
对数似然比(log-likelihood ratio, LLR)测度

假设语音在短时间内可以表示为一个 p p p阶全极点的模型,即
x ( n ) = ∑ i = 1 p a x ( i ) x ( n − i ) + G x u ( n ) x\left( n \right)=\sum\limits_{i=1}^{p}{{{a}_{x}}\left( i \right)x\left( n-i \right)}+{{G}_{x}}u\left( n \right) x(n)=i=1pax(i)x(ni)+Gxu(n)
其中, a x ( i ) {{a}_{x}}\left( i \right) ax(i)为滤波器系数, G x {{G}_{x}} Gx表示滤波器的增益大小, u ( n ) u\left( n \right) u(n)表示单位方差的白噪声。则,对数似然比(log-likelihood ratio, LLR)测度可以表示为
d L L R ( a x , a ˉ x ^ ) = log ⁡ a ˉ x ^ T R x a ˉ x ^ a x T R x a x {{d}_{LLR}}\left( {{\mathbf{a}}_{x}},{{{\mathbf{\bar{a}}}}_{{\hat{x}}}} \right)=\log \frac{\mathbf{\bar{a}}_{{\hat{x}}}^{T}{{\mathbf{R}}_{x}}{{{\mathbf{\bar{a}}}}_{{\hat{x}}}}}{\mathbf{a}_{x}^{T}{{\mathbf{R}}_{x}}{{\mathbf{a}}_{x}}} dLLR(ax,aˉx^)=logaxTRxaxaˉx^TRxaˉx^
其中, a ˉ x = [ 1 , − α x ( 1 ) , − α x ( 2 ) , ⋯   , − α x ( p ) ] T {{\mathbf{\bar{a}}}_{x}}={{\left[ 1,-{{\alpha }_{x}}\left( 1 \right),-{{\alpha }_{x}}\left( 2 \right),\cdots ,-{{\alpha }_{x}}\left( p \right) \right]}^{T}} aˉx=[1,αx(1),αx(2),,αx(p)]T表示干净语音的LPC系数, a ˉ x ^ = [ 1 , − α x ^ ( 1 ) , − α x ^ ( 2 ) , ⋯   , − α x ^ ( p ) ] T {{\mathbf{\bar{a}}}_{{\hat{x}}}}={{\left[ 1,-{{\alpha }_{{\hat{x}}}}\left( 1 \right),-{{\alpha }_{{\hat{x}}}}\left( 2 \right),\cdots ,-{{\alpha }_{{\hat{x}}}}\left( p \right) \right]}^{T}} aˉx^=[1,αx^(1),αx^(2),,αx^(p)]T表示增强语音的LPC系数, R x {{\mathbf{R}}_{x}} Rx表示干净语音的自相关矩阵。


function llr_mean= comp_llr(cleanFile, enhancedFile);

% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
%      Log Likelihood Ratio (LLR) Objective Speech Quality Measure
%     This function implements the Log Likelihood Ratio Measure
%     defined on page 48 of [1] (see Equation 2.18).
%   Usage:  llr=comp_llr(cleanFile.wav, enhancedFile.wav)
%         cleanFile.wav - clean input file in .wav format
%         enhancedFile  - enhanced output file in .wav format
%         llr           - computed likelihood ratio
%         Note that the LLR measure is limited in the range [0, 2].
%  Example call:  llr =comp_llr('sp04.wav','enhanced.wav')
%  References:
%     [1] S. R. Quackenbush, T. P. Barnwell, and M. A. Clements,
%	    Objective Measures of Speech Quality.  Prentice Hall
%	    Advanced Reference Series, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1988,
%	    ISBN: 0-13-629056-6.
%  Authors: Bryan L. Pellom and John H. L. Hansen (July 1998)
%  Modified by: Philipos C. Loizou  (Oct 2006) - limited LLR to be in [0,2]
% Copyright (c) 2006 by Philipos C. Loizou
% $Revision: 0.0 $  $Date: 10/09/2006 $
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------

if nargin~=2
    fprintf('USAGE: LLR=comp_llr(cleanFile.wav, enhancedFile.wav)\n');
    fprintf('For more help, type: help comp_llr\n\n');

[data1, fs1]= audioread(cleanFile);
[data2, fs2]= audioread(enhancedFile);
if ( fs1~= fs2)
    error( 'The two files do not match!\n');

len= min( length( data1), length( data2));
data1= data1( 1: len)+eps;
data2= data2( 1: len)+eps;

IS_dist= llr( data1, data2,fs1);

IS_len= round( length( IS_dist)* alpha);
IS= sort( IS_dist);

llr_mean= mean( IS( 1: IS_len));


function distortion = llr(clean_speech, processed_speech,sample_rate)

% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Check the length of the clean and processed speech.  Must be the same.
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------

clean_length      = length(clean_speech);
processed_length  = length(processed_speech);

if (clean_length ~= processed_length)
    disp('Error: Both Speech Files must be same length.');

% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Global Variables
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------

winlength   = round(30*sample_rate/1000); %240;		   % window length in samples
skiprate    = floor(winlength/4);		   % window skip in samples
if sample_rate<10000
    P           = 10;		   % LPC Analysis Order
    P=16;     % this could vary depending on sampling frequency.
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% For each frame of input speech, calculate the Log Likelihood Ratio
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------

num_frames = clean_length/skiprate-(winlength/skiprate); % number of frames
start      = 1;					% starting sample
window     = 0.5*(1 - cos(2*pi*(1:winlength)'/(winlength+1)));

for frame_count = 1:num_frames
    % ----------------------------------------------------------
    % (1) Get the Frames for the test and reference speech.
    %     Multiply by Hanning Window.
    % ----------------------------------------------------------
    clean_frame = clean_speech(start:start+winlength-1);
    processed_frame = processed_speech(start:start+winlength-1);
    clean_frame = clean_frame.*window;
    processed_frame = processed_frame.*window;
    % ----------------------------------------------------------
    % (2) Get the autocorrelation lags and LPC parameters used
    %     to compute the LLR measure.
    % ----------------------------------------------------------
    [R_clean, Ref_clean, A_clean] = ...
        lpcoeff(clean_frame, P);
    [R_processed, Ref_processed, A_processed] = ...
        lpcoeff(processed_frame, P);
    % ----------------------------------------------------------
    % (3) Compute the LLR measure
    % ----------------------------------------------------------
    numerator   = A_processed*toeplitz(R_clean)*A_processed';
    denominator = A_clean*toeplitz(R_clean)*A_clean';
    distortion(frame_count) = min(2,log(numerator/denominator));
    start = start + skiprate;

function [acorr, refcoeff, lpparams] = lpcoeff(speech_frame, model_order)

% ----------------------------------------------------------
% (1) Compute Autocorrelation Lags
% ----------------------------------------------------------

winlength = max(size(speech_frame));
for k=1:model_order+1
    R(k) = sum(speech_frame(1:winlength-k+1) ...

% ----------------------------------------------------------
% (2) Levinson-Durbin
% ----------------------------------------------------------

a = ones(1,model_order);
for i=1:model_order
    a_past(1:i-1) = a(1:i-1);
    sum_term = sum(a_past(1:i-1).*R(i:-1:2));
    rcoeff(i)=(R(i+1) - sum_term) / E(i);
    a(1:i-1) = a_past(1:i-1) - rcoeff(i).*a_past(i-1:-1:1);

acorr    = R;
refcoeff = rcoeff;
lpparams = [1 -a];


d I S ( a x , a ˉ x ^ ) = G x a ˉ x ^ T R x a ˉ x ^ G ˉ x ^ a x T R x a x + log ⁡ ( G ˉ x ^ G x ) − 1 {{d}_{IS}}\left( {{\mathbf{a}}_{x}},{{{\mathbf{\bar{a}}}}_{{\hat{x}}}} \right)=\frac{{{G}_{x}}\mathbf{\bar{a}}_{{\hat{x}}}^{T}{{\mathbf{R}}_{x}}{{{\mathbf{\bar{a}}}}_{{\hat{x}}}}}{{{{\bar{G}}}_{{\hat{x}}}}\mathbf{a}_{x}^{T}{{\mathbf{R}}_{x}}{{\mathbf{a}}_{x}}}+\log \left( \frac{{{{\bar{G}}}_{{\hat{x}}}}}{{{G}_{x}}} \right)-1 dIS(ax,aˉx^)=Gˉx^axTRxaxGxaˉx^TRxaˉx^+log(GxGˉx^)1
其中, G x {{G}_{x}} Gx表示干净语音的全极点增益, G ˉ x ^ {{\bar{G}}_{{\hat{x}}}} Gˉx^表示增强语音的全极点增益,其中 G x {{G}_{x}} Gx可以表示为
G x = ( r x T a x ) 1 / 2 {{G}_{x}}\text{=}{{\left( \mathbf{r}_{x}^{T}{{\mathbf{a}}_{x}} \right)}^{1/2}} Gx=(rxTax)1/2
其中, r x = [ r x ( 0 ) , r x ( 1 ) , ⋯   , r x ( p ) ] T {{\mathbf{r}}_{x}}={{\left[ {{r}_{x}}\left( 0 \right),{{r}_{x}}\left( 1 \right),\cdots ,{{r}_{x}}\left( p \right) \right]}^{T}} rx=[rx(0),rx(1),,rx(p)]T表示干净语音的自相关,也就是 R x {{\mathbf{R}}_{x}} Rx的第一行。从中可以看出,IS测度表示的是全极点的增益之差,但这也是IS测度的缺点,因为幅度差异对音质的影响最小。


function is_mean= comp_is(cleanFile, enhancedFile);
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
%          Itakura-Saito (IS) Objective Speech Quality Measure
%   This function implements the Itakura-Saito distance measure
%   defined on page 50 of [1] (see Equation 2.26).  See also
%   Equation 12 (page 1480) of [2].
%   Usage:  IS=comp_is(cleanFile.wav, enhancedFile.wav)
%         cleanFile.wav - clean input file in .wav format
%         enhancedFile  - enhanced output file in .wav format
%         IS            - computed Itakura Saito measure
%         Note that the IS measure is limited in the range [0, 100].
%  Example call:  IS =comp_is('sp04.wav','enhanced.wav')
%  References:
%     [1] S. R. Quackenbush, T. P. Barnwell, and M. A. Clements,
%	    Objective Measures of Speech Quality.  Prentice Hall
%	    Advanced Reference Series, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1988,
%	    ISBN: 0-13-629056-6.
%     [2] B.-H. Juang, "On Using the Itakura-Saito Measures for
%           Speech Coder Performance Evaluation", AT&T Bell
%  	    Laboratories Technical Journal, Vol. 63, No. 8,
%	    October 1984, pp. 1477-1498.
%  Authors: Bryan L. Pellom and John H. L. Hansen (July 1998)
%  Modified by: Philipos C. Loizou  (Oct 2006) - limited IS to be in [0,100]
% Copyright (c) 2006 by Philipos C. Loizou
% $Revision: 0.0 $  $Date: 10/09/2006 $

% ----------------------------------------------------------------------

if nargin~=2
    fprintf('USAGE: IS=comp_is(cleanFile.wav, enhancedFile.wav)\n');
    fprintf('For more help, type: help comp_is\n\n');


[data1, fs1]= audioread(cleanFile);
[data2, fs2]= audioread(enhancedFile);
if ( fs1~= fs2)
    error( 'The two files do not match!\n');
len= min( length( data1), length( data2));
data1= data1( 1: len)+eps;
data2= data2( 1: len)+eps;

IS_dist= is( data1, data2,fs1);

IS_len= round( length( IS_dist)* alpha);
IS= sort( IS_dist);

is_mean= mean( IS( 1: IS_len));

function distortion = is(clean_speech, processed_speech,sample_rate)

% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Check the length of the clean and processed speech.  Must be the same.
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------

clean_length      = length(clean_speech);
processed_length  = length(processed_speech);

if (clean_length ~= processed_length)
  disp('Error: Both Speech Files must be same length.');

% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Scale both clean speech and processed speech to have same dynamic
% range.  Also remove DC component from each signal
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------

%clean_speech     = clean_speech     - mean(clean_speech);
%processed_speech = processed_speech - mean(processed_speech);

%processed_speech = processed_speech.*(max(abs(clean_speech))/ max(abs(processed_speech)));

% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Global Variables
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------

%sample_rate = 8000;		   % default sample rate
winlength   = round(30*sample_rate/1000); %240;		   % window length in samples
skiprate    = floor(winlength/4);		   % window skip in samples
if sample_rate<10000
   P           = 10;		   % LPC Analysis Order
    P=16;     % this could vary depending on sampling frequency.
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% For each frame of input speech, calculate the Itakura-Saito Measure
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------

num_frames = clean_length/skiprate-(winlength/skiprate); % number of frames
start      = 1;					% starting sample
window     = 0.5*(1 - cos(2*pi*(1:winlength)'/(winlength+1)));

for frame_count = 1:num_frames

   % ----------------------------------------------------------
   % (1) Get the Frames for the test and reference speech. 
   %     Multiply by Hanning Window.
   % ----------------------------------------------------------

   clean_frame = clean_speech(start:start+winlength-1);
   processed_frame = processed_speech(start:start+winlength-1);
   clean_frame = clean_frame.*window;
   processed_frame = processed_frame.*window;

   % ----------------------------------------------------------
   % (2) Get the autocorrelation lags and LPC parameters used
   %     to compute the IS measure.
   % ----------------------------------------------------------

   [R_clean, Ref_clean, A_clean] = ...
      lpcoeff(clean_frame, P);
   [R_processed, Ref_processed, A_processed] = ...
      lpcoeff(processed_frame, P);

   % ----------------------------------------------------------
   % (3) Compute the IS measure
   % ----------------------------------------------------------

   numerator      = A_processed*toeplitz(R_clean)*A_processed';
   denominator    = max(A_clean*toeplitz(R_clean)*A_clean',eps);
   gain_clean     = max(R_clean*A_clean',eps);	      % this is gain
   gain_processed = max(R_processed*A_processed',eps); % squared (sigma^2)

     ISvalue=(gain_clean/gain_processed)*(numerator/denominator) + ...

  distortion(frame_count) = min(ISvalue,100);
   start = start + skiprate;


function [acorr, refcoeff, lpparams] = lpcoeff(speech_frame, model_order)

   % ----------------------------------------------------------
   % (1) Compute Autocorrelation Lags
   % ----------------------------------------------------------

   winlength = max(size(speech_frame));
   for k=1:model_order+1
      R(k) = sum(speech_frame(1:winlength-k+1) ...

   % ----------------------------------------------------------
   % (2) Levinson-Durbin
   % ----------------------------------------------------------

   a = ones(1,model_order);
   for i=1:model_order
      a_past(1:i-1) = a(1:i-1);
      sum_term = sum(a_past(1:i-1).*R(i:-1:2));
      rcoeff(i)=(R(i+1) - sum_term) / E(i);
      a(1:i-1) = a_past(1:i-1) - rcoeff(i).*a_past(i-1:-1:1);

   acorr    = R;
   refcoeff = rcoeff;
   lpparams = [1 -a];

倒谱距离(Cepstrum Distance)测度

c ( m ) = a m + ∑ k = 1 m − 1 k m c ( k ) a m − k        , 1 ≤ m ≤ p c\left( m \right)={{a}_{m}}+\sum\limits_{k=1}^{m-1}{\frac{k}{m}c\left( k \right){{a}_{m-k}}}\ \ \ \ \ \ ,1\le m\le p c(m)=am+k=1m1mkc(k)amk      ,1mp
其中, a j a_{j} aj表示LPC系数。
d c e p ( c x , c ˉ x ^ ) = 10 ln ⁡ 10 2 ∑ k = 1 p [ c x ( k ) − c x ^ ( k ) ] 2 {{d}_{cep}}\left( {{\mathbf{c}}_{x}},{{{\mathbf{\bar{c}}}}_{{\hat{x}}}} \right)=\frac{10}{\ln 10}\sqrt{2\sum\limits_{k=1}^{p}{{{\left[ {{c}_{x}}\left( k \right)-{{c}_{{\hat{x}}}}\left( k \right) \right]}^{2}}}} dcep(cx,cˉx^)=ln10102k=1p[cx(k)cx^(k)]2
其中, c x ( k ) {{c}_{x}}\left( k \right) cx(k)表示干净语音的倒谱系数, c x ^ ( k ) {{c}_{{\hat{x}}}}\left( k \right) cx^(k)表示增强语音的倒谱系数。


function cep_mean= comp_cep(cleanFile, enhancedFile);

% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
%          Cepstrum Distance Objective Speech Quality Measure
%   This function implements the cepstrum distance measure used
%   in [1]
%   Usage:  CEP=comp_cep(cleanFile.wav, enhancedFile.wav)
%         cleanFile.wav - clean input file in .wav format
%         enhancedFile  - enhanced output file in .wav format
%         CEP           - computed cepstrum distance measure
%         Note that the cepstrum measure is limited in the range [0, 10].
%  Example call:  CEP =comp_cep('sp04.wav','enhanced.wav')
%  References:
%     [1]	Kitawaki, N., Nagabuchi, H., and Itoh, K. (1988). Objective quality
%           evaluation for low bit-rate speech coding systems. IEEE J. Select.
%           Areas in Comm., 6(2), 262-273.
%  Author: Philipos C. Loizou 
%  (LPC routines were written by Bryan Pellom & John Hansen)
% Copyright (c) 2006 by Philipos C. Loizou
% $Revision: 0.0 $  $Date: 10/09/2006 $

% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
if nargin~=2
    fprintf('USAGE: CEP=comp_cep(cleanFile.wav, enhancedFile.wav)\n');
    fprintf('For more help, type: help comp_cep\n\n');


[data1, fs1]= audioread(cleanFile);
[data2, fs2]= audioread(enhancedFile);
if ( fs1~= fs2)
    error( 'The two files do not match!\n');
len= min( length( data1), length( data2));
data1= data1( 1: len)+eps;
data2= data2( 1: len)+eps;

IS_dist= cepstrum( data1, data2,fs1);

IS_len= round( length( IS_dist)* alpha);
IS= sort( IS_dist);

cep_mean= mean( IS( 1: IS_len)); 

function distortion = cepstrum(clean_speech, processed_speech,sample_rate)

% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Check the length of the clean and processed speech.  Must be the same.
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------

clean_length      = length(clean_speech);
processed_length  = length(processed_speech);

if (clean_length ~= processed_length)
  disp('Error: Both Speech Files must be same length.');

% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Scale both clean speech and processed speech to have same dynamic
% range.  Also remove DC component from each signal
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------

%clean_speech     = clean_speech     - mean(clean_speech);
%processed_speech = processed_speech - mean(processed_speech);

%processed_speech = processed_speech.*(max(abs(clean_speech))/ max(abs(processed_speech)));

% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Global Variables
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------

winlength   = round(30*sample_rate/1000); %240;		   % window length in samples
skiprate    = floor(winlength/4);		   % window skip in samples
if sample_rate<10000
   P           = 10;		   % LPC Analysis Order
    P=16;     % this could vary depending on sampling frequency.
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% For each frame of input speech, calculate the Itakura-Saito Measure
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------

num_frames = clean_length/skiprate-(winlength/skiprate); % number of frames
start      = 1;					% starting sample
window     = 0.5*(1 - cos(2*pi*(1:winlength)'/(winlength+1)));

for frame_count = 1:num_frames

   % ----------------------------------------------------------
   % (1) Get the Frames for the test and reference speech. 
   %     Multiply by Hanning Window.
   % ----------------------------------------------------------

   clean_frame = clean_speech(start:start+winlength-1);
   processed_frame = processed_speech(start:start+winlength-1);
   clean_frame = clean_frame.*window;
   processed_frame = processed_frame.*window;

   % ----------------------------------------------------------
   % (2) Get the autocorrelation lags and LPC parameters used
   %     to compute the IS measure.
   % ----------------------------------------------------------

   [R_clean, Ref_clean, A_clean] = ...
      lpcoeff(clean_frame, P);
   [R_processed, Ref_processed, A_processed] = ...
      lpcoeff(processed_frame, P);

   % ----------------------------------------------------------
   % (3) Compute the cepstrum-distance measure
   % ----------------------------------------------------------

   distortion(frame_count) = min(10,C*norm(C_clean-C_processed,2)); 

   start = start + skiprate;


function [acorr, refcoeff, lpparams] = lpcoeff(speech_frame, model_order)

   % ----------------------------------------------------------
   % (1) Compute Autocorrelation Lags
   % ----------------------------------------------------------

   winlength = max(size(speech_frame));
   for k=1:model_order+1
      R(k) = sum(speech_frame(1:winlength-k+1) ...

   % ----------------------------------------------------------
   % (2) Levinson-Durbin
   % ----------------------------------------------------------

   a = ones(1,model_order);
   for i=1:model_order
      a_past(1:i-1) = a(1:i-1);
      sum_term = sum(a_past(1:i-1).*R(i:-1:2));
      rcoeff(i)=(R(i+1) - sum_term) / E(i);
      a(1:i-1) = a_past(1:i-1) - rcoeff(i).*a_past(i-1:-1:1);

   acorr    = R;
   refcoeff = rcoeff;
   lpparams = [1 -a];
function [cep]=lpc2cep(a)
% converts prediction to cepstrum coefficients
% Author: Philipos C. Loizou



for k=2:M-1

加权谱斜率(Weighted Spectral Slope, WSS)测度

{ S x ( k ) = C x ( k + 1 ) − C x ( k ) S ˉ x ^ ( k ) = C ˉ x ^ ( k + 1 ) − C ˉ x ^ ( k ) \left\{ \begin{aligned} & {{S}_{x}}\left( k \right)={{C}_{x}}\left( k+1 \right)-{{C}_{x}}\left( k \right) \\ & {{{\bar{S}}}_{{\hat{x}}}}\left( k \right)={{{\bar{C}}}_{{\hat{x}}}}\left( k+1 \right)-{{{\bar{C}}}_{{\hat{x}}}}\left( k \right) \\ \end{aligned} \right. {Sx(k)=Cx(k+1)Cx(k)Sˉx^(k)=Cˉx^(k+1)Cˉx^(k)
其中, S x ( k ) {{S}_{x}}\left( k \right) Sx(k) S ˉ x ^ ( k ) {{\bar{S}}_{{\hat{x}}}}\left( k \right) Sˉx^(k)分别表示第 k k k个频带的干净语音和增强语音的频谱斜率, C x ( k ) {{C}_{x}}\left( k \right) Cx(k) C x ^ ( k ) {{C}_{{\hat{x}}}}\left( k \right) Cx^(k)分别表示干净语音和增强语音的关键频谱。根据其是否靠近谱峰或者谱谷以及峰值是否对应频谱的最大峰值,对频谱斜率之间的差值进行加权,其中第 k k k个频带的权重可以表示为
W ( k ) = K max ⁡ [ K max ⁡ + C max ⁡ − C x ( k ) ] K l o c max ⁡ [ K l o c max ⁡ + C l o c max ⁡ − C x ( k ) ] W\left( k \right)=\frac{{{K}_{\max }}}{\left[ {{K}_{\max }}+{{C}_{\max }}-{{C}_{x}}\left( k \right) \right]}\frac{{{K}_{loc\max }}}{\left[ {{K}_{loc\max }}+{{C}_{loc\max }}-{{C}_{x}}\left( k \right) \right]} W(k)=[Kmax+CmaxCx(k)]Kmax[Klocmax+ClocmaxCx(k)]Klocmax
其中, C max ⁡ {{C}_{\max }} Cmax表示各个频带中最大的对数谱幅度, C l o c max ⁡ {{C}_{loc\max }} Clocmax表示最靠近第 k k k个频带的普峰值, K max ⁡ {{K}_{\max }} Kmax K l o c max ⁡ {{K}_{loc\max }} Klocmax均为常量,可以通过调整使得主观听音测试结果与客观测度之间的相关性最大。一般, K max ⁡ = 20 {{K}_{\max }}=20 Kmax=20 K l o c max ⁡ = 1 {{K}_{loc\max }}=1 Klocmax=1时,具有高的相关性。

加权谱斜率(Weighted Spectral Slope, WSS)测度最终可以表示为
d W S S = ( C x , C ˉ x ) = ∑ k = 1 36 W ( k ) ( S x ( k ) − S ˉ x ^ ( k ) ) 2 {{d}_{WSS}}=\left( {{C}_{x}},{{{\bar{C}}}_{x}} \right)=\sum\limits_{k=1}^{36}{W\left( k \right){{\left( {{S}_{x}}\left( k \right)-{{{\bar{S}}}_{{\hat{x}}}}\left( k \right) \right)}^{2}}} dWSS=(Cx,Cˉx)=k=136W(k)(Sx(k)Sˉx^(k))2


function wss_dist= comp_wss(cleanFile, enhancedFile);
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
%     Weighted Spectral Slope (WSS) Objective Speech Quality Measure
%     This function implements the Weighted Spectral Slope (WSS)
%     distance measure originally proposed in [1].  The algorithm
%     works by first decomposing the speech signal into a set of
%     frequency bands (this is done for both the test and reference
%     frame).  The intensities within each critical band are 
%     measured.  Then, a weighted distances between the measured
%     slopes of the log-critical band spectra are computed.  
%     This measure is also described in Section 2.2.9 (pages 56-58)
%     of [2].
%     Whereas Klatt's original measure used 36 critical-band 
%     filters to estimate the smoothed short-time spectrum, this
%     implementation considers a bank of 25 filters spanning 
%     the 4 kHz bandwidth.  
%   Usage:  wss_dist=comp_wss(cleanFile.wav, enhancedFile.wav)
%         cleanFile.wav - clean input file in .wav format
%         enhancedFile  - enhanced output file in .wav format
%         wss_dist      - computed spectral slope distance
%  Example call:  ws =comp_wss('sp04.wav','enhanced.wav')
%  References:
%     [1] D. H. Klatt, "Prediction of Perceived Phonetic Distance
%	    from Critical-Band Spectra: A First Step", Proc. IEEE
%	    ICASSP'82, Volume 2, pp. 1278-1281, May, 1982.
%     [2] S. R. Quackenbush, T. P. Barnwell, and M. A. Clements,
%	    Objective Measures of Speech Quality.  Prentice Hall
%	    Advanced Reference Series, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1988,
%	    ISBN: 0-13-629056-6.
%  Authors: Bryan L. Pellom and John H. L. Hansen (July 1998)
%  Modified by: Philipos C. Loizou  (Oct 2006)
% Copyright (c) 2006 by Philipos C. Loizou
% $Revision: 0.0 $  $Date: 10/09/2006 $
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
if nargin~=2
    fprintf('USAGE: WSS=comp_wss(cleanFile.wav, enhancedFile.wav)\n');
    fprintf('For more help, type: help comp_wss\n\n');

alpha= 0.95;

[data1, fs1]= audioread(cleanFile);
[data2, fs2]= audioread(enhancedFile);
if ( fs1~= fs2)
    error( 'The two files do not match!\n');

len= min( length( data1), length( data2));
data1= data1( 1: len)+eps;
data2= data2( 1: len)+eps;

wss_dist_vec= wss( data1, data2,fs1);
wss_dist_vec= sort( wss_dist_vec);
wss_dist= mean( wss_dist_vec( 1: round( length( wss_dist_vec)*alpha)));

function distortion = wss(clean_speech, processed_speech,sample_rate)

% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Check the length of the clean and processed speech.  Must be the same.
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------

clean_length      = length(clean_speech);
processed_length  = length(processed_speech);

if (clean_length ~= processed_length)
  disp('Error: Files  musthave same length.');

% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Global Variables
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------

winlength   = round(30*sample_rate/1000); 	   % window length in samples
skiprate    = floor(winlength/4);		   % window skip in samples
max_freq    = sample_rate/2;	   % maximum bandwidth
num_crit    = 25;		   % number of critical bands

USE_FFT_SPECTRUM = 1;		   % defaults to 10th order LP spectrum
n_fft       = 2^nextpow2(2*winlength);
n_fftby2    = n_fft/2;		   % FFT size/2
Kmax        = 20;		   % value suggested by Klatt, pg 1280
Klocmax     = 1;		   % value suggested by Klatt, pg 1280		

% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Critical Band Filter Definitions (Center Frequency and Bandwidths in Hz)
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------

cent_freq(1)  = 50.0000;   bandwidth(1)  = 70.0000;
cent_freq(2)  = 120.000;   bandwidth(2)  = 70.0000;
cent_freq(3)  = 190.000;   bandwidth(3)  = 70.0000;
cent_freq(4)  = 260.000;   bandwidth(4)  = 70.0000;
cent_freq(5)  = 330.000;   bandwidth(5)  = 70.0000;
cent_freq(6)  = 400.000;   bandwidth(6)  = 70.0000;
cent_freq(7)  = 470.000;   bandwidth(7)  = 70.0000;
cent_freq(8)  = 540.000;   bandwidth(8)  = 77.3724;
cent_freq(9)  = 617.372;   bandwidth(9)  = 86.0056;
cent_freq(10) = 703.378;   bandwidth(10) = 95.3398;
cent_freq(11) = 798.717;   bandwidth(11) = 105.411;
cent_freq(12) = 904.128;   bandwidth(12) = 116.256;
cent_freq(13) = 1020.38;   bandwidth(13) = 127.914;
cent_freq(14) = 1148.30;   bandwidth(14) = 140.423;
cent_freq(15) = 1288.72;   bandwidth(15) = 153.823;
cent_freq(16) = 1442.54;   bandwidth(16) = 168.154;
cent_freq(17) = 1610.70;   bandwidth(17) = 183.457;
cent_freq(18) = 1794.16;   bandwidth(18) = 199.776;
cent_freq(19) = 1993.93;   bandwidth(19) = 217.153;
cent_freq(20) = 2211.08;   bandwidth(20) = 235.631;
cent_freq(21) = 2446.71;   bandwidth(21) = 255.255;
cent_freq(22) = 2701.97;   bandwidth(22) = 276.072;
cent_freq(23) = 2978.04;   bandwidth(23) = 298.126;
cent_freq(24) = 3276.17;   bandwidth(24) = 321.465;
cent_freq(25) = 3597.63;   bandwidth(25) = 346.136;

bw_min      = bandwidth (1);	   % minimum critical bandwidth

% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Set up the critical band filters.  Note here that Gaussianly shaped
% filters are used.  Also, the sum of the filter weights are equivalent
% for each critical band filter.  Filter less than -30 dB and set to
% zero.
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------

min_factor = exp (-30.0 / (2.0 * 2.303));       % -30 dB point of filter

for i = 1:num_crit
  f0 = (cent_freq (i) / max_freq) * (n_fftby2);
  all_f0(i) = floor(f0);
  bw = (bandwidth (i) / max_freq) * (n_fftby2);
  norm_factor = log(bw_min) - log(bandwidth(i));
  j = 0:1:n_fftby2-1;
  crit_filter(i,:) = exp (-11 *(((j - floor(f0)) ./bw).^2) + norm_factor);
  crit_filter(i,:) = crit_filter(i,:).*(crit_filter(i,:) > min_factor);

% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% For each frame of input speech, calculate the Weighted Spectral
% Slope Measure
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------

num_frames = clean_length/skiprate-(winlength/skiprate); % number of frames
start      = 1;					% starting sample
window     = 0.5*(1 - cos(2*pi*(1:winlength)'/(winlength+1)));

for frame_count = 1:num_frames

   % ----------------------------------------------------------
   % (1) Get the Frames for the test and reference speech. 
   %     Multiply by Hanning Window.
   % ----------------------------------------------------------

   clean_frame = clean_speech(start:start+winlength-1);
   processed_frame = processed_speech(start:start+winlength-1);
   clean_frame = clean_frame.*window;
   processed_frame = processed_frame.*window;

   % ----------------------------------------------------------
   % (2) Compute the Power Spectrum of Clean and Processed
   % ----------------------------------------------------------

       clean_spec     = (abs(fft(clean_frame,n_fft)).^2);
       processed_spec = (abs(fft(processed_frame,n_fft)).^2);
       a_vec = zeros(1,n_fft);
       a_vec(1:11) = lpc(clean_frame,10);
       clean_spec     = 1.0/(abs(fft(a_vec,n_fft)).^2)';

       a_vec = zeros(1,n_fft);
       a_vec(1:11) = lpc(processed_frame,10);
       processed_spec = 1.0/(abs(fft(a_vec,n_fft)).^2)';

   % ----------------------------------------------------------
   % (3) Compute Filterbank Output Energies (in dB scale)
   % ----------------------------------------------------------
   for i = 1:num_crit
      clean_energy(i) = sum(clean_spec(1:n_fftby2) ...
      processed_energy(i) = sum(processed_spec(1:n_fftby2) ...
   clean_energy = 10*log10(max(clean_energy,1E-10));
   processed_energy = 10*log10(max(processed_energy,1E-10));

   % ----------------------------------------------------------
   % (4) Compute Spectral Slope (dB[i+1]-dB[i]) 
   % ----------------------------------------------------------

   clean_slope     = clean_energy(2:num_crit) - ...
   processed_slope = processed_energy(2:num_crit) - ...

   % ----------------------------------------------------------
   % (5) Find the nearest peak locations in the spectra to 
   %     each critical band.  If the slope is negative, we 
   %     search to the left.  If positive, we search to the 
   %     right.
   % ----------------------------------------------------------

   for i = 1:num_crit-1

       % find the peaks in the clean speech signal
       if (clean_slope(i)>0) 		% search to the right
	  n = i;
          while ((n<num_crit) & (clean_slope(n) > 0))
	     n = n+1;
	  clean_loc_peak(i) = clean_energy(n-1);
       else				% search to the left
          n = i;
	  while ((n>0) & (clean_slope(n) <= 0))
	     n = n-1;
	  clean_loc_peak(i) = clean_energy(n+1);

       % find the peaks in the processed speech signal

       if (processed_slope(i)>0) 	% search to the right
	  n = i;
          while ((n<num_crit) & (processed_slope(n) > 0))
	     n = n+1;
	  processed_loc_peak(i) = processed_energy(n-1);
       else				% search to the left
          n = i;
	  while ((n>0) & (processed_slope(n) <= 0))
	     n = n-1;
	  processed_loc_peak(i) = processed_energy(n+1);


   % ----------------------------------------------------------
   %  (6) Compute the WSS Measure for this frame.  This 
   %      includes determination of the weighting function.
   % ----------------------------------------------------------

   dBMax_clean       = max(clean_energy);
   dBMax_processed   = max(processed_energy);

   % The weights are calculated by averaging individual
   % weighting factors from the clean and processed frame.
   % These weights W_clean and W_processed should range
   % from 0 to 1 and place more emphasis on spectral 
   % peaks and less emphasis on slope differences in spectral
   % valleys.  This procedure is described on page 1280 of
   % Klatt's 1982 ICASSP paper.

   Wmax_clean        = Kmax ./ (Kmax + dBMax_clean - ...
   Wlocmax_clean     = Klocmax ./ ( Klocmax + clean_loc_peak - ...
   W_clean           = Wmax_clean .* Wlocmax_clean;

   Wmax_processed    = Kmax ./ (Kmax + dBMax_processed - ...
   Wlocmax_processed = Klocmax ./ ( Klocmax + processed_loc_peak - ...
   W_processed       = Wmax_processed .* Wlocmax_processed;
   W = (W_clean + W_processed)./2.0;
   distortion(frame_count) = sum(W.*(clean_slope(1:num_crit-1) - ...

   % this normalization is not part of Klatt's paper, but helps
   % to normalize the measure.  Here we scale the measure by the
   % sum of the weights.

   distortion(frame_count) = distortion(frame_count)/sum(W);
   start = start + skiprate;


通过对客观评价指标线性组合后得到的复合测度,包括signal distortion(SIG),noise distortion(BAK),overall quality (OVRL),计算方式如下:
C s i g = 3.093 − 1.029 ⋅ LLR + 0.603 ⋅ PESQ − 0.009 ⋅ WSS {{C}_{sig}}=3.093-1.029\cdot \text{LLR}+0.603\cdot \text{PESQ}-0.009\cdot \text{WSS} Csig=3.0931.029LLR+0.603PESQ0.009WSS
C b a k = 1.634 + 0.478 ⋅ PESQ-0.007 ⋅ WSS+0.063 ⋅ segSNR {{C}_{bak}}=1.634+0.478\cdot \text{PESQ-0}\text{.007}\cdot \text{WSS+0}\text{.063}\cdot \text{segSNR} Cbak=1.634+0.478PESQ-0.007WSS+0.063segSNR
C o v l = 1.594 + 0.805 ⋅ PESQ − 0.512 ⋅ LLR − 0.007 ⋅ WSS {{C}_{ovl}}=1.594+0.805\cdot \text{PESQ}-0.512\cdot \text{LLR}-0.007\cdot \text{WSS} Covl=1.594+0.805PESQ0.512LLR0.007WSS


function [Csig,Cbak,Covl]= composite(cleanFile, enhancedFile);
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
%          Composite Objective Speech Quality Measure
%   This function implements the composite objective measure proposed in
%   [1]. 
%   Usage:  [sig,bak,ovl]=composite(cleanFile.wav, enhancedFile.wav)
%         cleanFile.wav - clean input file in .wav format
%         enhancedFile  - enhanced output file in .wav format
%         sig           - predicted rating [1-5] of speech distortion
%         bak           - predicted rating [1-5] of noise distortion
%         ovl           - predicted rating [1-5] of overall quality
%       In addition to the above ratings (sig, bak, & ovl) it returns
%       the individual values of the LLR, SNRseg, WSS and PESQ measures.
%  Example call:  [sig,bak,ovl] =composite('sp04.wav','enhanced.wav')
%  References:
%     [1]   Hu, Y. and Loizou, P. (2006). Evaluation of objective measures 
%           for speech enhancement. Proc. Interspeech, Pittsburg, PA. 
%   Authors: Yi Hu and Philipos C. Loizou
%   (the LLR, SNRseg and WSS measures were based on Bryan Pellom and John
%     Hansen's implementations)
% Copyright (c) 2006 by Philipos C. Loizou
% $Revision: 0.0 $  $Date: 10/09/2006 $

% ----------------------------------------------------------------------

if nargin~=2
    fprintf('USAGE: [sig,bak,ovl]=composite(cleanFile.wav, enhancedFile.wav)\n');
    fprintf('For more help, type: help composite\n\n');

alpha= 0.95;

[data1, fs1]= audioread(cleanFile);
[data2, fs2]= audioread(enhancedFile);
if ( fs1~= fs2)
    error( 'The two files do not match!\n');

len= min( length( data1), length( data2));
data1= data1( 1: len)+eps;
data2= data2( 1: len)+eps;

% -- compute the WSS measure ---
wss_dist_vec= wss( data1, data2,fs1);
wss_dist_vec= sort( wss_dist_vec);
wss_dist= mean( wss_dist_vec( 1: round( length( wss_dist_vec)*alpha)));

% --- compute the LLR measure ---------
LLR_dist= llr( data1, data2,fs1);
LLRs= sort(LLR_dist);
LLR_len= round( length(LLR_dist)* alpha);
llr_mean= mean( LLRs( 1: LLR_len));

% --- compute the SNRseg ----------------
[snr_dist, segsnr_dist]= snr( data1, data2,fs1);
snr_mean= snr_dist;
segSNR= mean( segsnr_dist);

% -- compute the pesq ----
% if     Srate1==8000,    mode='nb';
% elseif Srate1 == 16000, mode='wb';
% else,
%      error ('Sampling freq in PESQ needs to be 8 kHz or 16 kHz');
% end

 [pesq_mos_scores]= pesq(cleanFile, enhancedFile);
 if length(pesq_mos_scores)==2
     pesq_mos=pesq_mos_scores(1); % take the raw PESQ value instead of the
                                  % MOS-mapped value (this composite
                                  % measure was only validated with the raw
                                  % PESQ value)
% --- now compute the composite measures ------------------
Csig = 3.093 - 1.029*llr_mean + 0.603*pesq_mos-0.009*wss_dist;
  Csig = max(1,Csig);  Csig=min(5, Csig); % limit values to [1, 5]
Cbak = 1.634 + 0.478 *pesq_mos - 0.007*wss_dist + 0.063*segSNR;
  Cbak = max(1, Cbak); Cbak=min(5,Cbak); % limit values to [1, 5]
Covl = 1.594 + 0.805*pesq_mos - 0.512*llr_mean - 0.007*wss_dist;
  Covl = max(1, Covl); Covl=min(5, Covl); % limit values to [1, 5]

fprintf('\n LLR=%f   SNRseg=%f   WSS=%f   PESQ=%f\n',llr_mean,segSNR,wss_dist,pesq_mos);

return; %=================================================================

function distortion = wss(clean_speech, processed_speech,sample_rate)

% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Check the length of the clean and processed speech.  Must be the same.
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------

clean_length      = length(clean_speech);
processed_length  = length(processed_speech);

if (clean_length ~= processed_length)
  disp('Error: Files  musthave same length.');

% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Global Variables
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------

winlength   = round(30*sample_rate/1000); %240;		   % window length in samples
skiprate    = floor(winlength/4);		   % window skip in samples
max_freq    = sample_rate/2;	   % maximum bandwidth
num_crit    = 25;		   % number of critical bands

USE_FFT_SPECTRUM = 1;		   % defaults to 10th order LP spectrum
n_fft       = 2^nextpow2(2*winlength);
n_fftby2    = n_fft/2;		   % FFT size/2
Kmax        = 20;		   % value suggested by Klatt, pg 1280
Klocmax     = 1;		   % value suggested by Klatt, pg 1280		

% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Critical Band Filter Definitions (Center Frequency and Bandwidths in Hz)
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------

cent_freq(1)  = 50.0000;   bandwidth(1)  = 70.0000;
cent_freq(2)  = 120.000;   bandwidth(2)  = 70.0000;
cent_freq(3)  = 190.000;   bandwidth(3)  = 70.0000;
cent_freq(4)  = 260.000;   bandwidth(4)  = 70.0000;
cent_freq(5)  = 330.000;   bandwidth(5)  = 70.0000;
cent_freq(6)  = 400.000;   bandwidth(6)  = 70.0000;
cent_freq(7)  = 470.000;   bandwidth(7)  = 70.0000;
cent_freq(8)  = 540.000;   bandwidth(8)  = 77.3724;
cent_freq(9)  = 617.372;   bandwidth(9)  = 86.0056;
cent_freq(10) = 703.378;   bandwidth(10) = 95.3398;
cent_freq(11) = 798.717;   bandwidth(11) = 105.411;
cent_freq(12) = 904.128;   bandwidth(12) = 116.256;
cent_freq(13) = 1020.38;   bandwidth(13) = 127.914;
cent_freq(14) = 1148.30;   bandwidth(14) = 140.423;
cent_freq(15) = 1288.72;   bandwidth(15) = 153.823;
cent_freq(16) = 1442.54;   bandwidth(16) = 168.154;
cent_freq(17) = 1610.70;   bandwidth(17) = 183.457;
cent_freq(18) = 1794.16;   bandwidth(18) = 199.776;
cent_freq(19) = 1993.93;   bandwidth(19) = 217.153;
cent_freq(20) = 2211.08;   bandwidth(20) = 235.631;
cent_freq(21) = 2446.71;   bandwidth(21) = 255.255;
cent_freq(22) = 2701.97;   bandwidth(22) = 276.072;
cent_freq(23) = 2978.04;   bandwidth(23) = 298.126;
cent_freq(24) = 3276.17;   bandwidth(24) = 321.465;
cent_freq(25) = 3597.63;   bandwidth(25) = 346.136;

bw_min      = bandwidth (1);	   % minimum critical bandwidth

% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Set up the critical band filters.  Note here that Gaussianly shaped
% filters are used.  Also, the sum of the filter weights are equivalent
% for each critical band filter.  Filter less than -30 dB and set to
% zero.
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------

min_factor = exp (-30.0 / (2.0 * 2.303));       % -30 dB point of filter

for i = 1:num_crit
  f0 = (cent_freq (i) / max_freq) * (n_fftby2);
  all_f0(i) = floor(f0);
  bw = (bandwidth (i) / max_freq) * (n_fftby2);
  norm_factor = log(bw_min) - log(bandwidth(i));
  j = 0:1:n_fftby2-1;
  crit_filter(i,:) = exp (-11 *(((j - floor(f0)) ./bw).^2) + norm_factor);
  crit_filter(i,:) = crit_filter(i,:).*(crit_filter(i,:) > min_factor);

% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% For each frame of input speech, calculate the Weighted Spectral
% Slope Measure
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------

num_frames = clean_length/skiprate-(winlength/skiprate); % number of frames
start      = 1;					% starting sample
window     = 0.5*(1 - cos(2*pi*(1:winlength)'/(winlength+1)));

for frame_count = 1:num_frames

   % ----------------------------------------------------------
   % (1) Get the Frames for the test and reference speech. 
   %     Multiply by Hanning Window.
   % ----------------------------------------------------------

   clean_frame = clean_speech(start:start+winlength-1);
   processed_frame = processed_speech(start:start+winlength-1);
   clean_frame = clean_frame.*window;
   processed_frame = processed_frame.*window;

   % ----------------------------------------------------------
   % (2) Compute the Power Spectrum of Clean and Processed
   % ----------------------------------------------------------

       clean_spec     = (abs(fft(clean_frame,n_fft)).^2);
       processed_spec = (abs(fft(processed_frame,n_fft)).^2);
       a_vec = zeros(1,n_fft);
       a_vec(1:11) = lpc(clean_frame,10);
       clean_spec     = 1.0/(abs(fft(a_vec,n_fft)).^2)';

       a_vec = zeros(1,n_fft);
       a_vec(1:11) = lpc(processed_frame,10);
       processed_spec = 1.0/(abs(fft(a_vec,n_fft)).^2)';

   % ----------------------------------------------------------
   % (3) Compute Filterbank Output Energies (in dB scale)
   % ----------------------------------------------------------
   for i = 1:num_crit
      clean_energy(i) = sum(clean_spec(1:n_fftby2) ...
      processed_energy(i) = sum(processed_spec(1:n_fftby2) ...
   clean_energy = 10*log10(max(clean_energy,1E-10));
   processed_energy = 10*log10(max(processed_energy,1E-10));

   % ----------------------------------------------------------
   % (4) Compute Spectral Slope (dB[i+1]-dB[i]) 
   % ----------------------------------------------------------

   clean_slope     = clean_energy(2:num_crit) - ...
   processed_slope = processed_energy(2:num_crit) - ...

   % ----------------------------------------------------------
   % (5) Find the nearest peak locations in the spectra to 
   %     each critical band.  If the slope is negative, we 
   %     search to the left.  If positive, we search to the 
   %     right.
   % ----------------------------------------------------------

   for i = 1:num_crit-1

       % find the peaks in the clean speech signal
       if (clean_slope(i)>0) 		% search to the right
	  n = i;
          while ((n<num_crit) & (clean_slope(n) > 0))
	     n = n+1;
	  clean_loc_peak(i) = clean_energy(n-1);
       else				% search to the left
          n = i;
	  while ((n>0) & (clean_slope(n) <= 0))
	     n = n-1;
	  clean_loc_peak(i) = clean_energy(n+1);

       % find the peaks in the processed speech signal

       if (processed_slope(i)>0) 	% search to the right
	  n = i;
          while ((n<num_crit) & (processed_slope(n) > 0))
	     n = n+1;
	  processed_loc_peak(i) = processed_energy(n-1);
       else				% search to the left
          n = i;
	  while ((n>0) & (processed_slope(n) <= 0))
	     n = n-1;
	  processed_loc_peak(i) = processed_energy(n+1);


   % ----------------------------------------------------------
   %  (6) Compute the WSS Measure for this frame.  This 
   %      includes determination of the weighting function.
   % ----------------------------------------------------------

   dBMax_clean       = max(clean_energy);
   dBMax_processed   = max(processed_energy);

   % The weights are calculated by averaging individual
   % weighting factors from the clean and processed frame.
   % These weights W_clean and W_processed should range
   % from 0 to 1 and place more emphasis on spectral 
   % peaks and less emphasis on slope differences in spectral
   % valleys.  This procedure is described on page 1280 of
   % Klatt's 1982 ICASSP paper.

   Wmax_clean        = Kmax ./ (Kmax + dBMax_clean - ...
   Wlocmax_clean     = Klocmax ./ ( Klocmax + clean_loc_peak - ...
   W_clean           = Wmax_clean .* Wlocmax_clean;

   Wmax_processed    = Kmax ./ (Kmax + dBMax_processed - ...
   Wlocmax_processed = Klocmax ./ ( Klocmax + processed_loc_peak - ...
   W_processed       = Wmax_processed .* Wlocmax_processed;
   W = (W_clean + W_processed)./2.0;
   distortion(frame_count) = sum(W.*(clean_slope(1:num_crit-1) - ...

   % this normalization is not part of Klatt's paper, but helps
   % to normalize the measure.  Here we scale the measure by the
   % sum of the weights.

   distortion(frame_count) = distortion(frame_count)/sum(W);
   start = start + skiprate;

function distortion = llr(clean_speech, processed_speech,sample_rate)

% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Check the length of the clean and processed speech.  Must be the same.
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------

clean_length      = length(clean_speech);
processed_length  = length(processed_speech);

if (clean_length ~= processed_length)
  disp('Error: Both Speech Files must be same length.');

% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Global Variables
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------

winlength   = round(30*sample_rate/1000); %  window length in samples
skiprate    = floor(winlength/4);		   % window skip in samples
if sample_rate<10000
   P           = 10;		   % LPC Analysis Order
    P=16;     % this could vary depending on sampling frequency.

% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% For each frame of input speech, calculate the Log Likelihood Ratio 
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------

num_frames = clean_length/skiprate-(winlength/skiprate); % number of frames
start      = 1;					% starting sample
window     = 0.5*(1 - cos(2*pi*(1:winlength)'/(winlength+1)));

for frame_count = 1:num_frames

   % ----------------------------------------------------------
   % (1) Get the Frames for the test and reference speech. 
   %     Multiply by Hanning Window.
   % ----------------------------------------------------------

   clean_frame = clean_speech(start:start+winlength-1);
   processed_frame = processed_speech(start:start+winlength-1);
   clean_frame = clean_frame.*window;
   processed_frame = processed_frame.*window;

   % ----------------------------------------------------------
   % (2) Get the autocorrelation lags and LPC parameters used
   %     to compute the LLR measure.
   % ----------------------------------------------------------

   [R_clean, Ref_clean, A_clean] = ...
      lpcoeff(clean_frame, P);
   [R_processed, Ref_processed, A_processed] = ...
      lpcoeff(processed_frame, P);

   % ----------------------------------------------------------
   % (3) Compute the LLR measure
   % ----------------------------------------------------------

   numerator   = A_processed*toeplitz(R_clean)*A_processed';
   denominator = A_clean*toeplitz(R_clean)*A_clean';
   distortion(frame_count) = log(numerator/denominator); 
   start = start + skiprate;


function [acorr, refcoeff, lpparams] = lpcoeff(speech_frame, model_order)

   % ----------------------------------------------------------
   % (1) Compute Autocorrelation Lags
   % ----------------------------------------------------------

   winlength = max(size(speech_frame));
   for k=1:model_order+1
      R(k) = sum(speech_frame(1:winlength-k+1) ...

   % ----------------------------------------------------------
   % (2) Levinson-Durbin
   % ----------------------------------------------------------

   a = ones(1,model_order);
   for i=1:model_order
      a_past(1:i-1) = a(1:i-1);
      sum_term = sum(a_past(1:i-1).*R(i:-1:2));
      rcoeff(i)=(R(i+1) - sum_term) / E(i);
      a(1:i-1) = a_past(1:i-1) - rcoeff(i).*a_past(i-1:-1:1);

   acorr    = R;
   refcoeff = rcoeff;
   lpparams = [1 -a];

   % ----------------------------------------------------------------------

function [overall_snr, segmental_snr] = snr(clean_speech, processed_speech,sample_rate)

% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Check the length of the clean and processed speech.  Must be the same.
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------

clean_length      = length(clean_speech);
processed_length  = length(processed_speech);

if (clean_length ~= processed_length)
  disp('Error: Both Speech Files must be same length.');

% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Scale both clean speech and processed speech to have same dynamic
% range.  Also remove DC component from each signal
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------

%clean_speech     = clean_speech     - mean(clean_speech);
%processed_speech = processed_speech - mean(processed_speech);

%processed_speech = processed_speech.*(max(abs(clean_speech))/ max(abs(processed_speech)));

overall_snr = 10* log10( sum(clean_speech.^2)/sum((clean_speech-processed_speech).^2));

% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Global Variables
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------

winlength   = round(30*sample_rate/1000); %240;		   % window length in samples
skiprate    = floor(winlength/4);		   % window skip in samples
MIN_SNR     = -10;		   % minimum SNR in dB
MAX_SNR     =  35;		   % maximum SNR in dB

% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% For each frame of input speech, calculate the Segmental SNR
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------

num_frames = clean_length/skiprate-(winlength/skiprate); % number of frames
start      = 1;					% starting sample
window     = 0.5*(1 - cos(2*pi*(1:winlength)'/(winlength+1)));

for frame_count = 1: num_frames

   % ----------------------------------------------------------
   % (1) Get the Frames for the test and reference speech. 
   %     Multiply by Hanning Window.
   % ----------------------------------------------------------

   clean_frame = clean_speech(start:start+winlength-1);
   processed_frame = processed_speech(start:start+winlength-1);
   clean_frame = clean_frame.*window;
   processed_frame = processed_frame.*window;

   % ----------------------------------------------------------
   % (2) Compute the Segmental SNR
   % ----------------------------------------------------------

   signal_energy = sum(clean_frame.^2);
   noise_energy  = sum((clean_frame-processed_frame).^2);
   segmental_snr(frame_count) = 10*log10(signal_energy/(noise_energy+eps)+eps);
   segmental_snr(frame_count) = max(segmental_snr(frame_count),MIN_SNR);
   segmental_snr(frame_count) = min(segmental_snr(frame_count),MAX_SNR);

   start = start + skiprate;



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[2] B.-H. Juang, “On Using the Itakura-Saito Measures for Speech Coder Performance Evaluation”, AT&T BellLaboratories Technical Journal, Vol. 63, No. 8 October 1984, pp. 1477-1498.
[3] N. Kitawaki, H. Nagabuchi and K. Itoh, “Objective quality evaluation for low-bit-rate speech coding systems,” in IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 242-248, Feb. 1988, doi: 10.1109/49.601.
[4] D. Klatt, “Prediction of perceived phonetic distance from critical-band spectra: A first step,” ICASSP '82. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 1982, pp. 1278-1281, doi: 10.1109/ICASSP.1982.1171512.
[5] Hu Y, Loizou P C. Evaluation of objective measures for speech enhancement[C]//Ninth international conference on spoken language processing. 2006.
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评论 3




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


