


字段                类型                     备注


标识                8位                   标识字节:






标识                 8位                  代表W


标识                 8位                  代表S


版本号               8位                  代表SWF文件的版本,比如0x06代表SWF6


文件长度            32位                 整个文件的所占的字节数


帧大小              RECT                 结构SWF场景的大小,单位为1twip(1/20像素)


帧速度               16位


帧数                16位                 影片总的帧数目




The header begins with a three-byte Signature of either 0x46, 0x57, 0x53 (“FWS”) or 0x46,

0x57, 0x43 (“CWS”). An FWS signature indicates an uncompressed SWF file; CWS indicates

that the entire file after the first 8 bytes (that is, after the FileLength field) has been compressed using the open standard ZLIB. The data format used by the ZLIB library is described by Request for Comments (RFCs) documents 1950 to 1952. CWS file compression is only permitted in SWF version 6 or later.



文件头以三个标识符开始,他们不是0x46, 0x57, 0x53 (“FWS”)就是0x46,0x57, 0x43 (“CWS”).一个FWS标识表示该文件是未压缩文件.CWS标识表示整个文件,在前八个字节,也就是文件长度字段之后所有的内容,都是开放标准ZLIB压缩过的.用ZLIB库的数据格式,在1950 到1952年的Request for Comments (RFCs)文档中有所描述.CWS仅在SWF6以后才允许使用.



A one-byte Version number follows the signature. The version number is not an ASCII character,but an 8-bit number. For example, for SWF 4 the version byte is 0x04, not the ASCII character‘4’ (0x35).






The FileLength field is the total length of the SWF file including the header. If this is an

uncompressed SWF (FWS signature), the FileLength field should exactly match the file size. If

this is a compressed SWF (CWS signature), the FileLength field indicates the total length of the

file after decompression, and thus will generally not match the file size. Having the uncompressed size available can make the decompression process more efficient.







The FrameSize field defines the width and height of the movie. This is stored as a RECT

structure, meaning that its size may vary according to the number of bits needed to encode the

coordinates. The FrameSize RECT always has Xmin and Ymin of 0; the Xmax and Ymax

members define the width and height (see Using Bit Values).




帧大小字段表示影片的宽度和高度.它存在一个RECT结构中,表示它的大小可以根据坐标(四个点的坐标)数值的变化而变化.文件大小RECT通常是这样的形式:Xmin和Ymin成员都为0;Xmax和Ymax成员声明宽度和高度.(参考Using Bit Values一节)



The FrameRate is the desired playback rate in frames per second. This rate is not guaranteed if the

SWF file contains streaming sound data, or Flash Player is running on a slow CPU.






The FrameCount is the total number of frames in this SWF movie.


SWF File Structure




Following the header is a series of tagged data blocks. All tags share a common format, so any

program parsing a SWF file can skip over blocks it does not understand. Data inside the block can

point to offsets within the block, but can never point to an offset in another block. This enables

tags to be removed, inserted, or modified by tools that process a SWF file.






Tag Format




Each tag begins with a tag type and a length. There are two tag header formats, short and long.

Short tag headers are used for tags with 62 bytes of data or less. Long tag headers can be used for

any tag size up to 4GB, far larger than is presently practical.








字段                                         类型                        备注


TagCodeAndLength(标签类型和长度)          16位                  高10位:标签类型







Note: The TagCodeAndLength field is a two-byte word, not a bitfield of 10 bits followed by a bitfield


of 6 bits. The little-endian byte ordering of SWF makes these two layouts different.


The length specified in the TagCodeAndLength field does not include the RECORDHEADER


that starts a tag.




If the tag is 63 bytes or longer, it is stored in a long tag header. The long tag header consists of a


short tag header with a length of 0x3f, followed by a 32-bit length.






字段                                     类型                     备注


TagCodeAndLength(标签类型和长度)      16位               标签类型和标签长度(这儿的标签长度不是真实                                                               的)合起来是0x3f,包装起来像短型标签头


长度                                    32位                  标签长度






Definition and Control Tags




There are two categories of tags in SWF:


Definition Tags These tags define the content of the SWF movie – the shapes, text, bitmaps,


sounds, and so on. Each definition tag assigns a unique ID called a character ID to the content it


defines. Flash Player then stores the character in a repository called the dictionary. Definition


tags, by themselves, do not cause anything to be rendered.


Control Tags These tags create and manipulate rendered instances of characters in the


dictionary, and control the flow of the movie.




定义型标签:这类标签定义SWF影片的内容,如各种形状,文字,位图,声音等等。每个定义型标签在内容被定义都分配了一个唯一的标识号给它,这叫做角色标识(character ID)。.flash播放器则把这些角色放到一个存储空间里面,这个存储空间我们一般叫它字典。用定义型tag是不会绘制任何图形的,不会产生任何动画的。




Tag Ordering in SWF




Generally speaking, tags in a SWF can occur in any order. However, there are a few rules that


must be observed:


1 A tag should only depend on tags that come before it. A tag should never depend on a tag that


comes later in the file.


2 A definition tag that defines a character must occur before any control tag that refers to that




3 Streaming sound tags must be in order. Out-of-order streaming sound tags will result in the


sound being played out of order.


4 The End tag is always the last tag in the SWF file.


总的来说,标签可以出现任何情况的排序方法,但也不是随便乱排, 它遵循一些规则:












The Dictionary




The dictionary is a repository of characters that have been defined, and are available for use by Control Tags. The process of building and using the dictionary is as follows: 1 A definition tag defines some content, such as a shape, font, bitmap, or sound. 2 A unique CharacterId is assigned to the content by the definition tag. 3 The content is saved in the dictionary under the CharacterId. 4 A control tag retrieves the content from the dictionary using the CharacterId, and performs some action on the content, such as displaying a shape, or playing a sound. Every definition tag must specify a unique ID. Duplicate IDs are not allowed. Typically, the first CharacterId is 1, the second CharacterId is 2, and so on. Character zero is special and considered a null character. Control tags are not the only tags that reference the dictionary. Definition tags can use characters from the dictionary to define more complex characters. For example, the DefineButton and DefineSprite tags refer to other characters to define their contents. The DefineText tag can refer to font characters to select different fonts for the text.


字典是已经定义好的所有角色的仓库,并且可以通过控制型标签来使用它。建立和使用字典的过程是以下这样的:1.一个定义型标签定义了一些内容,如形体,字体,位图或者声音。2.定义型标签给该内容赋上一个唯一的角色标识(CharacterID)。3.依据角色标识把内容存到字典中。4. 一个控制型标签根据角色标识从字典中找出相应的内容,然后给这个内容执行一些动作,比如显示一个形体,或者播放一个声音。每个控制型标签都只指定一个唯一的标识。相同的标识是不允许的。举个象征性的例子,第一个角色的标识是1,第二个角色的标识是2,依次类推。角色标识为0的是一个特殊的标识,被看作是空角色。控制型标签并不是唯一指向字典的标签。定义型标签也可以指向多个角色来定义一些更复杂的角色。例如,定义按钮(DefineButton)和定义精灵(DefineSprite)标签都是根据其它角色来定义它们的内容的。定义文字(DefineText)标签可以指向字体角色来为文字选择不同的字体。


附:Sprite一般都翻译为精灵,解释可以查相关的书籍,flash ,director等都有这个概念。


The following diagram illustrates a typical interaction between definition tags, control tags and the dictionary:





Processing a SWF File




Flash Player processes all the tags in a SWF file until a ShowFrame tag is encountered. At this point, the display list is copied to the screen and Flash Player is idle until it is time to process the next frame. The contents of the first frame are the cumulative effect of performing all the control tag operations before the first ShowFrame tag. The contents of the second frame are the cumulative effect of performing all the control tag operations from the beginning of the file to the second ShowFrame tag, and so on.




File Compression Strategy




Since SWF files are frequently delivered over a network connection, it is important that they be as


compact as possible. There are several techniques that are used to accomplish this. Here are some


things to look out for:






Reuse The structure of the character dictionary makes it very easy to reuse elements in a SWF

file. For example, a shape, button, sound, font, or bitmap can be stored in a file once and

referenced many times.


重用 角色字典的结构使得重用SWF文件元素非常容易。例如,一个形体、按钮、声音、字体或者位图,可以在文件中只存一次,但用到很多次。




Compression Shapes are compressed using a very efficient delta encoding scheme, often the

first coordinate of a line is assumed to be the last coordinate of the previous one. Distances are

also often expressed relative to the last position.


压缩 形体使用了非常有效的差值编码方法来压缩,经常直线的开始坐标是上一条直线的最终坐标。距离经常由上一个位置的坐标来表达。




Default values Some structures like matrices and color transforms have common fields that are

used more often than others. For example, for a matrix, the most common field is the translation

field. Scaling and rotation are less common. Therefore if the scaling field is not present, it is

assumed to be 100%. If the rotation field is not present, it is assumed that there is no rotation.

This use of default values helps to minimize file sizes.


默认值 有一些结构像矩阵和色彩变换都有一些共同的属性用得比其它的多。比如一个矩阵,最常用的属性就是平移属性,而缩放与旋转则用得相对少点。因此如果没有定义缩放属性,就假定它的值为100%,如果没有定义旋转属性,就假定它的值为没有旋转。使用默认值可以使文件大小最小化。


Change Encoding As a rule, SWF files only store the changes between states. This is reflected

in shape data structures and in the place/move/remove model used by the display list.


变化编码 作为一种规则,SWF文件只存储两种状态之间的变化。它由形体数据结构和播放列表中使用的定位/移动/移除模块反映出来。



Shape Data Structure The shape data structure uses a unique structure to minimize the size of

shapes and to render anti-aliased shapes very efficiently on the screen.


形体数据结构 形体数据结构使用了一种独特的结构,使得形体的文件大小最小化,并且使得形体在屏幕上的平滑抗锯齿处理非常有效。








A SWF file is made up of a header, followed by a number of tags. There are two types of tags,


Definition Tags and Control Tags. Definition Tags define the objects known as characters,


which are stored in the Dictionary. Control Tags manipulate characters, and control the flow


of the movie.







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