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原创 机器学习简介

概要本文是对于 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Machine_learning 的简化翻译,从而更容易使读者抓住重点机器学习分为3大类1.监督学习该算法从输入数据和输出数据构建数据模型。例如对于图像识别数据训练集,它包括输入,即具有目标图像的图像,以及输出,其是指示图像是否属于分类的标签。2.无监督学习算法仅根据输入数据建立数据模型,而不需要输出数据。因...

2019-01-14 23:44:15 341

原创 Spring Introduction -1

Spring SummarySpring BootSpring Boot 2.0Installation of Spring BootDeveloping Your First Spring Boot ApplicationSpring BootSpring Boot is designed to get you up and running as quickly as possible, w...

2019-04-07 16:53:34 572

原创 LSTM模型介绍

递归神经网络(RNN)人类不会每时每刻都开始思考。 当你阅读这篇文章时,你会根据你对之前单词的理解来理解每个单词。 你不会忘掉掉所有东西,然后再从头开始思考。 你的想法有持久性。传统的神经网络不能做到这一点,这是一个主要的缺点。 例如,假设您想要对电影视频中每个点发生的事件进行分类。 目前尚传统神经网络无法利用其对电影中先前事件的推理来预测后者。循环神经网络解决了这个问题。 它们是带有循环的...

2019-02-04 23:31:54 54579 2

原创 Keras:Python深度学习库简介

Keras:Python深度学习库简介Keras是一个高级神经网络API,用Python编写,能够在TensorFlow,CNTK或Theano之上运行。 它的开发重点是实现快速开发。 能够以最小的时间成本从理论到结果,这也进行快速研究验证的关键。如果您需要深度学习库,请使用Keras:允许简单快速的原型设计(通过用户友好接口,模块化和可扩展性)。支持卷积网络和循环网络,以及两者的组合...

2019-01-26 16:24:01 1134

原创 Keras: The Python Deep Learning library Introduction

Keras: The Python Deep Learning library IntroductionKeras is a high-level neural networks API, written in Python and capable of running on top of TensorFlow, CNTK, or Theano. It was developed with a...

2019-01-26 15:32:59 805

原创 在Kaggle的使用新闻预测股票涨跌的AI 建模竞赛(2-Sigma 赞助)

在Kaggle的使用新闻预测股票涨跌的AI建模竞赛(2-Sigma 赞助)我们可以使用新闻分析的内容来预测股价表现吗? 如今无处不在的数据使投资者能够以任何规模做出更好的投资决策。 这个竞赛在于提取和解释数据以确定哪些数据有用,在这个信息海洋中找到信号。 Two Sigma对这一挑战充满热情,并很高兴与Kaggle社区分享。这场比赛最让人兴奋的是,Kaggle现在正在使用提交的模型进行实时的未...

2019-01-26 00:48:45 3484 16

原创 The introduction of Two Sigma(Using News to Predict Stock Movements) AI competition at Kaggle

The introduction of Two Sigma(Using News to Predict Stock Movements) competition at Kaggle

2019-01-26 00:04:25 1702 15

原创 Python 3.7.x 介绍-8 标准库 2

Python 3.7.x 介绍-8 标准库 2输出格式化reprlib模块提供了一个版本的repr(),用于大型或深层嵌套容器的缩写显示:>>> import reprlib>>> reprlib.repr(set('supercalifragilisticexpialidocious'))"{'a', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g',...

2019-01-24 09:44:09 311

原创 Python 3.7.x Notes-8 Standard Library 2

Python 3.7.x Notes-8 Standard Library 2Output FormattingThe reprlib module provides a version of repr() customized for abbreviated displays of large or deeply nested containers:>>> import ...

2019-01-24 09:03:35 241

原创 Python 3.7.x 介绍-7 标准库

标准库介绍操作系统接口>>> import os>>> os.getcwd() # Return the current working directory'C:\\Python37'>>> os.chdir('/server/accesslogs') # Change curr

2019-01-23 08:02:37 649

原创 Python 3.7.x Notes-7 Standard Library

Brief Tour of the Standard LibraryOperating System Interface>>> import os>>> os.getcwd() # Return the current working directory'C:\\Python37'>>&g

2019-01-23 07:47:47 294

原创 TensorFlow development environment setup with Anaconda (windows)

TensorFlow is an open-source software library for dataflow programming across a range of tasks. It is a symbolic math library, and is also used for machine learning applications such as neural network...

2019-01-22 00:21:18 189

原创 使用Anaconda设置TensorFlow开发环境(windows)

TensorFlow是一个开源软件库,用于跨越一系列任务进行数据流编程。 它是一个符号数学库,也用于机器学习应用程序,如神经网络。 它用于Google的AI研究和开发。它被世界级企业广泛使用,是个人开发者探索这一领域的最佳开源库。开源Anaconda Distribution是在Linux,Windows和Mac OS X上进行Python和R数据科学和机器学习的最快和最简单的方法。它是在单个...

2019-01-22 00:20:35 637

翻译 使用TensorFlow进行股票价格预测的简单深度学习模型

使用TensorFlow进行股票价格预测的简单深度学习模型(翻译)原文链接:https://medium.com/mlreview/a-simple-deep-learning-model-for-stock-price-prediction-using-tensorflow-30505541d877深度学习在金融市场的应用越来越广泛,这篇来自作者 Sebastian Heinz 的好文起到了...

2019-01-20 19:00:56 9435

原创 Python 3.7.x 介绍-6类

类类提供了将数据和功能捆绑在一起的方法。 创建新类会创建一种新类型的对象,从而允许创建该类型的新实例。 每个类实例都可以附加属性以保持其状态。 类实例还可以具有用于修改其状态的方法(由其类定义)。 与其他编程语言相比,Python的类机制添加了具有最少新语法和语义的类。 它是C ++和Modula-3中的类机制的混合体。 Python类提供面向对象编程的所有标准功能与C ++和Modula-3不...

2019-01-20 00:06:07 387

原创 Python 3.7.x Notes-6 Classes

ClassesClasses provide a means of bundling data and functionality together. Creating a new class creates a new type of object, allowing new instances of that type to be made. Each class instance can ...

2019-01-19 22:28:43 414

原创 Python 3.7.x 介绍-5 错误和异常处理

错误和异常处理语法错误语法错误(也称为解析错误)可能是您在学习Python时最常见的问题:>>> while True print('Hello world') File "<stdin>", line 1 while True print('Hello world') ^SyntaxErro

2019-01-19 15:54:44 2111

原创 Python 3.7.x Notes-5 Errors and Exceptions

Errors and ExceptionsSyntax ErrorsSyntax errors, also known as parsing errors, are perhaps the most common kind of complaint you get while you are still learning Python:>>> while True prin...

2019-01-19 15:24:02 287

原创 Python 3.7.x 介绍-1概述

1 容易学习高效的高级数据结构面向对象编程的简单方法简洁的语法和动态类型Python解释器通过C / C ++轻松扩展来自主要Python平台的大量源代码或二进制文件库使用Python解释器通常安装在c:\ python37 Python命令行示例:。python -c命令[arg] …python -m module [arg] …参数传递。通过import sys访问参数...

2019-01-19 12:00:35 602

原创 Python 3.7.x 介绍 -4 输入和输出

输入和输出等好的输出格式控制到目前为止,我们遇到了两种写入值的方法:表达式语句和print()函数。 要使用格式化的字符串文字,请在开始引号或三引号之前键入一个带有f或F的字符串。>>> year = 2016>>> event = 'Referendum'>>> f'Results of the {year} {event}''R...

2019-01-19 11:46:03 738

原创 Python 3.7.x Notes -4 Input & Output

Input and OutputFancier Output FormattingSo far we’ve encountered two ways of writing values: expression statements and the print() function.To use formatted string literals, begin a string with f ...

2019-01-19 11:12:46 475

原创 IBM WebSphere ldap configuration key point(LDAP login failure cause)

IBM was ldap configuration key point(LADP login failure cause)When you are configuring the ldap into IBM WebSphere(WAS), you need to configure the objectclass=inetOrgPerson in the Advanced LDAP user ...

2019-01-18 11:39:12 264

原创 Python 3.7.x 介绍-3 数据集和模块化

List列表数据类型有多种方法。 以下是列表对象的所有方法使用大多数列表方法的示例:>>> fruits = ['orange', 'apple', 'pear', 'banana', 'kiwi', 'apple', 'banana']>>> fruits.count('apple')2>>&

2019-01-17 23:54:00 368

原创 Python 3.7.x Notes-3 Data Structure & Module

Data StructureListsThe list data type has some more methods. Here are all of the methods of list objectsAn example that uses most of the list methods:>>> fruits = ['orange', 'apple', 'pea...

2019-01-17 23:34:47 288

原创 Python 3.7.x 介绍-2 流程控制

Python 3.7.x 介绍-2流程控制1.for>>> # Measure some strings:... words = ['cat', 'window', 'defenestrate']>>> for w in words:... print

2019-01-16 23:28:47 221

原创 Python 3.7.x Notes-2 Control Flow

Python 3.7.x Notes-2Control Flow1.for>>> # Measure some strings:... words = ['cat', 'window', 'defenestrate']>>> for w in words:... print(w, len(w))...cat 3window 6de

2019-01-16 23:02:34 272

原创 Python 3.7.x Notes-1 Briefing

BriefingEasily to learnEfficient high level data structuresSimple approach for OO programmingElegant syntax & Dynamic typingPython interpreterEasily to be extended by C/C++Vast library o...

2019-01-15 23:20:03 191

原创 Machine Learning Introduction

Machine Learning IntroductionMachine LearningOverviewTheoryModelMachine LearningMachine Learning(ML) is the study algorithm and statistic model that computer system uses to improve the performance o...

2019-01-14 22:57:49 468 1

原创 SQL Server 2014 Installation Error - Wait on the Database Engine Recovery Handle Failed

Summary: Handle the SQL 2014 installation Error of Wait on the DB Engine Recovery

2016-11-01 20:26:26 1935

原创 SQL concept

SQL concept introduction, includes SQL architecture, SQL command, and table related elements

2016-10-29 14:55:57 571

原创 JavaScript in the browser

Summary: The overall architecture of BS based application. How JavaScript function in this BS based application. Modifying HTML, Communicating with server, Storing data

2016-10-23 23:01:56 573

原创 Front End Progressive Enhancement Development

Summary: Progressive enhancement is the fundamental base methodology for front end development. It is a layered approach to Web Design, which is put effort on the content rather then the format.

2016-10-21 01:22:17 492

原创 Android Development Notes-4(BroadcastReceiver, Manifests)

Summary: BroadcastReceiver, Manifests, Delvik VM, Zigote-A broadcast receiver receives the action of  Intent objects, similarly to an  Activity , but does not have its own user interface-A typical

2016-06-22 23:15:52 563

原创 Java Notes-15(Proxies, RIM)

Summary: Proxies ProxySelector InetAddress RIM-Some firewalls not only prevent outsiders from getting in, but by default, prevent applications inside the firewall from opening direct socket-level co

2016-06-19 23:42:43 768

原创 Android development Notes-3(Activity, Intents, and Tasks, Service, Content provider)

-Android introduces a richer and more complex approach by supporting multiple application entry points. Android programs should expect the system to start them in different places, depending on where

2016-02-26 23:05:38 1473

原创 Java Notes-14(DateAtHost Client, TinyHttpd Server, Socket Options)

Summary: DateAtHost Client, TinyHttpd Server, Socket OptionsSome deeply introduction of web/network related features in Java

2016-02-22 00:10:02 668

原创 Java Notes-13(Oberver, Sockets)

Summary: Observer, Sockets

2015-11-08 22:45:02 677

原创 Java Notes-12(Preferences API, The Logging API)

Summary:Preferences API, The Logging API

2015-05-09 16:40:43 1844

原创 Android Development Notes-2

Summary:SDK, ADB, Active, Intents and Tasks

2015-05-02 17:00:37 924

原创 Java Notes-11

Summary:Synchronized and Unsynchronized Collections, Properties

2015-05-02 13:19:54 886










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