实战:监控sqlserver 2008 R2群集状态


declare @OutputType varchar(20)
declare @debug char(1)
declare @ForceRefresh char(1)
declare  @xp_cmdshell_available char(1)

set @OutputType='LIST'
set  @Debug= 'Y'
set  @ForceRefresh= 'Y'
set  @xp_cmdshell_available = 'Y'

  set nocount on
declare @id int
declare @id2 int
declare @Line varchar(300)
declare @CurrentCmd varchar(30)
declare @Cmd varchar(300)
declare @Node varchar(100)
declare @Resource varchar(100)
declare @Status varchar(20)
declare @i int
declare @Group varchar(100)
declare @Num varchar(10)
declare @ClusterID int
declare @tmp int
declare @ThisGroupsCurrentNode varchar(100)
declare @DoneClusterName char(1)
declare @RunningOnACluster char(1)
declare @Line2 varchar(300)
declare @SQLName sysname
declare @WindowsMachineName sysname
declare @PreferredServer sysname
declare @SQL varchar(4100)
declare @FailCnt int
declare @PreferredServers int
declare @z int
declare @CurrentSQLServerGroup sysname
declare @CurrentSQLServer sysname
declare @QuorumResource varchar(300)
declare @CreatedTempTables char(1)
declare @LoopGroup varchar(300)
declare @PreferredServerExists char(1)
if @Debug = 'Y' print convert(varchar(30),getdate(),109) + ': ' + object_name(@@procid) + ' started.'
select @DoneClusterName = 'N'

if lower(@OutputType) in ('q', 'quick', 's', 'summary', 'sum') select @OutputType = 'Quick'
else if lower(@OutputType) in ('l', 'list') select @OutputType = 'List'
 select @Cmd = 'Error in ' + object_name(@@procid) +
   ': @OutputType parameter must be ''Quick'' or ''List'', not ''' +
   isnull(@OutputType,'<null>') + '''.'
 raiserror 50001 @Cmd

if UPPER(@xp_cmdshell_available) in ('Y','')
 SET @xp_cmdshell_available = 'Y'
 SET @xp_cmdshell_available = 'N'
if @Debug = 'Y' print convert(varchar(30),getdate(),109) + ': Calling Spot_CheckCluster...'
select @FailCnt = 0, @PreferredServers = 0


--declare @LocalTable table(result int, ErrorCode int)
--insert into @LocalTable
-- execute QS_SoSS58_CheckCmdShell
--if 1 <> (select count(*) from @LocalTable where result = 1)

  if (0 = (select value_in_use from sys.configurations where name = 'xp_cmdshell'))
 set @xp_cmdshell_available = 'N'
 select @RunningOnACluster = case when convert(int,serverproperty('IsClustered')) = 1 then 'Y' else 'N' end
  set @SQLName = convert(sysname,serverproperty('ServerName'))
  set @WindowsMachineName = convert(sysname,serverproperty('MachineName'))
if @Debug = 'Y' print convert(varchar(30),getdate(),109) + ': 创建临时表...'
create table #w3
(id int identity,
 ParentID int null,
 Type varchar(20) null,
 Name sysname null,
 OtherData sysname null,
 Status varchar(20) null,
 Comment varchar(255) null,
 PreferredServerExists char(1),
 RunningOnPreferredServer char(1) null,
 ControlsTheCurrentSQLServer char(1) null,
 TakeOfflineCmd char(1) null,
 BringOnlineCmd char(1) null,
 MoveGroupCmd char(1) null,
 StopMSCSCmd char(1) null,
 StartMSCSCmd char(1) null,
 RunningOnServer sysname null,
 Sequencer smallint null
create table #w4 (id int identity(1,1), group_name varchar(255) NULL)

create table #CmdOutput
id int identity,
OutputLine varchar(255) null
create unique clustered index #PK_CmdOutput on #CmdOutput(id)
select @CreatedTempTables = 'Y'

if @RunningOnACluster = 'N'
 if @Debug = 'Y' print convert(varchar(30),getdate(),109) + ': 非群集 - 退出...'
 goto OutputData

if UPPER(@xp_cmdshell_available) = 'N'
 if @Debug = 'Y' print convert(varchar(30),getdate(),109) + ': xp_cmdshell不可用 - 退出...'
 goto OutputData


if @OutputType = 'List' 
 Select @Cmd = 'echo Cluster Name & cluster /ver | findstr "Name" & cluster node & cluster group & cluster resource & cluster /quorum'
 select @Cmd = 'cluster node & cluster group & cluster resource'

if @Debug = 'Y' print convert(varchar(30),getdate(),109) + ': 运行系统的群集命令: ' + @Cmd
insert into #CmdOutput with (tablockx) (OutputLine)
  exec xp_cmdshell @Cmd
if @Debug = 'Y' print convert(varchar(30),getdate(),109) + ': 系统命令结束...'
if @Debug = 'Y' select OutputLine from #CmdOutput order by id
if @Debug = 'Y' print convert(varchar(30),getdate(),109) + ': 解释数据...'
select @CurrentCmd = 'none'

select @id = 0
while 1 = 1
 if @Debug = 'Y' print convert(varchar(30),getdate(),109) + ': - 开始获取下一条记录...'
 select @id = min(id)
 from #CmdOutput
 where id > @id
  and OutputLine not like '-------%'
  and isnull(OutputLine,'') <> ''
  and OutputLine <> char(13)
 if @@rowcount = 0 or @id is null break
 select @Line = replace(replace(OutputLine,char(13),' '), char(12), ' ')
 from #CmdOutput
 where id = @id
 if @@rowcount = 0 break
 if @Debug = 'Y' print convert(varchar(30),getdate(),109) + ': - 获得下一条记录...'
 select @Node = '', @Group = '', @Resource = '', @Status = '', @tmp = 0,
  @Line2 = @Line
 select @Line = replace(@Line, 'Online Pending', 'OnlinePending')
 select @Line = replace(@Line, 'Offline Pending', 'OfflinePending')
 if @Line like 'Listing status for%'
 or @Line like 'Quorum Resource Name%'
  select @CurrentCmd = 'none'

 if @Debug = 'Y' print convert(varchar(30),getdate(),109) + ':  @CurrentCmd = ' + @CurrentCmd
 if @CurrentCmd <> 'none'

  if @CurrentCmd = 'clusterlist'
  and @OutputType = 'List'  
   select @Line = LTRIM(RTRIM(SUBSTRING(@Line,14,999)))
   insert into #w3 with (tablockx) (ParentID, Type, Name, Status, Sequencer)
    select 0, @CurrentCmd, @Line, '', 10
   select @CurrentCmd = 'none', @ClusterID = @@identity
   insert into #w3 with (tablockx) (ParentID, Type, Name, Status, Sequencer)
    select @ClusterID, 'Groups', 'Groups', '', 20
   insert into #w3 with (tablockx) (ParentID, Type, Name, Status, Sequencer)
    select @ClusterID, 'Servers', 'Servers', '', 60
   select @DoneClusterName = 'Y'
  if @CurrentCmd = 'nodelist'
   if @Debug = 'Y' print convert(varchar(30),getdate(),109) + ':   - ' + @CurrentCmd + ' text scan...'
   select @Node = substring(@Line,1,charindex(' ', @Line)),
    @Line = ltrim(substring(@Line, charindex(' ', @Line), 999))
   select @Num = substring(@Line,1,charindex(' ', @Line)),
    @Line = ltrim(substring(@Line, charindex(' ', @Line), 999))
   select @Status = substring(@Line,1,charindex(' ', @Line))
   if @Debug = 'Y' print convert(varchar(30),getdate(),109) + ':   - ' + @CurrentCmd + ' lookup...'
   select @tmp = id from #w3
   where Type = 'Servers'
   if @Debug = 'Y' print convert(varchar(30),getdate(),109) + ':   - ' + @CurrentCmd + ' insert(1)...'
   insert into #w3 with (tablockx) (ParentID, Type, Name, Status, Sequencer)
   values (@tmp, 'Node', @Node, @Status, 70)
   select @tmp = @@identity
   if @Debug = 'Y' print convert(varchar(30),getdate(),109) + ':   - ' + @CurrentCmd + ' insert(2&3)...'
   insert into #w3 with (tablockx) (ParentID, Type, Name, OtherData, Status, Sequencer)
   values (@tmp, 'NodeGroups', 'Active Groups', @Node, '', 80)
  if @CurrentCmd = 'grouplist'
   select @Line = LTRIM(RTRIM(REVERSE(@Line)))
   select @Status = LTRIM(RTRIM(REVERSE(substring(@Line,1,charindex(' ', @Line))))),
    @Line = ltrim(substring(@Line, charindex(' ', @Line), 999))
   if @Status = 'Online' and REVERSE(LTRIM(RTRIM(SUBSTRING(@Line,1,9)))) = 'Partially'
    select @Status = LTRIM(RTRIM(REVERSE(substring(@Line,1,charindex(' ', @Line))))) + ' ' + @Status,
    @Line = ltrim(substring(@Line, charindex(' ', @Line), 999))
   select @Node = LTRIM(RTRIM(REVERSE(substring(@Line,1,charindex(' ', @Line))))),
    @Line = ltrim(substring(@Line, charindex(' ', @Line), 999))
   select @Group = REVERSE(LTRIM(RTRIM(@Line)))
   select @tmp = id from #w3
   where Type = 'Groups'
   insert into #w4 with (tablockx) (group_name) SELECT @Group
   insert into #w3 with (tablockx) (ParentID, Type, Name, OtherData, Status, RunningOnServer, Sequencer)
   select @tmp, 'Group', @Group, @Node, @Status, @Node, 30
   select @tmp = @@identity
   insert into #w3 with (tablockx) (ParentID, Type, Name, OtherData, Status, Sequencer)
   select @tmp, 'GroupResources', 'Resources', @Group, '', 40
   insert into #w3 with (tablockx) (ParentID, Type, Name, OtherData, Status, Sequencer)
   select @tmp, 'PreferredServers', 'Preferred Servers', @Group, '', 45
   select @tmp = id from #w3
   where Type = 'NodeGroups'
    and OtherData = @Node
   if @@rowcount = 0 select @tmp = 0
   insert into #w3 with (tablockx) (ParentID, Type, Name, OtherData, Status, Sequencer)
   select @tmp, 'NodeGroup', @Group, @Node, @Status, 90
  if @CurrentCmd = 'resourcelist'
  and @OutputType = 'List' 
   --  We need to parse this in reverse order
   select @Line = ltrim(rtrim(reverse(@Line)))
   select @Status = substring(@Line,1,charindex(' ', @Line)),
    @Line = ltrim(substring(@Line, charindex(' ', @Line), 999))
   select @Node = substring(@Line,1,charindex(' ', @Line)),
    @Line = ltrim(substring(@Line, charindex(' ', @Line), 999))
   select @id2 = 0
   while 1 = 1
    select @id2 = id, @LoopGroup = RTRIM(LTRIM(group_name)) from #w4 where id = (select min(id) from #w4 where id > @id2)
    if @@ROWCOUNT = 0
     SELECT @LoopGroup = ''
    if @LoopGroup = RTRIM(LTRIM(REVERSE(SUBSTRING(@Line,1,DataLength(@LoopGroup)))))
     select @Group = @LoopGroup
   SELECT @Line = ltrim(substring(@Line, DATALENGTH(@LoopGroup) + 1, 999))
   select @Resource = @Line
   select  @Status = ltrim(rtrim(reverse(@Status))),
    @Node = ltrim(rtrim(reverse(@Node))),
    @Resource = ltrim(rtrim(reverse(@Resource)))
   select @tmp = id from #w3
   where Type = 'GroupResources'
    and OtherData = @Group
   if @@rowcount = 0 select @tmp = 0
   insert into #w3 with (tablockx) (ParentID, Type, Name, Status, OtherData, RunningOnServer, Sequencer)
   select @tmp, 'GroupResource', @Resource, @Status, @Group, @Node, 50
   select @tmp = id from #w3
   where Type = 'NodeGroup'
    and Name = @Group
    and OtherData = @Node
   if @@rowcount = 0 select @tmp = 0
   insert into #w3 with (tablockx) (ParentID, Type, Name, Status, OtherData, Sequencer)
   select @tmp, 'NodeGroupRes', @Resource, @Status, substring(@Node + '\' + @Group,1,100), 100
  if @CurrentCmd = 'quorum'
  and @OutputType = 'List' 
   select @QuorumResource = @Line
 select @Line = @Line2
 if @Line = 'Cluster Name'
  select @CurrentCmd = 'clusterlist'
 if @Line like 'Node%Node%ID%Status%'
  if @DoneClusterName = 'N'
   Select @Line = 'CLUSTER' 
   select @DoneClusterName = 'Y'
   if @Debug = 'Y' print convert(varchar(30),getdate(),109) + ': 没有群集名用 - 使用默认值 ''' + @Line + '''...'
   goto ClusterList
  select @CurrentCmd = 'nodelist'
 if @Line like 'Group%Node%Status%'
  select @CurrentCmd = 'grouplist'
 if @Line like 'Resource%Group%Node%Status%'
  select @CurrentCmd = 'resourcelist'
 if @Line like 'Quorum%Resource%Name%'
  select @CurrentCmd = 'quorum'

if @Debug = 'Y' print convert(varchar(30),getdate(),109) + ': 收集首选服务器...'
select @id = 0
while 1 = 1
 delete from #CmdOutput with (tablockx)
 select @Group = rtrim(Name), @id = id, @ThisGroupsCurrentNode = OtherData
 from #w3
 where Type = 'Group'
  and id > @id
 order by id desc
 if @@rowcount = 0 break
 select @tmp = id from #w3
 where Type = 'PreferredServers'
  and OtherData = @Group
 if @@rowcount = 0 select @tmp = 0
 if @Debug = 'Y' print convert(varchar(30),getdate(),109) + ': 开始进程ID ' + convert(varchar(5), @tmp) + ' ...'
 select @Cmd = 'cluster group "' + @Group + '" /listowners'
 insert into #CmdOutput (OutputLine)
 exec xp_cmdshell @Cmd

 declare PScsr cursor for
 select OutputLine
 from #CmdOutput
 where isnull(OutputLine,'') <> ''
  and OutputLine <> char(13)
  and OutputLine not like 'Preferred Owner Nodes%'
  and OutputLine not like '--------%'
  and OutputLine not like 'Listing preferred%'
 order by id
 open PScsr
 select @z = 0
 while 1 = 1
  fetch PScsr into @Cmd
  if @@fetch_Status <> 0 break
  select @z = @z + 1
  insert into #w3 with (tablockx) (ParentID, Type, Name, OtherData, Status, Sequencer)
  select @tmp, 'PreferredServer', replace(@Cmd,char(13),''), @Group, '', 50 + @z
 close PScsr
 deallocate PScsr
 if @z = 0
  if @Debug = 'Y' print convert(varchar(30),getdate(),109) + '        : 没有首选的服务器组发现 "' + @Group + '" - 分配所有服务器...'
  insert into #w3 with (tablockx) (ParentID, Type, Name, OtherData, Status, Sequencer, PreferredServerExists)
  select @tmp, 'PreferredServer', @ThisGroupsCurrentNode, @Group, '', 51, 'N'
  insert into #w3 with (tablockx) (ParentID, Type, Name, OtherData, Status, Sequencer, PreferredServerExists)
  select @tmp, 'PreferredServer', Name, @Group, '', 52, 'N'
  from #w3
  where Type = 'Node'
  and Name <> @ThisGroupsCurrentNode
  If @Debug = 'Y' print convert(varchar(30),getdate(),109) + '        ... 检查组"' + @Group + '"是否在首选服务器上运行'
  select @tmp = 0
  select @tmp = node.id
  from #w3 curr,
   #w3 node
  where curr.Type = 'Group'
   and curr.Name = @Group
   and curr.Name = node.OtherData
   and node.Type = 'PreferredServer'
   and curr.OtherData = node.Name
  select @PreferredServer = node.Name, @PreferredServerExists = node.PreferredServerExists
  from #w3 node
  where node.Type = 'PreferredServer'
   and node.OtherData = @Group
  order by id desc
  if exists (select 1
    from #w3
    where Type = 'PreferredServer'
     and OtherData = @Group
     and id < @tmp)
   select @PreferredServers = @PreferredServers + 1
   if @OutputType = 'List'
    If @Debug = 'Y' print convert(varchar(30),getdate(),109) + '        --- 未在首选的服务器上运行'
    update #w3 with (tablockx)
    set RunningOnPreferredServer = 'N',
      Comment =
     Case @PreferredServerExists
      when 'N' then 'No preferred server has been set.'
      else 'Warning: Not running on preferred server (' + isnull(@PreferredServer,'<null>') + ').'
    where id = @id
    and Status = 'Online'
     update b
    set RunningOnPreferredServer = a.RunningOnPreferredServer,
     Comment = a.Comment
    from #w3 a
     join #w3 b
     on a.id = @id
     and b.Type = 'NodeGroup'
     and b.Name = @Group
    where  a.id = @id
    and b.Type = 'NodeGroup'
    and b.Name = @Group
 if @Debug = 'Y' print convert(varchar(30),getdate(),109) + ': 完成进程ID'
select @CurrentSQLServerGroup = null
if @OutputType = 'List'
 if @Debug = 'Y' print convert(varchar(30),getdate(),109) + ': 设置优选服务器状态...'
 update ps
 set Status = node.Status
 from #w3 ps join #w3 node
  on node.Type = 'Node'
    and ps.Type = 'PreferredServer'
    and node.Name = ps.Name
 if @Debug = 'Y' print convert(varchar(30),getdate(),109) + ': 收集当前的SQL Server依赖...'
 select @id = 0
 while 1 = 1
  delete from #CmdOutput with (tablockx)
  select @Resource = rtrim(Name), @Group = rtrim(OtherData), @id = id
  from #w3
  where Type = 'GroupResource'
   and id > @id
  order by id desc
  if @@rowcount = 0 break
  select @Cmd =  'cluster resource "' + @Resource + '" /prop:type' +
    ' & ' +
    'cluster resource "' + @Resource + '" /priv:name'
  insert into #CmdOutput with (tablockx) (OutputLine)
  exec xp_cmdshell @Cmd
  if exists (select 1 from #CmdOutput
    where OutputLine like '%Type%Network Name%')
   if exists (select 1 from #CmdOutput
     where replace(OutputLine,char(13),'') + '    ' like '%  ' + @WindowsMachineName + '   %')
    select @CurrentSQLServerGroup = @Group
 select @CurrentSQLServer = null
 select @CurrentSQLServer = OtherData
 from #w3
 where Type = 'NodeGroup'
  and Name = @CurrentSQLServerGroup
 if @Debug = 'Y' print convert(varchar(30),getdate(),109) + ': SQL Server 组是: ' + isnull(@CurrentSQLServerGroup,'<null>') +
    ',运行在节点: ' + isnull(@CurrentSQLServer,'<null>')
 update #w3 with (tablockx)
 set ControlsTheCurrentSQLServer = 'Y'
 where Type = 'clusterlist'
   or (Type in ('Group', 'NodeGroup') and Name in (@CurrentSQLServerGroup, @CurrentSQLServer))
   or (Type in ('Node') and Name = @CurrentSQLServer)
   or ((OtherData = @CurrentSQLServerGroup or OtherData like '%\' + @CurrentSQLServerGroup)
  and Name not like '%SQL Server Agent%'
  and Name not like '%SQL Server Fulltext%'
  and Name not like '%MSDTC%')
 update #w3 with (tablockx)
 set ControlsTheCurrentSQLServer = 'N'
 where ControlsTheCurrentSQLServer is null
 update #w3 with (tablockx)
 set  TakeOfflineCmd = case when Type in ('Group', 'NodeGroup', 'GroupResource', 'NodeGroupRes') and Status in('Online', 'Partially', 'Pending') and ControlsTheCurrentSQLServer = 'N'
      then 'Y'
      else 'N'
  BringOnlineCmd = case when Type in ('Group', 'NodeGroup', 'GroupResource', 'NodeGroupRes') and Status in ('Offline', 'Failed', 'Partially', 'Partially Online') and ControlsTheCurrentSQLServer = 'N'
      then 'Y'
      else 'N'
  MoveGroupCmd = case when Type in ('Group', 'NodeGroup') and ControlsTheCurrentSQLServer = 'N'
      then 'Y'
      else 'N'
  StopMSCSCmd = 'N',
  StartMSCSCmd = 'N'
 update #w3 with (tablockx)
 set Comment = '没有可用的群集节点.'
 where Type in ('Node', 'PreferredServer')
  and isnull(Status, '') <> 'Up'
  and isnull(Comment,'') = ''  

 update #w3 with (tablockx)
 set Comment = '警告: 群集 ' +
    case  when Type like '%Res%' then '资源'
     when Type like '%Group%' then '组'
     else Type
    end + ' offline.'
 where Status = 'Offline'
  and isnull(Comment,'') = ''  
 update #w3 with (tablockx)
 set Comment = '警告: 群集组包括一些脱机资源.'
  where Status like '%Partial%'
  and isnull(Comment,'') = ''  
 update #w3 with (tablockx)
 set Comment = '群集资源失败.'
 where Status like '%Failed%'
  and isnull(Comment,'') = ''  
 update #w3 with (tablockx)
 set Comment = '<== 仲裁资源',
  TakeOfflineCmd = 'N'
 where @QuorumResource like Name + '%'
  and isnull(Comment,'') = ''  
 update #w3 with (tablockx)
 set Comment = '<== 当前的SQL Server组'
 where Name = @CurrentSQLServerGroup
  and isnull(Comment,'') = ''  

if @Debug = 'Y' print convert(varchar(30),getdate(),109) + ': 输出数据...'

if @OutputType = 'List'

 if @RunningOnACluster = 'N'
  insert into #w3 with (tablockx) (ParentID, Type, Name, Status, Comment)
  select 0, 'Msg', '非群集', '', 'SQL Server 没有运行在一个群集服务器上!'
 else if UPPER(@xp_cmdshell_available) = 'N'
  insert into #w3 with (tablockx) (ParentID, Type, Name, Status, Comment)
  select 0, 'Msg', '非群集', '', '不能使用xp_cmdshell. 没有数据可用!'
 select id   as 'ID',
  ParentID   as 'ParentID',
  Type   as 'Type',
  Name  as 'Name',
   isnull(case Status when 'Partially' then 'Partially Online' else Status end,''),
   'OnlinePending', 'Online Pending'), 'OfflinePending', 'Offline Pending') as 'Status',
  isnull(Comment,'') as 'Comment',
  isnull(OtherData,'') as 'OtherData',
  case  when Type in ('Group', 'NodeGroup') and RunningOnPreferredServer = 'N' then '警告'
   when Status in ('Up', 'Online', '') then 'OK'
   when Status = 'Offline' then '警告'
   when Status like 'Partially%' then '警告'
   when Status like '%Pending%' then '警告'
   when Status in('Down', 'Failed') then '错误'
   else 'Unknown'
  end     as 'IconFlag',
  isnull(TakeOfflineCmd,'N')   as 'TakeOfflineCmd',
  isnull(BringOnlineCmd,'N')   as 'BringOnlineCmd',
  isnull(MoveGroupCmd,'N')   as 'MoveGroupCmd',
  isnull(StopMSCSCmd,'N')   as 'StopMSCSCmd',
  isnull(StartMSCSCmd,'N')   as 'StartMSCSCmd',
  isnull(RunningOnPreferredServer,'N') as 'RunningOnPreferredServer',
  ControlsTheCurrentSQLServer  as 'ControlsTheCurrentSQLServer',
  isnull(RunningOnServer,'')   as 'RunningOnServer',
  case  when Type in ('PreferredServer', 'Node') then
    case  when Status in ('Up', 'Online') then 'Y'
      else 'N'
   else 'N'
  end       as 'CanAcceptMove'
 from #w3
 order by Sequencer, Name
 if @RunningOnACluster = 'N' goto Output2
 select @FailCnt = count(*)
 from #w3
 where Type = 'Node'
  and Status <> 'Up'

 select  1 as 'ID',
  case @RunningOnACluster when 'Y' then 1 else 0 end as 'IsClusteredServer',
  isnull(@FailCnt,0) as 'DownServerCnt',
  isnull(@PreferredServers,0) as 'PreferredServers'
set nocount on
if @Debug = 'Y' print convert(varchar(30),getdate(),109) + ': 开始清除...'
if @CreatedTempTables = 'Y'
 drop table #w3
 drop table #CmdOutput
 drop table  #w4
if @Debug = 'Y' print convert(varchar(30),getdate(),109) + ': ' + object_name(@@procid) + ' ended.'








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