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袁萌  6月13日

        In the 1670's,Leibniz and Newton developed the calculus based on the intuitive notion ofinfinitesimals. Infinitesimals were used for another two hundred years, untilthe first rigorous treatment of the calculus was perfected by Weierstrass inthe 1870's. The standard calculus course of today is still based on the"a, 6 definition" of limit given by Weierstrass. In 1960 Robinsonsolved a three hundred year old problem by giving a precise treatment of thecalculus using infinitesimals. Robinson's achievement will probably rank as oneof the major mathematical advances of the twentieth  

        century.Recently,  infinitesimals have hadexciting applications outside mathematics, notably in the fields of economicsand physics. Since it is quite natural to use infinitesimals in modellingphysical and social processes, such applications seem certain to grow invariety and importance. This is a unique opportunity to find new uses formathematics, but at present few people are prepared by training to takeadvantage of this opportunity. Because the approach to calculus is new, someinstructors may need additional background material. An instructor's volume,"Foundations of Infinitesimal


        Calculus," gives the necessary background and develops the theoryin detail. The instructor's volume is keyed to this book but is self-containedand is intended for the general mathematical public. This book contains all theordinary calculus topics, including the traditional hmit definition, plus oneexua tool-the infinitesimals. Thus the student will be prepared for moreadvanced courses as they are now taught. In Chapters 1 through 4 the basicconcepts of derivative, continuity, and integral are developed quickly usinginfinitesimals. The traditional limit concept is put off until Chapter 5, whereit is motivated by approximation problems. The later chapters developtranscendental functions, series, vectors, partial derivatives, and multiple.integrals. The theory differs from the traditional course, but the notationand methods for solving practical problems are the same. There is a variety ofapplications to both natural and social sciences. I have included the followinginnovation for instructors who wish to introduce the transcendental functionsearly. At the end of Chapter 2 on derivatives, there is a section beginning analternate track on transcendental functions, and each of Chapters 3 through 6have alternate track problem sets on transcendental functions. This alternatetrack can be used to provide greater variety in the early problems, or can beskipped in order to reach the integral as soon as possible. In Chapters 7 and 8the transcendental functions are developed anew at a more leisurely pace. Thebook is written for average students. The problems preceded by a square box gosomewhat beyond the examples worked out in the text and are intended for themore adventuresome. I was originally led to write this book when it becameclear that Robinson's infinitesimal calculus col}ld be made available tocollege freshmen. The theory is simply presented; for example, Robinson's workused mathematical logic, but this book does not. I first used an early draft ofthis book in a one-semester course at the University of Wisconsin in 1969. In1971 a two-semester experimental version was published. It has been used atseveral colleges and at Nicolet High School near Milwaukee, and was tested atfive schools in a controlled experiment by Sister Kathleen Sullivan in1972-1974. The results (in her 1974 Ph.D. thesis at the University ofWisconsin) show the viability of the infinitesimal approach and will besummarized in an article in the American Mathematical Monthly. I am indebted tomany colleagues and students who have given me encouragement and advice, andhave carefully read and used various stages of the manuscript. Special thanksare due to Jon Barwise, University of Wisconsin; G. R. Blakley, Texas A & MUniversity; Kenneth A. Bowen, Syracuse University; William P. Francis, MichiganTechnological University; A. W. M. Glass, Bowling Green University; Peter Loeb,University of Illinois at Urbana; Eugene Madison and Keith …..(全文完)





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