batman batctl 命令使用方法

# batctl - B.A.T.M.A.N. advanced control and management tool                 #


Why do I need batctl ? B.A.T.M.A.N. advanced operates on layer 2 and thus all
hosts participating in the virtual switch are completely transparent for all
protocols above layer 2. Therefore the common diagnosis tools do not work as
expected. To overcome these problems batctl was created. At the moment batctl
contains ping, traceroute, tcpdump and interfaces to the kernel module

How does it work ?

batctl uses the debugfs/batman_adv/bat0/socket device provided by the B.A.T.M.A.N.
advanced kernel module to inject custom icmp packets into the data flow. That's why
ping and traceroute work almost like their IP based counterparts. Tcpdump was
designed because B.A.T.M.A.N. advanced encapsulates all traffic within batman
packets, so that the normal tcpdump would not recognize the packets.

The bat-hosts file

This file is simliar to the /etc/hosts file. You can write one MAC address and
one host name per line. batctl will analyze the file to find the matching MAC
address to your provided host name. Host names are much easier to remember than
MAC addresses.  ;)

batctl statistics

The batman-adv kernel module maintains a number of traffic counters which are exported
to user space. With batctl these counters can be easily retrieved. The output may vary
depending on which features have been compiled into the kernel module. For example, if
the distributed arp table (short: dat) wasn't selected as an option at compile time
its counters won't be shown.
Each module subsystem has its own counters which are indicated by their prefixes:
 * mgmt - mesh protocol counters
 * tt - translation table counters
 * dat - distributed arp table counters
All counters without a prefix concern payload (pure user data) traffic.

Usage: batctl statistics


$ batctl statistics
        tx: 14
        tx_bytes: 1316
        tx_errors: 0
        rx: 14
        rx_bytes: 1316
        forward: 0
        forward_bytes: 0
        mgmt_tx: 18
        mgmt_tx_bytes: 762
        mgmt_rx: 17
        mgmt_rx_bytes: 1020
        tt_request_tx: 0
        tt_request_rx: 0
        tt_response_tx: 0
        tt_response_rx: 0
        tt_roam_adv_tx: 0
        tt_roam_adv_rx: 0
        dat_request_tx: 0
        dat_request_rx: 0
        dat_reply_tx: 1
        dat_reply_rx: 0

batctl translate

Translates a destination (hostname, IPv4, IPv6, MAC, bat_host-name) to the
originator mac address responsible for it.

Usage: batctl translate mac|bat-host|host-name|IP-address


$ batctl translate
$ batctl translate 02:ca:fe:af:fe:01
$ batctl translate
$ batctl translate fe:fe:00:00:09:01
$ batctl translate 2001::1

batctl ping

Sends a Layer 2 batman-adv ping to check round trip time and connectivity

Usage: batctl ping [parameters] mac|bat-host|host-name|IP-address
         -c ping packet count
         -h print this help
         -i interval in seconds
         -t timeout in seconds
         -T don't try to translate mac to originator address
         -R record route


$ batctl ping fe:fe:00:00:09:01
PING fe:fe:00:00:09:01 (fe:fe:00:00:09:01) 19(47) bytes of data
19 bytes from fe:fe:00:00:09:01 icmp_seq=1 ttl=43 time=8.74 ms
19 bytes from fe:fe:00:00:09:01 icmp_seq=2 ttl=43 time=7.48 ms
19 bytes from fe:fe:00:00:09:01 icmp_seq=3 ttl=43 time=8.23 ms
^C--- fe:fe:00:00:09:01 ping statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 7.476/8.151/8.743/1.267 ms

batctl traceroute

Traceroute sends 3 packets to each hop, awaits the answers and prints out the
response times.

Usage: batctl traceroute [parameters] mac|bat-host|host-name|IP-address


$ batctl traceroute fe:fe:00:00:09:01
traceroute to fe:fe:00:00:09:01 (fe:fe:00:00:09:01), 50 hops max, 19 byte packets
 1: fe:fe:00:00:02:01 4.932 ms  2.338 ms  1.333 ms
 2: fe:fe:00:00:03:01 6.860 ms  1.579 ms  1.260 ms
 3: fe:fe:00:00:04:01 2.342 ms  1.547 ms  1.655 ms
 4: fe:fe:00:00:05:01 2.906 ms  2.211 ms  2.253 ms
 5: fe:fe:00:00:06:01 3.577 ms  2.687 ms  3.088 ms
 6: fe:fe:00:00:07:01 4.217 ms  5.741 ms  3.551 ms
 7: fe:fe:00:00:08:01 5.017 ms  5.547 ms  4.294 ms
 8: fe:fe:00:00:09:01 5.730 ms  4.970 ms  6.437 ms

batctl tcpdump

tcpdump layer 2 and/or layer 3 traffic on the given interface

Usage: batctl tcpdump [parameters] interface [interface]
         -c compat filter - only display packets matching own compat version (14)
         -h print this help
         -n don't convert addresses to bat-host names
         -p dump specific packet type
         -x dump all packet types except specified
packet types:
                  1 - batman ogm packets
                  2 - batman icmp packets
                  4 - batman unicast packets
                  8 - batman broadcast packets
                 16 - batman unicast tvlv packets
                 32 - batman fragmented packets
                 64 - batman tt / roaming packets
                128 - non batman packets
                129 - batman ogm & non batman packets

tcpdump supports standard interfaces as well as raw wifi interfaces running in monitor mode.

Example output for tcpdump:

$ batctl tcpdump mesh0
01:51:42.401188 BAT kansas: OGM via neigh kansas, seqno 6718, tq 255, ttl 50, v 9, flags [..I], length 28
01:51:42.489735 BAT kansas: OGM via neigh wyoming, seqno 6718, tq 245, ttl 49, v 9, flags [.D.], length 28
01:51:42.510330 BAT wyoming: OGM via neigh wyoming, seqno 6721, tq 255, ttl 50, v 9, flags [..I], length 28
01:51:42.601092 BAT wyoming: OGM via neigh kansas, seqno 6721, tq 245, ttl 49, v 9, flags [.D.], length 28
01:51:43.361076 BAT kansas > wyoming: ICMP echo request, id 0, seq 1, ttl 1, v 9, length 19
01:51:43.365347 BAT wyoming > kansas: ICMP echo reply, id 0, seq 1, ttl 50, v 9, length 19
01:51:43.372224 BAT kansas > wyoming: ICMP echo request, id 0, seq 2, ttl 1, v 9, length 19
01:51:43.376506 BAT wyoming > kansas: ICMP echo reply, id 0, seq 2, ttl 50, v 9, length 19
01:51:43.381250 BAT kansas: OGM via neigh kansas, seqno 6719, tq 255, ttl 50, v 9, flags [..I], length 28
01:51:43.386281 BAT kansas > wyoming: ICMP echo request, id 0, seq 3, ttl 1, v 9, length 19
01:51:43.387910 BAT wyoming > kansas: ICMP echo reply, id 0, seq 3, ttl 50, v 9, length 19
01:51:43.479503 BAT kansas: OGM via neigh wyoming, seqno 6719, tq 245, ttl 49, v 9, flags [.D.], length 28
01:51:43.509899 BAT wyoming: OGM via neigh wyoming, seqno 6722, tq 255, ttl 50, v 9, flags [..I], length 28
01:51:43.600999 BAT wyoming: OGM via neigh kansas, seqno 6722, tq 245, ttl 49, v 9, flags [.D.], length 28
01:51:44.381064 BAT kansas: OGM via neigh kansas, seqno 6720, tq 255, ttl 50, v 9, flags [..I], length 28

batctl bisect_iv

Analyzes the B.A.T.M.A.N. IV logfiles to build a small internal database of all sent sequence
numbers and routing table changes. This database can be used to search for routing loops
(default action), to trace OGMs of  a  host  (use  "-t"  to specify  the  mac address or
bat-host name) throughout the network or to display routing tables of the nodes (use "-r" to
specify the mac address or bat-host name). You can name a specific sequence number or a range
using the "-s"  option  to limit the output's range. Furthermore you can filter the output by
specifying an originator (use "-o" to specify the mac address or bat-host name) to only see
data connected to  this  originator.  If  "-n"  was given batctl will not replace the mac
addresses with bat-host names in the output.

Usage: batctl bisect_iv [parameters] <file1> <file2> .. <fileN>
         -h print this help
         -l run a loop detection of given mac address or bat-host (default)
         -n don't convert addresses to bat-host names
         -r print routing tables of given mac address or bat-host
         -s seqno range to limit the output
         -t trace seqnos of given mac address or bat-host


$ batctl bisect_iv log/* -l uml3
Analyzing routing tables of originator: uml3 [all sequence numbers]

Checking host: uml3
Path towards uml7 (seqno 9 via neigh uml5): -> uml5 -> uml6
Path towards uml7 (seqno 10 via neigh uml4): -> uml4 -> uml5 -> uml6
Path towards uml6 (seqno 4 via neigh uml4): -> uml4
Path towards uml8 (seqno 12 via neigh uml4): -> uml4 -> uml5 -> uml6 -> uml7
Path towards uml8 (seqno 203 via neigh uml4): -> uml4 -> uml6 -> uml7
Path towards uml8 (seqno 391 via neigh uml2): -> uml2 -> uml3 -> uml2 aborted due to loop!
Path towards uml8 (seqno 396 via neigh uml4): -> uml4 -> uml6 -> uml7
Path towards uml9 (seqno 10 via neigh uml5): -> uml5 -> uml6 -> uml7 -> uml9.
Path towards uml9 (seqno 10 via neigh uml4): -> uml4 -> uml5 -> uml6 -> uml7 -> uml9.
Path towards uml9 (seqno 11 via neigh uml4): -> uml4 -> uml6 -> uml7 -> uml8 -> uml9.
Path towards uml9 (seqno 12 via neigh uml4): -> uml4 -> uml5 -> uml6 -> uml7 -> uml8 -> uml9.
Path towards uml9 (seqno 21 via neigh uml5): -> uml5 -> uml6 -> uml7 -> uml8 -> uml9.
Path towards uml9 (seqno 22 via neigh uml4): -> uml4 -> uml5 -> uml6 -> uml7 -> uml8 -> uml9.

$ ./batctl bisect_iv -t uml3 log/*

Sequence number flow of originator: uml3 [all sequence numbers]
+=> uml3 (seqno 19)
|- uml2 [tq: 255, ttl: 50, neigh: uml3, prev_sender: uml3]
|   |- uml3 [tq: 154, ttl: 49, neigh: uml2, prev_sender: uml3]
|   \- uml1 [tq: 154, ttl: 49, neigh: uml2, prev_sender: uml3]
|       |- uml3 [tq: 51, ttl: 48, neigh: uml1, prev_sender: uml2]
|       \- uml2 [tq: 51, ttl: 48, neigh: uml1, prev_sender: uml2]
|- uml5 [tq: 255, ttl: 50, neigh: uml3, prev_sender: uml3]
|   |- uml6 [tq: 33, ttl: 48, neigh: uml5, prev_sender: uml3]
|   |   |- uml5 [tq: 11, ttl: 47, neigh: uml6, prev_sender: uml5]
|   |   |- uml7 [tq: 11, ttl: 47, neigh: uml6, prev_sender: uml5]
|   |   |   |- uml8 [tq: 3, ttl: 46, neigh: uml7, prev_sender: uml6]
|   |   |   |   |- uml6 [tq: 0, ttl: 45, neigh: uml8, prev_sender: uml7]
|   |   |   |   |- uml9 [tq: 0, ttl: 45, neigh: uml8, prev_sender: uml7]
|   |   |   |   \- uml7 [tq: 0, ttl: 45, neigh: uml8, prev_sender: uml7]
|   |   |   |- uml6 [tq: 3, ttl: 46, neigh: uml7, prev_sender: uml6]
|   |   |   |- uml9 [tq: 3, ttl: 46, neigh: uml7, prev_sender: uml6]
|   |   |   \- uml5 [tq: 3, ttl: 46, neigh: uml7, prev_sender: uml6]
|   |   \- uml4 [tq: 11, ttl: 47, neigh: uml6, prev_sender: uml5]
|   |- uml7 [tq: 33, ttl: 48, neigh: uml5, prev_sender: uml3]
|   \- uml4 [tq: 33, ttl: 48, neigh: uml5, prev_sender: uml3]
\- uml4 [tq: 255, ttl: 50, neigh: uml3, prev_sender: uml3]
    |- uml3 [tq: 106, ttl: 49, neigh: uml4, prev_sender: uml3]
    |- uml6 [tq: 106, ttl: 49, neigh: uml4, prev_sender: uml3]
    |- uml2 [tq: 106, ttl: 49, neigh: uml4, prev_sender: uml3]
    \- uml5 [tq: 106, ttl: 49, neigh: uml4, prev_sender: uml3]
+=> uml3 (seqno 20)
|- uml2 [tq: 255, ttl: 50, neigh: uml3, prev_sender: uml3]
|   |- uml3 [tq: 160, ttl: 49, neigh: uml2, prev_sender: uml3]
|   |- uml1 [tq: 160, ttl: 49, neigh: uml2, prev_sender: uml3]
|   \- uml4 [tq: 160, ttl: 49, neigh: uml2, prev_sender: uml3]
|- uml5 [tq: 255, ttl: 50, neigh: uml3, prev_sender: uml3]
|   |- uml3 [tq: 43, ttl: 48, neigh: uml5, prev_sender: uml3]
|   |- uml6 [tq: 43, ttl: 48, neigh: uml5, prev_sender: uml3]
|   |   |- uml8 [tq: 16, ttl: 47, neigh: uml6, prev_sender: uml5]
|   |   |- uml5 [tq: 16, ttl: 47, neigh: uml6, prev_sender: uml5]
|   |   |- uml7 [tq: 16, ttl: 47, neigh: uml6, prev_sender: uml5]
|   |   |   |- uml8 [tq: 5, ttl: 46, neigh: uml7, prev_sender: uml6]
|   |   |   |   |- uml6 [tq: 0, ttl: 45, neigh: uml8, prev_sender: uml7]
|   |   |   |   |- uml9 [tq: 0, ttl: 45, neigh: uml8, prev_sender: uml7]
|   |   |   |   \- uml7 [tq: 0, ttl: 45, neigh: uml8, prev_sender: uml7]
|   |   |   \- uml6 [tq: 5, ttl: 46, neigh: uml7, prev_sender: uml6]
|   |   \- uml4 [tq: 16, ttl: 47, neigh: uml6, prev_sender: uml5]
|   \- uml4 [tq: 43, ttl: 48, neigh: uml5, prev_sender: uml3]
|- uml1 [tq: 255, ttl: 50, neigh: uml3, prev_sender: uml3]
|   \- uml2 [tq: 49, ttl: 48, neigh: uml1, prev_sender: uml3]
\- uml4 [tq: 255, ttl: 50, neigh: uml3, prev_sender: uml3]
    |- uml3 [tq: 114, ttl: 49, neigh: uml4, prev_sender: uml3]
    |- uml6 [tq: 114, ttl: 49, neigh: uml4, prev_sender: uml3]
    |- uml2 [tq: 114, ttl: 49, neigh: uml4, prev_sender: uml3]
    \- uml5 [tq: 114, ttl: 49, neigh: uml4, prev_sender: uml3]

batctl originators

Check the Originators table

Usage: batctl originators|o


$ batctl originators
[B.A.T.M.A.N. adv 2011.4.0, MainIF/MAC: eth0/fe:fe:00:00:01:01 (bat0)]
  Originator      last-seen (#/255)           Nexthop [outgoingIF]:   Potential nexthops ...
fe:fe:00:00:08:01    0.820s   (194) fe:fe:00:00:02:01 [      eth0]: fe:fe:00:00:03:01 ( 65) fe:fe:00:00:02:01 (194)
fe:fe:00:00:03:01    0.980s   (245) fe:fe:00:00:02:01 [      eth0]: fe:fe:00:00:03:01 ( 81) fe:fe:00:00:02:01 (245)
fe:fe:00:00:05:01    0.140s   (221) fe:fe:00:00:02:01 [      eth0]: fe:fe:00:00:03:01 ( 76) fe:fe:00:00:02:01 (221)
fe:fe:00:00:04:01    0.010s   (235) fe:fe:00:00:02:01 [      eth0]: fe:fe:00:00:02:01 (235) fe:fe:00:00:03:01 ( 81)
fe:fe:00:00:09:01    0.830s   (187) fe:fe:00:00:02:01 [      eth0]: fe:fe:00:00:03:01 ( 63) fe:fe:00:00:02:01 (187)
fe:fe:00:00:06:01    0.830s   (213) fe:fe:00:00:02:01 [      eth0]: fe:fe:00:00:03:01 ( 71) fe:fe:00:00:02:01 (213)
fe:fe:00:00:02:01    0.240s   (255) fe:fe:00:00:02:01 [      eth0]: fe:fe:00:00:03:01 ( 81) fe:fe:00:00:02:01 (255)
fe:fe:00:00:07:01    0.670s   (200) fe:fe:00:00:02:01 [      eth0]: fe:fe:00:00:03:01 ( 68) fe:fe:00:00:02:01 (200)

Since 2014.1.0, each batman interface has an individual originator table as well which is only used for routing.
These table explain to which neighbor a packet is forwarded when the packet is received on the specified interface.


$ batctl originators -i eth0

[B.A.T.M.A.N. adv master-b82b9b2, IF/MAC: eth0/fe:f0:00:00:02:01 (bat0 BATMAN_IV)]
  Originator      last-seen (#/255)           Nexthop [outgoingIF]:   Potential nexthops ...
fe:f1:00:00:03:01    0.170s   (255) fe:f1:00:00:03:01 [      eth1]: fe:f1:00:00:03:01 (255)
fe:f1:00:00:01:01    0.510s   (253) fe:f1:00:00:01:01 [      eth1]: fe:f1:00:00:01:01 (253)
fe:f0:00:00:05:01    0.660s   (222) fe:f1:00:00:03:01 [      eth1]: fe:f0:00:00:03:01 (198) fe:f1:00:00:03:01 (222)
fe:f0:00:00:03:01    0.560s   (252) fe:f1:00:00:03:01 [      eth1]: fe:f1:00:00:03:01 (252) fe:f0:00:00:03:01 (240)
fe:f0:00:00:04:01    0.250s   (240) fe:f1:00:00:03:01 [      eth1]: fe:f1:00:00:03:01 (240) fe:f0:00:00:03:01 (211)
fe:f0:00:00:01:01    0.850s   (255) fe:f1:00:00:01:01 [      eth1]: fe:f1:00:00:01:01 (255) fe:f0:00:00:01:01 (238)


$ batctl originators -i eth1
[B.A.T.M.A.N. adv master-b82b9b2, IF/MAC: eth1/fe:f1:00:00:02:01 (bat0 BATMAN_IV)]
  Originator      last-seen (#/255)           Nexthop [outgoingIF]:   Potential nexthops ...
fe:f1:00:00:03:01    0.880s   (240) fe:f1:00:00:03:01 [      eth1]: fe:f1:00:00:03:01 (240)
fe:f1:00:00:01:01    0.250s   (239) fe:f1:00:00:01:01 [      eth1]: fe:f1:00:00:01:01 (239)
fe:f0:00:00:05:01    0.340s   (211) fe:f1:00:00:03:01 [      eth1]: fe:f0:00:00:03:01 (210) fe:f1:00:00:03:01 (211)
fe:f0:00:00:03:01    0.260s   (253) fe:f0:00:00:03:01 [      eth0]: fe:f1:00:00:03:01 (240) fe:f0:00:00:03:01 (253)
fe:f0:00:00:04:01    0.010s   (225) fe:f0:00:00:03:01 [      eth0]: fe:f1:00:00:03:01 (224) fe:f0:00:00:03:01 (225)
fe:f0:00:00:01:01    0.510s   (255) fe:f0:00:00:01:01 [      eth0]: fe:f1:00:00:01:01 (240) fe:f0:00:00:01:01 (255)

batctl interface

display or modify the interface settings

Usage: batctl interface|if [add|del iface(s)]


$  batctl interface
eth0: active

batctl interval

display or modify the originator interval in ms

Usage: batctl orig_interval|it [interval]


$ batctl interval

batctl log

read the log produced by the kernel module

Usage: batctl log|l


$ batctl log
[       400] Received BATMAN packet via NB: fe:fe:00:00:02:01 IF: eth0 [fe:fe:00:00:01:01] (from OG: fe:fe:00:00:01:01 via prev OG: fe:fe:00:00:01:01 seqno 670, tq 245, TTL 49, V 8, IDF 1)
[       400] Drop packet: originator packet from myself (via neighbour)
[       400] Received BATMAN packet via NB: fe:fe:00:00:02:01 IF: eth0 [fe:fe:00:00:01:01] (from OG: fe:fe:00:00:02:01 via prev OG: fe:fe:00:00:02:01 seqno 545, tq 255, TTL 50, V 8, IDF 0)
[       400] updating last_seqno: old 544, new 545
[       400] bidirectional: orig = fe:fe:00:00:02:01 neigh = fe:fe:00:00:02:01 => own_bcast = 64, real recv = 64, local tq: 255, asym_penalty: 255, total tq: 255
[       400] update_originator(): Searching and updating originator entry of received packet
[       400] Updating existing last-hop neighbour of originator

batctl loglevel

display or modify the log level

Usage: batctl loglevel|ll [level]


$  batctl loglevel
[x] all debug output disabled (none)
[ ] messages related to routing / flooding / broadcasting (batman)
[ ] messages related to route added / changed / deleted (routes)
[ ] messages related to translation table operations (tt)
[ ] messages related to bridge loop avoidance (bla)
[ ] messages related to arp snooping and distributed arp table (dat)
[ ] messages related to network coding (nc)
[ ] messages related to multicast (mcast)

batctl nc_nodes

display the neighbor nodes considered for network coded packets

Usage: batctl nc_nodes|nn


Node:      fe:fe:00:0a:01:01
 Ingoing:  fe:fe:00:0a:01:01 fe:fe:00:0a:02:01
 Outgoing: fe:fe:00:0a:01:01 fe:fe:00:0a:02:01

- Node is the neighbor
- Ingoing is the neighbors this neighbor can hear packets from
- Outgoing is the neighbors that can hear packets from this neighbor

batctl network_coding

display or modify the network coding setting

Usage: batctl network_coding|nc [0|1]

Note that network coding requires a working promiscuous mode on all interfaces.

batctl multicast_mode

display or modify the multicast mode setting

Usage: batctl multicast_mode|mm [0|1]

batctl mcast_flags

display local and remote multicast flags

Usage batctl mcast_flags|mf


Multicast flags (own flags: [U46])
* Bridged [U]                           U
* No IGMP/MLD Querier [4/6]:            ./.
* Shadowing IGMP/MLD Querier [4/6]:     4/6
       Originator Flags
02:04:64:a4:39:c1 [U..]
02:04:64:a4:39:c2 [U..]
02:04:64:a4:39:c3 [...]

- Originator: the MAC address of the originating (primary interface)
        batman-adv node
- Flags: multicast flags of the according node
- U: wants all unsnoopable multicast traffic, meaning other nodes need to always
    forward any multicast traffic destined to ff02::1 or to it
- 4: wants all IPv4 multicast traffic, meaning other nodes need to always
    forward any IPv4 multicast traffic to it
- 6: wants all IPv6 multicast traffic, meaning other nodes need to always
    forward any IPv6 multicast traffic to it

If a node does not have multicast optimizations available (e.g. old batman-adv
version or optimizations not compiled in), therefore not announcing any
multicast tvlv/flags, a '-' will be displayed instead of '[...]'.

batctl aggregation

display or modify the packet aggregation setting

Usage: batctl aggregation|ag [0|1]

batctl isolation_mark

display or modify the isolation mark.
This value is used by Extended Isolation feature.

Usage: batctl isolation_mark|mark $value[/0x$mask]

Example 1: batctl mark 0x00000001/0xffffffff
Example 2: batctl mark 0x00040000/0xffff0000
Example 3: batctl mark 16
Example 4: batctl mark 0x0f

batctl translocal

display the local translation table

Usage: batctl translocal|tl


$ batctl translocal
Locally retrieved addresses (from bat0) announced via TT (TTVN: 1):
 * fe:fe:00:00:01:01 [RPNXW]

In particular, RPNXW are flags which have the following meanings:

- R/Roaming: this client moved to another node but it is still kept for
        consistency reasons until the next OGM is sent.
- P/noPurge: this client represents the local soft interface and will never
        be deleted.
- N/New: this client has recently been added but is not advertised in the
        mesh until the next OGM is sent (for consistency reasons).
- X/delete: this client has to be removed for some reason, but it is still
        kept for consistency reasons until the next OGM is sent.
- W/Wireless: this client is connected to the node through a wireless

If any of the flags is not enabled, a '.' will substitute its symbol.

batctl transglobal

display the global translation table

Usage: batctl transglobal|tg


Globally announced TT entries received via the mesh bat0
   Client         (TTVN)     Originator        (Curr TTVN) Flags
 * fe:fe:00:00:01:01  ( 12) via fe:fe:00:00:01:02       ( 50) [RXW]

- TTVN: is the translation-table-version-number which introduced this
- Curr TTVN: is the translation-table-version-number currently advertised by
        the originator serving this client (different clients
        advertised by the same originator have the same Curr TTVN)
- Flags that mean:
    - R/Roaming: this client moved to another node but it is still kept
            for consistency reasons until the next OGM is sent.
    - X/delete: this client has to be removed for some reason, but it is
            still kept for consistency reasons until the next
            OGM is sent.
    - W/Wireless: this client is connected to the node through a
            wireless device.

If any of the flags is not enabled, a '.' will substitute its symbol.

batctl dat_cache

display the local D.A.T. cache

Usage batctl dat_cache|dc


Distributed ARP Table (bat0):
          IPv4             MAC           last-seen
 * b6:9b:d0:ea:b1:13      0:00

- IPv4 is the IP address of a client in the mesh network
- MAC is the MAC address associated to that IP
- last-seen is the amount of time since last refresh of this entry

batctl and network name spaces

The batman-adv kernel module is netns aware. Mesh instances can be
created in name spaces, and interfaces in that name space added to the
mesh. The mesh interface cannot be moved between name spaces, as is
typical for virtual interfaces.

The following example creates two network namespaces, and uses veth
pairs to connect them together into a mesh of three nodes.

EMU1="ip netns exec emu1"
EMU2="ip netns exec emu2"

ip netns add emu1
ip netns add emu2

ip link add emu1-veth1 type veth peer name emu2-veth1
ip link set emu1-veth1 netns emu1
ip link set emu2-veth1 netns emu2

$EMU1 ip link set emu1-veth1 name veth1
$EMU2 ip link set emu2-veth1 name veth1

$EMU1 ip link set veth1 up
$EMU2 ip link set veth1 up

ip link add emu1-veth2 type veth peer name veth2
ip link set emu1-veth2 netns emu1
$EMU1 ip link set emu1-veth2 name veth2

$EMU1 ip link set veth2 up
ip link set veth2 up

$EMU1 batctl if add veth1
$EMU1 batctl if add veth2
$EMU1 ip link set bat0 up

$EMU2 batctl if add veth1
$EMU2 ip link set bat0 up

batctl if add veth2
ip link set bat0 up

alfred and batadv-vis can also be used with name spaces. In this
example, only netns has been used, so there are no filesystem name
spaces. Hence the unix domain socket used by alfred needs to be given
a unique name per instance.

($EMU1 alfred -m -i bat0 -u /var/run/emu1-alfred.soc) &
($EMU2 alfred -m -i bat0 -u /var/run/emu2-alfred.soc) &
alfred -m -i bat0 &

($EMU1 batadv-vis -s -u /var/run/emu1-alfred.soc) &
($EMU2 batadv-vis -s -u /var/run/emu2-alfred.soc) &
batadv-vis -s &

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