS时指定。m2文件夹为AS...

2019-06-19 17:47:27 1912

原创 QtCharts之QValueAxis类


2019-04-03 21:13:35 8579 1

原创 QtCharts之QAbstractAxis类


2019-04-02 12:07:14 2971 9

原创 QtCharts之QXYSeries


2019-03-30 18:33:24 5046 1

原创 QtCharts之QAbstractSeries

这篇文章主要讲解QAbstractSeries的API及其使用。理解本文章内容之前,需要读者对Qt Charts的基本组成有个整体认识,具体可以参考这篇文章:Qt Charts 基本组成。Qt Charts主...

2019-03-25 02:07:49 2034

原创 Qt折线图最简实现

本文将演示如何用Qt Charts快速实现一个最简单的折线图显示。 如果您想直接运行体验效果,可以直接点击这里下载源码编译:0x00 最终效果​ 本文最后将会实现如下效果:QtCharts折线图效果0x01 添加charts模块​ Qt Charts作为一个独立的模块,在使用前需要在项目的pro文件中添加:QtExample.pro:1# 添加Q...

2019-03-21 17:30:07 10760 4

原创 解决JCenter下载太慢的问题


2017-03-19 17:32:15 8490

原创 Amh/Nginx更改网站根目录

没有目录网站根目录是由Nginx的配置文件指定的。更改Amh虚拟主机的网站根目录,需要手动修改/usr/local/nginx/conf/vhost/下的域名.conf文件:1.找到server{ ... root /home/wwwroot/yourDomain/oldDirection$subdomain; ... location ~.*\.php$

2016-10-26 12:11:28 3179

转载 AMH面板手工编译升级PHP5.6.9环境以及常见问题解决

在我们一般的网站环境中,Linux VPS主机搭建的网站环境采用面板的还是比较多的,毕竟较为容易的管理,且在国产的软件中,即便AMH目前新版本采用付费模式之后,原来的免费版本基本的功能还是完善的,对于普通的网站项目还是足够的满足使用。如果需要特别的环境和版本,我们可以通过单独编译升级的方法完善。在默认的AMH4.2免费版本中,PHP是5.3.27p1版本,但是有些网站CMS项目需要5.5甚至更高的版

2016-09-28 17:28:55 967

原创 Android EditText光标移动到文本框末尾

EditText et = (EditText)findViewById(R.id.inbox);et.setSelection(et.getText().length());

2016-09-24 10:37:33 19794 1

原创 汇编软件MASM和调试工具DEBUG的使用

第一部分 汇编软件MASM简介 (备注:MASM汇编软件不区分大小写字母) 1.1 MASM简介 汇编就是把汇编语言编写的源代码(扩展名为.asm)翻译成计算机能够识别的二进制语言序列,目前常用的汇编程序是MASM,简称宏汇编程序。宏汇编程序目前有两个版本MASM5.0和MASM6.0 汇编步骤: 第一步:将源程序翻译成等价的二进制语言,形成的文件扩展名为.obj 备注: 用MASM5

2016-02-12 14:45:51 5931 1

原创 ContentProvider

ContentResolver用法ContentProvider 中提供了一系列的方法用于对数据进行增删改查操作:insert()、update()、delete()、query()等,这些用法跟SQLiteDatabase中的增删改查几个方法用法类似,只是参数不同。步骤一 获取ContentProvider的实例:可以通过Context中的getContentProvider()方法来获取

2015-11-26 10:16:43 355

原创 数据存储

记录一下Android中的三种数据存储方式的学习过程目录文件存储文件存储作为Android中最基本的一种数据存储方式,它不对存储的内容做任何的格式化处理,所有的数据都是原封不动保存到文件的,使用于存储简单的文本数据或者二进制数据。写入数据到文件步骤:一 获得一个FileOutPutStream对象:FileOutPutStream对象可以通过Context类中的openFileOutput()

2015-11-22 03:27:33 342

转载 java synchronized详解


2015-11-21 15:38:49 257

转载 史上最易懂的Android jni开发资料--NDK环境搭建

史上最易懂的Android jni开发资料–NDK环境搭建谷歌改良了ndk的开发流程,对于Windows环境下NDK的开发,如果使用的NDK是r7之前的版本,必须要安装Cygwin才能使用NDK。而在NDKr7开始,Google的Windows版的NDK提供了一个ndk-build.cmd的脚本,这样,就可以直接利用这个脚本编译,而不需要使用Cygwin了。只需要为Eclipse Android工

2015-11-06 14:15:27 635

原创 VT not Supported – This computer does not support Intel Virtualization Tech nology (VT0x)......

今天在win10的机子安装 Intel Hardware Accelerated Execution Manager时提示如下错误信息:“VT not Supported – This computer does not support Intel Virtualization Technology (VT0x). HAXM cannot be installed. Please refer to

2015-10-29 12:48:02 2929

原创 碎片Fragment

基本概念碎片(Fragment) 是一种可以嵌入在活动当中的UI片段,它能让程序更加合理和充分地利用大屏幕的空间。简单使用过程新建一个碎片布局:<!-- left_fragment.xml --><?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk

2015-10-28 14:48:42 434

原创 Run-Time Check Failure #2 - Stack around the variable 'myTrackbarName' was corrupted.

在用VS2013编写c++代码的时候发现每次debug都会出现这个错误,检查一番,发现原因是一个叫做“myTrackbarName”的char数组越界,更改数组长度,问题解决。 20130824 22:49 By Xiong

2015-08-24 22:50:18 326

原创 Android Launcher之AppWidgets(二)

Using App Widgets with Collections学习资料: http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/appwidgets/index.html#collections http://blog.csdn.net/hudashi/article/details/7060828 http://www.xuebuyuan.com/7

2015-08-02 00:26:41 393

原创 Failed to initialize monitor thread:unable to establish loopback connection

failed to initialize monitor thread:unable to establish loopback connection问题如下:解决方案:关闭防火墙就ok20150730 by xiong

2015-07-30 17:13:40 1033

原创 Android Launcher之AppWidgets(一)

了解AppWidget学习资料:http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/appwidgets/index.html基础创建一个AppWidget,需要:AppWidgetProviderInfo 对象 用于描述AppWidget的元数据,例如AppWidget的layout(布局),更新频率(update frequency),以及AppWidgetP

2015-07-26 17:41:41 847

原创 Shortcut的创建

在AndroidManifest.xml中声明权限:<uses-permission android:name="com.android.launcher.permission.INSTALL_SHORTCUT"/><!-- 设置权限 -->在activity中相应地方写入创建快捷方式的代码:Intent intent=new Intent();//声明一个Intentintent.setAct

2015-07-20 12:20:15 498

原创 学习Launcher之了解src文件夹下的各个javaClass的作用

AccessibleTabView:用于显示APP的网格;AddAdapter:用于维护Live Fold,Widget(插件,桌面小部件),Shortcut和Wallpaper四个列表项目;Alarm:提供定时操作,例如把快捷方式拖动到垃圾箱后让垃圾箱消失再回复到原来界面;AllAppsList:用于保存所有的app信息;ApplicationInfo:可启动的应用;AppsCustomizePa

2015-06-04 20:34:19 1059

原创 学习AndroidLauncher(二)设置壁纸

显示壁纸思路:在/res/values/styles.xml中添加一个继承于android:Theme.Wallpaper的Theme,然后再activity中使用它 关键代码:1.定义一个theme:<!--/res/values/styles.xml下--><style name="myTheme" parent="android:Theme.Wallpaper">

2015-05-28 03:07:48 596

原创 学习AndroidLauncher(一)启动安装的应用程序

设置监听器的目的是为了当GridView的某项被点时,会有一个回调函数通知应用//声明一个泛型集合private List<ResolveInfo> mApps;private OnItemClickListener listener=new OnItemClickListener()//将这个listener对象作为setOnClickListener的参数{ @Override

2015-05-26 23:38:50 473

原创 Screen类

Screen类的方法和属性#region 以下内容摘自Visual Studio的帮助文档 #endregionScreen各种方法和属性的使用private void button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e){ int index; int upperBound; // Gets an array of all

2015-05-19 20:22:35 811

转载 Android之Intent全面解析及用法

Intent对Android的核心和灵魂,是各组件之间的桥梁。四大组件分别为Activity 、Service、BroadcastReceiver、ContentProvider。 而这四种组件是独立的,它们之间可以互相调用,协调工作,最终组成一个真正的Android应用。Intent的中文意思为“意图”,在Android中可以理解为想要做什么,What do want to do? 所以什么时候

2015-04-19 23:17:37 540

转载 (C#)WinForm窗体间传值

(C#)WinForm窗体间传值1.通过构造函数特点:传值是单向的(不可以互相传值),实现简单 实现代码如下: 在窗体Form2中 int value1; string value2; public Form2 ( int value1 , string value2 ) { InitializeComponent ( ); this.value1 = value1;

2015-04-04 18:09:46 559

原创 Linux压缩/解压命令

.tar 解包:tar xvf FileName.tar 打包:tar cvf FileName.tar DirName (注:tar是打包,不是压缩!) ——————————————— .gz 解压1:gunzip FileName.gz 解压2:gzip -d FileName.gz 压缩:gzip FileName.tar.gz 和 .tgz 解压:tar zxvf Fil

2015-03-21 13:32:27 320

原创 方法回调与委托、线程的综合应用

方法回调与委托、线程综合应用的例子:using System;using System.Windows.Forms;using System.Threading;namespace 方法回调与委托_线程的综合应用{ public partial class Form1 : Form { private delegate void WriTextBox1Call

2015-03-17 12:58:32 386

原创 异步TCP编程


2015-03-11 18:42:36 751

原创 TCP基础编程的一般步骤

Server端:声明IP、Port、TcpListener、TcpClient、NetworkStream等;初始化各个字段;创建TcpListener对象,Start指定的Port监听:TcpListener tcpListener=new TcpListener(IP,Port);tcpListener.Start();创建Thread,循环调用AcceptTcpClient方法接受

2015-03-05 20:41:21 731

原创 TCP编程

TCP:是一种面向连接的,可靠的基于字节流的传输层通信协议。工作过程:建立连接:通过三次握手建立连接:第一次握手:建立连接时,客户端发送SYN包(SEQ=x)到服务器,并进入SYN_SEND状态,等待服务器确认; 第二次握手:服务器收到SYN包,必须确认客户的SYN(ACK=x+1),同时自己也发送一个SYN包(SEQ=y),即SYN+ACK包,此时服务器进入SYN_RECV状态; 第三次握手:

2015-03-05 19:57:45 416

原创 c#网络编程常用特性之方法回调

实现过程:1,定义、声明回调:private delegate void DoSomeCallback(type para); DoSomeCallback doSomeCallback;//其实就是一个委托的定义和生命过程2,初始化回调方法:doSomeCallback=new DoSomeCallback(DoSomeMethod);//实际上就是实例化一个委托 //或者:doSomeCal

2015-03-04 01:40:46 541

原创 c#网络编程常用特性之多线程

在C#中线程使用`System.Threading.Thread类处理。Thread 类在实例化时接收一个ThreadStart委托或者ParameterizedThreadStart委托的构造函数:Thread th=new Thread(new ThreadStart(method1));//创建线程th.Start();//启动线程Thread th=new Thread(new Parame

2015-03-04 00:04:56 723


佳能相机开发【CCAPI】CameraControlAPI。This document describes the connection specifications and API specifications of the Camera Control APIs (hereafter, CCAPIs). Specifically, it describes the Device Discovery specifications for discovering a Canon digital camera (hereafter, Canon camera) on a wireless network connected via Wi-Fi, and the HTTP specifications for operating a Canon camera from an opposing device via a wireless network.



----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EDSDK Library README File ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This Readme file contains the latest information about the EDSDK Library. Please read this file before using the EDSDK Library. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contents 1. Acknowledgments 2. Copyrights 1. Acknowledgments ------------------ This software is based in part on the work of the Independent JPEG Group. 2. Copyrights ------------- IJG: Permission is hereby granted to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software (or portions thereof) for any purpose, without fee, subject to these conditions: 1. If any part of the source code for this software is distributed, then this README file must be included, with this copyright and no-warranty notice unaltered; and any additions, deletions, or changes to the original files must be clearly indicated in accompanying documentation. 2. If only executable code is distributed, then the accompanying documentation must state that "this software is based in part on the work of the Independent JPEG Group". 3. Permission for use of this software is granted only if the user accepts full responsibility for any undesirable consequences; the authors accept NO LIABILITY for damages of any kind. These conditions apply to any software derived from or based on the IJG code, not just to the unmodified library. If you use our work, you ought to acknowledge us. Permission is NOT granted for the use of any IJG author's name or company name in advertising or publicity relating to this software or products derived from it. This software may be referred to only as "the Independent JPEG Group's software". We specifically permit and encourage the use of this software as the basis of commercial products, provided that all warranty or liability claims are assumed by the product vendor.



---------------------------------------------------------------- Canon Digital Camera SDK README file Version 7.3.0 July 2005 Windows edition ---------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (c)1997-2005 Canon Inc. ________________________________________________________________ Thank you for developing software for Canon digital cameras. This README file contains some information which may be helpful in diagnosing problems with the Canon Digital Camera SDK or Canon digital cameras. ________________________________________________________________ -------- CONTENTS -------- 1. Supported Cameras 2. Windows 2000/XP Specific Notes 3. Windows 98SE/Me/2000/XP Specific Notes 4. Installing the Canon Digital Camera SDK 5. Un-Installing the Canon Digital Camera SDK 6. Caution relating to Remote Release Control Function 7. RAW Developmet Function 1. Supported Cameras ================================================================ This version of the Canon Digital Camera SDK supports the cameras shown below. PowerShot A10, PowerShot A20, PowerShot A30, PowerShot A40, PowerShot A60, PowerShot A70, PowerShot A75, PowerShot A80, PowerShot A85, PowerShot A95 PowerShot A100, PowerShot A200, PowerShot A300, PowerShot A310, PowerShot A400, PowerShot A510, PowerShot A520 PowerShot S10, PowerShot S20, PowerShot S30, PowerShot S40, PowerShot S45, PowerShot S50, PowerShot S60, PowerShot S70 PowerShot S100, IXY DIGITAL, DIGITAL IXUS, PowerShot S110, IXY DIGITAL 200, DIGITAL IXUS v, PowerShot S200, IXY DIGITAL 200a, DIGITAL IXUS v2, PowerShot S230, IXY DIGITAL 320, DIGITAL IXUS v3, PowerShot S300, IXY DIGITAL 300, DIGITAL IXUS 300, PowerShot S330, IXY DIGITAL 300a, DIGITAL IXUS 330, PowerShot S400, IXY DIGITAL 400, DIGITAL IXUS 400, PowerShot SD100, IXY DIGITAL 30, DIGITAL IXUS II, PowerShot SD10, IXY DIGITAL L, DIGITAL IXUS i, PowerShot SD110, IXY DIGITAL 30a, DIGITAL IXUS IIs, PowerShot S410, IXY DIGITAL 450, DIGITAL IXUS 430, PowerShot S500, IXY DIGITAL 500, DIGITAL IXUS 500, PowerShot SD20, IXY DIGITAL L2, DIGITAL IXUS I5, PowerShot SD200, IXY DIGITAL 40, DIGITAL IXUS 30, PowerShot SD300, IXY DIGITAL 50, DIGITAL IXUS 40, PowerShot SD400, IXY DIGITAL 55, DIGITAL IXUS 50, PowerShot SD500, IXY DIGITAL 600, DIGITAL IXUS 700 PowerShot G1, PowerShot G2, PowerShot G3, PowerShot G5, PowerShot G6, PowerShot Pro90 IS, PowerShot S1 IS, PowerShot Pro1 The EOS class of digital cameras are not supported. 2. Windows 2000/XP Specific Notes ================================================================ (1) NTFS (NT File System) not supported on memory card installed in camera. Memory card must be formatted with the FAT File System before camera will recognize it. (2) Removing a memory card from the card reader when system is running results in system lockup. Be sure that Windows is completely shut down before removing or inserting a memory card. (3) Not all Memory Card Readers have Windows 2000/XP support. Check with your PC Card vendor for details. 3. Windows 98SE/Me/2000/XP Specific Notes ================================================================ (1) Cautions relating to USB connection Please do not place your computer into standby mode while the Canon digital camera is connected to its USB port. If the computer is placed into standby mode while the camera is connected to the USB port, do NOT disconnect the USB cable from the camera or computer. Try to revive the computer. Instead, restore the computer to normal operation mode with the cable still connected. Unplugging the cable with the computer in standby mode may cause some computers to not recover correctly from standby mode. For details on standby mode, refer to your computer's manual. (2) Cautions relating to communication between the SDK and a Canon digital camera When the SDK is running and is connected to a camera, the driver makes communications with the camera periodically. Do not operate the camera controls, remove the memory card or battery, disconnect the communication cable, or otherwise interfere with the communications. Such actions may cause misoperation on some PCs. Wait until the driver has shut down before doing such actions. 4. Installing the Canon Digital Camera SDK ================================================================ To start the installation program, double-click on the SETUP.EXE program on the first installation disk. The program will prompt you for further actions. Once you have started the Installation program, remove an installation diskette from your diskette drive only under the following circumstances: (1) The Canon Digital Camera SDK installation program prompts you to do so. (2) You have completed the installation successfully. (3) You have Canceled out of the Installation program (pressed "Cancel" button) before successful completion. 5. Un-Installing the Canon Digital Camera SDK ================================================================ To uninstall Canon Digital Camera SDK, please carry out the following procedure: (1) Click the Start button, point to Settings, and then click Control Panel. (2) Double-click the "Add/Remove Programs" icon. (3) On the Install/Uninstall tab, click "Canon Digital Camera SDK 7.1", and then click the "Add/Remove..." button. (4) The uninstaller may ask you about removing shared files. Click on "Yes" to remove the specified file, or click on "Yes To All" to simply remove all of these files. 6. Caution relating to Remote Release Control Function ================================================================ The processing of CDRelease() and CDGetReleasedData() cannot be canceled. Therefore, never return cdOPERATION_CANCELLED in the callback function specified by pCallbackFunc parameter. 7. RAW Developmet Function ================================================================ CD-SDK 7 and later do not support the RAW development function. To use the development function for RAW data captured using a PowerShot digital camera, use the RD-SDK(RAW Development SDK).


[Picture Transfer Protocol照片传输协议]标准PTP文档.pdf

PTP(Picture Transfer Protocol),图片传输协议。PTP是最早由柯达公司与微软协商制定的一种标准,符合这种标准的图像设备在接入Windows XP系统之后可以更好地被系统和应用程序所共享,尤其在网络传输方面,系统可以直接访问这些设备用于建立网络相册时图片的上传、网上聊天时图片的传送等。


QtLineChartExample Qt折线图实现示例

Qt折线图实现最简示例,演示如何通过Qt Charts模块构建一个漂亮的折线图。



实现Android StackView AppWidget的一个例子






手机归属地 共有307892条数据 包含号段 * 移动号段: * 134 135 136 137 138 139 147 150 151 152 157 158 159 178 182 183 184 187 188 * 联通号段: * 130 131 132 145 155 156 176 185 186 * 电信号段: * 133 153 177 180 181 189 * 虚拟运营商: * 170 数据结构 Prefix Number Province City CityCode ZipCode Type 数据分隔符, 可导入其他数据库



Wireshark(前称Ethereal)是一个网络封包分析软件。网络封包分析软件的功能是撷取网络封包,并尽可能显示出最为详细的网络封包资料。Wireshark使用WinPCAP作为接口,直接与网卡进行数据报文交换。 该上传版本为中文版








TA创建的收藏夹 TA关注的收藏夹


取消 删除