Multi-channel Acoustic Modeling using Mixed Bitrate OPUS Compression

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Multi-channel Acoustic Modeling using Mixed Bitrate OPUS Compression
作者: Aparna Khare, Minhua Wu

Recent literature has shown that a learned front end with multi-channel audio input can outperform traditional beam-forming algorithms for automatic speech recognition (ASR). In this paper, we present our study on multi-channel acoustic modeling using OPUS compression with different bitrates for the different channels. We analyze the degradation in word error rate (WER) as a function of the audio encoding bitrate and show that the WER degrades by 12.6% relative with 16kpbs as compared to uncompressed audio. We show that its always preferable to have a multi-channel audio input over a single channel audio input given limited bandwidth. Our results show that for the best WER, when one of the two channels can be encoded with a bitrate higher than 32kbps, its optimal to encode the other channel with the highest bitrate possible. For bitrates lower than that, its preferable to distribute the bitrate equally between the two channels. We further show that by training the acoustic model on mixed bitrate input, up to 50% of the degradation can be recovered using a single model.

    Multi-channel modeling has become a popular alternative to conventional beamforming in recent literature [1][2]. This method of front-end processing opens up avenues for pro- cessing audio not just from microphones from a single mi- crophone array but from microphones from distinct devices. With the popularity of voice enabled devices in the consumer markets, this opens up an interesting area of research. Differ- ent devices from different manufacturers, however, may not adhere to the same encoding standards. In addition, the band- width available for audio upload at different times might be different. Motivated by these questions, we wanted to study how multi-channel acoustic models perform when different audio inputs have different bitrates.
    Prior work in this area has focused at developing com- pression algorithms to minimally impact speech recognition systems [3] or at analyzing the quality of the opus codec as it pertains to voice quality [4] . In [5], the authors evaluate the performance of different audio codecs on the frequency spec-trum. There is also prior work in ASR that examines mixed- bandwidth models that deal with data with different sampling rates [6]. There has been some related work in the emotion recognition domain; the authors in [7] and [8] show how dif- ferent codecs and different bitrates affect emotion recognition accuracy. The authors in [9] analyze human emotion intelli- gibility as a function of the bitrates. The other related work is in the domain of multi-channel acoustic modeling where the traditional front-end processing algorithms like beamforming are learned within the acoustic modeling network. [10] and [2] demonstrate that a data driven beamformer out-performs a traditional beamforming approaches.
    该领域的前期工作集中在开发压缩算法,使语音识别系统的影响最小[3]或分析与语音质量相关的opus编解码器的质量[4]。在[5]中,作者评估了不同音频编解码器在频率规范trum上的性能。ASR中也有先前的工作,研究处理不同采样率数据的混合带宽模型[6]。在情感识别领域已经有了一些相关的工作,[7]和[8]中的作者展示了不同的编解码器和不同的比特率如何影响情感识别的准确性。[9]中的作者分析了人类情感的可理解性作为比特率的函数。另一个相关的工作是在多通道声学建模领域,在声学建模网络中学习传统的前端处理算法,如波束形成。[10] 并且[2]证明了数据驱动的波束形成器优于传统的波束形成方法。
    Our contribution in this paper is to study how the ASR model performance varies with the different bitrate encod- ing of the OPUS codec [11]. We chose the OPUS codec for our analysis because it is an open source, industry lead- ing standard for audio coding for multiple applications [12]. The main benefit of OPUS over other codes is the hybrid ap- proach, where it uses SILK for encoding information below 8khz and CELT for information above 8khz [11], thus pro- viding high quality for both speech and audio/music compo- nents. We analyze the performance of both the multi-channel and single channel acoustic models as a function of the audio input bitrate. We demonstrate that by training with mixed- bitrates we can recover some of the performance loss. Mo- tivated by the multiple device use case described above, we also study the performance of the system if the multiple au- dio input channels to the network are not encoded with the same bitrate. The closest work to this was in [13], where the authors show how the ASR WER varies with different codecs at a fixed bitrate encoding. This paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we describe our model architecture, training techniques and the training and evaluation data. In Section 3, we present our analysis of the ASR system performance with different bi- trate audio inputs. We discuss our experiments on how to optimally distribute bandwidth between multiple channels in Section 4. In Section 5, we describe the mixed-bitrate model training focused at recovering from degradation introduced by low bitrate encoding. Finally in Section 6, we present analyze and conclude our work, and present future work.
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