
import sys
import os
import json
import time
import math
import string
import re
import numpy as np
import random
import unicodedata
from scipy import spatial
import subprocess
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from torch.autograd import Variable
import torch.nn.functional as F
#from torch.distributed import get_rank
#from torch.distributed import get_world_size
from import DataLoader
from import Dataset
from import Sampler

import Levenshtein as Lev
import torchaudio

#from trainer.asr.trainer import Trainer
from utils import constant
#from utils.data_loader import SpectrogramDataset, AudioDataLoader, BucketingSampler
#from import load_audio, get_audio_length, audio_with_sox, augment_audio_with_sox, load_randomly_augmented_audio
#from utils.functions import save_model, load_model, init_transformer_model, init_optimizer
#from models.asr.transformer import Transformer, Encoder, Decoder
#from utils.optimizer import NoamOpt, AnnealingOpt
#from utils.metrics import calculate_metrics
#from utils.lstm_utils import calculate_lm_score
#from data.helper import get_word_segments_per_language, is_contain_chinese_word
#import logging

windows = {'hamming': scipy.signal.hamming, 'hann': scipy.signal.hann, 'blackman': scipy.signal.blackman,
           'bartlett': scipy.signal.bartlett}

dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))

def load_stanford_core_nlp(path):
    from stanfordcorenlp import StanfordCoreNLP
    Load stanford core NLP toolkit object
        path: String
        Stanford core NLP objects
    zh_nlp = StanfordCoreNLP(path, lang='zh')
    en_nlp = StanfordCoreNLP(path, lang='en')
    return zh_nlp, en_nlp


def is_chinese_char(cc):
    Check if the character is Chinese
        cc: char
    return unicodedata.category(cc) == 'Lo'

def is_contain_chinese_word(seq):
    Check if the sequence has chinese character(s)
        seq: String
    for i in range(len(seq)):
        if is_chinese_char(seq[i]):
            return True
    return False

def get_word_segments_per_language(seq):
    Get word segments 
        seq: String
        word_segments: list of String
    cur_lang = -1 # cur_lang = 0 (english), 1 (chinese)
    words = seq.split(" ")
    temp_words = ""
    word_segments = []

    for i in range(len(words)):
        word = words[i]

        if is_contain_chinese_word(word):
            if cur_lang == -1:
                cur_lang = 1
                temp_words = word
            elif cur_lang == 0: # english
                cur_lang = 1
                temp_words = word
                if temp_words != "":
                    temp_words += " "
                temp_words += word
            if cur_lang == -1:
                cur_lang = 0
                temp_words = word
            elif cur_lang == 1: # chinese
                cur_lang = 0
                temp_words = word
                if temp_words != "":
                    temp_words += " "
                temp_words += word


    return word_segments

def get_word_segments_per_language_with_tokenization(seq, tokenize_lang=-1, zh_nlp=None, en_nlp=None):
    Get word segments and tokenize the sequence for selected language
    We cannot run two different languages on stanford core nlp, will be very slow
    so instead we do it as many times as the number of languages we want to tokenize
        seq: String
        tokenize_lang: int (-1 means no language is selected, 0 (english), 1 (chinese))
    cur_lang = -1
    words = seq.split(" ")
    temp_words = ""
    word_segments = []

    for i in range(len(words)):
        word = words[i]

        if is_contain_chinese_word(word):
            if cur_lang == -1:
                cur_lang = 1
                temp_words = word
            elif cur_lang == 0: # english
                cur_lang = 1

                if tokenize_lang == 0:
                    word_list = en_nlp.word_tokenize(temp_words)
                    temp_words = ' '.join(word for word in word_list)

                temp_words = word
                if temp_words != "":
                    temp_words += " "
                temp_words += word
            if cur_lang == -1:
                cur_lang = 0
                temp_words = word
            elif cur_lang == 1: # chinese
                cur_lang = 0

                if tokenize_lang == 1:
                    word_list = zh_nlp.word_tokenize(temp_words.replace(" ",""))
                    temp_words = ' '.join(word for word in word_list)

                temp_words = word
                if temp_words != "":
                    temp_words += " "
                temp_words += word

    if tokenize_lang == 0 and cur_lang == 0:
        word_list = en_nlp.word_tokenize(temp_words)
        temp_words = ' '.join(word for word in word_list)
    elif tokenize_lang == 1 and cur_lang == 1:
        word_list = zh_nlp.word_tokenize(temp_words)
        temp_words = ' '.join(word for word in word_list)


    # word_seq = ""
    # for i in range(len(word_segments)):
    #     if word_seq != "":
    #         word_seq += " "
    #     else:
    #         word_seq = word_segments[i]

    return word_segments

def remove_emojis(seq):
    Remove emojis
        seq: String
        seq: String
    emoji_pattern = re.compile("["
        u"\U0001F600-\U0001F64F"  # emoticons
        u"\U0001F300-\U0001F5FF"  # symbols & pictographs
        u"\U0001F680-\U0001F6FF"  # transport & map symbols
        u"\U0001F1E0-\U0001F1FF"  # flags (iOS)
                           "]+", flags=re.UNICODE)
    seq = emoji_pattern.sub(r'', seq).strip()
    return seq

def merge_abbreviation(seq):
    seq = seq.replace("  ", " ")
    words = seq.split(" ")
    final_seq = ""
    temp = ""
    for i in range(len(words)):
        word_length = len(words[i])
        if word_length == 0: # unknown character case

        if words[i][word_length-1] == ".":
            temp += words[i]
            if temp != "":
                if final_seq != "":
                    final_seq += " "
                final_seq += temp
                temp = ""
            if final_seq != "":
                final_seq += " "
            final_seq += words[i]
    if temp != "":
        if final_seq != "":
            final_seq += " "
        final_seq += temp
    return final_seq

def remove_punctuation(seq):
    Remove english and chinese punctuation except hypen/dash, and full stop.
    Also fix some typos and encoding issues
        seq: String
        seq: String
    seq = re.sub("[\s+\\!\/_,$%=^*?:@&^~`(+"]+|[+!,。?、~@#¥%……&*():;:;《)《》“”()»〔〕]+", " ", seq)
    seq = seq.replace(" ' ", " ")
    seq = seq.replace(" ’ ", " ")
    seq = seq.replace(" ' ", " ")
    seq = seq.replace(" ` ", " ")

    seq = seq.replace(" '", "'")
    seq = seq.replace(" ’", "’")
    seq = seq.replace(" '", "'")

    seq = seq.replace("' ", " ")
    seq = seq.replace("’ ", " ")
    seq = seq.replace("' ", " ")
    seq = seq.replace("` ", " ")
    seq = seq.replace(".", "")

    seq = seq.replace("`", "")
    seq = seq.replace("-", " ")
    seq = seq.replace("?", " ")
    seq = seq.replace(":", " ")
    seq = seq.replace(";", " ")
    seq = seq.replace("]", " ")
    seq = seq.replace("[", " ")
    seq = seq.replace("}", " ")
    seq = seq.replace("{", " ")
    seq = seq.replace("|", " ")
    seq = seq.replace("_", " ")
    seq = seq.replace("(", " ")
    seq = seq.replace(")", " ")
    seq = seq.replace("=", " ")

    seq = seq.replace(" dont ", " don't ")
    seq = seq.replace("welcome外星人", "welcome 外星人")
    seq = seq.replace("doens't", "doesn't")
    seq = seq.replace("o' clock", "o'clock")
    seq = seq.replace("因为it's", "因为 it's")
    seq = seq.replace("it' s", "it's")
    seq = seq.replace("it ' s", "it's")
    seq = seq.replace("it' s", "it's")
    seq = seq.replace("y'", "y")
    seq = seq.replace("y ' ", "y")
    seq = seq.replace("看different", "看 different")
    seq = seq.replace("it'self", "itself")
    seq = seq.replace("it'ss", "it's")
    seq = seq.replace("don'r", "don't")
    seq = seq.replace("has't", "hasn't")
    seq = seq.replace("don'know", "don't know")
    seq = seq.replace("i'll", "i will")
    seq = seq.replace("you're", "you are")
    seq = seq.replace("'re ", " are ")
    seq = seq.replace("'ll ", " will ")
    seq = seq.replace("'ve ", " have ")
    seq = seq.replace("'re\n", " are\n")
    seq = seq.replace("'ll\n", " will\n")
    seq = seq.replace("'ve\n", " have\n")

    seq = remove_space_in_between_words(seq)
    return seq

def remove_special_char(seq):
    Remove special characters from the corpus
        seq: String
        seq: String
    seq = re.sub("[【】·.%°℃×→①ぃγ ̄σς=~•+δ≤∶/⊥_ñãíå∈△β[]±]+", " ", seq)
    return seq

def remove_space_in_between_words(seq):
    Remove space between words
        seq: String
        seq: String
    return seq.replace("  ", " ").replace("  ", " ").replace("  ", " ").replace("  ", " ").strip().lstrip()

def remove_return(seq):
    Remove return characters
        seq: String
        seq: String
    return seq.replace("\n", "").replace("\r", "").replace("\t", "")

def preprocess_mixed_language_sentence(seq, tokenize=False, en_nlp=None, zh_nlp=None, tokenize_lang=-1):
    Preprocess function
        seq: String
        seq: String
    if len(seq) == 0:
        return ""
    seq = seq.lower()
    seq = merge_abbreviation(seq)
    seq = seq.replace("\x7f", "")
    seq = seq.replace("\x80", "")
    seq = seq.replace("\u3000", " ")
    seq = seq.replace("\xa0", "")
    seq = seq.replace("[", " [")
    seq = seq.replace("]", "] ")
    seq = seq.replace("#", "")
    seq = seq.replace(",", "")
    seq = seq.replace("*", "")
    seq = seq.replace("\n", "")
    seq = seq.replace("\r", "")
    seq = seq.replace("\t", "")
    seq = seq.replace("~", "")
    seq = seq.replace("—", "")
    seq = seq.replace("  ", " ").replace("  ", " ")
    seq = re.sub('\<.*?\>','', seq) # REMOVE < >
    seq = re.sub('\【.*?\】','', seq) # REMOVE 【 】
    seq = re.sub("[\(\[].*?[\)\]]", "", seq) # REMOVE ALL WORDS WITH BRACKETS (HESITATION)
    seq = re.sub("[\{\[].*?[\}\]]", "", seq) # REMOVE ALL WORDS WITH BRACKETS (HESITATION)
    seq = remove_special_char(seq)
    seq = remove_space_in_between_words(seq)
    seq = seq.strip()
    seq = seq.lstrip()
    seq = remove_punctuation(seq)

    temp_words =  ""
    if not tokenize:
        segments = get_word_segments_per_language(seq)
        segments = get_word_segments_per_language_with_tokenization(seq, en_nlp=en_nlp, zh_nlp=zh_nlp, tokenize_lang=tokenize_lang)

    for j in range(len(segments)):
        if not is_contain_chinese_word(segments[j]):
            segments[j] = re.sub(r'[^\x00-\x7f]',r' ',segments[j])

        if temp_words != "":
            temp_words += " "
        temp_words += segments[j].replace("\n", "")
    seq = temp_words

    seq = remove_space_in_between_words(seq)
    seq = seq.strip()
    seq = seq.lstrip()

    # Tokenize chinese characters
    if len(seq) <= 1:
        return ""
        return seq


def preprocess_wav(root, dirc, filename):
        source_audio = root + "/" + dirc + "/audio/" + filename + ".flac"

        with open(root + "/" + dirc + "/proc_transcript/phaseII/" + filename + ".txt", "r", encoding="utf-8") as transcript_file:
                part_num = 0
                for line in transcript_file:
                        data = line.replace("\n", "").split("\t")
                        start_time = float(data[1]) / 1000
                        end_time = float(data[2]) / 1000
                        dif_time = end_time-start_time
                        text = data[4]
                        target_flac_audio = root + "/parts/" + dirc + "/flac/" + filename + "_" + str(part_num) + ".flac"
                        target_wav_audio = root + "/parts/" + dirc + "/wav/" + filename + "_" + str(part_num) + ".wav"
                        # print("sox " + source_audio + " " + target_flac_audio + " trim " + str(start_time) + " " + str(dif_time))

                        pipe = subprocess.check_output("sox " + source_audio + " " + target_flac_audio + " trim " + str(start_time) + " " + str(dif_time), shell=True)
                                # print("sox " + target_flac_audio + " " + target_wav_audio)
                                out2 = os.popen("sox " + target_flac_audio + " " + target_wav_audio).read()
                                sound, _ = torchaudio.load(target_wav_audio)

                                # print("Write transcript")
                                with open(root + "/parts/" + dirc + "/proc_transcript/" + filename + "_" + str(part_num) + ".txt", "w+", encoding="utf-8") as text_file:
                                        text_file.write(text + "\n")
                                print("Error reading audio file: unknown length, the audio is not with proper length, skip, target_flac_audio {}", target_flac_audio)

                        part_num += 1


def traverse(root, path, dev_conversation_phase2, test_conversation_phase2, dev_interview_phase2, test_interview_phase2, search_fix=".txt"):
    f_train_list = []
    f_dev_list = []
    f_test_list = []

    p = root + path
    for sub_p in sorted(os.listdir(p)):
        if sub_p[len(sub_p)-len(search_fix):] == search_fix:
            if "conversation" in path:
                print(">", path, sub_p)
                if sub_p[2:6] in dev_conversation_phase2:
                    f_dev_list.append(p + "/" + sub_p)
                elif sub_p[2:6] in test_conversation_phase2:
                    f_test_list.append(p + "/" + sub_p)
                    f_train_list.append(p + "/" + sub_p)
            elif "interview" in path:
                print(">", path, sub_p)
                if sub_p[:4] in dev_interview_phase2:
                    f_dev_list.append(p + "/" + sub_p)
                elif sub_p[:4] in test_interview_phase2:
                    f_test_list.append(p + "/" + sub_p)
                    f_train_list.append(p + "/" + sub_p)

    return f_train_list, f_dev_list, f_test_list

def traverse_all(root, path):
    f_list = []

    p = root + path
    for sub_p in sorted(os.listdir(p)):
        f_list.append(p + "/" + sub_p)

    return f_list

def calculate_lm_score(seq, lm, id2label):
    seq: (1, seq_len)
    id2label: map
    # print("hello")
    seq_str = "".join(id2label[char.item()] for char in seq[0]).replace(
        constant.PAD_CHAR, "").replace(constant.SOS_CHAR, "").replace(constant.EOS_CHAR, "")
    seq_str = seq_str.replace("  ", " ")

    seq_arr = get_word_segments_per_language(seq_str)
    seq_str = ""
    for i in range(len(seq_arr)):
        if is_contain_chinese_word(seq_arr[i]):
            for char in seq_arr[i]:
                if seq_str != "":
                    seq_str += " "
                seq_str += char
            if seq_str != "":
                seq_str += " "
            seq_str += seq_arr[i]

    # print("seq_str:", seq_str)
    seq_str = seq_str.replace("  ", " ").replace("  ", " ")
    # print("seq str:", seq_str)

    if seq_str == "":
        return -999, 0, 0

    score, oov_token = lm.evaluate(seq_str)    
    # a, b = lm.evaluate("除非 的 不会 improve 什么 东西 的 这些 esperience")
    # a2, b2 = lm.evaluate("除非 的 不会 improve 什么 东西 的 这些 experience")
    # print(a, a2)
    return -1 * score / len(seq_str.split()) + 1, len(seq_str.split()) + 1, oov_token

class LM(object):
    def __init__(self, model_path):
        self.model_path = model_path
        print("load model path:", self.model_path)

        checkpoint = torch.load(model_path)
        self.word2idx = checkpoint["word2idx"]
        self.idx2word = checkpoint["idx2word"]
        ntokens = checkpoint["ntoken"]
        ninp = checkpoint["ninp"]
        nhid = checkpoint["nhid"]
        nlayers = checkpoint["nlayers"]
        dropout = checkpoint["dropout"]
        tie_weights = checkpoint["tie_weights"]

        self.model = RNNModel("LSTM", ntoken=ntokens, ninp=ninp, nhid=nhid,
                              nlayers=nlayers, dropout=dropout, tie_weights=tie_weights)

        if constant.args.cuda:
            self.model = self.model.cuda()

        self.criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()

    def batchify(self, data, bsz, cuda):
        # Work out how cleanly we can divide the dataset into bsz parts.
        nbatch = data.size(0) // bsz
        # Trim off any extra elements that wouldn't cleanly fit (remainders).
        data = data.narrow(0, 0, nbatch * bsz)
        # Evenly divide the data across the bsz batches.
        data = data.view(bsz, -1).t().contiguous()
        if cuda:
            data = data.cuda()
        return data

    def seq_to_tensor(self, seq):
        words = seq.split() + ['<eos>']

        ids = torch.LongTensor(len(words))
        token = 0
        oov_token = 0
        for word in words:
            if word in self.word2idx:
                ids[token] = self.word2idx[word]
                ids[token] = self.word2idx['<oov>']
                oov_token += 1
            # print(">", word, ids[token])
            token += 1
        # print("ids", ids)
        return ids, oov_token

    def get_batch(self, source, i, bptt, seq_len=None, evaluation=False):
        seq_len = min(seq_len if seq_len else bptt, len(source) - 1 - i)
        data = source[i:i+seq_len]
        target = source[i+1:i+1+seq_len].view(-1)
        return data, target

    def evaluate(self, seq):
        batch_size = 1
        tensor, oov_token = self.seq_to_tensor(seq)
        data_source = self.batchify(tensor
            , 1, constant.args.cuda)

        total_loss = 0
        ntokens = len(self.word2idx)
        hidden = self.model.init_hidden(1)
        data, targets = self.get_batch(
            data_source, 0, data_source.size(0), evaluation=True)
        output, hidden = self.model(data, hidden)

        # calculate probability
        # print(output.size()) # seq_len, vocab

        output_flat = output.view(-1, ntokens)
        total_loss += len(data) * self.criterion(output_flat, targets).data
        hidden = self.repackage_hidden(hidden)
        return total_loss, oov_token

    def repackage_hidden(self, h):
        """Wraps hidden states in new Tensors,
        to detach them from their history."""
        if isinstance(h, torch.Tensor):
            return h.detach()
            return tuple(self.repackage_hidden(v) for v in h)

class RNNModel(nn.Module):
    """Container module with an encoder, a recurrent module, and a decoder."""

    def __init__(self, rnn_type, ntoken, ninp, nhid, nlayers, dropout=0.5, tie_weights=False):
        super(RNNModel, self).__init__()
        self.drop = nn.Dropout(dropout)
        self.encoder = nn.Embedding(ntoken, ninp)

        if rnn_type in ['LSTM', 'GRU']:
            self.rnn = getattr(nn, rnn_type)(
                ninp, nhid, nlayers, dropout=dropout)
                nonlinearity = {'RNN_TANH': 'tanh',
                                'RNN_RELU': 'relu'}[rnn_type]
            except KeyError:
                raise ValueError("""An invalid option for `--model` was supplied,
                                 options are ['LSTM', 'GRU', 'RNN_TANH' or 'RNN_RELU']""")
            self.rnn = nn.RNN(ninp, nhid, nlayers,
                              nonlinearity=nonlinearity, dropout=dropout)

        self.decoder = nn.Linear(nhid, ntoken)

        # Optionally tie weights as in:
        # "Using the Output Embedding to Improve Language Models" (Press & Wolf 2016)
        # and
        # "Tying Word Vectors and Word Classifiers: A Loss Framework for Language Modeling" (Inan et al. 2016)
        if tie_weights:
            if nhid != ninp:
                raise ValueError(
                    'When using the tied flag, nhid must be equal to emsize')
            self.decoder.weight = self.encoder.weight

        self.rnn_type = rnn_type
        self.nhid = nhid
        self.nlayers = nlayers


    def init_weights(self):
        initrange = 0.1, initrange), initrange)

    def forward(self, input, hidden):
        emb = self.drop(self.encoder(input))

        output, hidden = self.rnn(emb, hidden)
        output = self.drop(output)

        decoded = self.decoder(output.view(
            output.size(0)*output.size(1), output.size(2)))
        return decoded.view(output.size(0), output.size(1), decoded.size(1)), hidden

    def init_hidden(self, bsz):
        weight = next(self.parameters()).data
        if self.rnn_type == 'LSTM':
            return (Variable(, bsz, self.nhid).zero_()),
                    Variable(, bsz, self.nhid).zero_()))
            return Variable(, bsz, self.nhid).zero_())

def calculate_cer_en_zh(s1, s2):
    Computes the Character Error Rate, defined as the edit distance.

        s1 (string): space-separated sentence (hyp)
        s2 (string): space-separated sentence (gold)
    s1_segments = get_word_segments_per_language(s1)
    s2_segments = get_word_segments_per_language(s2)

    en_s1_seq, en_s2_seq = "", ""
    zh_s1_seq, zh_s2_seq = "", ""

    for segment in s1_segments:
        if is_contain_chinese_word(segment):
            if zh_s1_seq != "":
                zh_s1_seq += " "
            zh_s1_seq += segment
            if en_s1_seq != "":
                en_s1_seq += " "
            en_s1_seq += segment
    for segment in s2_segments:
        if is_contain_chinese_word(segment):
            if zh_s2_seq != "":
                zh_s2_seq += " "
            zh_s2_seq += segment
            if en_s2_seq != "":
                en_s2_seq += " "
            en_s2_seq += segment

    # print(">", en_s1_seq, "||", en_s2_seq, len(en_s2_seq), "||", calculate_cer(en_s1_seq, en_s2_seq) / max(1, len(en_s2_seq.replace(' ', ''))))
    # print(">>", zh_s1_seq, "||", zh_s2_seq, len(zh_s2_seq), "||", calculate_cer(zh_s1_seq, zh_s2_seq) /  max(1, len(zh_s2_seq.replace(' ', ''))))

    return calculate_cer(en_s1_seq, en_s2_seq), calculate_cer(zh_s1_seq, zh_s2_seq), len(en_s2_seq), len(zh_s2_seq)

def calculate_cer(s1, s2):
    Computes the Character Error Rate, defined as the edit distance.

        s1 (string): space-separated sentence (hyp)
        s2 (string): space-separated sentence (gold)
    return Lev.distance(s1, s2)

def calculate_wer(s1, s2):
    Computes the Word Error Rate, defined as the edit distance between the
    two provided sentences after tokenizing to words.
        s1 (string): space-separated sentence
        s2 (string): space-separated sentence

    # build mapping of words to integers
    b = set(s1.split() + s2.split())
    word2char = dict(zip(b, range(len(b))))

    # map the words to a char array (Levenshtein packages only accepts
    # strings)
    w1 = [chr(word2char[w]) for w in s1.split()]
    w2 = [chr(word2char[w]) for w in s2.split()]

    return Lev.distance(''.join(w1), ''.join(w2))

def calculate_metrics(pred, gold, input_lengths=None, target_lengths=None, smoothing=0.0, loss_type="ce"):
    Calculate metrics
        pred: B x T x C
        gold: B x T
        input_lengths: B (for CTC)
        target_lengths: B (for CTC)
    loss = calculate_loss(pred, gold, input_lengths, target_lengths, smoothing, loss_type)
    if loss_type == "ce":
        pred = pred.view(-1, pred.size(2)) # (B*T) x C
        gold = gold.contiguous().view(-1) # (B*T)
        pred = pred.max(1)[1]
        non_pad_mask =
        num_correct = pred.eq(gold)
        num_correct = num_correct.masked_select(non_pad_mask).sum().item()
        return loss, num_correct
    elif loss_type == "ctc":
        return loss, None
        print("loss is not defined")
        return None, None

def calculate_loss(pred, gold, input_lengths=None, target_lengths=None, smoothing=0.0, loss_type="ce"):
    Calculate loss
        pred: B x T x C
        gold: B x T
        input_lengths: B (for CTC)
        target_lengths: B (for CTC)
        type: ce|ctc (ctc => pytorch 1.0.0 or later)
        input_lengths: B (only for ctc)
        target_lengths: B (only for ctc)
    if loss_type == "ce":
        pred = pred.view(-1, pred.size(2)) # (B*T) x C
        gold = gold.contiguous().view(-1) # (B*T)
        if smoothing > 0.0:
            eps = smoothing
            num_class = pred.size(1)

            gold_for_scatter = * gold
            one_hot = torch.zeros_like(pred).scatter(1, gold_for_scatter.view(-1, 1), 1)
            one_hot = one_hot * (1-eps) + (1-one_hot) * eps / num_class
            log_prob = F.log_softmax(pred, dim=1)

            non_pad_mask =
            num_word = non_pad_mask.sum().item()
            loss = -(one_hot * log_prob).sum(dim=1)
            loss = loss.masked_select(non_pad_mask).sum() / num_word
            loss = F.cross_entropy(pred, gold, ignore_index=constant.PAD_TOKEN, reduction="mean")
    elif loss_type == "ctc":
        log_probs = pred.transpose(0, 1) # T x B x C
        # print(gold.size())
        targets = gold
        # targets = gold.contiguous().view(-1) # (B*T)

        log_probs: torch.Size([209, 8, 3793])
        targets: torch.Size([8, 46])
        input_lengths: torch.Size([8])
        target_lengths: torch.Size([8])

        # print("log_probs:", log_probs.size())
        # print("targets:", targets.size())
        # print("input_lengths:", input_lengths.size())
        # print("target_lengths:", target_lengths.size())
        # print(input_lengths)
        # print(target_lengths)

        log_probs = F.log_softmax(log_probs, dim=2)
        loss = F.ctc_loss(log_probs, targets, input_lengths, target_lengths, reduction="mean")
        # mask = loss.clone() # mask Inf loss
        # # mask[mask != float("Inf")] = 1
        # mask[mask == float("Inf")] = 0

        # loss = mask
        # print(loss)

        # loss_size = len(loss)
        # loss = loss.sum() / loss_size
        # print(loss)
        print("loss is not defined")

    return loss
class NoamOpt:
    "Optim wrapper that implements rate."

    def __init__(self, model_size, factor, warmup, optimizer, min_lr=1e-5):
        self.optimizer = optimizer
        self._step = 0
        self.warmup = warmup
        self.factor = factor
        self.model_size = model_size
        self._rate = 0
        self.min_lr = min_lr

    def step(self):
        "Update parameters and rate"
        self._step += 1
        rate = self.rate()
        for p in self.optimizer.param_groups:
            p['lr'] = rate
        self._rate = rate

    def zero_grad(self):

    def rate(self, step=None):
        "Implement `lrate` above"
        step = self._step
        return max(self.min_lr, self.factor * \
            (self.model_size ** (-0.5) * min(step **
                                             (-0.5), step * self.warmup ** (-1.5))))

class AnnealingOpt:
    "Optim wrapper for annealing opt"

    def __init__(self, lr, lr_anneal, optimizer):
        self.optimizer = optimizer = lr
        self.lr_anneal = lr_anneal
    def step(self):
        optim_state = self.optimizer.state_dict()
        optim_state['param_groups'][0]['lr'] = optim_state['param_groups'][0]['lr'] / self.lr_anneal

# class SGDOpt:
#     "Optim wrapper that implements SGD"

#     def __init__(self, parameters, lr, momentum, nesterov=True):
#         self.optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(parameters, lr=lr, momentum=momentum, nesterov=nesterov)

class Trainer():
    Trainer class
    def __init__(self):"Trainer is initialized")

    def train(self, model, train_loader, train_sampler, valid_loader_list, opt, loss_type, start_epoch, num_epochs, label2id, id2label, last_metrics=None):
            model: Model object
            train_loader: DataLoader object of the training set
            valid_loader_list: a list of Validation DataLoader objects
            opt: Optimizer object
            start_epoch: start epoch (> 0 if you resume the process)
            num_epochs: last epoch
            last_metrics: (if resume)
        history = []
        start_time = time.time()
        best_valid_loss = 1000000000 if last_metrics is None else last_metrics['valid_loss']
        smoothing = constant.args.label_smoothing"name " +

        for epoch in range(start_epoch, num_epochs):
            total_loss, total_cer, total_wer, total_char, total_word = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0

            start_iter = 0

            pbar = tqdm(iter(train_loader), leave=True, total=len(train_loader))
            for i, (data) in enumerate(pbar, start=start_iter):
                src, tgt, src_percentages, src_lengths, tgt_lengths = data

                if constant.USE_CUDA:
                    src = src.cuda()
                    tgt = tgt.cuda()


                pred, gold, hyp_seq, gold_seq = model(src, src_lengths, tgt, verbose=False)

                try: # handle case for CTC
                    strs_gold, strs_hyps = [], []
                    for ut_gold in gold_seq:
                        str_gold = ""
                        for x in ut_gold:
                            if int(x) == constant.PAD_TOKEN:
                            str_gold = str_gold + id2label[int(x)]
                    for ut_hyp in hyp_seq:
                        str_hyp = ""
                        for x in ut_hyp:
                            if int(x) == constant.PAD_TOKEN:
                            str_hyp = str_hyp + id2label[int(x)]
                except Exception as e:
          "NaN predictions")

                seq_length = pred.size(1)
                sizes = Variable(src_percentages.mul_(int(seq_length)).int(), requires_grad=False)

                loss, num_correct = calculate_metrics(
                    pred, gold, input_lengths=sizes, target_lengths=tgt_lengths, smoothing=smoothing, loss_type=loss_type)

                if loss.item() == float('Inf'):
          "Found infinity loss, masking")
                    loss = torch.where(loss != loss, torch.zeros_like(loss), loss) # NaN masking

                # if constant.args.verbose:
                #"GOLD", strs_gold)
                #"HYP", strs_hyps)

                for j in range(len(strs_hyps)):
                    strs_hyps[j] = strs_hyps[j].replace(constant.SOS_CHAR, '').replace(constant.EOS_CHAR, '')
                    strs_gold[j] = strs_gold[j].replace(constant.SOS_CHAR, '').replace(constant.EOS_CHAR, '')
                    cer = calculate_cer(strs_hyps[j].replace(' ', ''), strs_gold[j].replace(' ', ''))
                    wer = calculate_wer(strs_hyps[j], strs_gold[j])
                    total_cer += cer
                    total_wer += wer
                    total_char += len(strs_gold[j].replace(' ', ''))
                    total_word += len(strs_gold[j].split(" "))


                if constant.args.clip:
                    torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(model.parameters(), constant.args.max_norm)

                total_loss += loss.item()
                non_pad_mask =
                num_word = non_pad_mask.sum().item()

                pbar.set_description("(Epoch {}) TRAIN LOSS:{:.4f} CER:{:.2f}% LR:{:.7f}".format(
                    (epoch+1), total_loss/(i+1), total_cer*100/total_char, opt._rate))
  "(Epoch {}) TRAIN LOSS:{:.4f} CER:{:.2f}% LR:{:.7f}".format(
                (epoch+1), total_loss/(len(train_loader)), total_cer*100/total_char, opt._rate))

            # evaluate

            for ind in range(len(valid_loader_list)):
                valid_loader = valid_loader_list[ind]

                total_valid_loss, total_valid_cer, total_valid_wer, total_valid_char, total_valid_word = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
                valid_pbar = tqdm(iter(valid_loader), leave=True, total=len(valid_loader))
                for i, (data) in enumerate(valid_pbar):
                    src, tgt, src_percentages, src_lengths, tgt_lengths = data

                    if constant.USE_CUDA:
                        src = src.cuda()
                        tgt = tgt.cuda()

                    with torch.no_grad():
                        pred, gold, hyp_seq, gold_seq = model(src, src_lengths, tgt, verbose=False)

                    seq_length = pred.size(1)
                    sizes = Variable(src_percentages.mul_(int(seq_length)).int(), requires_grad=False)

                    loss, num_correct = calculate_metrics(
                        pred, gold, input_lengths=sizes, target_lengths=tgt_lengths, smoothing=smoothing, loss_type=loss_type)

                    if loss.item() == float('Inf'):
              "Found infinity loss, masking")
                        loss = torch.where(loss != loss, torch.zeros_like(loss), loss) # NaN masking

                    try: # handle case for CTC
                        strs_gold, strs_hyps = [], []
                        for ut_gold in gold_seq:
                            str_gold = ""
                            for x in ut_gold:
                                if int(x) == constant.PAD_TOKEN:
                                str_gold = str_gold + id2label[int(x)]
                        for ut_hyp in hyp_seq:
                            str_hyp = ""
                            for x in ut_hyp:
                                if int(x) == constant.PAD_TOKEN:
                                str_hyp = str_hyp + id2label[int(x)]
                    except Exception as e:
              "NaN predictions")

                    for j in range(len(strs_hyps)):
                        strs_hyps[j] = strs_hyps[j].replace(constant.SOS_CHAR, '').replace(constant.EOS_CHAR, '')
                        strs_gold[j] = strs_gold[j].replace(constant.SOS_CHAR, '').replace(constant.EOS_CHAR, '')
                        cer = calculate_cer(strs_hyps[j].replace(' ', ''), strs_gold[j].replace(' ', ''))
                        wer = calculate_wer(strs_hyps[j], strs_gold[j])
                        total_valid_cer += cer
                        total_valid_wer += wer
                        total_valid_char += len(strs_gold[j].replace(' ', ''))
                        total_valid_word += len(strs_gold[j].split(" "))

                    total_valid_loss += loss.item()
                    valid_pbar.set_description("VALID SET {} LOSS:{:.4f} CER:{:.2f}%".format(ind,
                        total_valid_loss/(i+1), total_valid_cer*100/total_valid_char))
      "VALID SET {} LOSS:{:.4f} CER:{:.2f}%".format(ind,
                        total_valid_loss/(len(valid_loader)), total_valid_cer*100/total_valid_char))

            metrics = {}
            metrics["train_loss"] = total_loss / len(train_loader)
            metrics["valid_loss"] = total_valid_loss / (len(valid_loader))
            metrics["train_cer"] = total_cer
            metrics["train_wer"] = total_wer
            metrics["valid_cer"] = total_valid_cer
            metrics["valid_wer"] = total_valid_wer
            metrics["history"] = history

            if epoch % constant.args.save_every == 0:
                save_model(model, (epoch+1), opt, metrics,
                        label2id, id2label, best_model=False)

            # save the best model
            if best_valid_loss > total_valid_loss/len(valid_loader):
                best_valid_loss = total_valid_loss/len(valid_loader)
                save_model(model, (epoch+1), opt, metrics,
                        label2id, id2label, best_model=True)

            if constant.args.shuffle:

class Transformer(nn.Module):
    Transformer class
        encoder: Encoder object
        decoder: Decoder object

    def __init__(self, encoder, decoder, feat_extractor='vgg_cnn'):
        super(Transformer, self).__init__()
        self.encoder = encoder
        self.decoder = decoder
        self.id2label = decoder.id2label
        self.feat_extractor = feat_extractor

        # feature embedding
        if feat_extractor == 'emb_cnn':
            self.conv = nn.Sequential(
                nn.Conv2d(1, 32, kernel_size=(41, 11), stride=(2, 2), padding=(0, 10)),
                nn.Hardtanh(0, 20, inplace=True),
                nn.Conv2d(32, 32, kernel_size=(21, 11), stride=(2, 1), ),
                nn.Hardtanh(0, 20, inplace=True)
        elif feat_extractor == 'vgg_cnn':
            self.conv = nn.Sequential(
                nn.Conv2d(1, 64, 3, stride=1, padding=1),
                nn.Conv2d(64, 64, 3, stride=1, padding=1),
                nn.MaxPool2d(2, stride=2),
                nn.Conv2d(64, 128, 3, stride=1, padding=1),
                nn.Conv2d(128, 128, 3, stride=1, padding=1),
                nn.MaxPool2d(2, stride=2)

        for p in self.parameters():
            if p.dim() > 1:

    def forward(self, padded_input, input_lengths, padded_target, verbose=False):
            padded_input: B x 1 (channel for spectrogram=1) x (freq) x T
            padded_input: B x T x D
            input_lengths: B
            padded_target: B x T
            pred: B x T x vocab
            gold: B x T
        if self.feat_extractor == 'emb_cnn' or self.feat_extractor == 'vgg_cnn':
            padded_input = self.conv(padded_input)

        # Reshaping features
        sizes = padded_input.size() # B x H_1 (channel?) x H_2 x T
        padded_input = padded_input.view(sizes[0], sizes[1] * sizes[2], sizes[3])
        padded_input = padded_input.transpose(1, 2).contiguous()  # BxTxH

        encoder_padded_outputs, _ = self.encoder(padded_input, input_lengths)
        pred, gold, *_ = self.decoder(padded_target, encoder_padded_outputs, input_lengths)
        hyp_best_scores, hyp_best_ids = torch.topk(pred, 1, dim=2)

        hyp_seq = hyp_best_ids.squeeze(2)
        gold_seq = gold

        return pred, gold, hyp_seq, gold_seq

    def evaluate(self, padded_input, input_lengths, padded_target, beam_search=False, beam_width=0, beam_nbest=0, lm=None, lm_rescoring=False, lm_weight=0.1, c_weight=1, verbose=False):
            padded_input: B x T x D
            input_lengths: B
            padded_target: B x T
            batch_ids_nbest_hyps: list of nbest id
            batch_strs_nbest_hyps: list of nbest str
            batch_strs_gold: list of gold str
        if self.feat_extractor == 'emb_cnn' or self.feat_extractor == 'vgg_cnn':
            padded_input = self.conv(padded_input)

        # Reshaping features
        sizes = padded_input.size() # B x H_1 (channel?) x H_2 x T
        padded_input = padded_input.view(sizes[0], sizes[1] * sizes[2], sizes[3])
        padded_input = padded_input.transpose(1, 2).contiguous()  # BxTxH

        encoder_padded_outputs, _ = self.encoder(padded_input, input_lengths)
        hyp, gold, *_ = self.decoder(padded_target, encoder_padded_outputs, input_lengths)
        hyp_best_scores, hyp_best_ids = torch.topk(hyp, 1, dim=2)
        strs_gold = ["".join([self.id2label[int(x)] for x in gold_seq]) for gold_seq in gold]

        if beam_search:
            ids_hyps, strs_hyps = self.decoder.beam_search(encoder_padded_outputs, beam_width=beam_width, nbest=1, lm=lm, lm_rescoring=lm_rescoring, lm_weight=lm_weight, c_weight=c_weight)
            if len(strs_hyps) != sizes[0]:
                print(">>>>>>> switch to greedy")
                strs_hyps = self.decoder.greedy_search(encoder_padded_outputs)
            strs_hyps = self.decoder.greedy_search(encoder_padded_outputs)
        if verbose:
            print("GOLD", strs_gold)
            print("HYP", strs_hyps)

        return _, strs_hyps, strs_gold

class Encoder(nn.Module):
    Encoder Transformer class

    def __init__(self, num_layers, num_heads, dim_model, dim_key, dim_value, dim_input, dim_inner, dropout=0.1, src_max_length=2500):
        super(Encoder, self).__init__()

        self.dim_input = dim_input
        self.num_layers = num_layers
        self.num_heads = num_heads

        self.dim_model = dim_model
        self.dim_key = dim_key
        self.dim_value = dim_value
        self.dim_inner = dim_inner

        self.src_max_length = src_max_length

        self.dropout = nn.Dropout(dropout)
        self.dropout_rate = dropout

        self.input_linear = nn.Linear(dim_input, dim_model)
        self.layer_norm_input = nn.LayerNorm(dim_model)
        self.positional_encoding = PositionalEncoding(
            dim_model, src_max_length)

        self.layers = nn.ModuleList([
            EncoderLayer(num_heads, dim_model, dim_inner, dim_key, dim_value, dropout=dropout) for _ in range(num_layers)

    def forward(self, padded_input, input_lengths):
            padded_input: B x T x D
            input_lengths: B
            output: B x T x H
        encoder_self_attn_list = []

        # Prepare masks
        non_pad_mask = get_non_pad_mask(padded_input, input_lengths=input_lengths)  # B x T x D
        seq_len = padded_input.size(1)
        self_attn_mask = get_attn_pad_mask(padded_input, input_lengths, seq_len)  # B x T x T

        encoder_output = self.layer_norm_input(self.input_linear(
            padded_input)) + self.positional_encoding(padded_input)

        for layer in self.layers:
            encoder_output, self_attn = layer(
                encoder_output, non_pad_mask=non_pad_mask, self_attn_mask=self_attn_mask)
            encoder_self_attn_list += [self_attn]

        return encoder_output, encoder_self_attn_list

class EncoderLayer(nn.Module):
    Encoder Layer Transformer class

    def __init__(self, num_heads, dim_model, dim_inner, dim_key, dim_value, dropout=0.1):
        super(EncoderLayer, self).__init__()
        self.self_attn = MultiHeadAttention(
            num_heads, dim_model, dim_key, dim_value, dropout=dropout)
        self.pos_ffn = PositionwiseFeedForwardWithConv(
            dim_model, dim_inner, dropout=dropout)

    def forward(self, enc_input, non_pad_mask=None, self_attn_mask=None):
        enc_output, self_attn = self.self_attn(
            enc_input, enc_input, enc_input, mask=self_attn_mask)
        enc_output *= non_pad_mask

        enc_output = self.pos_ffn(enc_output)
        enc_output *= non_pad_mask

        return enc_output, self_attn

class Decoder(nn.Module):
    Decoder Layer Transformer class

    def __init__(self, id2label, num_src_vocab, num_trg_vocab, num_layers, num_heads, dim_emb, dim_model, dim_inner, dim_key, dim_value, dropout=0.1, trg_max_length=1000, emb_trg_sharing=False):
        super(Decoder, self).__init__()
        self.sos_id = constant.SOS_TOKEN
        self.eos_id = constant.EOS_TOKEN

        self.id2label = id2label

        self.num_src_vocab = num_src_vocab
        self.num_trg_vocab = num_trg_vocab
        self.num_layers = num_layers
        self.num_heads = num_heads

        self.dim_emb = dim_emb
        self.dim_model = dim_model
        self.dim_inner = dim_inner
        self.dim_key = dim_key
        self.dim_value = dim_value

        self.dropout_rate = dropout
        self.emb_trg_sharing = emb_trg_sharing

        self.trg_max_length = trg_max_length

        self.trg_embedding = nn.Embedding(num_trg_vocab, dim_emb, padding_idx=constant.PAD_TOKEN)
        self.positional_encoding = PositionalEncoding(
            dim_model, max_length=trg_max_length)
        self.dropout = nn.Dropout(dropout)

        self.layers = nn.ModuleList([
            DecoderLayer(dim_model, dim_inner, num_heads,
                         dim_key, dim_value, dropout=dropout)
            for _ in range(num_layers)

        self.output_linear = nn.Linear(dim_model, num_trg_vocab, bias=False)

        if emb_trg_sharing:
            self.output_linear.weight = self.trg_embedding.weight
            self.x_logit_scale = (dim_model ** -0.5)
            self.x_logit_scale = 1.0

    def preprocess(self, padded_input):
        Add SOS TOKEN and EOS TOKEN into padded_input
        seq = [y[y != constant.PAD_TOKEN] for y in padded_input]
        eos = seq[0].new([self.eos_id])
        sos = seq[0].new([self.sos_id])
        seq_in = [[sos, y], dim=0) for y in seq]
        seq_out = [[y, eos], dim=0) for y in seq]
        seq_in_pad = pad_list(seq_in, self.eos_id)
        seq_out_pad = pad_list(seq_out, constant.PAD_TOKEN)
        assert seq_in_pad.size() == seq_out_pad.size()
        return seq_in_pad, seq_out_pad

    def forward(self, padded_input, encoder_padded_outputs, encoder_input_lengths):
            padded_input: B x T
            encoder_padded_outputs: B x T x H
            encoder_input_lengths: B
            pred: B x T x vocab
            gold: B x T
        decoder_self_attn_list, decoder_encoder_attn_list = [], []
        seq_in_pad, seq_out_pad = self.preprocess(padded_input)

        # Prepare masks
        non_pad_mask = get_non_pad_mask(seq_in_pad, pad_idx=constant.EOS_TOKEN)
        self_attn_mask_subseq = get_subsequent_mask(seq_in_pad)
        self_attn_mask_keypad = get_attn_key_pad_mask(
            seq_k=seq_in_pad, seq_q=seq_in_pad, pad_idx=constant.EOS_TOKEN)
        self_attn_mask = (self_attn_mask_keypad + self_attn_mask_subseq).gt(0)

        output_length = seq_in_pad.size(1)
        dec_enc_attn_mask = get_attn_pad_mask(
            encoder_padded_outputs, encoder_input_lengths, output_length)

        decoder_output = self.dropout(self.trg_embedding(
            seq_in_pad) * self.x_logit_scale + self.positional_encoding(seq_in_pad))

        for layer in self.layers:
            decoder_output, decoder_self_attn, decoder_enc_attn = layer(
                decoder_output, encoder_padded_outputs, non_pad_mask=non_pad_mask, self_attn_mask=self_attn_mask, dec_enc_attn_mask=dec_enc_attn_mask)

            decoder_self_attn_list += [decoder_self_attn]
            decoder_encoder_attn_list += [decoder_enc_attn]

        seq_logit = self.output_linear(decoder_output)
        pred, gold = seq_logit, seq_out_pad

        return pred, gold, decoder_self_attn_list, decoder_encoder_attn_list

    def post_process_hyp(self, hyp):
            hyp: list of hypothesis
            list of hypothesis (string)>
        return "".join([self.id2label[int(x)] for x in hyp['yseq'][1:]])

    def greedy_search(self, encoder_padded_outputs, beam_width=2, lm_rescoring=False, lm=None, lm_weight=0.1, c_weight=1):
        Greedy search, decode 1-best utterance
            encoder_padded_outputs: B x T x H
            batch_ids_nbest_hyps: list of nbest in ids (size B)
            batch_strs_nbest_hyps: list of nbest in strings (size B)
        max_seq_len = self.trg_max_length
        ys = torch.ones(encoder_padded_outputs.size(0),1).fill_(constant.SOS_TOKEN).long() # batch_size x 1
        if constant.args.cuda:
            ys = ys.cuda()

        decoded_words = []
        for t in range(300):
        # for t in range(max_seq_len):
            # print(t)
            # Prepare masks
            non_pad_mask = torch.ones_like(ys).float().unsqueeze(-1) # batch_size x t x 1
            self_attn_mask = get_subsequent_mask(ys) # batch_size x t x t

            decoder_output = self.dropout(self.trg_embedding(ys) * self.x_logit_scale 
                                        + self.positional_encoding(ys))

            for layer in self.layers:
                decoder_output, _, _ = layer(
                    decoder_output, encoder_padded_outputs,

            prob = self.output_linear(decoder_output) # batch_size x t x label_size
            # _, next_word = torch.max(prob[:, -1], dim=1)
            # decoded_words.append([constant.EOS_CHAR if ni.item() == constant.EOS_TOKEN else self.id2label[ni.item()] for ni in next_word.view(-1)])
            # next_word = next_word.unsqueeze(-1)

            # local_best_scores, local_best_ids = torch.topk(local_scores, beam_width, dim=1)

            if lm_rescoring:
                local_scores = F.log_softmax(prob, dim=1)
                local_best_scores, local_best_ids = torch.topk(local_scores, beam_width, dim=1)

                best_score = -1
                best_word = None

                # calculate beam scores
                for j in range(beam_width):
                    cur_seq = " ".join(word for word in decoded_words)
                    lm_score, num_words, oov_token = calculate_lm_score(cur_seq, lm, self.id2label)
                    score = local_best_scores[0, j] + lm_score
                    if best_score < score:
                        best_score = score
                        best_word = local_best_ids[0, j]
                        next_word = best_word.unsqueeze(-1)
                _, next_word = torch.max(prob[:, -1], dim=1)
                decoded_words.append([constant.EOS_CHAR if ni.item() == constant.EOS_TOKEN else self.id2label[ni.item()] for ni in next_word.view(-1)])
                next_word = next_word.unsqueeze(-1)

            if constant.args.cuda:
                ys =[ys, next_word.cuda()], dim=1)
                ys = ys.cuda()
                ys =[ys, next_word], dim=1)

        sent = []
        for _, row in enumerate(np.transpose(decoded_words)):
            st = ''
            for e in row:
                if e == constant.EOS_CHAR: 
                    st += e
        return sent

    def beam_search(self, encoder_padded_outputs, beam_width=2, nbest=5, lm_rescoring=False, lm=None, lm_weight=0.1, c_weight=1, prob_weight=1.0):
        Beam search, decode nbest utterances
            encoder_padded_outputs: B x T x H
            beam_size: int
            nbest: int
            batch_ids_nbest_hyps: list of nbest in ids (size B)
            batch_strs_nbest_hyps: list of nbest in strings (size B)
        batch_size = encoder_padded_outputs.size(0)
        max_len = encoder_padded_outputs.size(1)

        batch_ids_nbest_hyps = []
        batch_strs_nbest_hyps = []

        for x in range(batch_size):
            encoder_output = encoder_padded_outputs[x].unsqueeze(0) # 1 x T x H

            # add SOS_TOKEN
            ys = torch.ones(1, 1).fill_(constant.SOS_TOKEN).type_as(encoder_output).long()
            hyp = {'score': 0.0, 'yseq':ys}
            hyps = [hyp]
            ended_hyps = []

            for i in range(300):
            # for i in range(self.trg_max_length):
                hyps_best_kept = []
                for hyp in hyps:
                    ys = hyp['yseq'] # 1 x i

                    # Prepare masks
                    non_pad_mask = torch.ones_like(ys).float().unsqueeze(-1) # 1xix1
                    self_attn_mask = get_subsequent_mask(ys)

                    decoder_output = self.dropout(self.trg_embedding(ys) * self.x_logit_scale 
                                                + self.positional_encoding(ys))

                    for layer in self.layers:
                        # print(decoder_output.size(), encoder_output.size())
                        decoder_output, _, _ = layer(
                            decoder_output, encoder_output,

                    seq_logit = self.output_linear(decoder_output[:, -1])
                    local_scores = F.log_softmax(seq_logit, dim=1)
                    local_best_scores, local_best_ids = torch.topk(local_scores, beam_width, dim=1)

                    # calculate beam scores
                    for j in range(beam_width):
                        new_hyp = {}
                        new_hyp["score"] = hyp["score"] + local_best_scores[0, j]

                        new_hyp["yseq"] = torch.ones(1, (1+ys.size(1))).type_as(encoder_output).long()
                        new_hyp["yseq"][:, :ys.size(1)] = hyp["yseq"].cpu()
                        new_hyp["yseq"][:, ys.size(1)] = int(local_best_ids[0, j]) # adding new word

                    hyps_best_kept = sorted(hyps_best_kept, key=lambda x:x["score"], reverse=True)[:beam_width]
                hyps = hyps_best_kept

                # add EOS_TOKEN
                if i == max_len - 1:
                    for hyp in hyps:
                        hyp["yseq"] =[hyp["yseq"], torch.ones(1,1).fill_(constant.EOS_TOKEN).type_as(encoder_output).long()], dim=1)

                # add hypothesis that have EOS_TOKEN to ended_hyps list
                unended_hyps = []
                for hyp in hyps:
                    if hyp["yseq"][0, -1] == constant.EOS_TOKEN:
                        if lm_rescoring:
                            # seq_str = "".join(self.id2label[char.item()] for char in hyp["yseq"][0]).replace(constant.PAD_CHAR,"").replace(constant.SOS_CHAR,"").replace(constant.EOS_CHAR,"")
                            # seq_str = seq_str.replace("  ", " ")
                            # num_words = len(seq_str.split())

                            hyp["lm_score"], hyp["num_words"], oov_token = calculate_lm_score(hyp["yseq"], lm, self.id2label)
                            num_words = hyp["num_words"]
                            hyp["lm_score"] -= oov_token * 2
                            hyp["final_score"] = hyp["score"] + lm_weight * hyp["lm_score"] + math.sqrt(num_words) * c_weight
                            seq_str = "".join(self.id2label[char.item()] for char in hyp["yseq"][0]).replace(constant.PAD_CHAR,"").replace(constant.SOS_CHAR,"").replace(constant.EOS_CHAR,"")
                            seq_str = seq_str.replace("  ", " ")
                            num_words = len(seq_str.split())
                            hyp["final_score"] = hyp["score"] + math.sqrt(num_words) * c_weight
                hyps = unended_hyps

                if len(hyps) == 0:
                    # decoding process is finished
            num_nbest = min(len(ended_hyps), nbest)
            nbest_hyps = sorted(ended_hyps, key=lambda x:x["final_score"], reverse=True)[:num_nbest]

            a_nbest_hyps = sorted(ended_hyps, key=lambda x:x["final_score"], reverse=True)[:beam_width]

            if lm_rescoring:
                for hyp in a_nbest_hyps:
                    seq_str = "".join(self.id2label[char.item()] for char in hyp["yseq"][0]).replace(constant.PAD_CHAR,"").replace(constant.SOS_CHAR,"").replace(constant.EOS_CHAR,"")
                    seq_str = seq_str.replace("  ", " ")
                    num_words = len(seq_str.split())
                    # print("{}  || final:{} e2e:{} lm:{} num words:{}".format(seq_str, hyp["final_score"], hyp["score"], hyp["lm_score"], hyp["num_words"]))

            for hyp in nbest_hyps:                
                hyp["yseq"] = hyp["yseq"][0].cpu().numpy().tolist()
                hyp_strs = self.post_process_hyp(hyp)

                # print(hyp["yseq"], hyp_strs)
        return batch_ids_nbest_hyps, batch_strs_nbest_hyps

class DecoderLayer(nn.Module):
    Decoder Transformer class

    def __init__(self, dim_model, dim_inner, num_heads, dim_key, dim_value, dropout=0.1):
        super(DecoderLayer, self).__init__()
        self.self_attn = MultiHeadAttention(
            num_heads, dim_model, dim_key, dim_value, dropout=dropout)
        self.encoder_attn = MultiHeadAttention(
            num_heads, dim_model, dim_key, dim_value, dropout=dropout)
        self.pos_ffn = PositionwiseFeedForwardWithConv(
            dim_model, dim_inner, dropout=dropout)

    def forward(self, decoder_input, encoder_output, non_pad_mask=None, self_attn_mask=None, dec_enc_attn_mask=None):
        decoder_output, decoder_self_attn = self.self_attn(
            decoder_input, decoder_input, decoder_input, mask=self_attn_mask)
        decoder_output *= non_pad_mask

        decoder_output, decoder_encoder_attn = self.encoder_attn(
            decoder_output, encoder_output, encoder_output, mask=dec_enc_attn_mask)
        decoder_output *= non_pad_mask

        decoder_output = self.pos_ffn(decoder_output)
        decoder_output *= non_pad_mask

        return decoder_output, decoder_self_attn, decoder_encoder_attn        

General purpose functions

def pad_list(xs, pad_value):
    # From: espnet/src/nets/ pad_list()
    n_batch = len(xs)
    # max_len = max(x.size(0) for x in xs)
    max_len = constant.args.tgt_max_len
    pad = xs[0].new(n_batch, max_len, * xs[0].size()[1:]).fill_(pad_value)
    for i in range(n_batch):
        pad[i, :xs[i].size(0)] = xs[i]
    return pad

Transformer common layers

def get_non_pad_mask(padded_input, input_lengths=None, pad_idx=None):
    padding position is set to 0, either use input_lengths or pad_idx
    assert input_lengths is not None or pad_idx is not None
    if input_lengths is not None:
        # padded_input: N x T x ..
        N = padded_input.size(0)
        non_pad_mask = padded_input.new_ones(padded_input.size()[:-1])  # B x T
        for i in range(N):
            non_pad_mask[i, input_lengths[i]:] = 0
    if pad_idx is not None:
        # padded_input: N x T
        assert padded_input.dim() == 2
        non_pad_mask =
    # unsqueeze(-1) for broadcast
    return non_pad_mask.unsqueeze(-1)

def get_attn_key_pad_mask(seq_k, seq_q, pad_idx):
    For masking out the padding part of key sequence.
    # Expand to fit the shape of key query attention matrix.
    len_q = seq_q.size(1)
    padding_mask = seq_k.eq(pad_idx)
    padding_mask = padding_mask.unsqueeze(1).expand(-1, len_q, -1)  # B x T_Q x T_K

    return padding_mask

def get_attn_pad_mask(padded_input, input_lengths, expand_length):
    """mask position is set to 1"""
    # N x Ti x 1
    non_pad_mask = get_non_pad_mask(padded_input, input_lengths=input_lengths)
    # N x Ti, lt(1) like not operation
    pad_mask = non_pad_mask.squeeze(-1).lt(1)
    attn_mask = pad_mask.unsqueeze(1).expand(-1, expand_length, -1)
    return attn_mask

def get_subsequent_mask(seq):
    ''' For masking out the subsequent info. '''

    sz_b, len_s = seq.size()
    subsequent_mask = torch.triu(
        torch.ones((len_s, len_s), device=seq.device, dtype=torch.uint8), diagonal=1)
    subsequent_mask = subsequent_mask.unsqueeze(0).expand(sz_b, -1, -1)  # b x ls x ls

    return subsequent_mask

class PositionalEncoding(nn.Module):
    Positional Encoding class
    def __init__(self, dim_model, max_length=2000):
        super(PositionalEncoding, self).__init__()

        pe = torch.zeros(max_length, dim_model, requires_grad=False)
        position = torch.arange(0, max_length).unsqueeze(1).float()
        exp_term = torch.exp(torch.arange(0, dim_model, 2).float() * -(math.log(10000.0) / dim_model))
        pe[:, 0::2] = torch.sin(position * exp_term) # take the odd (jump by 2)
        pe[:, 1::2] = torch.cos(position * exp_term) # take the even (jump by 2)
        pe = pe.unsqueeze(0)
        self.register_buffer('pe', pe)

    def forward(self, input):
            input: B x T x D
            tensor: B x T
        return[:, :input.size(1)]

class PositionwiseFeedForward(nn.Module):
    Position-wise Feedforward Layer class
    FFN(x) = max(0, xW1 + b1) W2+ b2
    def __init__(self, dim_model, dim_ff, dropout=0.1):
        super(PositionwiseFeedForward, self).__init__()
        self.linear_1 = nn.Linear(dim_model, dim_ff)
        self.linear_2 = nn.Linear(dim_ff, dim_model)
        self.dropout = nn.Dropout(dropout)
        self.layer_norm = nn.LayerNorm(dim_model)

    def forward(self, x):
            x: tensor
            y: tensor
        residual = x
        output = self.dropout(self.linear_2(F.relu(self.linear_1(x))))
        output = self.layer_norm(output + residual)
        return output

class PositionwiseFeedForwardWithConv(nn.Module):
    Position-wise Feedforward Layer Implementation with Convolution class
    def __init__(self, dim_model, dim_hidden, dropout=0.1):
        super(PositionwiseFeedForwardWithConv, self).__init__()
        self.conv_1 = nn.Conv1d(dim_model, dim_hidden, 1)
        self.conv_2 = nn.Conv1d(dim_hidden, dim_model, 1)
        self.dropout = nn.Dropout(dropout)
        self.layer_norm = nn.LayerNorm(dim_model)

    def forward(self, x):
        residual = x
        output = x.transpose(1, 2)
        output = self.conv_2(F.relu(self.conv_1(output)))
        output = output.transpose(1, 2)
        output = self.dropout(output)
        output = self.layer_norm(output + residual)
        return output

class MultiHeadAttention(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, num_heads, dim_model, dim_key, dim_value, dropout=0.1):
        super(MultiHeadAttention, self).__init__()

        self.num_heads = num_heads

        self.dim_model = dim_model
        self.dim_key = dim_key
        self.dim_value = dim_value

        self.query_linear = nn.Linear(dim_model, num_heads * dim_key)
        self.key_linear = nn.Linear(dim_model, num_heads * dim_key)
        self.value_linear = nn.Linear(dim_model, num_heads * dim_value)

        nn.init.normal_(self.query_linear.weight, mean=0, std=np.sqrt(2.0 / (self.dim_model + self.dim_key)))
        nn.init.normal_(self.key_linear.weight, mean=0, std=np.sqrt(2.0 / (self.dim_model + self.dim_key)))
        nn.init.normal_(self.value_linear.weight, mean=0, std=np.sqrt(2.0 / (self.dim_model + self.dim_value)))

        self.attention = ScaledDotProductAttention(temperature=np.power(dim_key, 0.5), attn_dropout=dropout)
        self.layer_norm = nn.LayerNorm(dim_model)

        self.output_linear = nn.Linear(num_heads * dim_value, dim_model)
        self.dropout = nn.Dropout(dropout)

    def forward(self, query, key, value, mask=None):
        query: B x T_Q x H, key: B x T_K x H, value: B x T_V x H
        mask: B x T x T (attention mask)
        batch_size, len_query, _ = query.size()
        batch_size, len_key, _ = key.size()
        batch_size, len_value, _ = value.size()

        residual = query

        query = self.query_linear(query).view(batch_size, len_query, self.num_heads, self.dim_key) # B x T_Q x num_heads x H_K
        key = self.key_linear(key).view(batch_size, len_key, self.num_heads, self.dim_key) # B x T_K x num_heads x H_K
        value = self.value_linear(value).view(batch_size, len_value, self.num_heads, self.dim_value) # B x T_V x num_heads x H_V

        query = query.permute(2, 0, 1, 3).contiguous().view(-1, len_query, self.dim_key) # (num_heads * B) x T_Q x H_K
        key = key.permute(2, 0, 1, 3).contiguous().view(-1, len_key, self.dim_key) # (num_heads * B) x T_K x H_K
        value = value.permute(2, 0, 1, 3).contiguous().view(-1, len_value, self.dim_value) # (num_heads * B) x T_V x H_V

        if mask is not None:
            mask = mask.repeat(self.num_heads, 1, 1) # (B * num_head) x T x T
        output, attn = self.attention(query, key, value, mask=mask)

        output = output.view(self.num_heads, batch_size, len_query, self.dim_value) # num_heads x B x T_Q x H_V
        output = output.permute(1, 2, 0, 3).contiguous().view(batch_size, len_query, -1) # B x T_Q x (num_heads * H_V)

        output = self.dropout(self.output_linear(output)) # B x T_Q x H_O
        output = self.layer_norm(output + residual)

        return output, attn

class ScaledDotProductAttention(nn.Module):
    ''' Scaled Dot-Product Attention '''

    def __init__(self, temperature, attn_dropout=0.1):
        self.temperature = temperature
        self.dropout = nn.Dropout(attn_dropout)
        self.softmax = nn.Softmax(dim=2)

    def forward(self, q, k, v, mask=None):

        attn = torch.bmm(q, k.transpose(1, 2))
        attn = attn / self.temperature

        if mask is not None:
            attn = attn.masked_fill(mask, -np.inf)

        attn = self.softmax(attn)
        attn = self.dropout(attn)
        output = torch.bmm(attn, v)

        return output, attn

LAS common layers

class DotProductAttention(nn.Module):
    Dot product attention.
    Given a set of vector values, and a vector query, attention is a technique
    to compute a weighted sum of the values, dependent on the query.
    NOTE: Here we use the terminology in Stanford cs224n-2018-lecture11.

    def __init__(self):
        super(DotProductAttention, self).__init__()
        # TODO: move this out of this class?
        # self.linear_out = nn.Linear(dim*2, dim)

    def forward(self, queries, values):
            queries: N x To x H
            values : N x Ti x H
            output: N x To x H
            attention_distribution: N x To x Ti
        batch_size = queries.size(0)
        hidden_size = queries.size(2)
        input_lengths = values.size(1)
        # (N, To, H) * (N, H, Ti) -> (N, To, Ti)
        attention_scores = torch.bmm(queries, values.transpose(1, 2))
        attention_distribution = F.softmax(
            attention_scores.view(-1, input_lengths), dim=1).view(batch_size, -1, input_lengths)
        # (N, To, Ti) * (N, Ti, H) -> (N, To, H)
        attention_output = torch.bmm(attention_distribution, values)
        # # concat -> (N, To, 2*H)
        # concated =, queries), dim=2)
        # # TODO: Move this out of this class?
        # # output -> (N, To, H)
        # output = torch.tanh(self.linear_out(
        #     concated.view(-1, 2*hidden_size))).view(batch_size, -1, hidden_size)

        return attention_output, attention_distribution

def save_model(model, epoch, opt, metrics, label2id, id2label, best_model=False):
    Saving model, TODO adding history
    if best_model:
        save_path = "{}/{}/".format(
        save_path = "{}/{}/epoch_{}.th".format(constant.args.save_folder,
                                     , epoch)

    if not os.path.exists(constant.args.save_folder + "/" +
        os.makedirs(constant.args.save_folder + "/" +

    print("SAVE MODEL to", save_path)
    if constant.args.loss == "ce":
        args = {
            'label2id': label2id,
            'id2label': id2label,
            'args': constant.args,
            'epoch': epoch,
            'model_state_dict': model.state_dict(),
            'optimizer_state_dict': opt.optimizer.state_dict(),
            'optimizer_params': {
                '_step': opt._step,
                '_rate': opt._rate,
                'warmup': opt.warmup,
                'factor': opt.factor,
                'model_size': opt.model_size
            'metrics': metrics
    elif constant.args.loss == "ctc":
        args = {
            'label2id': label2id,
            'id2label': id2label,
            'args': constant.args,
            'epoch': epoch,
            'model_state_dict': model.state_dict(),
            'optimizer_state_dict': opt.optimizer.state_dict(),
            'optimizer_params': {
                'lr_anneal': opt.lr_anneal
            'metrics': metrics
        print("Loss is not defined"), save_path)

def load_model(load_path):
    Loading model
        load_path: string
    checkpoint = torch.load(load_path)

    epoch = checkpoint['epoch']
    metrics = checkpoint['metrics']
    if 'args' in checkpoint:
        args = checkpoint['args']

    label2id = checkpoint['label2id']
    id2label = checkpoint['id2label']

    model = init_transformer_model(args, label2id, id2label)
    if args.cuda:
        model = model.cuda()

    opt = init_optimizer(args, model)
    if opt is not None:
        if constant.args.loss == "ce":
            opt._step = checkpoint['optimizer_params']['_step']
            opt._rate = checkpoint['optimizer_params']['_rate']
            opt.warmup = checkpoint['optimizer_params']['warmup']
            opt.factor = checkpoint['optimizer_params']['factor']
            opt.model_size = checkpoint['optimizer_params']['model_size']
        elif constant.args.loss == "ctc":
   = checkpoint['optimizer_params']['lr']
            opt.lr_anneal = checkpoint['optimizer_params']['lr_anneal']
            print("Need to define loss type")

    return model, opt, epoch, metrics, args, label2id, id2label

def init_optimizer(args, model, opt_type="noam"):
    dim_input = args.dim_input
    warmup = args.warmup
    lr =

    if opt_type == "noam":
        opt = NoamOpt(dim_input, args.k_lr, warmup, torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), betas=(0.9, 0.98), eps=1e-9), min_lr=args.min_lr)
    elif opt_type == "sgd":
        opt = AnnealingOpt(lr, args.lr_anneal, torch.optim.SGD(model.parameters(), lr=lr, momentum=args.momentum, nesterov=True))
        opt = None
        print("Optimizer is not defined")

    return opt

def init_transformer_model(args, label2id, id2label):
    Initiate a new transformer object
    if args.feat_extractor == 'emb_cnn':
        hidden_size = int(math.floor(
            (args.sample_rate * args.window_size) / 2) + 1)
        hidden_size = int(math.floor(hidden_size - 41) / 2 + 1)
        hidden_size = int(math.floor(hidden_size - 21) / 2 + 1)
        hidden_size *= 32
        args.dim_input = hidden_size
    elif args.feat_extractor == 'vgg_cnn':
        hidden_size = int(math.floor((args.sample_rate * args.window_size) / 2) + 1) # 161
        hidden_size = int(math.floor(int(math.floor(hidden_size)/2)/2)) * 128 # divide by 2 for maxpooling
        args.dim_input = hidden_size
        print("the model is initialized without feature extractor")

    num_layers = args.num_layers
    num_heads = args.num_heads
    dim_model = args.dim_model
    dim_key = args.dim_key
    dim_value = args.dim_value
    dim_input = args.dim_input
    dim_inner = args.dim_inner
    dim_emb = args.dim_emb
    src_max_len = args.src_max_len
    tgt_max_len = args.tgt_max_len
    dropout = args.dropout
    emb_trg_sharing = args.emb_trg_sharing
    feat_extractor = args.feat_extractor

    encoder = Encoder(num_layers, num_heads=num_heads, dim_model=dim_model, dim_key=dim_key,
                      dim_value=dim_value, dim_input=dim_input, dim_inner=dim_inner, src_max_length=src_max_len, dropout=dropout)
    decoder = Decoder(id2label, num_src_vocab=len(label2id), num_trg_vocab=len(label2id), num_layers=num_layers, num_heads=num_heads,
                      dim_emb=dim_emb, dim_model=dim_model, dim_inner=dim_inner, dim_key=dim_key, dim_value=dim_value, trg_max_length=tgt_max_len, dropout=dropout, emb_trg_sharing=emb_trg_sharing)
    model = Transformer(encoder, decoder, feat_extractor=feat_extractor)

    if args.parallel:
        device_ids = args.device_ids
        if constant.args.device_ids:
            print("load with device_ids", constant.args.device_ids)
            model = nn.DataParallel(model, device_ids=constant.args.device_ids)
            model = nn.DataParallel(model)

    return model

def load_audio(path):
    sound, _ = torchaudio.load(path, normalization=True)
    sound = sound.numpy().T
    if len(sound.shape) > 1:
        if sound.shape[1] == 1:
            sound = sound.squeeze()
            sound = sound.mean(axis=1)  # multiple channels, average
    return sound

def get_audio_length(path):
    output = subprocess.check_output(
        ['soxi -D "%s"' % path.strip()], shell=True)
    return float(output)

def audio_with_sox(path, sample_rate, start_time, end_time):
    crop and resample the recording with sox and loads it.
    with NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".wav") as tar_file:
        tar_filename =
        sox_params = "sox "{}" -r {} -c 1 -b 16 -e si {} trim {} ={} >/dev/null 2>&1".format(path, sample_rate,
                                                                                               tar_filename, start_time,
        y = load_audio(tar_filename)
        return y

def augment_audio_with_sox(path, sample_rate, tempo, gain):
    Changes tempo and gain of the recording with sox and loads it.
    with NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".wav") as augmented_file:
        augmented_filename =
        sox_augment_params = ["tempo", "{:.3f}".format(
            tempo), "gain", "{:.3f}".format(gain)]
        sox_params = "sox "{}" -r {} -c 1 -b 16 -e si {} {} >/dev/null 2>&1".format(
            path, sample_rate, augmented_filename, " ".join(sox_augment_params))
        y = load_audio(augmented_filename)
        return y

def load_randomly_augmented_audio(path, sample_rate=16000, tempo_range=(0.85, 1.15), gain_range=(-6, 8)):
    Picks tempo and gain uniformly, applies it to the utterance by using sox utility.
    Returns the augmented utterance.
    low_tempo, high_tempo = tempo_range
    tempo_value = np.random.uniform(low=low_tempo, high=high_tempo)
    low_gain, high_gain = gain_range
    gain_value = np.random.uniform(low=low_gain, high=high_gain)
    audio = augment_audio_with_sox(path=path, sample_rate=sample_rate,
                                   tempo=tempo_value, gain=gain_value)
    return audio

class AudioParser(object):
    def parse_transcript(self, transcript_path):
        :param transcript_path: Path where transcript is stored from the manifest file
        :return: Transcript in training/testing format
        raise NotImplementedError

    def parse_audio(self, audio_path):
        :param audio_path: Path where audio is stored from the manifest file
        :return: Audio in training/testing format
        raise NotImplementedError

class SpectrogramParser(AudioParser):
    def __init__(self, audio_conf, normalize=False, augment=False):
        Parses audio file into spectrogram with optional normalization and various augmentations
        :param audio_conf: Dictionary containing the sample rate, window and the window length/stride in seconds
        :param normalize(default False):  Apply standard mean and deviation normalization to audio tensor
        :param augment(default False):  Apply random tempo and gain perturbations
        super(SpectrogramParser, self).__init__()
        self.window_stride = audio_conf['window_stride']
        self.window_size = audio_conf['window_size']
        self.sample_rate = audio_conf['sample_rate']
        self.window = windows.get(audio_conf['window'], windows['hamming'])
        self.normalize = normalize
        self.augment = augment
        self.noiseInjector = NoiseInjection(audio_conf['noise_dir'], self.sample_rate,
                                            audio_conf['noise_levels']) if audio_conf.get(
            'noise_dir') is not None else None
        self.noise_prob = audio_conf.get('noise_prob')

    def parse_audio(self, audio_path):
        if self.augment:
            y = load_randomly_augmented_audio(audio_path, self.sample_rate)
            y = load_audio(audio_path)

        if self.noiseInjector:
  "inject noise")
            add_noise = np.random.binomial(1, self.noise_prob)
            if add_noise:
                y = self.noiseInjector.inject_noise(y)

        n_fft = int(self.sample_rate * self.window_size)
        win_length = n_fft
        hop_length = int(self.sample_rate * self.window_stride)

        # Short-time Fourier transform (STFT)
        D = librosa.stft(y, n_fft=n_fft, hop_length=hop_length,
                         win_length=win_length, window=self.window)
        spect, phase = librosa.magphase(D)

        # S = log(S+1)
        spect = np.log1p(spect)
        spect = torch.FloatTensor(spect)

        if self.normalize:
            mean = spect.mean()
            std = spect.std()

        return spect

    def parse_transcript(self, transcript_path):
        raise NotImplementedError

class SpectrogramDataset(Dataset, SpectrogramParser):
    def __init__(self, audio_conf, manifest_filepath_list, label2id, normalize=False, augment=False):
        Dataset that loads tensors via a csv containing file paths to audio files and transcripts separated by
        a comma. Each new line is a different sample. Example below:
        :param audio_conf: Dictionary containing the sample rate, window and the window length/stride in seconds
        :param manifest_filepath: Path to manifest csv as describe above
        :param labels: String containing all the possible characters to map to
        :param normalize: Apply standard mean and deviation normalization to audio tensor
        :param augment(default False):  Apply random tempo and gain perturbations
        self.max_size = 0
        self.ids_list = []
        for i in range(len(manifest_filepath_list)):
            manifest_filepath = manifest_filepath_list[i]
            with open(manifest_filepath) as f:
                ids = f.readlines()

            ids = [x.strip().split(',') for x in ids]
            self.max_size = max(len(ids), self.max_size)

        self.manifest_filepath_list = manifest_filepath_list
        self.label2id = label2id
        super(SpectrogramDataset, self).__init__(
            audio_conf, normalize, augment)

    def __getitem__(self, index):
        random_id = random.randint(0, len(self.ids_list)-1)
        ids = self.ids_list[random_id]
        sample = ids[index % len(ids)]
        audio_path, transcript_path = sample[0], sample[1]
        spect = self.parse_audio(audio_path)[:,:constant.args.src_max_len]
        transcript = self.parse_transcript(transcript_path)
        return spect, transcript

    def parse_transcript(self, transcript_path):
        with open(transcript_path, 'r', encoding='utf8') as transcript_file:
            transcript = constant.SOS_CHAR +'\n', '').lower() + constant.EOS_CHAR

        transcript = list(
            filter(None, [self.label2id.get(x) for x in list(transcript)]))
        return transcript

    def __len__(self):
        return self.max_size

class NoiseInjection(object):
    def __init__(self,
                 noise_levels=(0, 0.5)):
        Adds noise to an input signal with specific SNR. Higher the noise level, the more noise added.
        Modified code from
        if not os.path.exists(path):
            print("Directory doesn't exist: {}".format(path))
            raise IOError
        self.paths = path is not None and librosa.util.find_files(path)
        self.sample_rate = sample_rate
        self.noise_levels = noise_levels

    def inject_noise(self, data):
        noise_path = np.random.choice(self.paths)
        noise_level = np.random.uniform(*self.noise_levels)
        return self.inject_noise_sample(data, noise_path, noise_level)

    def inject_noise_sample(self, data, noise_path, noise_level):
        noise_len = get_audio_length(noise_path)
        data_len = len(data) / self.sample_rate
        noise_start = np.random.rand() * (noise_len - data_len)
        noise_end = noise_start + data_len
        noise_dst = audio_with_sox(
            noise_path, self.sample_rate, noise_start, noise_end)
        assert len(data) == len(noise_dst)
        noise_energy = np.sqrt( / noise_dst.size)
        data_energy = np.sqrt( / data.size)
        data += noise_level * noise_dst * data_energy / noise_energy
        return data

def _collate_fn(batch):
    def func(p):
        return p[0].size(1)

    def func_tgt(p):
        return len(p[1])

    # descending sorted
    batch = sorted(batch, key=lambda sample: sample[0].size(1), reverse=True)

    max_seq_len = max(batch, key=func)[0].size(1)
    freq_size = max(batch, key=func)[0].size(0)
    max_tgt_len = len(max(batch, key=func_tgt)[1])

    inputs = torch.zeros(len(batch), 1, freq_size, max_seq_len)
    input_sizes = torch.IntTensor(len(batch))
    input_percentages = torch.FloatTensor(len(batch))

    targets = torch.zeros(len(batch), max_tgt_len).long()
    target_sizes = torch.IntTensor(len(batch))

    for x in range(len(batch)):
        sample = batch[x]
        input_data = sample[0]
        target = sample[1]
        seq_length = input_data.size(1)
        input_sizes[x] = seq_length
        inputs[x][0].narrow(1, 0, seq_length).copy_(input_data)
        input_percentages[x] = seq_length / float(max_seq_len)
        target_sizes[x] = len(target)
        targets[x][:len(target)] = torch.IntTensor(target)

    return inputs, targets, input_percentages, input_sizes, target_sizes

class AudioDataLoader(DataLoader):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(AudioDataLoader, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.collate_fn = _collate_fn

class BucketingSampler(Sampler):
    def __init__(self, data_source, batch_size=1):
        Samples batches assuming they are in order of size to batch similarly sized samples together.
        super(BucketingSampler, self).__init__(data_source)
        self.data_source = data_source
        ids = list(range(0, len(data_source)))
        self.bins = [ids[i:i + batch_size]
                     for i in range(0, len(ids), batch_size)]

    def __iter__(self):
        for ids in self.bins:
            yield ids

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.bins)

    def shuffle(self, epoch):

if __name__ == '__main__':
    args = constant.args
    print("THE EXPERIMENT LOG IS SAVED IN: " + "log/" +
    print("TRAINING MANIFEST: ", args.train_manifest_list)
    print("VALID MANIFEST: ", args.valid_manifest_list)
    print("TEST MANIFEST: ", args.test_manifest_list)

    if not os.path.exists("./log"):

    logging.basicConfig(filename="log/" +, filemode='w+', format='%(asctime)s - %(message)s', level=logging.INFO)

    audio_conf = dict(sample_rate=args.sample_rate,
                      noise_levels=(args.noise_min, args.noise_max))

    with open(args.labels_path) as label_file:
        labels = str(''.join(json.load(label_file)))

    labels = constant.PAD_CHAR + constant.SOS_CHAR + constant.EOS_CHAR + labels
    label2id, id2label = {}, {}
    count = 0
    for i in range(len(labels)):
        if labels[i] not in label2id:
            label2id[labels[i]] = count
            id2label[count] = labels[i]
            count += 1
            print("multiple label: ", labels[i])

    # label2id = dict([(labels[i], i) for i in range(len(labels))])
    # id2label = dict([(i, labels[i]) for i in range(len(labels))])

    train_data = SpectrogramDataset(audio_conf, manifest_filepath_list=args.train_manifest_list, label2id=label2id, normalize=True, augment=args.augment)
    train_sampler = BucketingSampler(train_data, batch_size=args.batch_size)
    train_loader = AudioDataLoader(
        train_data, num_workers=args.num_workers, batch_sampler=train_sampler)

    valid_loader_list, test_loader_list = [], []
    for i in range(len(args.valid_manifest_list)):
        valid_data = SpectrogramDataset(audio_conf, manifest_filepath_list=[args.valid_manifest_list[i]], label2id=label2id,
                                        normalize=True, augment=False)
        valid_loader = AudioDataLoader(valid_data, num_workers=args.num_workers, batch_size=args.batch_size)

    for i in range(len(args.test_manifest_list)):
        test_data = SpectrogramDataset(audio_conf, manifest_filepath_list=[args.test_manifest_list[i]], label2id=label2id,
                                    normalize=True, augment=False)
        test_loader = AudioDataLoader(test_data, num_workers=args.num_workers)

    start_epoch = 0
    metrics = None
    loaded_args = None
    if constant.args.continue_from != "":"Continue from checkpoint: " + constant.args.continue_from)
        model, opt, epoch, metrics, loaded_args, label2id, id2label = load_model(
        start_epoch = epoch  # index starts from zero
        verbose = constant.args.verbose

        if loaded_args != None:
            # Unwrap nn.DataParallel
            if loaded_args.parallel:
      "unwrap from DataParallel")
                model = model.module

            # Parallelize the batch
            if args.parallel:
                model = nn.DataParallel(model, device_ids=args.device_ids)
        if constant.args.model == "TRFS":
            model = init_transformer_model(constant.args, label2id, id2label)
            opt = init_optimizer(constant.args, model, "noam")
  "The model is not supported, check args --h")
    loss_type = args.loss

    if constant.USE_CUDA:
        model = model.cuda(0)
    num_epochs = constant.args.epochs

    trainer = Trainer()
    trainer.train(model, train_loader, train_sampler, valid_loader_list, opt, loss_type, start_epoch, num_epochs, label2id, id2label, metrics)

参考:【1】End2End-ASR-Pytorch - 深度学习 - Hello Mat - Powered by Discuz! (

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