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DirectX修复工具最新版:DirectX Repair V4.1 标准版 NEW!


大小: 30.7MB/7z格式压缩,101MB/zip格式压缩 ,231MB/解压后

其他版本:增强版 在线修复版




DirectX Repair.exe校验码(校验工具下载):








下载地址3(免积分,提取码: s6we):




其他语言版/Other languages:繁体中文,English




DirectX修复工具(DirectX Repair)是一款系统级工具软件,简便易用。本程序为绿色版,无需安装,可直接运行。

本程序的主要功能是检测当前系统的DirectX状态,如果发现异常则进行修复。程序主要针对0xc000007b问题设计,可以完美修复该问题(详情请参见我的博客《运行游戏时出现0xc000007b错误的解决方法》,其他用途请参见我的博客《让作者告诉你DirectX修复工具到底能解决什么问题》)。本程序中包含了最新版的DirectX redist(Jun2010),并且全部DX文件都有Microsoft的数字签名,安全放心。


本程序适用于多个操作系统,如Windows XP(需先安装.NET 2.0,详情请参阅“致Windows XP用户.txt”文件)、Windows Vista、Windows 7、Windows 8、Windows 8.1、Windows 8.1 Update、Windows 10,同时兼容32位操作系统和64位操作系统。本程序会根据系统的不同,自动调整任务模式,无需用户进行设置。








程序的“选项”对话框中包含了7项高级功能。点击"常规”选项卡可以调整程序的基本运行情况,包括日志记录、安全级别控制、调试模式开启等。只有开启调试模式后才能在C++修复失败时显示详细错误信息,并提示用户进行手动修复。在“高级”选项卡中,可以控制C++的修复模式,默认为智能模式,即当程序检测到系统中C++存在问题时提示修复,否则不提示。强制检测模式下,程序将总是检查C++的情况,即使在C++已经正常或没有C++数据包时。默认不勾选模式与智能模式基本相同,只是修复C++的箭头默认处于不勾选状态,需要用户手动勾选后才会进行修复。不提示异常模式,只对标准版或在线修复版生效,即在常规检测后不再提示可能导致0xc000007b错误的C++异常。不检测模式,不再检测C++的状态,程序将只进行DirectX的检测与修复。C++强力修复功能,通过全新的代码设计,彻底改善对于顽固异常文件的处理,极大提高修复成功率。API Sets强力修复功能,参照了DirectX文件的精细修复方式,极大地改善了修复失败的情况。请仅在正常修复无效时再启用这两项强力修复功能。在“注册”选项卡中,程序可以自动注册系统文件夹下的所有dll文件。该项功能不仅能修复DirectX的问题,还可以修复系统中很多其他由于dll未注册而产生的问题,颇为实用。点击该按钮旁边的小箭头,还可以注册任意指定文件夹下的dll文件,方便用户对绿色版、硬盘版的程序组件进行注册。点击第二个按钮可以为dll文件的右键菜单添加“注册”和“卸载”项,方便对单独的dll文件进行注册。请注意,并不是所有的dll文件都可以通过这种方式注册。点击“扩展”选项卡可以将任意版本的程序扩展成增强版。点击“DirectX版本”选项卡,可以自行修改系统中DirectX的版本信息。点击“DirectX加速”选项卡可以控制系统中DirectX加速的开启与关闭。如果显卡驱动异常(包括显卡驱动未安装或显卡驱动太旧),程序会在该页面右上角进行提示。在“实验室”选项卡中,用户可以控制是否允许更新为最新的测试版程序,以及在更新后的数据包更新策略。



本程序的通用版基于Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0开发,对于Windows 2000、Windows XP、Windows 2003的用户需要首先安装.NET Framework 2.0或更高版本方可运行本程序。有关下载和安装的详细信息请参阅“致Windows XP用户.txt”文件。对于Windows Vista、Windows 7、Windows 8、Windows 10及后续用户,可以直接运行本程序。



新增支持API Sets文件从服务器下载功能。如果用户首次开启API Sets强力修复功能,且当前程序包中不含修复所需文件时,程序将会自动从服务器下载文件,避免了手动下载给用户所带来的困扰。

优化了本程序所需.NET运行库支持情况。从V4.1版起将不再提供DirectX_Repair_win8_win10.exe程序,而是通过兼容模式实现DirectX Repair.exe一个程序兼容所有操作系统,减小用户的使用难度。
优化了对于c++ 2013的支持。开启强力修复后,程序将自动检查当前系统是否拥有安装该版本的证书,如果没有则自动安装,避免了可能的安装失败的情况。
优化了API Sets数据包的大小。程序使用了全新的代码对文件进行修复,因此修复数据包的体积可大幅减小,减少了用户的等待时间。



------------------------------------------------------------Dividing Line--------------------------------------------------------------

DirectX Repair: DirectX Repair V4.1 Standard Edition NEW!

Version: V4.1.0.30770

Size: 30.7MB/7z,101MB/zip ,231MB/Decompressed

Other editions: Enhanced Edition,Online Edition

Licence type: Free

Language: English/Simplified Chinese/Traditional Chinese




Note:This is the offical blog & website for DirectX Repair. All the updates and technical support can be found in this page. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact with me by E-mail, or just comment below. Thank you.

Download Link 1:


Download Link 2:


Download Link 3:


Download Link 4:


Download Link 5 (password: s6we):


Download Link 6 (NOT available yet):


Software Description

DirectX Repair is a system-level assistant programme which is designed for addressing the problems in DirectX. This programme is installation free and can run directly under Windows OS. The main function of this programme is to check the possible errors under the DirectX, especially the 0xc000007b problems, and then fix them. This programme consists of the latest version of DirectX Redist (Jun2010), and all the DX files have the digital signatures from Microsoft. In this case, the security of this programme can be guaranteed.

To be friendlier with the inexperienced users, this programme is designed to repair all the underlying issues by just clicking one button. Once the users click the button Check and Repair on the main form, the programme will finish verification, checking, downloading, repairing and registering automatically, without any further participation from the users, which reduces the difficulty of operating this software. Besides, this programme will notify the users of Direct Acceleration exceptions after the normal repairing processes.

This programme is suitable for multiple Windows OS, such as Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 8.1 Update and Windows 10, and both 32-bit and 64-bit systems are supported. The programme can detect the version of the system and the bit of system automatically, and repair the necessary files accordingly. No manual settings are required.

DirectX Repair V4.1 provides three different editions of programmes; for example, Standard Edition, Enhanced Edition and Online Edition. All editions can repair DirectX, while the Enhanced Edition can extra repair c++ components. The Online Edition is similar to the Standard Edition, but the files for repairing are not included in Online Edition. Consequently, Internet connection is required when it is repairing the files. The executables are exactly the same between each edition. What makes their differences is the data package that they include. In this context, the Standard and Online Edition could be extended to Enhance Edition if new data packages are added. From V3.5 on, DirectX Repair supports a new feature called Extending. The Extending page can be found from the sub-menu "Option" under the menu "Tool". The extending process requires Internet connection. The new data packages will be activated automatically after the successful extending. The time for extending varies from a few seconds to a few minutes according to the Internet speed. In some special cases, extending process might be blocked by firewalls. This can be solved by switching the downloading mode to a secured link by clicking the lock icon located in the top left corner of Extending page.

From V2.0 on, DirectX Repair has updated the foundation of the programme with multithread programming technologies. The new design provides separated tasks for checking, downloading and repairing, which means that each task can perform individually without interfering between each other. The programme also improves the verification mechanism, so there will not be any errors during the verification process; however, this does not mean that the programme cancels the verification, so the security level remains the same as previous versions.

The programme supports updating C++ components. Since most software requires the assistance of C++ while running and the exceptions in C++ might also lead to 0xc000007b errors, the programme will examine C++ during the checking process. From V3.2 on, DirectX Repair starts to employ new c++ packages, and it can significantly increase the rate of successful repairing, especially for the industrial software. Such C++ repairing is only available for Enhanced Edition. The Standard and Online Edition will inform the users to switch to Enhanced Edition if the programme finds that there might be possible errors from the exceptional C++ components (not from missed c++ components). Besides the normal repairing, the programme now supports C++ enhanced repairing. You can enable "C++ enhanced repairing" from the Option Dialogue if normal repairing is invalid. Please be aware that this function is experimental and should only be used when normal repairing is not successful.

There are two types of form styles, which are normal style and simple style respectively. Normal style is the default style, and it is suitable for most users. Simple style is a simplified form, and only the most basic elements will be shown. In this style, checking and repairing will be implemented automatically, and the programme will quit in 10 seconds after completing all the processes. This design is to provide an easy operation for some labour sensitive users, and this style is easy to be integrated in other games or software to achieve the goal of human-involved free repairing. The simple style can be enabled by following steps: open the file "Settings.ini" under the programme folder (this file can be created manually if there is no such file under the folder); change the value of "FormStyle" to "Simple"; save the file and this feature is then enabled.

The programme can be called from command line, and it can accept commands from command line. The commands can be added just after the path. There are 7 types of commands, which are language commands, form style commands, security level commands, enhanced repairing commands, C++ repairing configuration commands, Direct Acceleration configuration commands, and copyright commands respectively. The detailed commands can be acquired by adding "/help" or "/?" after the normal path.

This programme also provides a feature called Advanced Filter. With this feature, the users can select which files are needed to be repaired, so the unnecessary repairing could be avoided. Meanwhile, the programme can also realize Advanced Filter by creating an auxiliary file called "Filter.dat" next to the executable. In this auxiliary file, the indexes of the selected files can be written individually in each line. This feature might be only suitable for the experienced users, and it is only available in the normal style.

This programme can record the logs automatically while repairing. Each result is recorded separately with context information. This feature is quite useful especially when the repairing is failed, since the author can analyse the possible reasons from the recorded logs.

There are seven advanced features in the Option dialog. In the General Page, users can change some basic settings that control the operation of the programme, including log record, security level, and debug mode. The programme will notify the users about the details of C++ errors that are failed to be repaired if debug mode is on. Tips will also be given so that the users may repair these errors manually. In the Advanced Page, users can decide the mode of repairing C++ components. The default value is Intelligent, in which the programme will notify the users to repair them only if errors are existed; otherwise, if there are no errors, the programme will not show any information about C++ components. In the Mandatory mode, the programme will always check and repair C++ no matter if there are errors or not. Don't Tick By Default mode is very similar to Intelligent mode, and the only difference between them is this mode will not repair C++ components by default. The users will have to tick the option manually to repair C++ components. Don't Prompt Exceptions means that the programme will not warn the users about the underlying issues existed in C++ components even if they may generate the 0xc000007b error. In the Don't Detect mode, no C++ component will be checked. The programme will only check and repair DirectX components. C++ Enhanced Repairing is a newly designed function which aims to improve the handling of some abnormal files and to increase the success rate. API Sets Enhanced Repairing references the detailed repairing scheme from DirectX files, and it promotes the results of repairing API Sets files. Please be noted that users should enable these enhanced repairing features only when normal repairing is not working. In the Registration Page, the programme will register all the dll files in your system folder automatically by clicking the corresponding button. This feature is not only suitable for the issues caused by DirectX, but also useful for the problems generated by the unregistered dll files. There is a small arrow beside this button, and it is designed to register the dll files in a specified folder. By clicking the button Add Items "Register" And "Unregister" To Dll-file Rght-click Menu, new items will appear in the right-click menu of the dll files. Please note that, not all the dll files can be registered by this method. In the Extending Tab, the programme can be extended to Enhanced Edition from Standard or Online Edition. In the DX Version Tab, the DirectX information can be amended by the users. In the DX Acceleration Tab, the DirectX accelerations can be enabled or disabled. If the graphics card driver is not valid (including not installed or too old), the program will prompt in the upper right corner of the page. In the Lab Tab, users can control the strategy of upgrading the programme.

The new version of programme has embedded the feedback programme, and the repairing results can be sent back to the author with the permit of the end users. The end users can also communicate with the author by the feedback function to address the issues together. The feedback is voluntary and anonymous (if you do not fill in your E-mail address).

From V4.0 on, upgrading function is embedded in the programme. The users can click the button Upgrade in the form About to upgrade to the lasted version. The C++ data packages will also be updated according to the designated strategy. If the auto-upgrading is failed due to any reasons like network or server unreachable, users can go to the official blog of this programme to download the lasted version manually.

This programme is developed by Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0. To the users who are still using Windows 2000, Windows XP and Windows 2003, they need to install Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 or higher versions before they could run this programme. The detailed steps for installing .NET can be found in the file "To Windows XP users.txt". The ones who use Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Windows beyond can run this programme directly on your systems.

The official blog for DirectX Repair can be found by the following link:

All the updates and technical supports can be obtained from this web page.

Update Log:
DirectX Repair V4.1
New Features:
C++ online repairing is available. If any of the C++ components are failed to be repaired during the auto repairing process, users could check the detailed file names in a form. Users could right click on the malfunctioned files and choose the option “repair online” to repair it from repairing cloud. This process requires Internet connections.
API Sets files can be downloaded from the server. If the user enable API Sets enhanced repairing for the first time, the programme will download the required files from the server automatically if they are missing.

Improved Features:
The dependence of required .NET runtime is optimised. From V4.1 on, this programme will no longer provide DirectX_Repair_win8_win10.exe. Instead, DirectX Repair.exe is designed to be compatible with all Windows OS versions to decrease the difficulty of selecting executable for new users.
Some C++ packages are updated. According to the feedbacks from users, C++ 2013 and C++ 2015-2019 packages have been updated to the latest version. New packages have better compatibility and can fix more errors.
The support for C++ 2013 is optimized. The programme will automatically check if the required certificate is existed when the C++ enhanced repairing is enabled. If the certificate is missing, the programme will install it first before repairing it.
The feature of extending is optimized. The programme will check if the required certificate is existed before downloading the target files to avoid any failure from this issue. The new SHA256 signature is supported to enhance the security of the programme.
The feature of commercial use is optimized. This programme is for non-profit personal use only by default. The new commercial authentication provides various methods for individuals and enterprises. The authentication can provide convenient features especially for business users.
The size of API Sets packages is optimized. The code for this feature has been improved; hence the data packages are smaller from this improvement.
The style of verification code in the feedback form is optimized. The new style decreases the size of the programme while enhances the security.
Other detailed improvements.

Fixed Bugs:
A bug that may provide incorrect prompts while upgrading is fixed.
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