Vbox3.1.0不能mount shared folder(64位系统)
Step 1: Install host additions (usually you install them when you install virualbox).
Step 2: If you have created a new machine, then create a shared directory/folder. (From the machine’s Devices menu)
Step 3: From machine’s Devices menu, select “Install guest additions”
Step 4: Now in the guest (Ubuntu Ibex Interpid for my case), fire up a console and type the following:
It should install the additions.
Step 5: Now create a directory where you want to mount your shared drive. For example I have created shared directory under mount using following:
#sudo mkdir shared
Step 6: Mount using following command:
Note that shared was the name of the directory I shared from virtual box and /media/shared is the directory where I wanted to mount my shared directory.
Now you should be able to see the files under shared directory in both system.
Despite installing the GuestAddons for 64 Bit OS (Fedora 11 in my case) the link in /sbin/mount.vboxsf points to /usr/lib/... where it should be /usr/lib64/