ASP.NET and the .NET Framework

ASP.NET and the .NET Framework

ASP.NET is part of Microsoft's overall.NET framework, which contains a vast set of programming classes designed to satisfy any conceivable programming need. In the following two sections, you learn how ASP.NET fits within the .NET framework, and you learn about the languages you can use in your ASP.NET pages.

译:Asp.net是微软全部.net frameork系列中的一部分,他是一强大的规划,能满足任何你所能想到的设计。在接着的二个段落中,你能学习到asp.net在.net framework中的内部使用,而且你还能学到一些在构建asp.net网站中使用的语言。

The .NET Framework Class Library      译 framework 类型库

Imagine that you are Microsoft. Imagine that you have to support multiple programming languages—such as Visual Basic,JScript, and C++. Agreat deal of the functionality of these programming languages overlaps. For example, for each language, you would have to include methods for accessing the file system, working with databases, and manipulatingstrings.

译:想象你是微软,想象你必须忍受学习多种的设计语言,例如Visual Basic , JScript 和 C ++.这些设计语言在很多时候都有重叠的功能性。举例来说,每种语言,你不得不使用包括数据库,堆栈方法来访问文件系统。

Furthermore, these languages contain similar programming constructs. Every language, for example, can represent loops and conditionals.Even though the syntax of a conditional written in Visual Basic differs from the syntax of a conditional written in C++, the programming function is the same.

译:此外,这些语言包括相似的设计结构。举例来说,每种语言都能描绘循环和条件。即使在不相同的Visual Basic 条件语法和C++条件语法中,他们的设计功能都是一样的。

Finally, most programming languages have similar variable data types. In most languages, you have some means of representing strings and integers, for example. The maximum and minimum size of an integer might depend on the language, but the basic data type is the same.


Maintaining all this functionality for multiple languages requires a lot of work. Why keep reinventing the wheel?Wouldn't it be easier to create all this functionality once and use it for every language?


The .NET Framework Class Library does exactly that. It consists of a vast set of classes designed to satisfy any conceivable programming need. For example, the .NET framework contains classes for handling database access, working with the file system, manipulating text,and generating graphics. In addition, it contains more specialized classes for performing tasks such as working with regular expressions and handling network protocols.

译:.NET Framework类型库能完全的做到它。他由大量的类型库有组织的能满足任何你能想得到的设计组成。例如,.NET Framework类型包含处理数据库通路,处理文件系统,操作文本,产生图形。除此之外,他包含许多专门的类型为了处理如同有规则的公式和网络协议任务。

The .NET framework, furthermore,contains classes that represent all the basic variable data types such as strings, integers, bytes,characters, and arrays.

译:此外,.NET framework的类型包含了描述所有基本变量数据,例如栈,整数,字节,字符,数组。

Most importantly, for purposes of this book, the .NET Framework Class Library contains classes for building ASP.NETpages. You need to understand, however, that you can access any of the .NETframework classes when you are building your ASP.NET pages.

译:这本书最重要的目的,用.NET Framework类型来构建ASP.NET网页。然而,你应当了解,当你构建ASP.NET网页时你能使用的.NET Framework的类型。

Understanding Namespaces   译: 理解标签

As you might guess, the .NET framework is huge. It contains thousands of classes (over 3,400). Fortunately, the classes are not simply jumbled together. The classes of the .NET framework are organized into ahierarchy of namespaces.

译:你可能猜到,.NET framework是无限的。他包含数以千计的类型(超过3400个)。幸运的是类型不是搀杂在一起的。.NET framework的类型被有组织的融合在标签中。

ASP Classic Note   译:ASP的注释

In previous versions of Active ServerPages, you had access to only five standard classes (the Response, Request,Session, Application, and Server objects). ASP.NET, in contrast, provides you with access to over 3,400 classes!


A namespace is a logical grouping of classes. For example,all the classes that relate to working with the filesystem are gatheredtogether into the System.IO namespace.

•   System— Contains all the base data types andother useful classes such as those related to generating random numbers and working with dates and times.


•   System.Collections— Contains classes forworking with standard collection types such as hash tables, and array lists.


•   System.Collections.Specialized— Contains classes that represents pecialized collections such as linked lists and string collections.


•   System.Configuration— Contains classes for working with configuration files (Web.config files).


•   System.Text— Contains classes for encoding,decoding, and manipulating the contents of strings.


•   System.Text.RegularExpressions— Contains classes for performing regular expression match and replace operations.


•   System.Web— Contains the basic classes for working with the World Wide Web, including classes for representing browser requests and server responses.


•   System.Web.Caching— Contains classes used for caching the content of pages and classes for performing custom caching operations.


•   System.Web.Security— Contains classes for implementing authentication and authorization such as Forms and Passport authentication.


•   System.Web.SessionState— Contains classes for implementing session state.


•   System.Web.UI— Contains the basic classes used in building the user interface of ASP.NET pages.


•   System.Web.UI.HTMLControls— Contains the classes for the HTML controls.


•   System.Web.UI.WebControls— Contains the classes for the Web controls.






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