1. 搜索包含特定内容的文件
find ./ -name "*.py" -exec grep -inH "test" {} \;
-i 忽略大小写
-n 显示行号
-H 显示文件名
2. 安装Python包
当遇到cannot find vcvarsall.bat的错误时
python setup.py build --compiler=mingw32
python setup.py install --record install.log --skip-build
3. 卸载python包
cat install.log | xagrs rm -rf
4. 命令行运行instrumentation测试
4.1 列出所有可运行的instrumentation用例
adb shell pm list instrumentation
4.2 对整个测试包进行测试
adb shell am instrument -w com.test.package/android.test.InstrumentationTestRunner
4.3 对单个suite进行测试
adb shell am instrument -e class com.test.package.SuiteA -w com.test.package/android.test.InstrumentationTestRunner
4.4 对单个case进行测试
adb shell am instrument -e class com.test.package.SuiteA#CaseA -w com.test.package/android.test.InstrumentationTestRunner
5. 使用Android ant管理仅有测试用apk文件的测试项目
生成build.xm: android update project -p ./
[echo] Android Ant Build. Available targets:
[echo] help: Displays this help.
[echo] clean: Removes output files created by other targets.
[echo] The 'all' target can be used to clean dependencies
[echo] (tested projects and libraries)at the same time
[echo] using: 'ant all clean'
[echo] debug: Builds the application and signs it with a debug key.
[echo] The 'nodeps' target can be used to only build the
[echo] current project and ignore the libraries using:
[echo] 'ant nodeps debug'
[echo] release: Builds the application. The generated apk file must be
[echo] signed before it is published.
[echo] The 'nodeps' target can be used to only build the
[echo] current project and ignore the libraries using:
[echo] 'ant nodeps release'
[echo] instrument:Builds an instrumented package and signs it with a
[echo] debug key.
[echo] test: Runs the tests. Project must be a test project and
[echo] must have been built. Typical usage would be:
[echo] ant [emma] debug install test
[echo] emma: Transiently enables code coverage for subsequent
[echo] targets.
[echo] install: Installs the newly build package. Must either be used
[echo] in conjunction with a build target (debug/release/
[echo] instrument) or with the proper suffix indicating
[echo] which package to install (see below).
[echo] If the application was previously installed, the
[echo] application is reinstalled if the signature matches.
[echo] installd: Installs (only) the debug package.
[echo] installr: Installs (only) the release package.
[echo] installi: Installs (only) the instrumented package.
[echo] installt: Installs (only) the test and tested packages (unless
[echo] nodeps is used as well.
[echo] uninstall: Uninstalls the application from a running emulator or
[echo] device. Also uninstall tested package if applicable
[echo] unless 'nodeps' is used as well.
编译: ant debug
安装: ant installd
运行: 参考4. 命令行运行instrumentation测试