- vcpkg search <keyword>
$ vcpkg search http
apr[private-headers] Install non-standard files required for building Apache httpd
azure-uhttp-c 2020-12-09 Azure HTTP Library written in C
azure-uhttp-c[public-preview] Azure HTTP Library written in C (public preview)
beast 0 HTTP/1 and WebSocket, header-only using Boost.Asio and C++11
brynet 1.0.7 A C++ header only cross platform high performance tcp network library, and sup...
cpp-httplib 0.7.18 A single file C++11 header-only HTTP/HTTPS server and client library
cpprestsdk[compression] HTTP Compression support
curl[http2] HTTP2 support
curl[non-http] Enables protocols beyond HTTP/HTTPS/HTTP2
czmq[httpd] Build with HTTP server support (libmicrohttpd)
drogon 1.1.0 Drogon: A C++14/17 based HTTP web application framework running on Linux/macOS...
ecsutil Native Windows SDK for accessing ECS via the S3 HTTP protocol.
evpp 0.7.0#4 A modern C++ network library based on libevent for developing high performance...
fftwpp 2019-12-19 FFTW++ is a C++ header/MPI transpose for Version 3 of the highly optimized FFT...
http-parser 2.9.4 HTTP Parser.
ixwebsocket 11.0.4 Lightweight WebSocket Client and Server + HTTP Client and Server
ixwebsocket[mbedtls] SSL support (mbedTLS)
ixwebsocket[openssl] SSL support (OpenSSL)
ixwebsocket[sectransp] SSL support (sectransp)
ixwebsocket[ssl] Default SSL backend
jaeger-client-cpp 0.5.1-1 C++ OpenTracing binding for Jaeger https://jaegertracing.io/
lapack-reference 3.8.0#4 LAPACK — Linear Algebra PACKage http://www.netlib.org/lapack/
lapack-reference[blas-select] Use external optimized BLAS
lapack-reference[cblas] Builds CBLAS
lapack-reference[noblas] Use external optimized BLAS
libevhtp 1.2.18 Libevhtp was created as a replacement API for Libevent's current HTTP API.
libevhtp[openssl] Support SSL for libevhtp
libevhtp[regex] Support oniguruma for libevhtp
libevhtp[thread] Support thread for libevhtp
libgit2[winhttp] SSL support (WinHTTP)
libmicrohttpd 0.9.63#4 GNU libmicrohttpd is a small C library that is supposed to make it easy to run...
libpmemobj-cpp 1.11 C++ bindings for libpmemobj (https://github.com/pmem/pmdk).
libpmemobj-cpp[benchmark] build benchmarks
microsoft-signalr[cpprestsdk] Add default Http and WebSocket implementations using CppRestSDK
nghttp2 1.42.0 Implementation of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol version 2 in C
opusfile[opusurl] Support decoding of http(s) streams
pistache 2019-08-05 Pistache is a modern and elegant HTTP and REST framework for C++. It is entire...
proxygen 2020.10.19.00 It comprises the core C++ HTTP abstractions used at Facebook.
rapidjson 2020-09-14 A fast JSON parser/generator for C++ with both SAX/DOM style API <http://rapid...
restclient-cpp 0.5.2 Simple REST client for C++. It wraps libcurl for HTTP requests.
restinio 0.6.13 A header-only C++14 library that gives you an embedded HTTP/Websocket server t...
rsocket 2020.05.04.00-1 C++ implementation of RSocket http://rsocket.io
sassc 3.6.1 SassC is a wrapper around libsass (http://github.com/sass/libsass) used to gen...
scylla-wrapper 2018-08-26-16... This is a wrapper around Scylla. It exports functions for IAT fixing, dumping ...
wpilib[cameraserver] Enables the CameraServer and CSCore libraries for manipulating USB Cameras and...
- vcpkg install <packge name>
$ vcpkg install restclient-cpp
$ vcpkg install spdlog:x86-windows-static
在包名后面加上 :x86-windows-static 即可。
- 要安装MD版本的静态库也非常简单,在后面加个 -md 即可:
$ vcpkg install spdlog:x86-windows-static-md
- 然后,VS2017项目的工程里面,配置Triplet,加上 x86-windows-static-md 即可。
如果使用vcpkg install <package name> 会使用动态库,在使用VS2017的时候,会自动拷贝这些依赖的动态库到生成目录。
$ D:\Program Files (x86)\Terminus> vcpkg depend-info spdlog
spdlog: fmt
如上所示,如果使用spdlog,则bin目录下会有2个动态库:fmt.dll和spdlog.dll,但是因为spdlog是header only,所以只会有1个fmt.dll。
本身看重spdlog就是因为他是header only,没有依赖库,现在bin目录莫名其妙多了一个,有点奇怪。
我们可以通过VS2017,在 工程属性->C/C+±>预处理器->FMT_HEADER_ONLY,来实现去掉fmt.dll。
为什么要这么做?如果你的程序需要在古老的windows server 2008上运行,必须这么做。