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原创 《Spark权威指南》的翻译综述

本文源地址:《Spark权威指南》的翻译综述前言本系列文章将对《Spark - The Definitive Guide - Big data processing made simple》进行翻译,参照其他译本,取名为:《Spark权威指南》,翻译工作全程由我个人独自翻译,属于对照式翻译,有助于读者理解,如有不当或错误之处,欢迎不吝指出,方便你我他。本书英文版出版信息2018年2月第一...

2020-02-13 17:56:31 344

原创 入门XGBoost

欢迎访问我的技术博客:SnailDove ,本文内容有大量公式,csdn对数学公式支持不好,请访问本文原链接:一起入门xgboost前言在深度学习火起来之前,集成学习 (ensemble learning 包括 boosting: GBDT, XGBoost)是 kaggle 等比赛中的利器,所以集成学习是机器学习必备的知识点,如果提升树或者GBDT不熟悉,最好先看一下我的另一文: 《统计...

2018-11-10 19:02:38 879

原创 《统计学习方法》第9章 EM/GMM/F-MM/GEM

本文原文将书上所有证明给出,点击此处查看原文, 个人技术博客:SnailDove前言EM(期望最大)算法有很多的应用,最广泛的就是混合高斯模型、聚类、HMM等等,本质上就是一种优化算法,不断迭代,获得优值,与梯度下降、牛顿法、共轭梯度法都起到同一类的作用。本文是对李航《统计学习方法》的第9章复习总结,主要内容如下EM(期望最大)算法证明有跳跃性的地方全部事无巨细地写出来,清晰地梳...

2018-10-28 18:26:01 1341 2

原创 《统计学习方法》第8章 提升方法之AdaBoost\BoostingTree\GBDT

文章目录前沿正文8.1 提升方法AdaBoost算法8.1.1 提升方法的基本思路提升方法的思想历史背景提升方法的核心问题和思想8.1.2 AdaBoost算法8.1.3 AdaBoost的例子8.2 AdaBoost算法的训练误差分析8.3 AdaBoost算法的解释8.3.1 前向分步算法8.3.2 前向分步算法与AdaBoost8.4 提升树8.4.1 提升树模型8.4.2 提升树算法8.4...

2018-10-26 15:20:25 803

原创 清华大学《Java语言程序设计进阶》公开课总结

点击查看:原文本文是清华大学许斌老师的公开课:Java语言程序设计进阶 的课堂笔记,快速复习一下,时间有限,因此大量直接截图。许斌老师声明:没有配套讲义,建议参考书籍:周志明《深入理解java虚拟机》。(JUC) java.utile.concurrency 部分参考源码和技术博客。第一章 线程(上)1.0 导学2.0 通过Thread类创建线程3.0 线程的休眠...

2018-10-12 17:11:09 1993

原创 吴恩达《深度学习》专项课程总结

个人独立域名博客:SnailDove 本文原文链接:点击此处中文本文是我个人对吴恩达的深度学习专项课程的学习总结,此文有5个子课程总结(均含上课笔记和编程作业),总结如下:1st course: summary_of_neural-networks-deep-learning2nd course: summary_of_Improving-Deep-Neural-Networks3rd...

2018-10-09 11:51:12 709

原创 机器学习的信息论基础

本文会随着工作学习持续不定期更新,欢迎点击本文原文链接,也欢迎关注个人独立域名博客自信息1在信息论中,自信息(英语:self-information),由克劳德·香农提出,是与概率空间中的单一事件或离散随机变量的值相关的信息量的量度。它用信息的单位表示,例如 bit、nat或是hart,使用哪个单位取决于在计算中使用的对数的底。自信息的期望值就是信息论中的熵,它反映了随机变量采样时的平均不确定...

2018-10-09 11:50:54 895

原创 清华大学公开课《线性代数2》总结

本文是本人学习线性代数的笔记汇总,个人学习顺序是网易MIT线性代数公开课结合其教材,然后是用清华大学线性代数公开课做复习,清华的课证明更多深度更深一些(逻辑更严密一些)而mit公开课是用及其3阶矩阵讲明问题的本质(讲究的是直觉),这两门公开课使用同一个教材,详细请看后文。麻省理工: 线性代数 公开课官网目录网易公开课目录使用教授亲写的教材: Introduction to Li...

2018-07-27 17:44:24 1738 2

原创 吴恩达《机器学习》课程总结

The content table of Machine LearningThis course is a coursera version teached by Andrew NG, AP of Stanford University, which corresponds to the full-time campus version CS229 at Stanford university...

2018-05-30 09:59:09 2925 1

原创 清华大学公开课线性代数2——第3讲:奇异值分解

此博客停止更新迁移至SnailDove’s Blog,查看本文点击此处笔记源自:清华大学公开课:线性代数2——第3讲:奇异值分解提示:如果文中图片看不清文字,请右键单击鼠标,选择在新窗口打开图片,然后放大图片(这边上传之前都是可以看清的,由于网页正文部分大小固定,因此图片被自动缩小以便适配网页),截图部分是课堂ppt老师随手的板书。目录目录前言AAT与ATA的特性A

2017-12-20 20:52:28 3997 3

原创 清华大学公开课线性代数2——第1讲:正定矩阵

此博客停止更新迁移至SnailDove’s Blog,查看本文点击 此处 笔记源自:清华大学公开课:线性代数2——第1讲:正定矩阵,涉及:正定矩阵、二次型、合同、惯性定理、Hessian提示:如果文中图片看不清文字,请右键单击鼠标,选择在新窗口打开图片,然后放大图片(这边上传之前都是可以看清的,由于网页正文部分大小固定,因此图片被自动缩小以便适配网页),截图部分是课堂ppt老师随手的板书。

2017-12-20 18:40:37 5270 1

原创 《统计学习方法》第4章朴素贝叶斯法与贝叶斯估计

前言写本文章主要目的是复习(毕竟之前看纸质版做的笔记), 对于证明比较跳跃和勘误的地方我都做了注解,以便初学者和以后复习地时候快速阅读理解不会卡住。本文原文将书上所有证明给出,由于CSDN的公式编辑器公式支持不全,有些公式没法正常显示,欢迎点击此处查看原文, 个人技术博客:SnailDove文章目录前言朴素贝叶斯法4.1 朴素贝叶斯法的学习与分类4.1.1 基本方法4.1.2 后验概率最大化...

2018-10-28 19:16:11 790

原创 机器学习的微积分基础

本文会一直随工作学习一直更新,欢迎关注个人博客:SnaiDove,以及本文原文链接梯度一个点的切线的斜率与法线的斜率相乘等于-1证明:斜率 k1=tanθk_1=tan\thetak1​=tanθ,θ\thetaθ 是倾斜角,对应的法线的倾斜角为 θ+90\theta+90θ+90,那么k1∗k2=tanθ∗tan(θ+90)=tanθ∗(−cotθ)=−1k_1 * k_2=tan\th...

2018-10-09 11:50:40 648

原创 吴恩达《序列化模型》课程总结

NoteThis is my personal summary after studying the course, nlp sequence models, which belongs to Deep Learning Specialization. and the copyright belongs to deeplearning.ai.My personal note1st  w...

2018-07-27 18:29:33 485

原创 吴恩达《卷积神经网络》课程总结

NoteThis is my personal summary after studying the course, convolutional neural networks, which belongs to Deep Learning Specialization. and the copyright belongs to deeplearning.ai.My personal no...

2018-07-27 18:20:28 581

原创 吴恩达《改善深层神经网络:超参数调试、正则化以及优化》课程总结

本文新地址点击:此处 NoteThis is my personal summary after studying the course, Improving Deep Neural Networks: Hyperparameter tuning, Regularization and Optimization, which belongs to Deep Learning Speci...

2018-06-14 10:24:45 350

原创 吴恩达《结构化机器学习项目》课程总结

本地新地址点击:此处NoteThis is my personal summary after studying the course, Structuring Machine Learning Projects, which belongs to Deep Learning Specialization. and the copyright belongs to deeplearning...

2018-06-14 10:21:55 299

原创 吴恩达 神经网络和深度学习 第4周编程作业

由于csdn的markdown编辑器及其难用,已将本文转移至此处NoteThese are my personal programming assignments at the 4th week after studying the course neural-networks-deep-learning and the copyright belongs to deeplearning.ai.P...

2018-05-30 11:26:12 3074 2

原创 吴恩达 神经网络和深度学习 第3周编程作业

由于csdn的markdown编辑器及其难用,已将本文转移至此处NoteThese are my personal programming assignments at the third week after studying the course neural-networks-deep-learning and the copyright belongs to deeplearning.ai...

2018-05-30 11:10:54 976

原创 吴恩达 神经网络和深度学习 第1~2周编程作业

csdn公式编辑困难,已将本文转移至此处NoteThese are my personal programming assignments at the first and second week after studying the course neural-networks-deep-learning and the copyright belongs to deeplearning.ai....

2018-05-30 11:04:42 930

原创 吴恩达《神经网络和深度学习》课程总结

本文新地址:此处NoteThis is my personal summary after studying the course neural-networks-deep-learning, which belongs to Deep Learning Specialization. and the copyright belongs to deeplearning.ai.My pe...

2018-05-29 00:27:53 1077

原创 神经网络和深度学习-第4周 deep-neural-network

NoteThis is my personal note at the 4th week after studying the course neural-networks-deep-learning and the copyright belongs to deeplearning.ai.01_deep-neural-networkWelcome to the fourth week of th...

2018-05-28 22:04:22 1489

原创 神经网络和深度学习-第3周 shallow-neural-network

NoteThis is my personal note at week 3 after studying the course neural-networks-deep-learning and the copyright belongs to deeplearning.ai.01_shallow-neural-network01_neural-networks-overviewwelcome ...

2018-05-28 22:02:37 1052

原创 神经网络和深度学习-第2周 logistic-regression-as-a-neural-network

NoteThis is my personal note at week 2 after studying the course neural-networks-deep-learning and the copyright belongs to deeplearning.ai.01_logistic-regression-as-a-neural-network01_binary-classifi...

2018-05-28 21:56:25 925

原创 神经网络和深度学习-第1周 introduction-to-deep-learning

NoteThis is my personal note at week 1 after studying the course neural-networks-deep-learning and the copyright belongs to deeplearning.ai.01_introduction-to-deep-learning01_What is neural ...

2018-05-28 21:29:08 427

原创 coursera机器学习公开课笔记:11 machine-learning-system-design

NoteThis personal note is written after studying the opening course on the coursera website, Machine Learning by Andrew NG . And images, audios of this note all comes from the opening course. Tabl...

2018-04-27 00:07:08 366

原创 coursera机器学习公开课笔记10: advice-for-applying-machine-learning

NoteThis personal note is written after studying the opening course on the coursera website, Machine Learning by Andrew NG . And images, audios of this note all comes from the opening course. 01_e...

2018-04-27 00:06:46 274

原创 coursera机器学习公开课笔记:09 neural-networks-learning

NoteThis personal note is written after studying the opening course on the coursera website, Machine Learning by Andrew NG. And images, audios of this note all comes from the opening course. 01_...

2018-04-27 00:06:18 239

原创 coursera机器学习公开课笔记08: neural-networks-representation

NoteThis personal note is written after studying the opening course on the coursera website, Machine Learning by Andrew NG . And images, audios of this note all comes from the opening course. Moti...

2018-04-27 00:05:21 446

原创 coursera机器学习公开课笔记:07 regularization

NoteThis personal note is written after studying the opening course on the coursera website, Machine Learning by Andrew NG . And images, audios of this note all comes from the opening course. Th...

2018-04-27 00:04:46 391

原创 coursera机器学习公开课笔记:06 logistic-regression

01_building-a-spam-classifierPrioritizing What to Work OnSystem Design Example: Given a data set of emails, we could construct a vector for each email. Each entry in this vector represents...

2018-04-27 00:04:21 350

原创 coursera机器学习公开课笔记4: linear-regression-with-multiple-variables

Multiple FeaturesNote: [7:25 - θTθTθ^T is a 1 by (n+1) matrix and not an (n+1) by 1 matrix] Linear regression with multiple variables is also known as “multivariate linear regression”. We now...

2018-04-11 18:49:59 399

原创 coursera机器学习公开课笔记3: 03-linear-algebra-review

NoteThis personal note is written after studying the coursera opening course, Machine Learning by Andrew NG . And images, audios of this note all comes from the opening course. Matrices and Vect...

2018-04-11 18:34:14 350 1

原创 coursera机器学习公开课笔记2: linear-regression-with-one-variable

NoteThis personal note is written after studying the coursera opening course, Machine Learning by Andrew NG . And images, audios of this note all comes from the opening course. Model Representatio...

2018-04-11 01:03:16 423

原创 coursera机器学习公开课笔记1:Introduction

What is Machine Learning?Two definitions of Machine Learning are offered. 1. Arthur Samuel described it as: “the field of study that gives computers the ability to learn without being explicitly p...

2018-04-05 18:28:37 792

原创 hexo博客同步

此博客停止更新迁移至 SnailDove’s Blog,查看本文点击此处 旧电脑上博客根目录执行git initgit check -b sourcegit check sourcegit add *git rm --cached ./node_modules/ ./source/_drafts ._config.yml ./themes/next/_config.ymlvim ....

2018-04-01 03:05:22 301

原创 经典摘录-贝叶斯公式

本博客已迁移至 SnailDove’s Blog, 查看本文,请点击此处 说明:全文摘自 Introduction to probability, 2nd Edition 本文讨论条件概率定律的应用,首先引入一个计算事件概率的定理。全概率公式设 A1,A2,...,AnA1,A2,...,AnA_1, A_2, ... , A_n 是一组互不相容的事件,它形成样本空间的一个分割(每...

2018-03-05 02:31:55 3262

原创 vim无插件使用


2018-01-28 22:08:44 823

原创 清华大学公开课线性代数2——第5讲:线性变换2

此博客停止更新迁移至SnailDove’s Blog,查看本文点击此处清华大学公开课:线性代数2——第五讲:线性变换2目录目录前言恒等变换与基变换基变换的应用一张256x256的灰度图像图像的其中3种基底jpeg线性变换在不同基下的矩阵同一个线性变换在不同基下的不变性矩阵分解与基变换对角化矩阵视为线性变换奇异值分解视为线性变换线性变换的核与像

2018-01-28 17:24:06 1803 2

原创 清华大学公开课线性代数2——第7讲:工程中的矩阵

此博客停止更新迁移至SnailDove’s Blog,查看本文点击此处笔记源自:清华大学公开课:线性代数2——第7讲:工程中的矩阵提示:如果文中图片看不清文字,请右键单击鼠标,选择在新窗口打开图片,然后放大图片(这边上传之前都是可以看清的,由于网页正文部分大小固定,因此图片被自动缩小以便适配网页),截图部分是课堂ppt老师随手的板书。目录目录应用数学的几个原则工程中的

2018-01-03 01:29:06 794


MIT概率导论公开课的配套教材的课后习题答案,introduction to probability 2ed, 作者Dimitri P. Bertsekas and John N. Tsitsiklis



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