1. 问题简述
2. 解决方法——GetShortPathName
3. 具体方法
long length = 0;
TCHAR* buffer = NULL;
CString s_path = _T("E:\\影视\\【Mvevo.com分享】周杰伦-魔天伦CF.mp4");
//LPWSTR lpwszFileName = (wchar_t*)s_path.c_str();
// First obtain the size needed by passing NULL and 0.
length = GetShortPathName(s_path, NULL, 0);
if (length == 0)
cout<<"ERROR! GetShortPathName: "<<length<<endl;
buffer = new TCHAR[MAX_PATH];
memset(buffer, 0, MAX_PATH );
length = GetShortPathName(s_path, buffer, MAX_PATH);
if (length == 0)
cout<<"ERROR! GetShortPathName: "<<length<<endl;
_tprintf(TEXT("long name = %s \nshortname = %s \n"), s_path, buffer);
delete [] buffer;
4. 参考