2024 年 Rust 值得关注的精选库列表

Rust patterns 

Provides a series of code Design patterns to help Rust developers efficiently solve common programming problems.

  • Bitflags : Create a safe type that can represent a set of bit flags through macro definition, often used to represent a set of boolean values.
    Bitflags :创建一个安全类型,可以通过宏定义表示一组位标志,通常用于表示一组布尔值。
  • Thiserror : A handy library for deriving Error implementations for error types in Rust to simplify error handling.
    Thiserror :一个方便的库,用于派生 Rust 中错误类型的 Error 实现,以简化错误处理。
  • Miette : A library that emphasizes User Experience and provides beautiful error reporting and advanced diagnostics.
  • Itertools : Provides a range of additional iterator adapters, methods, and macros that extend the iterator functionality in the Rust standard library.
    Itertools :提供一系列附加的迭代器适配器、方法和宏,用于扩展 Rust 标准库中的迭代器功能。
  • once_cell Provides support for global and local lazy loading variables, allowing immutable access after a single initialization.
    Once_cell 提供对全局和局部延迟加载变量的支持,允许在单次初始化后进行不可变访问。
  • Eyre : Provides a highly flexible way of handling and reporting errors, allowing developers to define the style and context of error reports.
  • Ordered — float : Provides a floating-point wrapper that allows unstable floating-point numbers to be fully sorted for use in collection types and other situations.
    Ordered — float :提供浮点包装器,允许对不稳定的浮点数进行完全排序,以便在集合类型和其他情况下使用。
  • Bytes : A library focused on byte sequence operations to simplify the handling of byte slices such as network buffering.
  • Indoc : A macro used to embed appropriately indented multiline string literals in source code for improved readability.
    Indoc :用于在源代码中嵌入适当缩进的多行字符串文字以提高可读性的宏。
  • Volatile : Provides encapsulation of raw pointers, allowing safer volatile read and write operations to memory.
    Volatile :提供原始指针的封装,允许对内存进行更安全的易失性读写操作。
  • DYN — hash : Provides a hash feature that can manipulate dynamically (dyn) -typed objects to build a generic hash collection that can accept any object that implements the feature.
    DYN — hash :提供哈希功能,可以操作动态 (dyn) 类型的对象来构建通用哈希集合,该集合可以接受实现该功能的任何对象。
  • Glib : The binding of the GLib library in the Rust language allows developers to use the underlying operations and structures provided by GLib and related libraries in Rust.
    Glib :Rust 语言中 GLib 库的绑定,允许开发者在 Rust 中使用 GLib 和相关库提供的底层操作和结构。
  • Const-type-layout : By deriving macros relative to the native Rust type description (TypeLayout), it realizes the constant representation of type layout information, which is conducive to checking the structure layout when compiling.
    const-type-layout :通过派生相对于 Rust 原生类型描述(TypeLayout)的宏,实现类型布局信息的常量表示,有利于编译时检查结构布局。
  • Rustler : A framework that allows Rust code to be integrated into the Erlang virtual machine as an external function interface.
    Rustler :一个允许 Rust 代码作为外部函数接口集成到 Erlang 虚拟机中的框架。
  • Rustrix : Focuses on linear algebra, especially matrix operations, providing operation macros and basic functions to manipulate matrices.
  • Cel-interpreter : An interpreter that implements the Common Expression Language (CEL) to execute CEL expressions, commonly found in policy and rules engines.
    Cel-interpreter :实现通用表达式语言(CEL)以执行 CEL 表达式的解释器,常见于策略和规则引擎中。

Network programming

For example, network protocols such as FTP, HTTP, SSH, or lower-level TCP or UDP.
例如,FTP、HTTP、SSH 等网络协议或较低级别的 TCP 或 UDP。

  • Socket2 : Highly configurable handling of network sockets for flexibility in underlying network programming.
  • IPNet : Provides data types for handling network addresses and subnets for IP network computing.
  • Rustls-native-certs : Allows rustls to use platform-native certificate stores to support TLS encrypted communications.
    Rustls-native-certs :允许 rustls 使用平台本机证书存储来支持 TLS 加密通信。
  • Native-tls : Provides a cross-platform TLS API that encapsulates native TLS implementations for various operating systes.
    Native-tls :提供跨平台的 TLS API,封装了各种操作系统的本机 TLS 实现。
  • Async-graphql : A powerful, type-safe GraphQL server implementation that supports asynchronous processing.
    Async-graphql:一个强大的、类型安全的 GraphQL 服务器实现,支持异步处理。
  • Tower : Provides an abstraction layer and Middleware for building network services, designed to simplify the construction and composition of network services.
  • Aws-sdk-s3 : The official AWS SDK Client for Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) for Rust.
    Aws-sdk-s3 :适用于 Rust 的 Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) 的官方 AWS 开发工具包客户端。
  • Quinn : Based on the Rust QUIC (Fast UDP Internet Connection) protocol implementation, supporting efficient and reliable transmission.
    Quinn :基于 Rust QUIC(快速 UDP Internet 连接)协议实现,支持高效可靠的传输。
  • port_check Use to check if the local port is available or if the remote port is connected.
    port_check 用于检查本地端口是否可用或远程端口是否已连接。
  • Rqbit : bittorrent Client and server written in Rust, feature-rich and efficient.
    Rqbit :用 Rust 编写的 bittorrent 客户端和服务器,功能丰富且高效。
  • Tokio-modbus : An asynchronous Modbus library based on the Tokio runtime, suitable for building real-time communication applications.
  • cidr_calc A library that facilitates the calculation of CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing) related subnets and IP address ranges.
    cidr_calc 一个有助于计算 CIDR(无类域间路由)相关子网和 IP 地址范围的库。
  • azure_devops_rust_api Rust API library for accessing Azure DevOps services, allowing integration and automation of workflows.
    azure_devops_rust_api 用于访问 Azure DevOps 服务的 Rust API 库,允许工作流的集成和自动化。

Data structures 数据结构

Rust data structures implemented for specific purposes.
Rust 数据结构为特定目的而实现。

  • HashBrown : An efficient hash table implementation based on Google’s SwissTable design that provides fast find, insert, and delete operations.
    HashBrown:基于 Google SwissTable 设计的高效哈希表实现,提供快速查找、插入和删除操作。
  • Bitvec : allows you to manipulate memory in units of individual bits, used to create compact bit arrays and bit fields.
    Bitvec :允许您以单个位为单位操作内存,用于创建紧凑的位数组和位字段。
  • Phf : Statically generated perfect hash function library that allows efficient Look-up tables to be created at compile time.
  • Indexmap : a hash table mapping and collection that guarantees insertion order, combining the advantages of fast insertion and fast iteration.
    Indexmap :保证插入顺序的哈希表映射和集合,结合了快速插入和快速迭代的优点。
  • Half : Provides a Rust implementation of half-precision floating-point numbers (f16 and bf16) for lean floating-point calculations.
    Half :提供半精度浮点数(f16 和 bf16)的 Rust 实现,用于精简浮点计算。
  • Num : Collects various number types and related characteristics (Traits), including integers, floating-point numbers, rational numbers, and large integers.
    Num :收集各种数字类型和相关特征(Traits),包括整数、浮点数、有理数和大整数。
  • Ropey : A high-performance Rust text rope data structure designed for editing and other text manipulation.
    Ropey:一种高性能 Rust 文本绳数据结构,设计用于编辑和其他文本操作。
  • Priority-queue : Implemented the priority queue data structure, based on the binary heap algorithm, supporting dynamic element priority changes.
    Priority-queue :实现了优先级队列数据结构,基于二叉堆算法,支持动态元素优先级变化。
  • Smallvec : a vector that implements small capacity optimization, storing a small number of elements on the stack to avoid heap allocation.
    Smallvec :实现小容量优化的向量,在堆栈上存储少量元素以避免堆分配。
  • Fixedbitset : A simple and efficient implementation of bitsets for processing fixed-size bitsets.
  • YRS : Rust implementation based on Yjs CRDT algorithm, supporting synchronous collaborative editing and other functional requirements.
    YRS :基于 Yjs CRDT 算法的 Rust 实现,支持同步协同编辑等功能需求。
  • Char-list : A collection of character lists that provides string-like but immutable properties.
    Char-list :字符列表的集合,提供类似字符串但不可变的属性。
  • Kbs-types : Defines serializable and deserializable Rust types, mainly used in the KBS system.
    Kbs-types :定义可序列化和可反序列化的 Rust 类型,主要用于 KBS 系统。
  • Any-range : Supports enumeration of various Range types in the Rust standard library, giving greater flexibility in parsing and operating range.
    Any-range :支持 Rust 标准库中各种 Range 类型的枚举,在解析和操作范围方面给予更大的灵活性。
  • more_collections Provides a range of additional collection types to complement the collections module in the standard library.
    more_collections 提供一系列附加集合类型来补充标准库中的集合模块。
  • Xot : A comprehensive Rust XML processing library that supports building and manipulating XML tree structures.
    Xot:一个全面的 Rust XML 处理库,支持构建和操作 XML 树结构。
  • Bao-tree : Combined with the BLAKE3 hash algorithm, provides the ability to verify the entire stream block by block instead of all at once.
    Bao-tree:与 BLAKE3 哈希算法相结合,提供了逐块而不是一次性验证整个流的能力。

Algorithm 算法

Including core algorithms such as hashing, sorting, and searching.

  • Rand : A comprehensive random number generation library for the Rust language, including various random number generators as well as randomness features and distributions.
    Rand:Rust 语言的综合随机数生成库,包括各种随机数生成器以及随机性特征和分布。
  • CRC : Provides the implementation of CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) algorithm, suitable for various CRC standards and bit widths.
    CRC :提供CRC(循环冗余校验)算法的实现,适用于各种CRC标准和位宽。
  • Fastrand : a random number generator designed with performance as the main goal.
  • Strsim : Contains multiple algorithms to calculate and compare the similarity and distance of strings.
    Strsim :包含多种算法来计算和比较字符串的相似度和距离。
  • Twox-hash : High-performance hash algorithm library, based on XXHash algorithm, suitable for fast data fingerprint or hash table scenarios.
    Twox-hash :高性能哈希算法库,基于XXHash算法,适用于快速数据指纹或哈希表场景。
  • Bytecount : E




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