【软件性能测试-LoadRunner实战技能 10】== LoadRunner Standard Graphs(标准资源图)






  This line graph shows the impact of Ramp-Up and Ramp-Down specified for run-time. This also shows the time when Errors begin to occur during the test run.

  Note the time when the Number of Vusers peaks and when it begins to drop off. This is the "steady state" period of the run.






Average Transaction Response Time

This line graph is used to determine whether performance is within acceptable minimum and maximum transaction performance time ranges expected of the system. It displays the average time taken to perform transactions during each second of the load test.<!-- http://svkbweb02.merc-int.com/asp/KBAview.asp?Conceptid=10458&Product=LRMercury KnowledgeBase article --> Unlike the Summary Report, only Transaction End Status of Passed are included (Failed transactions are filtered out by default).














Transactions per Second

This line graph helps you determine the actual load imposed by each transaction action at various spans of time throughout a run.

Each line displays the number of transactions performed — both passed(successful) and failed(unsuccessful) transactions.

Each point on a line is calculated from the number of transactions that ended within each span of time (the Granularity period automatically set to the lowest allowed relative to the scenario run). <!-- http://svkbweb02.merc-int.com/asp/KBAview.asp?conceptid=3333&Product=LRMercury KnowledgeBase article-->For example, an Average data point of 0.5 within the Granularity period of 16 Seconds means that 8 (0.5 x 16) transactions were completed within that 16 second period.





TPS (Transactions Per Second) Explained

TPS is the count of transactions processed each second. Like Miles Per Hour, it is a measurement of speed.

One second
One second

In this illustration, when each action is performed on its own,
action A has a TPS of 4 per second.
Action B has a TPS of 2 per second.

Note that:


  1. Think time decreases TPS


  2. Errors increases TPS because failed transactions end sooner than good transactions which complete processing.


  3. Multiple actions performed in a linked sequence decreases TPS:

    One second

    When actions are performed in sequence,
    action A now individually has a TPS of 2 per second and
    action B individually has a TPS of 1 per second.

    However, the combination of multiple actions average together to 3 per second.








Total Transactions per Second

This graph helps you determine the actual total transaction load on your system at any given moment in time. This line chart displays the total of all transaction actions performed during each second of a load test.

An additional line is used to display the total number of Failed (unsuccessful) transactions.





Transaction Summary

This bar graph displays, by transaction action, how many transactions passed, failed, stopped, or ended with errors.





Transaction Performance Summary

This bar chart displays the minimum, average, and maximum response time for each transaction action in the load test.

This chart was manually scaled down to make actions easier to interpret. The tall column action on the left summarizes all other transaction actions by a user.






Transaction Response Time Under LoadThis XY graph illustrates how the Number of Vusers impacts Response Time. Typically, individual response times follow an exponential curve up as servers strain to process more Vusers. A flat horizontal line means that response time does not vary, usually because the system has enough (or too much) capacity.







Hits per SecondThe one line on this graph helps you evaluate the amount of load Vusers generate, in terms of the number of hits to all web servers. It displays the number of hits made on all Web servers by Vusers during each second of the load test.






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LoadRunner性能测试工具实战视频教程【全套26集】 随机函数 在软件测试工具中如何巧用LoadRunner的随机函数。 LoadRunner有自带的随机函数,如果巧妙的加以采用,能解决一些看似很困难的实际问题。 一个项目的性能测试。与数据库直连,根据外部传入的SQL ID和SQL参数,从指定数据库中读取SQL模版,拼装成真实的SQL语句、执行,并将得到的结果放入缓存中。目的是减少数据库的压力。 该系统将支撑大量的SQL操作,性能自然成为备受关注的焦点之一。 由于它跟SQL语句相关,在真实环境下,同一时间可能执行着不同类型的SQL,即便是同一类型,其参数也各式各样。那么,怎样才能模拟出最符合实际情况的性能测试场景呢? 首先设计场景,即,在LoadRunner中按照比例随机取到某一类型的SQL,再随机传入参数给它,让最终的每条SQL都是随机生成,各不相同。 从场景中,可以看到,此处涉及双重随机。只采用loadruner的参数设置是无法实现的。此时需要想办法先按设定好的比例随机取到SQL,然后在每条SQL上随机取参数列表中的参数。 于是想到了loadrunner的随机函数。先实现随机取SQL ID,之后再在特定的SQL中随机取参数列表中的参数。 LoadRunner中,随机函数是rand(),它用来产生0到rand_max之间的随机整数。函数原型是 int rand (void); 然而调用rand之前,必须给随机数产生一个随机种子。这个种子由srand()函数产生。其原型是 int srand (seedTime); 2 分析占用率 1. 平均事务响应时间 Average Transaction Response Time 优秀:10s 2. 每秒点击率 Hits per Second LoadRunner分析页面 LoadRunner分析页面 当增大系统的压力(或增加并发用户数)时,吞吐率和TPS的变化曲线呈大体一致,则系统基本稳定。若压力增大时,吞吐率的曲线增加到一定程度后出现变化缓慢,甚至平坦,很可能是网络出现带宽瓶颈,同理若点击率/TPS曲线出现变化缓慢或者平坦,很可能是服务器响应时间增加,观察服务器资源使用情况,确定是否是服务器问题。 3. 请求响应时间 Time to Last Byte 4. 每秒系统处理事务数 Transaction per second 5. 吞吐量 Throughout 6. CPU利用率 Processor / %Processor Time 好:70% 坏:85% 很差:90%+ 7. 数据库操作消耗的CPU时间 Processor / %User Time 如果该值较大,可以考虑是否能通过友好算法等方法降低这个值。如果该服务器是数据库服务器, Processor\%User Time 值大的原因很可能是数据库的排序或是函数操作消耗了过多的CPU时间,此时可以考虑对数据库系统进行优化。 8. 核心态CPU平均利用率 Processor /%Privileged Time 如果该参数值和"Physical Disk"参数值一直很高,表明I/O有问题。可考虑更换更快的硬盘系统 9. 处理队列中的线程数 Processor / Processor Queue Length 如果该值保持不变(>=2)个并且%Processor Time 超过90%,那么可能存在处理器瓶颈。如果发现超过2,而处理器的利用率却一直很低,那么或许更应该去解决处理器阻塞问题,这里处理器一般不是瓶颈。 10. 文件系统缓存 Memory / Cache Bytes 50%的可用物理内存 11. 剩余的可用内存 Memory / Avaiable Mbytes 至少要有10% 的物理内存值 12. 每秒下载页数 Memory / pages/sec 好:无页交换 坏:CPU每秒10个页交换 很差:更多的页交换 13. 页面读取操作速率 Memory / page read/sec 如果页面读取操作速率很低,同时 % Disk Time 和 Avg.Disk Queue Length的值很高,则可能有磁盘瓶径。但是,如果队列长度增加的同时页面读取速率并未降低,则内存不足。 14. 物理磁盘利用率 Physical Disk / %Disk Time 好:<30% 坏:<40% 很差:<50%+ 15. 物理磁盘平均磁盘I/O队列长度 Physical Disk / Avg.Disk Queue Length 该值应不超过磁盘数的1.5~2 倍。要提高性能,可增加磁盘 16. 网络吞吐量 Network Interface / Byt




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