Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures:0002-NOTATIONAL CONVENTIONS(符号约定)

This manual uses specific notation for data-structure formats, for symbolic representation of instructions, and for hexadecimal and binary numbers. This notation is described below.


2.1 Bit and Byte Order(Bit 和 Byte次序)

In illustrations of data structures in memory, smaller addresses appear toward the bottom of the figure; addresses increase toward the top. Bit positions are numbered from right to left. The numerical value of a set bit is equal to two raised to the power of the bit position. Intel 64 and IA-32 processors are “little endian” machines; this means the bytes of a word are numbered starting from the least significant byte. See Figure 1-1.

下图展示的是内存中的数据结构,较小的地址出现在图的底部,地址向上增长。Bit位从右向左被编号。当某一位的值等于2时向高位进位。Intel 64 and IA-32 处理器是小尾机,这意味着,一个字的两个字节(在内存中)是从地址较小的那个字节开始的。见图1-1。

Figure 1-1. Bit and Byte Order

2.2 Reserved Bits and Software Compatibility(保留位和软件兼容性)

In many register and memory layout descriptions, certain bits are marked as reserved. When bits are marked asreserved, it is essential for compatibility with future processors that software treat these bits as having a future, though unknown, effect. The behavior of reserved bits should be regarded as not only undefined, but unpredictable.


Software should follow these guidelines in dealing with reserved bits:

•       Do not depend on the states of any reserved bits when testing the values of registers that contain such bits. Mask out the reserved bits before testing.

•       Do not depend on the states of any reserved bits when storing to memory or to a register.

•       Do not depend on the ability to retain information written into any reserved bits.

•       When loading a register, always load the reserved bits with the values indicated in the documentation, if any, or reload them with values previously read from the same register.


•       一定不要依赖于任何保留位的状态,当测试一个包含保留位的寄存器的值时,在测试之前应该将保留位屏蔽。

•       一定不要依赖于任何保留位的状态,当数据被保存到寄存器或是内存中时。

•       一定不要依赖于任何保留位保存数据信息的能力。

•       当加载一个寄存器时要根据文档的指示加载保留的位,(即使如此) ,或者使用之前从这个寄存器中读取的值重新加载。


Avoid any software dependence upon the state of reserved bits in Intel 64 and IA-32 registers. Depending upon the values of reserved register bits will make software dependent upon the unspecified manner in which the processor handles these bits. Programs that depend upon reserved values risk incompatibility with future processors.


在Intel 64 和IA-32 寄存器中,避免任何软件依赖于保留位的状态。依赖于寄存器保留位的值将使得软件依赖于处理器不明确的行为。依赖于这些保留位的值的程序会产生与未来处理器不兼容的风险。

2.2.1 Instruction Operands(指令操作数)

When instructions are represented symbolically, a subset of the IA-32 assembly language is used. In this subset, an instruction has the following format:

label: mnemonic argument1, argument2, argument3


•        A label is an identifier which is followed by a colon.

•        A mnemonic is a reserved name for a class of instruction opcodes which have the same function.

•        The operands argument1, argument2, and argument3 are optional. There may be from zero to three operands, depending on the opcode. When present, they take the form of either literals or identifiers for data items. Operand identifiers are either reserved names of registers or are assumed to be assigned to data items declared in another part of the program (which may not be shown in the example).


标号:助词符 参数1,参数2,参数3


•        标号,是一个标识符,标号后面通常跟着冒号

•        助记符,是汇编语言中的保留字,可以代替指令操作码,和指令有同样的功能

•        操作数,即参数1、参数2、参数3是可选的,可以没有操作数,最多可以有三个操作数,这取决于操作码。操作数通常以文字或数据项的标识符形式出现。操作数标识符不是寄存器的保留字就是在程序的其它地方声明的数据项(这点在上面的例子中没有体现)。

When two operands are present in an arithmetic or logical instruction, the right operand is the source and the left operand is the destination.

For example:


In this example, LOADREG is a label, MOV is the mnemonic identifier of an opcode, EAX is the destination operand, and SUBTOTAL is the source operand. Some assembly languages put the source and destination in reverse order.




2.3 Hexadecimal and Binary Numbers(16进制和2进制数)

Base 16 (hexadecimal) numbers are represented by a string of hexadecimal digits followed by the character H (for example, 0F82EH). A hexadecimal digit is a character from the following set: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, and F.

Base 2 (binary) numbers are represented by a string of 1s and 0s, sometimes followed by the character B (for example, 1010B). The “B” designation is only used in situations where confusion as to the type of number might arise.

十六进制数是以一个由H结尾的字符串来表示的(比如:0F82EH),一个十六进制数是由以下字符组成的集合:0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F。


2.4 Segmented Addressing(段寻址)

The processor uses byte addressing. This means memory is organized and accessed as a sequence of bytes. Whether one or more bytes are being accessed, a byte address is used to locate the byte or bytes memory. The range of memory that can be addressed is called an address space.


The processor also supports segmented addressing. This is a form of addressing where a program may have many independent address spaces, called segments. For example, a program can keep its code (instructions) and stack in separate segments. Code addresses would always refer to the code space, and stack addresses would always refer to the stack space. The following notation is used to specify a byte address within a segment:


For example, the following segment address identifies the byte at address FF79H in

the segment pointed by the DS register:


The following segment address identifies an instruction address in the code segment.

The CS register points to the code segment and the EIP register contains the address

of the instruction.








2.5 A New Syntax for CPUID, CR, and MSR Values(CPUID,CR和MSR的新语法)

Obtain feature flags, status, and system information by using the CPUID instruction, by checking control register bits, and by reading model-specific registers. We are moving toward a new syntax to represent this information. See Figure 1-2.

可以通过 CPUID 指令、检查控制寄存器的某些位、读特定模式的寄存器来得到功能标记、状态和系统信息。我们正在形成一种新语法来表现这些信息。见图1-2。


Figure 1-2. Syntax for CPUID, CR, and MSR Data Presentation

2.6 Exceptions(异常)

An exception is an event that typically occurs when an instruction causes an error. For example, an attempt to divide by zero generates an exception. However, some exceptions, such as breakpoints, occur under other conditions. Some types of exceptions may provide error codes. An error code reports additional information about the error. An example of the notation used to show an exception and error code is shown below:

       #PF(fault code)

This example refers to a page-fault exception under conditions where an error code naming a type of fault is reported. Under some conditions, exceptions that produce error codes may not be able to report an accurate code. In this case, the error code is zero, as shown below for a general-protection exception:



#PF(fault code)

这个例子指出了一个页错误异常,这个异常的错误代码为fault code。在许多条件下,一个错误代码并不是准确的错误代码。在这种情况下,错误代码是0,比如下面的通用保护异常:






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