


测绘工程本科生如何入门GNSS算法 (一)- 在Visual Studio 2017中跑通RTKLIB开源代码 - 知乎 (zhihu.com)

RTKlib代码调试教程-Visual Studio 2017_rtklib调试无法打开源文件-CSDN博客








typedef struct {        /* processing options type */
    int mode;           /* positioning mode (PMODE_???) */
    int soltype;        /* solution type (0:forward,1:backward,2:combined) */
    int nf;             /* number of frequencies (1:L1,2:L1+L2,3:L1+L2+L5) */
    int navsys;         /* navigation system */
    double elmin;       /* elevation mask angle (rad) */
    snrmask_t snrmask;  /* SNR mask */
    int sateph;         /* satellite ephemeris/clock (EPHOPT_???) */
    int modear;         /* AR mode (0:off,1:continuous,2:instantaneous,3:fix and hold,4:ppp-ar) */
    int glomodear;      /* GLONASS AR mode (0:off,1:on,2:auto cal,3:ext cal) */
    int bdsmodear;      /* BeiDou AR mode (0:off,1:on) */
    int maxout;         /* obs outage count to reset bias */
    int minlock;        /* min lock count to fix ambiguity */
    int minfix;         /* min fix count to hold ambiguity */
    int ionoopt;        /* ionosphere option (IONOOPT_???) */
    int tropopt;        /* troposphere option (TROPOPT_???) */
    int dynamics;       /* dynamics model (0:none,1:velociy,2:accel) */
    int tidecorr;       /* earth tide correction (0:off,1:solid,2:solid+otl+pole) */
    int niter;          /* number of filter iteration */
    int codesmooth;     /* code smoothing window size (0:none) */
    int intpref;        /* interpolate reference obs (for post mission) */
    int sbascorr;       /* SBAS correction options */
    int sbassatsel;     /* SBAS satellite selection (0:all) */
    int rovpos;         /* rover position for fixed mode */
    int refpos;         /* base position for relative mode */
                        /* (0:pos in prcopt,  1:average of single pos, */
                        /*  2:read from file, 3:rinex header, 4:rtcm pos) */
    double eratio[NFREQ]; /* code/phase error ratio */
    double err[5];      /* measurement error factor */
                        /* [0]:reserved */
                        /* [1-3]:error factor a/b/c of phase (m) */
                        /* [4]:doppler frequency (hz) */
    double std[3];      /* initial-state std [0]bias,[1]iono [2]trop */
    double prn[5];      /* process-noise std [0]bias,[1]iono [2]trop [3]acch [4]accv */
    double sclkstab;    /* satellite clock stability (sec/sec) */
    double thresar[4];  /* AR validation threshold */
    double elmaskar;    /* elevation mask of AR for rising satellite (deg) */
    double elmaskhold;  /* elevation mask to hold ambiguity (deg) */
    double thresslip;   /* slip threshold of geometry-free phase (m) */
    double maxtdiff;    /* max difference of time (sec) */
    double maxinno;     /* reject threshold of innovation (m) */
    double maxgdop;     /* reject threshold of gdop */
    double baseline[2]; /* baseline length constraint {const,sigma} (m) */
    double ru[3];       /* rover position for fixed mode {x,y,z} (ecef) (m) */
    double rb[3];       /* base position for relative mode {x,y,z} (ecef) (m) */
    char anttype[2][MAXANT]; /* antenna types {rover,base} */
    double antdel[2][3]; /* antenna delta {{rov_e,rov_n,rov_u},{ref_e,ref_n,ref_u}} */
    pcv_t pcvr[2];      /* receiver antenna parameters {rov,base} */
    unsigned char exsats[MAXSAT]; /* excluded satellites (1:excluded,2:included) */
    char rnxopt[2][256]; /* rinex options {rover,base} */
    int  posopt[6];     /* positioning options */
    int  syncsol;       /* solution sync mode (0:off,1:on) */
    double odisp[2][6*11]; /* ocean tide loading parameters {rov,base} */
    exterr_t exterr;    /* extended receiver error model */
} prcopt_t;

typedef struct {        /* solution options type */
    int posf;           /* solution format (SOLF_???) */
    int times;          /* time system (TIMES_???) */
    int timef;          /* time format (0:sssss.s,1:yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss.s) */
    int timeu;          /* time digits under decimal point */
    int degf;           /* latitude/longitude format (0:ddd.ddd,1:ddd mm ss) */
    int outhead;        /* output header (0:no,1:yes) */
    int outopt;         /* output processing options (0:no,1:yes) */
    int datum;          /* datum (0:WGS84,1:Tokyo) */
    int height;         /* height (0:ellipsoidal,1:geodetic) */
    int geoid;          /* geoid model (0:EGM96,1:JGD2000) */
    int solstatic;      /* solution of static mode (0:all,1:single) */
    int sstat;          /* solution statistics level (0:off,1:states,2:residuals) */
    int trace;          /* debug trace level (0:off,1-5:debug) */
    double nmeaintv[2]; /* nmea output interval (s) (<0:no,0:all) */
                        /* nmeaintv[0]:gprmc,gpgga,nmeaintv[1]:gpgsv */
    char sep[64];       /* field separator */
    char prog[64];      /* program name */
} solopt_t;

typedef struct {        /* file options type */
    char satantp[MAXSTRPATH]; /* satellite antenna parameters file */
    char rcvantp[MAXSTRPATH]; /* receiver antenna parameters file */
    char stapos [MAXSTRPATH]; /* station positions file */
    char geoid  [MAXSTRPATH]; /* external geoid data file */
    char iono   [MAXSTRPATH]; /* ionosphere data file */
    char dcb    [MAXSTRPATH]; /* dcb data file */
    char eop    [MAXSTRPATH]; /* eop data file */
    char blq    [MAXSTRPATH]; /* ocean tide loading blq file */
    char tempdir[MAXSTRPATH]; /* ftp/http temporaly directory */
    char geexe  [MAXSTRPATH]; /* google earth exec file */
    char solstat[MAXSTRPATH]; /* solution statistics file */
    char trace  [MAXSTRPATH]; /* debug trace file */
} filopt_t;








参考链接:RTKLIB专题学习(四)---单点定位实现初识(二)_rtklib processing unit time_十八与她的博客-CSDN博客


①filopt filopt结构体这设置对应参数文件(文件是有顺序的) 

②char infile_[MAXFILE][MAXSTRPATH]处设置观测值文件和星历文件

③double eps[],double epe[]处设置起始历元和结束历元时间




* rnx2rtkp.c : read rinex obs/nav files and compute receiver positions
*          Copyright (C) 2007-2009 by T.TAKASU, All rights reserved.
* version : $Revision: 1.1 $ $Date: 2008/07/17 21:55:16 $
* history : 2007/01/16  1.0 new
*           2007/03/15  1.1 add library mode
*           2007/05/08  1.2 separate from postpos.c
*           2009/01/20  1.3 support rtklib 2.2.0 api
*           2009/12/12  1.4 support glonass
*                           add option -h, -a, -l, -x
*           2010/01/28  1.5 add option -k
*           2010/08/12  1.6 add option -y implementation (2.4.0_p1)
*           2014/01/27  1.7 fix bug on default output time format
#include <stdarg.h>
#include "rtklib.h"
#pragma once
static const char rcsid[] = "$Id: rnx2rtkp.c,v 1.1 2008/07/17 21:55:16 ttaka Exp $";

#define PROGNAME    "rnx2rtkp"          /* program name */
#define MAXFILE     8                   /* max number of input files */

/* show message --------------------------------------------------------------*/
static int showmsg(char *format, ...)
    va_list arg;
    va_start(arg,format); vfprintf(stderr,format,arg); va_end(arg);
    return 0;
static void settspan(gtime_t ts, gtime_t te) {}
static void settime(gtime_t time) {}

/* print help ----------------------------------------------------------------*/
static void printhelp(void)
    int i;
    for (i=0;i<(int)(sizeof(help)/sizeof(*help));i++) fprintf(stderr,"%s\n",help[i]);
/* rnx2rtkp main -------------------------------------------------------------*/
int main(int argc, char **argv)
	int i, n, ret, x;
	double tint = 0;       /* 求解时间间隔(0:默认) */
	gtime_t ts = { 0 }, te = { 0 }; /* 历元时段始末控制变量 */
	char* infile[MAXFILE], outfile[MAXSTRPATH] = { '\0' };
	/* 结果输出路径 */
	char resultpath[MAXSTRPATH] = "D:\\visual_studio2017\\project\\rtklib_ppp\\rtklib\\testdata\\test1\\result"; 
	char sep = (char)FILEPATHSEP;
	solopt_t solopt = solopt_default; /* 默认求解格式设置 */
	prcopt_t prcopt = prcopt_default;
	sol_t solt;
	filopt_t filopt = { /* 参数文件路径设置 */
		"D:\\visual_studio2017\\project\\rtklib_ppp\\rtklib\\testdata\\test1\\igs14.atx", /* 卫星天线参数文件 */
		"", /* 接收机天线参数文件 */
		"D:\\visual_studio2017\\project\\rtklib_ppp\\rtklib\\testdata\\test1\\site.crd", /* 测站位置文件 */
		"", /* 扩展大地水准面数据文件 */
		"D:\\visual_studio2017\\project\\rtklib_ppp\\rtklib\\testdata\\test1\\CODG2440.17I", /* 电离层数据文件 */
		"D:\\visual_studio2017\\project\\rtklib_ppp\\rtklib\\testdata\\test1\\CAS0MGXRAP_20172440000_01D_01D_DCB.BSX",/* DCB数据文件 */
		"D:\\visual_studio2017\\project\\rtklib_ppp\\rtklib\\testdata\\test1\\igs19647.erp"/* 地球自转参数文件 */
		"D:\\visual_studio2017\\project\\rtklib_ppp\\rtklib\\testdata\\test1\\ocnload.blq", /* 海洋潮汐负荷文件 */

	char infile_[MAXFILE][MAXSTRPATH] = {
	long t1, t2;
	double eps[] = { 2017,9,1,0,0,0 }, epe[] = { 2017,9,2,0,0,0 }; /* 设置计算的历元时段 */
	ts = epoch2time(eps); te = epoch2time(epe);

	for (i = 0, n = 0; i < MAXFILE; i++)
		if (strcmp(infile_[i], "")) infile[n++] = &infile_[i][0];

	sprintf(outfile, "%s%c", resultpath, sep);//设置输出路径

	/* 自定义求解格式 --------------------------------------------------------*/
	solopt.posf = SOLF_XYZ;   /* 选择输出的坐标格式,经纬度或是XYZ坐标等 */
	solopt.times = TIMES_GPST; /* 控制输出解的时间系统类型 */
	solopt.degf = 0;         /* 输出经纬度格式(0:°, 1:°′″) */
	solopt.outhead = 1;         /* 是否输出头文件(0:否,1:是) */
	solopt.outopt = 1;         /* 是否输出prcopt变量(0:否,1:是) */
	solopt.height = 1;         /* 高程(0:椭球高,1:大地高) */
	solopt.sstat = 2;

	/* 自定义处理选项设置-PPP ----------------------------------------------------*/
	prcopt.navsys = SYS_ALL;// GPS+GAL //SYS_ALL;
	prcopt.mode = PMODE_PPP_STATIC;
	prcopt.soltype = 0;       // 求解类型(0:向前滤波,1:向后滤波,2:混合滤波) 
	prcopt.nf=2;             /* 参与计算的载波频率个数  (1:L1,2:L1+L2,3:L1+L2+L5) */
	prcopt.navsys = SYS_GPS | SYS_CMP; // 处理的导航系统 
	prcopt.elmin = 10.0 * D2R;//卫星截止高度角 
	prcopt.sateph = EPHOPT_PREC;
	prcopt.modear=1;         /* AR mode (0:off,1:continuous,2:instantaneous,3:fix and hold,4:ppp-ar) */
	prcopt.elmin = 7 * D2R;
	prcopt.ionoopt = IONOOPT_TEC;
	prcopt.tropopt = TROPOPT_ESTG;
	prcopt.tidecorr = 2; //地球潮汐改正选项(0:关闭,1:固体潮,2:固体潮+?+极移) 	

	sprintf(outfile, "%s%cAJAC-ppp-static.pos", resultpath, sep); // 输出结果名称 

	solt.stat = SOLQ_SINGLE;
	t1 = clock();
	ret = postpos(ts, te, tint, 0.0, &prcopt, &solopt, &filopt, infile, n, outfile, "", "");
	t2 = clock();

	if (!ret) fprintf(stderr, "%40s\r", "");

	printf("\n * The total time for running the program: %6.3f seconds\n%c", (double)(t2 - t1) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC, '\0');
	printf("Press any key to exit!\n");
	return ret;

与spp一样的思路,但是当文件过多时 ,一个个输入很繁琐。那就看下面的!






//rnx2rtkp.c : read rinex obs/nav files and compute receiver positions
#include <stdarg.h>
#include "rtklib.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include "dirent.h"
#pragma once
static const char rcsid[] = "$Id: rnx2rtkp.c,v 1.1 2008/07/17 21:55:16 ttaka Exp $";
#define PROGNAME    "rnx2rtkp"           /* program name */
#define MAXFILE     14                   /* max number of input files */
/* show message --------------------------------------------------------------*/
static int showmsg(char *format, ...);
static void settspan(gtime_t ts, gtime_t te) {}
static void settime(gtime_t time) {}
// read_filedir -----------------------------------------------------
static void read_filedir(char* filePath, char file[MAXFILE][MAXSTRPATH],char * resultpath);
//substrend -----------------------------------------------------
static char* substrend(const char* str, int n);
/* rnx2rtkp main -------------------------------------------------------------*/
int main(int argc, char **argv)
	int i, n, ret, x;
	double tint = 0;       /*  */
	gtime_t ts = { 0 }, te = { 0 }; /* */
	char* infile[MAXFILE], outfile[MAXSTRPATH] = { '\0' };
	char resultpath[MAXSTRPATH] = {'\0'};/*the output file's path */
	//input dir path
	char filepath[MAXSTRPATH] = "D:\\visual_studio2017\\project\\rtklib_ppp\\auto_rtklib\\testdata\\test1";
	double eps[] = { 2017,9,1,0,0,0 }, epe[] = { 2017,9,2,0,0,0 }; /*the start time and end time */

	ts = epoch2time(eps); te = epoch2time(epe);
	char sep = (char)FILEPATHSEP;
	solopt_t solopt = solopt_default; 
	prcopt_t prcopt = prcopt_default;
	sol_t solt;

	char *infile_[MAXFILE];
	filopt_t filopt;
	//auto acquire infile_ and filopt
	n = 0;
	char file[MAXFILE][MAXSTRPATH] = { "" };//all files  from input dir
	read_filedir(filepath, file,resultpath);
	if (resultpath[0] == '\0') strcpy(resultpath,filepath);//无输出文件夹时在当前目录输出
	for (int i = 0; i < MAXFILE; i++)
		char* substr = substrend(*(file + i), 4);
		char* substr2 = substrend(*(file + i), 1);
		if (strcmp(substr, ".atx") == 0 || strcmp(substr, ".ATX") == 0)
			sprintf(filopt.satantp, *(file + i)); /* satellite antenna parameters file */
			//sprintf(filopt.rcvantp, *(file + i)); /* receiver antenna parameters file */
		else if (strcmp(substr, ".snx") == 0 || strcmp(substr, ".crd") == 0 || strcmp(substr, ".SNX") == 0) { //
			sprintf(filopt.stapos, *(file + i)); /* station positions file */
		else if (strcmp(substr, ".BSX") == 0 || strcmp(substr, ".bsx") == 0 || strcmp(substr, ".DCB") == 0) {//----------------
			sprintf(filopt.dcb, *(file + i)); /* dcb data file */
		else if (strcmp(substr2, "I") == 0 || strcmp(substr2, "i") == 0) {//----------------
			sprintf(filopt.iono, *(file + i)); /* ION data file */
		else if (strcmp(substr, ".erp") == 0 || strcmp(substr, ".ERP") == 0) {//--------------------------
			sprintf(filopt.eop, *(file + i)); /* eop data file */
		else if (strcmp(substr, ".blq") == 0) {  //----------------------------
			sprintf(filopt.blq, *(file + i)); /* ocean tide loading blq file */
		else {
			//infile obs,nav,clk and sp3
			infile_[n] = *(file + i);

	long t1, t2;
	for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
		if (strcmp(infile_[i], "")) infile[i] = infile_[i];
		printf("infile[%d]:%s\n", i, infile[i]);
	sprintf(outfile, "%s%c", resultpath, sep);//
	/*  --------------------------------------------------------*/
	solopt.posf = SOLF_XYZ;   /*  */
	solopt.times = TIMES_GPST; /*  */
	solopt.degf = 0;         /*  */
	solopt.outhead = 1;         /*  */
	solopt.outopt = 1;         /*  */
	solopt.height = 1;         /*  */
	solopt.sstat = 2;

	/* the prcopt of PPP ----------------------------------------------------*/
	prcopt.navsys = SYS_ALL;// GPS+GAL //SYS_ALL;
	prcopt.mode = PMODE_PPP_STATIC;//rtklib.h/319line
	prcopt.soltype = 0;       // 
	prcopt.navsys = SYS_GPS | SYS_CMP; //
	prcopt.elmin = 10.0 * D2R;//
	prcopt.sateph = EPHOPT_PREC;
	prcopt.modear=1;         /* AR mode (0:off,1:continuous,2:instantaneous,3:fix and hold,4:ppp-ar) */
	prcopt.elmin = 7 * D2R;
	prcopt.ionoopt = IONOOPT_TEC;
	prcopt.tropopt = TROPOPT_ESTG;
	prcopt.tidecorr = 2; //
	sprintf(outfile, "%s%cAJAC-ppp-static.pos", resultpath, sep); // the outfile name

	solt.stat = SOLQ_SINGLE;
	t1 = clock();
	ret = postpos(ts, te, tint, 0.0, &prcopt, &solopt, &filopt, infile, n, outfile, "", "");
	t2 = clock();

	if (!ret) fprintf(stderr, "%40s\r", "");

	printf("\n * The total time for running the program: %6.3f seconds\n%c", (double)(t2 - t1) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC, '\0');
	printf("Press any key to exit!\n");
	return ret;

static char* substrend(const char* str, int n)
	int k = 0;
	char* substr = (char*)malloc(n + 1);
	//char a = *str;
	int length = strlen(str);
	if (n >= length)
		//*substr = a;
		strcpy(substr, str);
		//printf("substr:%s", substr);
		return substr;
	for (int i = length - n; i < length; i++)
		substr[k] = str[i];
	substr[k] = '\0';
	//printf("substr:%s\n", substr);
	return substr;
static void read_filedir(char* filePath, char file[MAXFILE][MAXSTRPATH],char *resultpath)
	int i = 0, j = 0;
	DIR* dir = NULL;
	struct dirent* entry;
	char temp[MAXSTRPATH];

	if ((dir = opendir(filePath)) == NULL)
		printf("opendir failed!");
		while (entry = readdir(dir))
			if (strcmp(entry->d_name, ".") == 0 || strcmp(entry->d_name, "..") == 0 || !strchr(entry->d_name, '.')) {
				if (!strchr(entry->d_name, '.')) {//找到result路径
					temp[0] = { '\0' };
					strcat(temp, filePath); strcat(temp, "\\");
					strcat(temp, entry->d_name); strcpy(resultpath, temp);
			strcpy(temp, filePath);
			strcat(temp, "\\");
			strcat(temp, entry->d_name);
			strcpy(file[i], temp);
			printf("filename%d = %s\n", i, entry->d_name);
	for (i = 0; i < MAXFILE; i++) printf("filename%d = %s\n", i, file[i]);

static const char *help[] = {""};

static int showmsg(char *format, ...)
	va_list arg;
	va_start(arg, format); vfprintf(stderr, format, arg); va_end(arg);
	fprintf(stderr, "\r");
	return 0;
static void printhelp(void)
	int i;
	for (i = 0; i < (int)(sizeof(help) / sizeof(*help)); i++) fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", help[i]);


四、 致读者与自己




评论 5




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


