

AI generated image AI生成图像

Introduction 介绍

We’ll study this with an example, because I find it kind of difficult the other way…

fn main(){
  let x: u32 = 20; // lifetime of x starts here
    let y: u32 = 10; //lifetime of y starts here

  } // Y goes out of scope

} // X goes out of scope

The lifetimes of x and are scoped within the blocks where they are declared. has a lifetime that begins with its declaration and ends at the conclusion of the main function. Similarly, y’s lifespan begins with its declaration and ends with the closing curly brace of its block. Rust’s ownership model ensures that memory associated with y is deallocated when it exits scope, and similarly for x. Rust forbids the usage of variables over their intended lives, guaranteeing memory safety.
x 和 的生存期是在声明它们的块中定义的。 的生命周期从它的声明开始,到main函数的结束。类似地,y的寿命从它的声明开始,到它的块的右花括号结束。Rust的所有权模型确保与y关联的内存在退出作用域时被释放,x也是如此。Rust禁止在变量的预期寿命内使用变量,以保证内存安全。

The borrow checker 借用检查器

Rust has a borrow checker which prevents any dangling references from existing

What is a dangling reference?
什么是dangling reference?

fn main(){
  let x: u32 = 20;
    let y: u32 = 10; 
    let x = &y;

This code will not compile because, X is a dangling reference. It does not point to anything because y has already gone out of scope.
这段代码将无法编译,因为X是一个悬空引用。它没有指向任何东西,因为 y 已经超出范围。

Rust tackles this by using the borrow checker in the compile-time. The Rust borrow checker ensures at compile time that references are used safely to prevent data races and memory errors.

Generic lifetime annotations

Generic lifetime annotations in Rust allow functions to accept arguments with any lifetime, providing flexibility in handling references with different lifetimes.

  • Generic lifetime annotations in Rust are denoted by 'a'b, or any other valid lifetime identifier.
    Rust中的通用生命周期注释由 'a 、 'b 或任何其他有效的生命周期标识符表示。
  • These annotations specify that a function or struct can accept references with any lifetime.
  • The lifetime annotation is typically used to indicate that the lifetime of the returned reference will be the same as the shortest-lived input reference.
  • Generic lifetime annotations provide flexibility in handling references with different lifetimes within the same function or data structure.
  • They ensure memory safety by enforcing that references used within the function or struct are valid for the entire duration of their respective lifetimes.
  • In functions, generic lifetime annotations are placed before the parameter list, indicating that the function can accept references with any valid lifetime.
  • The lifetime of the returned reference is inferred based on the lifetimes of the input references and the specified generic lifetime annotation.

Example 例如

fn main() {
    let string1 = String::from("hello");
    let string2 = String::from("world");

    let result;
        let string3 = String::from("from Rust!");

        result = longest_string(&string1, &string2, &string3);

    println!("The longest string is: {}", result);

fn longest_string<'a>(s1: &'a str, s2: &'a str, s3: &'a str) -> &'a str {
    if s1.len() >= s2.len() && s1.len() >= s3.len() {
    } else if s2.len() >= s1.len() && s2.len() >= s3.len() {
    } else {
  • The main function is the entry point of the program.
    main 函数是程序的入口点。
  • Inside main, three String variables (string1string2, and string3) are created and initialized with different string values.
    在 main 中,创建了三个 String 变量( string1 、 string2 和 string3 ),并使用不同的字符串值进行初始化。
  • A mutable variable result is declared, which will later hold the result of the longest_string function.
    声明了一个可变变量 result ,它稍后将保存 longest_string 函数的结果。
  • Inside a new scope delimited by curly braces {}, another String variable string3 is created and initialized with the value "from Rust!".
    在由花括号 {} 分隔的新范围内,创建了另一个 String 变量 string3 ,并使用值 "from Rust!" 进行初始化。
  • The longest_string function is called with references to string1string2, and string3, passing them as arguments.
    使用对 string1 、 string2 和 string3 的引用调用 longest_string 函数,并将它们作为参数传递。
  • The longest_string function takes three references to strings (&str) and returns a reference to the longest string among them. It uses a generic lifetime annotation 'a to specify that all input references and the returned reference must have the same lifetime.
    longest_string 函数接受三个对字符串的引用( &str ),并返回其中最长字符串的引用。它使用一个通用的生存期注释 'a 来指定所有输入引用和返回引用必须具有相同的生存期。
  • Within longest_string, it compares the lengths of the input strings (s1s2, and s3) and returns a reference to the longest one.
    在 longest_string 中,它比较输入字符串( s1 、 s2 和 s3 )的长度,并返回对最长字符串的引用。
  • Back in main, the returned reference from longest_string is assigned to the result variable.
    回到 main ,从 longest_string 返回的引用被分配给 result 变量。
  • Finally, the println! macro prints the result, which is the longest string among string1string2, and string3, determined by their lengths.
    最后, println! 宏打印结果,这是 string1 、 string2 和 string3 中最长的字符串,由它们的长度决定。

Output 输出

The longest string is: from Rust!

Let’s look at some error prone code to understand lifetimes better

fn main(){
  let x = result();
  println!("{}", x);

fn result<'a>() -> &'a str {
  let y = String::from("Hello");
  • The main function tries to call the result function and store the returned value in variable x.
    main 函数尝试调用 result 函数并将返回值存储在变量 x 中。
  • result function attempts to return a reference to a string slice (&str) created from a String (y).
    result 函数试图返回一个引用到一个从 String ( y )创建的字符串切片( &str )。
  • However, y is a locally scoped String variable and will be deallocated at the end of result function, making the reference invalid.
    然而, y 是一个局部作用域的 String 变量,将在 result 函数结束时被释放,使引用无效。
  • This results in a lifetime error because the function attempts to return a reference to data that goes out of scope at the end of the function.

returns a value referencing data owned by the current function
`y` is borrowed here

To fix this, we can return an owned string, instead of a reference to a string slice by doing this

fn main(){
    let x = result();
    println!("{}", x);

fn result() -> String {
    let y = String::from("Hello");

Lifetime annotations in structs

Lifetime annotations in structs allow specifying lifetimes for references within struct fields, ensuring that they adhere to Rust’s ownership rules.

We use the same syntax to specify lifetimes for structs…

struct MyStruct<'a> {
    data: &'a str,

impl<'a> MyStruct<'a> {
    fn new(data: &'a str) -> Self {
        MyStruct { data }

    fn print_data(&self) {
        println!("{}", self.data);

fn main() {
    let data = String::from("Hello, world!");
        let my_struct = MyStruct::new(&data);
    } // my_struct goes out of scope

    // Here, `data` is still valid because its scope extends beyond `my_struct`
    println!("Outside the scope: {}", data);
  • In the MyStruct definition, 'a is a lifetime annotation indicating that data field will contain a reference (&str) with the same lifetime 'a.
    在 MyStruct 定义中, 'a 是一个生命周期注释,指示 data 字段将包含具有相同生命周期 'a 的引用( &str )。
  • The MyStruct implementation includes a constructor new that takes a reference to a string slice with the same lifetime as the struct.
    MyStruct 实现包括一个构造函数 new ,它引用一个与结构体具有相同生命周期的字符串切片。
  • The print_data method prints the data stored in the struct.
    print_data 方法打印存储在结构中的数据。
  • In main, a String instance data is created and passed as a reference to MyStruct::new.
    在 main 中,创建了一个 String 实例 data ,并将其作为对 MyStruct::new 的引用传递。
  • my_struct is then printed and goes out of scope, but data remains valid as its lifetime extends beyond the scope of my_struct.
    然后打印出 my_struct 并超出范围,但 data 仍然有效,因为其生存期超出了 my_struct 的范围。

Lifetime Elision Rules 终身省略规则

Lifetime elision rules in Rust are a set of implicit guidelines followed by the compiler to infer lifetimes for references in function signatures. These rules allow us to write code without explicitly annotating lifetimes in many common scenarios, reducing verbosity and improving code readability.

To understand lifetime elision rules, we first need to understand Input and Output lifetimes

Input lifetimes: 输入寿命:

  • Input lifetimes refer to the lifetimes associated with references passed as parameters to a function or method.
  • They determine how long the references passed into the function must remain valid.
  • In Rust’s lifetime elision rules, input lifetimes are used to infer the lifetimes of references returned from the function.

Output lifetimes: 输出寿命:

  • Output lifetimes refer to the lifetime associated with references returned from a function or method.
  • They specify how long the returned references remain valid after the function or method call.
  • In Rust’s lifetime elision rules, the output lifetime is inferred based on the input lifetimes and the structure of the function or method’s parameters.

Rules 规则

Single input: 单输入:

  • When a function or method has only one input lifetime parameter (such as &self or a single reference parameter), Rust automatically applies that single lifetime to all output lifetimes.
    当一个函数或方法只有一个输入生命周期参数(例如 &self 或单个引用参数)时,Rust会自动将该生命周期应用于所有输出生命周期。
  • This simplifies the code by avoiding the need for redundant annotations.

Example : 范例:

fn foo<'a>(x: &'a str) -> &'a str { ... }

can be changed to 可以更改为

fn foo(x: &str) -> &str { ... }

Multiple inputs: 多个输入:

  • If there are multiple input lifetime parameters, Rust applies the first two rules independently to each parameter to determine their lifetimes.
  • This allows the compiler to infer lifetimes separately for each reference, ensuring correctness.

Example : 范例:

fn bar<'a, 'b>(x: &'a str, y: &'b str) -> &'a str { ... }

can be changed to 可以更改为

fn bar(x: &str, y: &str) -> &str { ... }

Output inferred: 推断输出:

  • When there’s exactly one reference type among the parameters (excluding &self or &mut self in methods), Rust uses the lifetime of that reference as the output lifetime.
    当参数中只有一个引用类型时(不包括方法中的 &self 或 &mut self ),Rust使用该引用的生命周期作为输出生命周期。
  • This rule is especially useful for functions where one of the input references dictates the lifetime of the output reference, making the code more concise.

Example : 范例:

fn baz<'a>(x: &'a str, y: &str) -> &'a str { ... }

can be changed to 可以更改为

fn baz(x: &str, y: &str) -> &str { ... }

Bounds require annotation:

  • Lifetime elision rules don’t apply to associated functions or trait methods with lifetime bounds.
  • In such cases, explicit lifetime annotations are necessary to specify the relationship between the input and output lifetimes accurately.

Static lifetimes 静态寿命

In Rust, 'static is a special lifetime that denotes a reference with a lifetime that lasts for the entire duration of the program's execution. This means that the data being referenced remains valid for the entire lifetime of the program.
在Rust中, 'static 是一个特殊的生命周期,它表示一个引用的生命周期持续到程序执行的整个持续时间。这意味着被引用的数据在程序的整个生存期内都是有效的。

Example : 范例:

fn main() {
    let static_str: &'static str = "I am a static string.";
    println!("{}", static_str);
  • In this example, static_str is a reference to a string slice (&str) annotated with the 'static lifetime.
    在本例中, static_str 是对使用 'static 生存期注释的字符串切片( &str )的引用。
  • The string slice "I am a static string." is a string literal, which has a static lifetime by default. Therefore, we can assign it to a reference with a 'static lifetime.
    字符串slice "I am a static string." 是一个字符串字面量,默认情况下具有静态生存期。因此,我们可以将其分配给具有 'static 生存期的引用。
  • This reference can be used throughout the entire program’s execution because it points to data that exists for the entire duration of the program.
  • The 'static lifetime is commonly used for global constants, string literals, or data stored in static memory locations, ensuring that they remain valid for the entire program's lifetime without any possibility of being deallocated.
    'static 生存期通常用于全局常量、字符串文字或存储在静态内存位置的数据,以确保它们在整个程序生存期内保持有效,而不可能被释放。

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