我使用的环境是Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
pip install scrapyd
二、安装 scrapyd-client
unzip master.zip
cd scrapyd-client-master
python2.7 setup.py install
Scrapyd is an application for deploying and running Scrapy spiders. It enables you to deploy (upload) your projects and control their spiders using a JSON API.
Deploying your project
Deploying your project involves eggifying it and uploading the egg to Scrapyd via the addversion.json endpoint. You can do this manually, but the easiest way is to use the scrapyd-deploy tool provided by scrapyd-client which will do it all for you.
传送门到:scrapyd 的官方文档 scrapyd没有中文 不用找了
传送门到:Scrapy 1.0 文档中文官方(未完成,大部分仍与0.24相同,请谨慎参考)