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原创 来追梦F1003 编程求解1+2+3+...+n


2023-03-22 16:44:25 414

原创 P1220 关路灯 区间dp

#include<bits/stdc++.h>using namespace std;const int maxn = 1005; int dp[maxn][maxn][2], x[maxn],w[maxn] ,n,c, sum[maxn]; int main(){ cin >> n>>c; memset(dp, 0x3f, sizeof(dp)); for(int i=1; i<=n; i++) { cin >>x[

2022-02-24 19:24:16 286

原创 最大食物链计数(拓扑排序)

最大食物链计数题目背景你知道食物链吗?Delia 生物考试的时候,数食物链条数的题目全都错了,因为她总是重复数了几条或漏掉了几条。于是她来就来求助你,然而你也不会啊!写一个程序来帮帮她吧。题目描述给你一个食物网,你要求出这个食物网中最大食物链的数量。 (这里的“最大食物链”,指的是生物学意义上的食物链,即最左端是不会捕食其他生物的生产者,最右端是不会被其他生物捕食的消费者。) Delia 非常急,所以你只有 111 秒的时间。 由于这个结果可能过大,你只需要输出总数模上 80112002801120

2022-01-26 14:23:41 234

原创 1808: 地铁 湖南省第十二届大学生计算机程序设计竞赛

来追梦DescriptionBobo 居住在大城市 ICPCCamp。ICPCCamp 有 n 个地铁站,用 1,2,…,n 编号。 m 段双向的地铁线路连接 n 个地铁站,其中第 i 段地铁属于 ci 号线,位于站 ai,bi 之间,往返均需要花费 ti 分钟(即从 ai 到 bi 需要 ti 分钟,从 bi 到 ai 也需要 ti 分钟)。众所周知,换乘线路很麻烦。如果乘坐第 i 段地铁来到地铁站 s,又乘坐第 j 段地铁离开地铁站 s,那么需要额外花费 |ci-cj | 分钟。注意,换乘只能在

2022-01-25 20:54:44 255

原创 2018 Multi-University Training Contest 7 Age of Moyu

Age of Moyu来追梦Problem DescriptionMr.Quin love fishes so much and Mr.Quin’s city has a nautical system,consisiting of N ports and M shipping lines. The ports are numbered 1 to N. Each line is occupied by a Weitian. Each Weitian has an identification numb

2022-01-25 20:48:04 1336

原创 Triangles三角形牧场


2021-12-07 20:05:12 744

原创 Sleepy Cow Sorting犯困的奶牛排序(思维)


2021-12-07 19:51:06 274

原创 Mad Scientist 疯狂的科学家(水题)


2021-12-05 09:01:07 455

原创 Shell Game坚果游戏(模拟)


2021-12-04 09:51:44 562

原创 Guess the Animal猜动物(暴力)


2021-12-04 08:51:39 540

原创 problem D Space Golf(枚举)

题目链接:点击打开链接文章转载自:xuanqis.comDescriptionYou surely have never heard of this new planet surface exploration scheme, as it is being carried out in a project with utmost secrecy. The scheme is ex...

2021-05-30 14:29:54 177

原创 olaindex设置id和secret没有显示


2020-03-01 21:57:14 1034

原创 Kotlin plugin should be enabled before 'kotlin-android-extensions'

Kotlin plugin should be enabled before 'kotlin-android-extensions'在另一台电脑没有这个问题。'kotlin-android'需要放在'kotlin-android-extensions'的前面

2020-01-08 00:52:37 14631 2

原创 瓦力打包NullPointerException

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.* What went wrong:A problem occurred configuring project ':app'.> java.lang.NullPointerException (no error message)* Try:Run with --stacktrace option ...

2019-11-11 17:09:03 384

原创 Uri.fromFile和fileprovider得到的uri


2019-11-10 14:58:46 849

原创 Activity class {......aimath.activity.LaunchActivity} does not exist.

1. clean project 然后重启android studio,build project,再运行。2. 终端运行 gradlew uninstallAll卸载掉

2019-11-05 09:54:10 309

原创 flutter移动端向web端移植

项目中使用的flutter1.7.8版本中还未将web端与移动端进行统一,所以将web端与移动端分为两个项目。在包方面Web端与移动端在package方面主要的差异有移动端使用Flutter的包,web端使用flutter_web包 移动端能够使用的dart:io包在web端使用不了,web有个io.dart用来替代dart:io,因为flutter对web的支持时间还比较短,其中...

2019-11-04 11:22:11 1168

原创 工作必须掌握的git命令

一、代码提交之前的pull及冲突解决还没有commit:通过git stash save "save message"将自己写的东西存起来。 通过git pull --rebase拉取代码并将自己放在最新,rebase和merge的区别可以另外了解下。 通过git stash pop或者 git stash apply将保存的恢复,其中pop是直接删掉这个stash,apply是不...

2019-11-04 11:21:59 136

原创 湖南师范大学2018年大学生程序设计竞赛新生赛 I 巨巨的提问

链接:https://www.nowcoder.com/acm/contest/127/I来源:牛客网文章转载自:xuanqis.com题目描述盼成巨巨是511的学神! 有一天,宇鑫大佬在玩硬币,将硬币摆成一排,巨巨走过来看了一眼,向宇鑫大佬提出问题:“假如显示出正面的硬币为’(‘,反面的硬币为‘)’我可以将一段区间的括号同时翻转(‘(’<---->‘)’),至少需...

2019-11-04 11:21:48 453


题目链接点击打开链接文章转载自:xuanqis.comDescriptionOpen-pit mining is a surface mining technique of extracting rock or minerals from the earth by their removal from an open pit or borrow. Open-pit mines are u...

2019-11-04 11:21:15 653

原创 2099: Flipping Parentheses

题目链接:点击打开链接文章转载自:xuanqis.com转载注明出处…DescriptionA string consisting only of parentheses ‘(’ and ‘)’ is called balanced if it is one of the following.A string “()” is balanced.Concatenation...

2019-11-04 11:20:53 179

原创 South Pacific Divisionals Bake Off

题目链接:点击打开链接文章转载自:xuanqis.comDescriptionDavy decided to start a weekend market stall where he sells his famous cakes. For the first market stall, Davy decided to bake n cakes. Each cake is des...

2019-11-04 11:20:28 201

原创 HDU6214 Smallest Minimum Cut (最大流SAP)

题目链接:点击打开链接文章转载自:xuanqis.comdescriptionConsider a network G=(V,E) with source s and sink t. An s-t cut is a partition of nodes set V into two parts such that s and t belong to different parts...

2019-11-04 11:20:00 209

原创 There is No Alternative(prim及kluskal)

题目链接:点击打开链接文章转载自:xuanqis.comDescriptionICPC (Isles of Coral Park City) consist of several beautiful islands.The citizens requested construction of bridges between islands to resolve inconve...

2019-10-30 22:52:18 439

原创 poj1459Power Network(最大流EK算法)

题目链接:点击打开链接文章转载自:xuanqis.comDescriptionA power network consists of nodes (power stations, consumers and dispatchers) connected by power transport lines. A node u may be supplied with an amoun...

2019-10-30 22:51:51 127

原创 poj1743 Musical Theme 后缀数组

题目链接:点击打开链接文章转载自:xuanqis.comDescription:A musical melody is represented as a sequence of N (1<=N<=20000)notes that are integers in the range 1..88, each representing a key on the piano....

2019-10-30 09:45:05 190

原创 贝壳找房算数(中等)

题目链接:点击打开链接文章转载自xuanqis.com描述贝壳找房力求为每位用户找到满意的房子,最近贝壳找房通过大数据得出下面的一个结论,求满足0<i,j<=n,f(i) * f(j)>0,且0 < gcd(f(i),f(j)) <= k的数对 (i,j)的数量,其中满足条件的对数就是可以满足某位用户的房源数目。其中 f(x)表示 x 所有数位的积,比如...

2019-10-30 00:22:10 2029

原创 2018 中国大学生程序设计竞赛宁夏网络赛clever king

文章转载自:xuanqis.com题目链接:计蒜客Description:In order to increase the happiness index of people's lives, King Y has decided to develop the manufacturing industry vigorously. There are total n kinds of ...

2019-10-30 00:20:49 1060

原创 Asia Regional Contest, Tokyo, 2014 Shopping

文章转载自:xuanqis.com题目链接:点击打开链接DescriptionYour friend will enjoy shopping. She will walk through a mall along a straight street, where N individual shops (numbered from 1 to N) are aligned at re...

2019-10-30 00:20:19 222

原创 牛客Wannafly挑战赛15-数字串

文章转载自:xuanqis.com题目链接:点击打开链接来源:牛客网题目描述:一个只含数字的字符串,q次操作,每次操作将第i位数字改为x,每次操作后,统计长度在[l, r]之间且首数字大于尾数字的子串的个数。输入描述:第一行一个只含数字的字符串;第二行3个整数q, l, r;接下来q行,每行两个整数i, x。输出描述:输出q行,每行一个整数,表示长度在[l...

2019-10-30 00:19:27 186

原创 Problem A Artwork

题目链接:点击打开链接A template for an artwork is a white grid of n × m squares. The artwork will be created by painting q horizontal and vertical black strokes. A stroke starts from square(x1, y1), ends ...

2019-10-30 00:17:36 283

原创 Barareh on Fire

链接:点击打开链接DescriptionThe Barareh village is on fire due to the attack of the virtual enemy. Several places are already on fire and the fire is spreading fast to other places. Khorzookhan who is the...

2019-10-30 00:17:21 183

原创 Column Addition(动态规划)

链接:点击打开链接A multi-digit column addition is a formula on adding two integers written like this:A multi-digit column addition is written on the blackboard, but the sum is not necessarily correct. ...

2019-10-30 00:16:52 262

原创 Failed assertion: line 1681 pos 12: 'hasSize'

内外两个组件都能够滚动,而且外面的这个size跟着内部的变化,就会出问题。 玄学问题,热重载一直报错,关掉重新启动问题没了。

2019-10-25 16:25:17 13251

原创 使用Builder解决多处setState刷新出现的问题


2019-10-24 21:34:50 1565

原创 && 和 || 哪个优先级高

&amp;&amp; 优先级高#include&lt;iostream&gt;using namespace std; int main(){ cout&lt;&lt;(1 || 1 &amp;&amp; 0);} 输出1若||优先级高则先执行1||1 = 1, 再1&amp;&amp;0=0,输出0;而&amp;&amp;优先级高先执行1&amp;&amp;0 = 0,再1||0

2018-04-12 17:44:21 8273 1



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