Android10 车载音频架构之PlaybackThread

xref: /frameworks/av/media/libaudioprocessing/AudioMixer.cpp
979  void AudioMixer::process__validate()
980  {
981      // TODO: fix all16BitsStereNoResample logic to
982      // either properly handle muted tracks (it should ignore them)
983      // or remove altogether as an obsolete optimization.
984      bool all16BitsStereoNoResample = true;
985      bool resampling = false;
986      bool volumeRamp = false;
988      mEnabled.clear();
989      mGroups.clear();
990      for (const auto &pair : mTracks) {
991          const int name = pair.first;
992          const std::shared_ptr<Track> &t = pair.second;
993          if (!t->enabled) continue;
995          mEnabled.emplace_back(name);  // we add to mEnabled in order of name.
996          mGroups[t->mainBuffer].emplace_back(name); // mGroups also in order of name.
998          uint32_t n = 0;
999          // FIXME can overflow (mask is only 3 bits)
1000          n |= NEEDS_CHANNEL_1 + t->channelCount - 1;
1001          if (t->doesResample()) {
1002              n |= NEEDS_RESAMPLE;
1003          }
1004          if (t->auxLevel != 0 && t->auxBuffer != NULL) {
1005              n |= NEEDS_AUX;
1006          }
1008          if (t->volumeInc[0]|t->volumeInc[1]) {
1009              volumeRamp = true;
1010          } else if (!t->doesResample() && t->volumeRL == 0) {
1011              n |= NEEDS_MUTE;
1012          }
1013          t->needs = n;
1015          if (n & NEEDS_MUTE) {
1016              t->hook = &Track::track__nop;
1017          } else {
1018              if (n & NEEDS_AUX) {
1019                  all16BitsStereoNoResample = false;
1020              }
1021              if (n & NEEDS_RESAMPLE) {
1022                  all16BitsStereoNoResample = false;
1023                  resampling = true;
1024                  t->hook = Track::getTrackHook(TRACKTYPE_RESAMPLE, t->mMixerChannelCount,
1025                          t->mMixerInFormat, t->mMixerFormat);
1026                  ALOGV_IF((n & NEEDS_CHANNEL_COUNT__MASK) > NEEDS_CHANNEL_2,
1027                          "Track %d needs downmix + resample", name);
1028              } else {
1029                  if ((n & NEEDS_CHANNEL_COUNT__MASK) == NEEDS_CHANNEL_1){
1030                      t->hook = Track::getTrackHook(
1031                              (t->mMixerChannelMask == AUDIO_CHANNEL_OUT_STEREO  // TODO: MONO_HACK
1032                                      && t->channelMask == AUDIO_CHANNEL_OUT_MONO)
1033                                  ? TRACKTYPE_NORESAMPLEMONO : TRACKTYPE_NORESAMPLE,
1034                              t->mMixerChannelCount,
1035                              t->mMixerInFormat, t->mMixerFormat);
1036                      all16BitsStereoNoResample = false;
1037                  }
1038                  if ((n & NEEDS_CHANNEL_COUNT__MASK) >= NEEDS_CHANNEL_2){
1039                      t->hook = Track::getTrackHook(TRACKTYPE_NORESAMPLE, t->mMixerChannelCount,
1040                              t->mMixerInFormat, t->mMixerFormat);
1041                      ALOGV_IF((n & NEEDS_CHANNEL_COUNT__MASK) > NEEDS_CHANNEL_2,
1042                              "Track %d needs downmix", name);
1043                  }
1044              }
1045          }
1046      }
1048      // select the processing hooks
1049      mHook = &AudioMixer::process__nop;
1050      if (mEnabled.size() > 0) {
1051          if (resampling) {
1052              if (mOutputTemp.get() == nullptr) {
1053                  mOutputTemp.reset(new int32_t[MAX_NUM_CHANNELS * mFrameCount]);
1054              }
1055              if (mResampleTemp.get() == nullptr) {
1056                  mResampleTemp.reset(new int32_t[MAX_NUM_CHANNELS * mFrameCount]);
1057              }
1058              mHook = &AudioMixer::process__genericResampling;
1059          } else {
1060              // we keep temp arrays around.
1061              mHook = &AudioMixer::process__genericNoResampling;
1062              if (all16BitsStereoNoResample && !volumeRamp) {
1063                  if (mEnabled.size() == 1) {
1064                      const std::shared_ptr<Track> &t = mTracks[mEnabled[0]];
1065                      if ((t->needs & NEEDS_MUTE) == 0) {
1066                          // The check prevents a muted track from acquiring a process hook.
1067                          //
1068                          // This is dangerous if the track is MONO as that requires
1069                          // special case handling due to implicit channel duplication.
1070                          // Stereo or Multichannel should actually be fine here.
1071                          mHook = getProcessHook(PROCESSTYPE_NORESAMPLEONETRACK,
1072                                  t->mMixerChannelCount, t->mMixerInFormat, t->mMixerFormat);
1073                      }
1074                  }
1075              }
1076          }
1077      }
t->hook是每个track里面的hook,指向Track::track__nopTrack::getTrackHookxref: /frameworks/av/media/libaudioprocessing/AudioMixer.cpp
1514  // generic code with resampling
1515  void AudioMixer::process__genericResampling()
1516  {
1517      ALOGVV("process__genericResampling\n");
1518      int32_t * const outTemp = mOutputTemp.get(); // naked ptr
1519      size_t numFrames = mFrameCount;
1521      for (const auto &pair : mGroups) {
1522          const auto &group = pair.second;
1523          const std::shared_ptr<Track> &t1 = mTracks[group[0]];
1525          // clear temp buffer
1526          memset(outTemp, 0, sizeof(*outTemp) * t1->mMixerChannelCount * mFrameCount);
1527          for (const int name : group) {
1528              const std::shared_ptr<Track> &t = mTracks[name];
1529              int32_t *aux = NULL;
1530              if (CC_UNLIKELY(t->needs & NEEDS_AUX)) {
1531                  aux = t->auxBuffer;
1532              }
1534              // this is a little goofy, on the resampling case we don't
1535              // acquire/release the buffers because it's done by
1536              // the resampler.
1537              if (t->needs & NEEDS_RESAMPLE) {
1538                  (t.get()->*t->hook)(outTemp, numFrames, mResampleTemp.get() /* naked ptr */, aux);
1539              } else {
1541                  size_t outFrames = 0;
1543                  while (outFrames < numFrames) {
1544                      t->buffer.frameCount = numFrames - outFrames;
1545                      t->bufferProvider->getNextBuffer(&t->buffer);
1546                      t->mIn = t->buffer.raw;
1547                      // t->mIn == nullptr can happen if the track was flushed just after having
1548                      // been enabled for mixing.
1549                      if (t->mIn == nullptr) break;
1551                      (t.get()->*t->hook)(
1552                              outTemp + outFrames * t->mMixerChannelCount, t->buffer.frameCount,
1553                              mResampleTemp.get() /* naked ptr */,
1554                              aux != nullptr ? aux + outFrames : nullptr);
1555                      outFrames += t->buffer.frameCount;
1557                      t->bufferProvider->releaseBuffer(&t->buffer);
1558                  }
1559              }
1560          }
1561          convertMixerFormat(t1->mainBuffer, t1->mMixerFormat,
1562                  outTemp, t1->mMixerInFormat, numFrames * t1->mMixerChannelCount);
1563      }
1564  }
1536              // the resampler.
1537              if (t->needs & NEEDS_RESAMPLE) {
1538                  (t.get()->*t->hook)(outTemp, numFrames, mResampleTemp.get() /* naked ptr */, aux);
1539              }

1561          convertMixerFormat(t1->mainBuffer, t1->mMixerFormat,
1562                  outTemp, t1->mMixerInFormat, numFrames * t1->mMixerChannelCount);
1563      }
xref: /frameworks/av/services/audioflinger/Threads.cpp
3215  bool AudioFlinger::PlaybackThread::threadLoop()
3216  {
3217      tlNBLogWriter = mNBLogWriter.get();
3219      Vector< sp<Track> > tracksToRemove;
3221      mStandbyTimeNs = systemTime();
3222      int64_t lastLoopCountWritten = -2; // never matches "previous" loop, when loopCount = 0.
3223      int64_t lastFramesWritten = -1;    // track changes in timestamp server frames written
3225      // MIXER
3226      nsecs_t lastWarning = 0;
3228      // DUPLICATING
3229      // FIXME could this be made local to while loop?
3230      writeFrames = 0;
3232      cacheParameters_l();
3233      mSleepTimeUs = mIdleSleepTimeUs;
3235      if (mType == MIXER) {
3236          sleepTimeShift = 0;
3237      }
3239      CpuStats cpuStats;
3240      const String8 myName(String8::format("thread %p type %d TID %d", this, mType, gettid()));
3242      acquireWakeLock();
3244      // mNBLogWriter logging APIs can only be called by a single thread, typically the
3245      // thread associated with this PlaybackThread.
3246      // If you want to share the mNBLogWriter with other threads (for example, binder threads)
3247      // then all such threads must agree to hold a common mutex before logging.
3248      // So if you need to log when mutex is unlocked, set logString to a non-NULL string,
3249      // and then that string will be logged at the next convenient opportunity.
3250      // See reference to logString below.
3251      const char *logString = NULL;
3253      // Estimated time for next buffer to be written to hal. This is used only on
3254      // suspended mode (for now) to help schedule the wait time until next iteration.
3255      nsecs_t timeLoopNextNs = 0;
3257      checkSilentMode_l();
3259      // DIRECT and OFFLOAD threads should reset frame count to zero on stop/flush
3260      // TODO: add confirmation checks:
3261      // 1) DIRECT threads and linear PCM format really resets to 0?
3262      // 2) Is frame count really valid if not linear pcm?
3263      // 3) Are all 64 bits of position returned, not just lowest 32 bits?
3264      if (mType == OFFLOAD || mType == DIRECT) {
3265          mTimestampVerifier.setDiscontinuityMode(mTimestampVerifier.DISCONTINUITY_MODE_ZERO);
3266      }
3267      audio_patch_handle_t lastDownstreamPatchHandle = AUDIO_PATCH_HANDLE_NONE;
3269      // loopCount is used for statistics and diagnostics.
3270      for (int64_t loopCount = 0; !exitPending(); ++loopCount)
3271      {
3272          // Log merge requests are performed during AudioFlinger binder transactions, but
3273          // that does not cover audio playback. It's requested here for that reason.
3274          mAudioFlinger->requestLogMerge();
3276          cpuStats.sample(myName);
3278          Vector< sp<EffectChain> > effectChains;
3279          audio_session_t activeHapticSessionId = AUDIO_SESSION_NONE;
3280          std::vector<sp<Track>> activeTracks;
3282          // If the device is AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_BUS, check for downstream latency.
3283          //
3284          // Note: we access outDevice() outside of mLock.
3285          if (isMsdDevice() && (outDevice() & AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_BUS) != 0) {
3286              // Here, we try for the AF lock, but do not block on it as the latency
3287              // is more informational.
3288              if (mAudioFlinger->mLock.tryLock() == NO_ERROR) {
3289                  std::vector<PatchPanel::SoftwarePatch> swPatches;
3290                  double latencyMs;
3291                  status_t status = INVALID_OPERATION;
3292                  audio_patch_handle_t downstreamPatchHandle = AUDIO_PATCH_HANDLE_NONE;
3293                  if (mAudioFlinger->mPatchPanel.getDownstreamSoftwarePatches(id(), &swPatches) == OK
3294                          && swPatches.size() > 0) {
3295                          status = swPatches[0].getLatencyMs_l(&latencyMs);
3296                          downstreamPatchHandle = swPatches[0].getPatchHandle();
3297                  }
3298                  if (downstreamPatchHandle != lastDownstreamPatchHandle) {
3299                      mDownstreamLatencyStatMs.reset();
3300                      lastDownstreamPatchHandle = downstreamPatchHandle;
3301                  }
3302                  if (status == OK) {
3303                      // verify downstream latency (we assume a max reasonable
3304                      // latency of 5 seconds).
3305                      const double minLatency = 0., maxLatency = 5000.;
3306                      if (latencyMs >= minLatency && latencyMs <= maxLatency) {
3307                          ALOGV("new downstream latency %lf ms", latencyMs);
3308                      } else {
3309                          ALOGD("out of range downstream latency %lf ms", latencyMs);
3310                          if (latencyMs < minLatency) latencyMs = minLatency;
3311                          else if (latencyMs > maxLatency) latencyMs = maxLatency;
3312                      }
3313                      mDownstreamLatencyStatMs.add(latencyMs);
3314                  }
3315                  mAudioFlinger->mLock.unlock();
3316              }
3317          } else {
3318              if (lastDownstreamPatchHandle != AUDIO_PATCH_HANDLE_NONE) {
3319                  // our device is no longer AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_BUS, reset patch handle and stats.
3320                  mDownstreamLatencyStatMs.reset();
3321                  lastDownstreamPatchHandle = AUDIO_PATCH_HANDLE_NONE;
3322              }
3323          }
3325          { // scope for mLock
3327              Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
3329              processConfigEvents_l();
3331              // See comment at declaration of logString for why this is done under mLock
3332              if (logString != NULL) {
3333                  mNBLogWriter->logTimestamp();
3334                  mNBLogWriter->log(logString);
3335                  logString = NULL;
3336              }
3338              // Collect timestamp statistics for the Playback Thread types that support it.
3339              if (mType == MIXER
3340                      || mType == DUPLICATING
3341                      || mType == DIRECT
3342                      || mType == OFFLOAD) { // no indentation
3343              // Gather the framesReleased counters for all active tracks,
3344              // and associate with the sink frames written out.  We need
3345              // this to convert the sink timestamp to the track timestamp.
3346              bool kernelLocationUpdate = false;
3347              ExtendedTimestamp timestamp; // use private copy to fetch
3348              if (mStandby) {
3349                  mTimestampVerifier.discontinuity();
3350              } else if (threadloop_getHalTimestamp_l(&timestamp) == OK) {
3351                  mTimestampVerifier.add(timestamp.mPosition[ExtendedTimestamp::LOCATION_KERNEL],
3352                          timestamp.mTimeNs[ExtendedTimestamp::LOCATION_KERNEL],
3353                          mSampleRate);
3355                  if (isTimestampCorrectionEnabled()) {
3356                      ALOGV("TS_BEFORE: %d %lld %lld", id(),
3357                              (long long)timestamp.mTimeNs[ExtendedTimestamp::LOCATION_KERNEL],
3358                              (long long)timestamp.mPosition[ExtendedTimestamp::LOCATION_KERNEL]);
3359                      auto correctedTimestamp = mTimestampVerifier.getLastCorrectedTimestamp();
3360                      timestamp.mPosition[ExtendedTimestamp::LOCATION_KERNEL]
3361                              = correctedTimestamp.mFrames;
3362                      timestamp.mTimeNs[ExtendedTimestamp::LOCATION_KERNEL]
3363                              = correctedTimestamp.mTimeNs;
3364                      ALOGV("TS_AFTER: %d %lld %lld", id(),
3365                              (long long)timestamp.mTimeNs[ExtendedTimestamp::LOCATION_KERNEL],
3366                              (long long)timestamp.mPosition[ExtendedTimestamp::LOCATION_KERNEL]);
3368                      // Note: Downstream latency only added if timestamp correction enabled.
3369                      if (mDownstreamLatencyStatMs.getN() > 0) { // we have latency info.
3370                          const int64_t newPosition =
3371                                  timestamp.mPosition[ExtendedTimestamp::LOCATION_KERNEL]
3372                                  - int64_t(mDownstreamLatencyStatMs.getMean() * mSampleRate * 1e-3);
3373                          // prevent retrograde
3374                          timestamp.mPosition[ExtendedTimestamp::LOCATION_KERNEL] = max(
3375                                  newPosition,
3376                                  (mTimestamp.mPosition[ExtendedTimestamp::LOCATION_KERNEL]
3377                                          - mSuspendedFrames));
3378                      }
3379                  }
3381                  // We always fetch the timestamp here because often the downstream
3382                  // sink will block while writing.
3384                  // We keep track of the last valid kernel position in case we are in underrun
3385                  // and the normal mixer period is the same as the fast mixer period, or there
3386                  // is some error from the HAL.
3387                  if (mTimestamp.mTimeNs[ExtendedTimestamp::LOCATION_KERNEL] >= 0) {
3388                      mTimestamp.mPosition[ExtendedTimestamp::LOCATION_KERNEL_LASTKERNELOK] =
3389                              mTimestamp.mPosition[ExtendedTimestamp::LOCATION_KERNEL];
3390                      mTimestamp.mTimeNs[ExtendedTimestamp::LOCATION_KERNEL_LASTKERNELOK] =
3391                              mTimestamp.mTimeNs[ExtendedTimestamp::LOCATION_KERNEL];
3393                      mTimestamp.mPosition[ExtendedTimestamp::LOCATION_SERVER_LASTKERNELOK] =
3394                              mTimestamp.mPosition[ExtendedTimestamp::LOCATION_SERVER];
3395                      mTimestamp.mTimeNs[ExtendedTimestamp::LOCATION_SERVER_LASTKERNELOK] =
3396                              mTimestamp.mTimeNs[ExtendedTimestamp::LOCATION_SERVER];
3397                  }
3399                  if (timestamp.mTimeNs[ExtendedTimestamp::LOCATION_KERNEL] >= 0) {
3400                      kernelLocationUpdate = true;
3401                  } else {
3402                      ALOGVV("getTimestamp error - no valid kernel position");
3403                  }
3405                  // copy over kernel info
3406                  mTimestamp.mPosition[ExtendedTimestamp::LOCATION_KERNEL] =
3407                          timestamp.mPosition[ExtendedTimestamp::LOCATION_KERNEL]
3408                          + mSuspendedFrames; // add frames discarded when suspended
3409                  mTimestamp.mTimeNs[ExtendedTimestamp::LOCATION_KERNEL] =
3410                          timestamp.mTimeNs[ExtendedTimestamp::LOCATION_KERNEL];
3411              } else {
3412                  mTimestampVerifier.error();
3413              }
3415              // mFramesWritten for non-offloaded tracks are contiguous
3416              // even after standby() is called. This is useful for the track frame
3417              // to sink frame mapping.
3418              bool serverLocationUpdate = false;
3419              if (mFramesWritten != lastFramesWritten) {
3420                  serverLocationUpdate = true;
3421                  lastFramesWritten = mFramesWritten;
3422              }
3423              // Only update timestamps if there is a meaningful change.
3424              // Either the kernel timestamp must be valid or we have written something.
3425              if (kernelLocationUpdate || serverLocationUpdate) {
3426                  if (serverLocationUpdate) {
3427                      // use the time before we called the HAL write - it is a bit more accurate
3428                      // to when the server last read data than the current time here.
3429                      //
3430                      // If we haven't written anything, mLastIoBeginNs will be -1
3431                      // and we use systemTime().
3432                      mTimestamp.mPosition[ExtendedTimestamp::LOCATION_SERVER] = mFramesWritten;
3433                      mTimestamp.mTimeNs[ExtendedTimestamp::LOCATION_SERVER] = mLastIoBeginNs == -1
3434                              ? systemTime() : mLastIoBeginNs;
3435                  }
3437                  for (const sp<Track> &t : mActiveTracks) {
3438                      if (!t->isFastTrack()) {
3439                          t->updateTrackFrameInfo(
3440                                  t->mAudioTrackServerProxy->framesReleased(),
3441                                  mFramesWritten,
3442                                  mSampleRate,
3443                                  mTimestamp);
3444                      }
3445                  }
3446              }
3448              if (audio_has_proportional_frames(mFormat)) {
3449                  const double latencyMs = mTimestamp.getOutputServerLatencyMs(mSampleRate);
3450                  if (latencyMs != 0.) { // note 0. means timestamp is empty.
3451                      mLatencyMs.add(latencyMs);
3452                  }
3453              }
3455              } // if (mType ... ) { // no indentation
3456  #if 0
3457              // logFormat example
3458              if (z % 100 == 0) {
3459                  timespec ts;
3460                  clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ts);
3461                  LOGT("This is an integer %d, this is a float %f, this is my "
3462                      "pid %p %% %s %t", 42, 3.14, "and this is a timestamp", ts);
3463                  LOGT("A deceptive null-terminated string %\0");
3464              }
3465              ++z;
3466  #endif
3467              saveOutputTracks();
3468              if (mSignalPending) {
3469                  // A signal was raised while we were unlocked
3470                  mSignalPending = false;
3471              } else if (waitingAsyncCallback_l()) {
3472                  if (exitPending()) {
3473                      break;
3474                  }
3475                  bool released = false;
3476                  if (!keepWakeLock()) {
3477                      releaseWakeLock_l();
3478                      released = true;
3479                  }
3481                  const int64_t waitNs = computeWaitTimeNs_l();
3482                  ALOGV("wait async completion (wait time: %lld)", (long long)waitNs);
3483                  status_t status = mWaitWorkCV.waitRelative(mLock, waitNs);
3484                  if (status == TIMED_OUT) {
3485                      mSignalPending = true; // if timeout recheck everything
3486                  }
3487                  ALOGV("async completion/wake");
3488                  if (released) {
3489                      acquireWakeLock_l();
3490                  }
3491                  mStandbyTimeNs = systemTime() + mStandbyDelayNs;
3492                  mSleepTimeUs = 0;
3494                  continue;
3495              }
3496              if ((mActiveTracks.isEmpty() && systemTime() > mStandbyTimeNs) ||
3497                                     isSuspended()) {
3498                  // put audio hardware into standby after short delay
3499                  if (shouldStandby_l()) {
3501                      threadLoop_standby();
3503                      // This is where we go into standby
3504                      if (!mStandby) {
3505                          LOG_AUDIO_STATE();
3506                      }
3507                      mStandby = true;
3508                      sendStatistics(false /* force */);
3509                  }
3511                  if (mActiveTracks.isEmpty() && mConfigEvents.isEmpty()) {
3512                      // we're about to wait, flush the binder command buffer
3513                      IPCThreadState::self()->flushCommands();
3515                      clearOutputTracks();
3517                      if (exitPending()) {
3518                          break;
3519                      }
3521                      releaseWakeLock_l();
3522                      // wait until we have something to do...
3523                      ALOGV("%s going to sleep", myName.string());
3524                      mWaitWorkCV.wait(mLock);
3525                      ALOGV("%s waking up", myName.string());
3526                      acquireWakeLock_l();
3528                      mMixerStatus = MIXER_IDLE;
3529                      mMixerStatusIgnoringFastTracks = MIXER_IDLE;
3530                      mBytesWritten = 0;
3531                      mBytesRemaining = 0;
3532                      checkSilentMode_l();
3534                      mStandbyTimeNs = systemTime() + mStandbyDelayNs;
3535                      mSleepTimeUs = mIdleSleepTimeUs;
3536                      if (mType == MIXER) {
3537                          sleepTimeShift = 0;
3538                      }
3540                      continue;
3541                  }
3542              }
3543              // mMixerStatusIgnoringFastTracks is also updated internally
3544              mMixerStatus = prepareTracks_l(&tracksToRemove);
3546              mActiveTracks.updatePowerState(this);
3548              updateMetadata_l();
3550              // prevent any changes in effect chain list and in each effect chain
3551              // during mixing and effect process as the audio buffers could be deleted
3552              // or modified if an effect is created or deleted
3553              lockEffectChains_l(effectChains);
3555              // Determine which session to pick up haptic data.
3556              // This must be done under the same lock as prepareTracks_l().
3557              // TODO: Write haptic data directly to sink buffer when mixing.
3558              if (mHapticChannelCount > 0 && effectChains.size() > 0) {
3559                  for (const auto& track : mActiveTracks) {
3560                      if (track->getHapticPlaybackEnabled()) {
3561                          activeHapticSessionId = track->sessionId();
3562                          break;
3563                      }
3564                  }
3565              }
3567              // Acquire a local copy of active tracks with lock (release w/o lock).
3568              //
3569              // Control methods on the track acquire the ThreadBase lock (e.g. start()
3570              // stop(), pause(), etc.), but the threadLoop is entitled to call audio
3571              // data / buffer methods on tracks from activeTracks without the ThreadBase lock.
3572              activeTracks.insert(activeTracks.end(), mActiveTracks.begin(), mActiveTracks.end());
3573          } // mLock scope ends
3575          if (mBytesRemaining == 0) {
3576              mCurrentWriteLength = 0;
3577              if (mMixerStatus == MIXER_TRACKS_READY) {
3578                  // threadLoop_mix() sets mCurrentWriteLength
3579                  threadLoop_mix();
3580              } else if ((mMixerStatus != MIXER_DRAIN_TRACK)
3581                          && (mMixerStatus != MIXER_DRAIN_ALL)) {
3582                  // threadLoop_sleepTime sets mSleepTimeUs to 0 if data
3583                  // must be written to HAL
3584                  threadLoop_sleepTime();
3585                  if (mSleepTimeUs == 0) {
3586                      mCurrentWriteLength = mSinkBufferSize;
3588                      // Tally underrun frames as we are inserting 0s here.
3589                      for (const auto& track : activeTracks) {
3590                          if (track->mFillingUpStatus == Track::FS_ACTIVE) {
3591                              track->mAudioTrackServerProxy->tallyUnderrunFrames(mNormalFrameCount);
3592                          }
3593                      }
3594                  }
3595              }
3596              // Either threadLoop_mix() or threadLoop_sleepTime() should have set
3597              // mMixerBuffer with data if mMixerBufferValid is true and mSleepTimeUs == 0.
3598              // Merge mMixerBuffer data into mEffectBuffer (if any effects are valid)
3599              // or mSinkBuffer (if there are no effects).
3600              //
3601              // This is done pre-effects computation; if effects change to
3602              // support higher precision, this needs to move.
3603              //
3604              // mMixerBufferValid is only set true by MixerThread::prepareTracks_l().
3605              // TODO use mSleepTimeUs == 0 as an additional condition.
3606              if (mMixerBufferValid) {
3607                  void *buffer = mEffectBufferValid ? mEffectBuffer : mSinkBuffer;
3608                  audio_format_t format = mEffectBufferValid ? mEffectBufferFormat : mFormat;
3610                  // mono blend occurs for mixer threads only (not direct or offloaded)
3611                  // and is handled here if we're going directly to the sink.
3612                  if (requireMonoBlend() && !mEffectBufferValid) {
3613                      mono_blend(mMixerBuffer, mMixerBufferFormat, mChannelCount, mNormalFrameCount,
3614                                 true /*limit*/);
3615                  }
3617                  if (!hasFastMixer()) {
3618                      // Balance must take effect after mono conversion.
3619                      // We do it here if there is no FastMixer.
3620                      // mBalance detects zero balance within the class for speed (not needed here).
3621                      mBalance.setBalance(mMasterBalance.load());
3622                      mBalance.process((float *)mMixerBuffer, mNormalFrameCount);
3623                  }
3625                  memcpy_by_audio_format(buffer, format, mMixerBuffer, mMixerBufferFormat,
3626                          mNormalFrameCount * (mChannelCount + mHapticChannelCount));
3628                  // If we're going directly to the sink and there are haptic channels,
3629                  // we should adjust channels as the sample data is partially interleaved
3630                  // in this case.
3631                  if (!mEffectBufferValid && mHapticChannelCount > 0) {
3632                      adjust_channels_non_destructive(buffer, mChannelCount, buffer,
3633                              mChannelCount + mHapticChannelCount,
3634                              audio_bytes_per_sample(format),
3635                              audio_bytes_per_frame(mChannelCount, format) * mNormalFrameCount);
3636                  }
3637              }
3639              mBytesRemaining = mCurrentWriteLength;
3640              if (isSuspended()) {
3641                  // Simulate write to HAL when suspended (e.g. BT SCO phone call).
3642                  mSleepTimeUs = suspendSleepTimeUs(); // assumes full buffer.
3643                  const size_t framesRemaining = mBytesRemaining / mFrameSize;
3644                  mBytesWritten += mBytesRemaining;
3645                  mFramesWritten += framesRemaining;
3646                  mSuspendedFrames += framesRemaining; // to adjust kernel HAL position
3647                  mBytesRemaining = 0;
3648              }
3650              // only process effects if we're going to write
3651              if (mSleepTimeUs == 0 && mType != OFFLOAD) {
3652                  for (size_t i = 0; i < effectChains.size(); i ++) {
3653                      effectChains[i]->process_l();
3654                      // TODO: Write haptic data directly to sink buffer when mixing.
3655                      if (activeHapticSessionId != AUDIO_SESSION_NONE
3656                              && activeHapticSessionId == effectChains[i]->sessionId()) {
3657                          // Haptic data is active in this case, copy it directly from
3658                          // in buffer to out buffer.
3659                          const size_t audioBufferSize = mNormalFrameCount
3660                                  * audio_bytes_per_frame(mChannelCount, EFFECT_BUFFER_FORMAT);
3661                          memcpy_by_audio_format(
3662                                  (uint8_t*)effectChains[i]->outBuffer() + audioBufferSize,
3663                                  EFFECT_BUFFER_FORMAT,
3664                                  (const uint8_t*)effectChains[i]->inBuffer() + audioBufferSize,
3665                                  EFFECT_BUFFER_FORMAT, mNormalFrameCount * mHapticChannelCount);
3666                      }
3667                  }
3668              }
3669          }
3670          // Process effect chains for offloaded thread even if no audio
3671          // was read from audio track: process only updates effect state
3672          // and thus does have to be synchronized with audio writes but may have
3673          // to be called while waiting for async write callback
3674          if (mType == OFFLOAD) {
3675              for (size_t i = 0; i < effectChains.size(); i ++) {
3676                  effectChains[i]->process_l();
3677              }
3678          }
3680          // Only if the Effects buffer is enabled and there is data in the
3681          // Effects buffer (buffer valid), we need to
3682          // copy into the sink buffer.
3683          // TODO use mSleepTimeUs == 0 as an additional condition.
3684          if (mEffectBufferValid) {
3685              //ALOGV("writing effect buffer to sink buffer format %#x", mFormat);
3687              if (requireMonoBlend()) {
3688                  mono_blend(mEffectBuffer, mEffectBufferFormat, mChannelCount, mNormalFrameCount,
3689                             true /*limit*/);
3690              }
3692              if (!hasFastMixer()) {
3693                  // Balance must take effect after mono conversion.
3694                  // We do it here if there is no FastMixer.
3695                  // mBalance detects zero balance within the class for speed (not needed here).
3696                  mBalance.setBalance(mMasterBalance.load());
3697                  mBalance.process((float *)mEffectBuffer, mNormalFrameCount);
3698              }
3700              memcpy_by_audio_format(mSinkBuffer, mFormat, mEffectBuffer, mEffectBufferFormat,
3701                      mNormalFrameCount * (mChannelCount + mHapticChannelCount));
3702              // The sample data is partially interleaved when haptic channels exist,
3703              // we need to adjust channels here.
3704              if (mHapticChannelCount > 0) {
3705                  adjust_channels_non_destructive(mSinkBuffer, mChannelCount, mSinkBuffer,
3706                          mChannelCount + mHapticChannelCount,
3707                          audio_bytes_per_sample(mFormat),
3708                          audio_bytes_per_frame(mChannelCount, mFormat) * mNormalFrameCount);
3709              }
3710          }
3712          // enable changes in effect chain
3713          unlockEffectChains(effectChains);
3715          if (!waitingAsyncCallback()) {
3716              // mSleepTimeUs == 0 means we must write to audio hardware
3717              if (mSleepTimeUs == 0) {
3718                  ssize_t ret = 0;
3719                  // writePeriodNs is updated >= 0 when ret > 0.
3720                  int64_t writePeriodNs = -1;
3721                  if (mBytesRemaining) {
3722                      // FIXME rewrite to reduce number of system calls
3723                      const int64_t lastIoBeginNs = systemTime();
3724                      ret = threadLoop_write();
3725                      const int64_t lastIoEndNs = systemTime();
3726                      if (ret < 0) {
3727                          mBytesRemaining = 0;
3728                      } else if (ret > 0) {
3729                          mBytesWritten += ret;
3730                          mBytesRemaining -= ret;
3731                          const int64_t frames = ret / mFrameSize;
3732                          mFramesWritten += frames;
3734                          writePeriodNs = lastIoEndNs - mLastIoEndNs;
3735                          // process information relating to write time.
3736                          if (audio_has_proportional_frames(mFormat)) {
3737                              // we are in a continuous mixing cycle
3738                              if (mMixerStatus == MIXER_TRACKS_READY &&
3739                                      loopCount == lastLoopCountWritten + 1) {
3741                                  const double jitterMs =
3742                                          TimestampVerifier<int64_t, int64_t>::computeJitterMs(
3743                                                  {frames, writePeriodNs},
3744                                                  {0, 0} /* lastTimestamp */, mSampleRate);
3745                                  const double processMs =
3746                                         (lastIoBeginNs - mLastIoEndNs) * 1e-6;
3748                                  Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
3749                                  mIoJitterMs.add(jitterMs);
3750                                  mProcessTimeMs.add(processMs);
3751                              }
3753                              // write blocked detection
3754                              const int64_t deltaWriteNs = lastIoEndNs - lastIoBeginNs;
3755                              if (mType == MIXER && deltaWriteNs > maxPeriod) {
3756                                  mNumDelayedWrites++;
3757                                  if ((lastIoEndNs - lastWarning) > kWarningThrottleNs) {
3758                                      ATRACE_NAME("underrun");
3759                                      ALOGW("write blocked for %lld msecs, "
3760                                              "%d delayed writes, thread %d",
3761                                              (long long)deltaWriteNs / NANOS_PER_MILLISECOND,
3762                                              mNumDelayedWrites, mId);
3763                                      lastWarning = lastIoEndNs;
3764                                  }
3765                              }
3766                          }
3767                          // update timing info.
3768                          mLastIoBeginNs = lastIoBeginNs;
3769                          mLastIoEndNs = lastIoEndNs;
3770                          lastLoopCountWritten = loopCount;
3771                      }
3772                  } else if ((mMixerStatus == MIXER_DRAIN_TRACK) ||
3773                          (mMixerStatus == MIXER_DRAIN_ALL)) {
3774                      threadLoop_drain();
3775                  }
3776                  if (mType == MIXER && !mStandby) {
3778                      if (mThreadThrottle
3779                              && mMixerStatus == MIXER_TRACKS_READY // we are mixing (active tracks)
3780                              && writePeriodNs > 0) {               // we have write period info
3781                          // Limit MixerThread data processing to no more than twice the
3782                          // expected processing rate.
3783                          //
3784                          // This helps prevent underruns with NuPlayer and other applications
3785                          // which may set up buffers that are close to the minimum size, or use
3786                          // deep buffers, and rely on a double-buffering sleep strategy to fill.
3787                          //
3788                          // The throttle smooths out sudden large data drains from the device,
3789                          // e.g. when it comes out of standby, which often causes problems with
3790                          // (1) mixer threads without a fast mixer (which has its own warm-up)
3791                          // (2) minimum buffer sized tracks (even if the track is full,
3792                          //     the app won't fill fast enough to handle the sudden draw).
3793                          //
3794                          // Total time spent in last processing cycle equals time spent in
3795                          // 1. threadLoop_write, as well as time spent in
3796                          // 2. threadLoop_mix (significant for heavy mixing, especially
3797                          //                    on low tier processors)
3799                          // it's OK if deltaMs is an overestimate.
3801                          const int32_t deltaMs = writePeriodNs / NANOS_PER_MILLISECOND;
3803                          const int32_t throttleMs = (int32_t)mHalfBufferMs - deltaMs;
3804                          if ((signed)mHalfBufferMs >= throttleMs && throttleMs > 0) {
3805                              usleep(throttleMs * 1000);
3806                              // notify of throttle start on verbose log
3807                              ALOGV_IF(mThreadThrottleEndMs == mThreadThrottleTimeMs,
3808                                      "mixer(%p) throttle begin:"
3809                                      " ret(%zd) deltaMs(%d) requires sleep %d ms",
3810                                      this, ret, deltaMs, throttleMs);
3811                              mThreadThrottleTimeMs += throttleMs;
3812                              // Throttle must be attributed to the previous mixer loop's write time
3813                              // to allow back-to-back throttling.
3814                              // This also ensures proper timing statistics.
3815                              mLastIoEndNs = systemTime();  // we fetch the write end time again.
3816                          } else {
3817                              uint32_t diff = mThreadThrottleTimeMs - mThreadThrottleEndMs;
3818                              if (diff > 0) {
3819                                  // notify of throttle end on debug log
3820                                  // but prevent spamming for bluetooth
3821                                  ALOGD_IF(!audio_is_a2dp_out_device(outDevice()) &&
3822                                           !audio_is_hearing_aid_out_device(outDevice()),
3823                                          "mixer(%p) throttle end: throttle time(%u)", this, diff);
3824                                  mThreadThrottleEndMs = mThreadThrottleTimeMs;
3825                              }
3826                          }
3827                      }
3828                  }
3830              } else {
3831                  ATRACE_BEGIN("sleep");
3832                  Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
3833                  // suspended requires accurate metering of sleep time.
3834                  if (isSuspended()) {
3835                      // advance by expected sleepTime
3836                      timeLoopNextNs += microseconds((nsecs_t)mSleepTimeUs);
3837                      const nsecs_t nowNs = systemTime();
3839                      // compute expected next time vs current time.
3840                      // (negative deltas are treated as delays).
3841                      nsecs_t deltaNs = timeLoopNextNs - nowNs;
3842                      if (deltaNs < -kMaxNextBufferDelayNs) {
3843                          // Delays longer than the max allowed trigger a reset.
3844                          ALOGV("DelayNs: %lld, resetting timeLoopNextNs", (long long) deltaNs);
3845                          deltaNs = microseconds((nsecs_t)mSleepTimeUs);
3846                          timeLoopNextNs = nowNs + deltaNs;
3847                      } else if (deltaNs < 0) {
3848                          // Delays within the max delay allowed: zero the delta/sleepTime
3849                          // to help the system catch up in the next iteration(s)
3850                          ALOGV("DelayNs: %lld, catching-up", (long long) deltaNs);
3851                          deltaNs = 0;
3852                      }
3853                      // update sleep time (which is >= 0)
3854                      mSleepTimeUs = deltaNs / 1000;
3855                  }
3856                  if (!mSignalPending && mConfigEvents.isEmpty() && !exitPending()) {
3857                      mWaitWorkCV.waitRelative(mLock, microseconds((nsecs_t)mSleepTimeUs));
3858                  }
3859                  ATRACE_END();
3860              }
3861          }
3863          // Finally let go of removed track(s), without the lock held
3864          // since we can't guarantee the destructors won't acquire that
3865          // same lock.  This will also mutate and push a new fast mixer state.
3866          threadLoop_removeTracks(tracksToRemove);
3867          tracksToRemove.clear();
3869          // FIXME I don't understand the need for this here;
3870          //       it was in the original code but maybe the
3871          //       assignment in saveOutputTracks() makes this unnecessary?
3872          clearOutputTracks();
3874          // Effect chains will be actually deleted here if they were removed from
3875          // mEffectChains list during mixing or effects processing
3876          effectChains.clear();
3878          // FIXME Note that the above .clear() is no longer necessary since effectChains
3879          // is now local to this block, but will keep it for now (at least until merge done).
3880      }
3882      threadLoop_exit();
3884      if (!mStandby) {
3885          threadLoop_standby();
3886          mStandby = true;
3887      }
3889      releaseWakeLock();
3891      ALOGV("Thread %p type %d exiting", this, mType);
3892      return false;
3893  }
3. threadLoop​​​​​​​

xref: /frameworks/av/services/audioflinger/Threads.cpp
2911  // shared by MIXER and DIRECT, overridden by DUPLICATING
2912  ssize_t AudioFlinger::PlaybackThread::threadLoop_write()
2913  {
2914      LOG_HIST_TS();
2915      mInWrite = true;
2916      ssize_t bytesWritten;
2917      const size_t offset = mCurrentWriteLength - mBytesRemaining;
2919      // If an NBAIO sink is present, use it to write the normal mixer's submix
2920      if (mNormalSink != 0) {
2922          const size_t count = mBytesRemaining / mFrameSize;
2924          ATRACE_BEGIN("write");
2925          // update the setpoint when AudioFlinger::mScreenState changes
2926          uint32_t screenState = AudioFlinger::mScreenState;
2927          if (screenState != mScreenState) {
2928              mScreenState = screenState;
2929              MonoPipe *pipe = (MonoPipe *)mPipeSink.get();
2930              if (pipe != NULL) {
2931                  pipe->setAvgFrames((mScreenState & 1) ?
2932                          (pipe->maxFrames() * 7) / 8 : mNormalFrameCount * 2);
2933              }
2934          }
2935          ssize_t framesWritten = mNormalSink->write((char *)mSinkBuffer + offset, count);
2936          ATRACE_END();
2937          if (framesWritten > 0) {
2938              bytesWritten = framesWritten * mFrameSize;
2939  #ifdef TEE_SINK
2940              mTee.write((char *)mSinkBuffer + offset, framesWritten);
2941  #endif
2942          } else {
2943              bytesWritten = framesWritten;
2944          }
2945      // otherwise use the HAL / AudioStreamOut directly
2946      } else {
2947          // Direct output and offload threads
2949          if (mUseAsyncWrite) {
2950              ALOGW_IF(mWriteAckSequence & 1, "threadLoop_write(): out of sequence write request");
2951              mWriteAckSequence += 2;
2952              mWriteAckSequence |= 1;
2953              ALOG_ASSERT(mCallbackThread != 0);
2954              mCallbackThread->setWriteBlocked(mWriteAckSequence);
2955          }
2956          // FIXME We should have an implementation of timestamps for direct output threads.
2957          // They are used e.g for multichannel PCM playback over HDMI.
2958          bytesWritten = mOutput->write((char *)mSinkBuffer + offset, mBytesRemaining);
2960          if (mUseAsyncWrite &&
2961                  ((bytesWritten < 0) || (bytesWritten == (ssize_t)mBytesRemaining))) {
2962              // do not wait for async callback in case of error of full write
2963              mWriteAckSequence &= ~1;
2964              ALOG_ASSERT(mCallbackThread != 0);
2965              mCallbackThread->setWriteBlocked(mWriteAckSequence);
2966          }
2967      }
2969      mNumWrites++;
2970      mInWrite = false;
2971      mStandby = false;
2972      return bytesWritten;
2973  }
4. threadLoop_write
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