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原创 Matches with re in Python -- Python

Introduction to RE (Regular expression)

2023-08-30 12:24:07 113

原创 Common mistakes in JS

【代码】Common mistakes in JS。

2023-08-17 09:03:35 156

原创 STIX - way to represent structured information about cyber threats

STIX - way to represent structured information about cyber threats。

2023-08-15 08:21:44 154

原创 Introduction to PWA ( progressive web app ) -- PWA

What is a progressive web app? - Progressive web apps | MDN (mozilla.org)

2023-08-13 17:05:25 278

原创 Clear all messages of console in browser in JS -- clear | JS

【代码】Clear all messages of console in browser in JS -- clear | JS。

2023-08-13 08:08:00 64

原创 overriding console.log in JS -- JS

【代码】overriding console.log in JS -- JS。

2023-08-13 06:53:45 178

原创 view and control history of tabs that are redirected by current tab in JS -- history | JS

view and control history of tabs that are redirected by current tab in JS -- history | JS。

2023-08-11 08:09:06 26

原创 chrome.tabs.create , auto create a new tab with chome extension -- chome extension | JS

【代码】chrome.tabs.create , auto create a new tab with chome extension -- chome extension | JS。

2023-08-11 07:25:53 202

原创 Available class to web workers in JS -- JS

Functions and classes available to Web Workers - Web APIs | MDN (mozilla.org)

2023-08-10 09:31:25 28

原创 Indexer in C# -- C#

【代码】Indexer in C# -- C#

2023-08-10 08:59:26 32

原创 self, current window in JS -- self | JS

self, current window in JS -- self | JS。

2023-08-10 08:55:59 29

原创 Different name of Python package in different version -- Python

Different name of Python package in different version -- Python。

2023-08-10 08:36:02 36

原创 Learn web development, think before coding -- web development

From MDN,

2023-08-09 16:34:44 24

原创 isolated world in chrome extension -- JS | chrome extension

isolated world in chrome extension -- JS | chrome extension。

2023-08-08 20:07:44 410

原创 AggregateError, Try to wrap many errors into 1 error in JS -- AggregateError | Error | JS

【代码】AggregateError, Try to wrap many errors into 1 error in JS -- AggregateError | Error | JS。

2023-08-08 14:38:41 49

原创 Download a file with given url with Node.js -- ESModule | Node.js | JS


2023-08-08 13:42:33 416

原创 Variadic function - a function that accepts indefinite number of parameter -- programming language

Variadic function - a function that accepts indefinite number of parameter -- programming language

2023-08-07 11:30:54 31

原创 Return the 1th parameter type in JS -- JS

【代码】Return the 1th parameter type in JS -- JS。

2023-08-07 11:21:12 21

原创 Default parameter - assume default value when NOT specified in JS -- JS

【代码】Default parameter - assume default value when NOT specified in JS -- JS。

2023-08-07 11:16:26 30

原创 Rest parameter in JS -- JS

【代码】Rest parameter in JS -- JS。

2023-08-07 11:09:36 23

原创 Arity number of arguments in function call -- programming language

Arity number of arguments in function call -- programming language

2023-08-07 11:02:11 27

原创 Get the list of argument in function in JS -- arguments -- JS

【代码】Get the list of argument in function in JS -- arguments -- JS。

2023-08-07 10:48:39 24

原创 Enable downloads in Internet Properties in Windows 11 -- Windows

Step 1: Step 2: Step 3:Step 4: Step 5:Step 6:step 7:To take it effect, https://youtu.be/ggJqhpXnjRg

2023-08-04 20:47:40 20

原创 Open Internet Properties in Windows 11 -- Windows

Open Internet Properties in Windows 11 -- Windows。

2023-08-04 20:27:52 41 1

原创 Display multicolor text in Powershell terminal -- hackingtool -- Docker

Display multicolor text in Powershell terminal -- hackingtool -- Docker

2023-08-04 20:04:59 54 1

原创 get, set in C# -- get | set -- C#

【代码】get, set in C# -- get | set -- C#

2023-07-28 14:06:55 37 1

原创 Jagged Array in C# -- C#

【代码】Jagged Array in C# -- C#

2023-07-28 13:50:57 27 1

原创 Explicit Conversion in C# -- as -- C#

【代码】Explicit Conversion in C# -- as -- C#

2023-07-28 13:29:38 29 1

原创 Naming style properties in C# -- C#

Code-style naming rules - .NET | Microsoft Learn

2023-07-28 13:18:46 26 1

原创 Target-typed new expression in C# -- C#

【代码】Target-typed new expression in C# -- C#

2023-07-28 09:38:30 27 1

原创 Infered type in C# -- var -- C#

【代码】Infered type in C# -- var -- C#

2023-07-28 09:37:36 30 1

原创 stack allocation with stackalloc in C# -- stackalloc -- C#

stack allocation with stackalloc in C#Introduction and usage of stackalloc.

2023-07-28 07:29:21 43 1

原创 ref in C# -- ref -- C#

【代码】ref in C# -- ref -- C#

2023-07-27 14:34:21 30 1

原创 Pass by reference in C#, out, in, ref -- C#

Pass by reference in C# out v.s. in v.s. ref

2023-07-27 14:13:23 51 1

原创 Modifier this in parameter and extension method in C# -- Extension method -- C#

Modifier this in parameter and extension method in C#

2023-07-27 12:25:35 67 1

原创 Open Local Group Policy Editor in Windows (okay even in personal NOT in pro) with .bat -- batch

【代码】Open Local Group Policy Editor in Windows (okay even in personal NOT in pro) with .bat -- batch。

2023-07-26 21:53:38 56 1

原创 Ex9-1-1 in Algorithm -- Algorithm -- Exercise

Ex9-1-1 in Algorithm Q:Show that 2th smallest of n elements can be found withn+⌈lg ⁡n⌉-2 comparisons in worst case.

2023-07-22 15:27:38 28

原创 Probelm5-2 in Algorithm -- Algorithm

Probelm5-2 in Algorithm -- Algorithm

2023-07-22 09:47:09 25

原创 Ex5-1-3 in Algorithm -- Algorithm

Exercise5-1-3 in Algorithm

2023-07-21 21:52:12 29

原创 Implementation of Random(a,b) only with Random(0,1) -- Ex5-1-2 in Algorithm textbook | Algorithm

【代码】Implementation of Random(a,b) only with Random(0,1) -- Ex5-1-2 in Algorithm textbook | Algorithm。

2023-07-21 21:25:12 29

Figure 1. Result after selecting security option

illustration of result after selecting security option.


Figure of expected result

Figure of expected result



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