Interview Practice



Practicing for the interview means practicing several behaviors - not just answering questions. You must dress well, watch your body language and posture, practice your manners and eye contact as well as practice answering questions correctly, smoothly,
and with confidence.

The practice questions below, in one form or another, account for a large percentage of interview questions. With each question, you are given a series of choices as to how you might answer the question. When you select an answer, you will learn
whether your answer is correct-and why. Answering these questions will help you polish your interviewing techniques. The questions and answers in this excercise are generic and, in many cases, must be tailored to your individual situation. Still, the
logic behind the answer remains essentially the same.

1. Why are you the best person for the job?

1."I've held a lot of positions like this one, and that experience will help me here."

2."Because I am good at what I do."

3."Our discussion here leads me to believe this is a good place to work."

4."You need someone who can produce results, and my background and experience are proof of my ability. For example..."

2. If asked a point blank question such as: Are you creative? Are you analytical? Can you work under pressure? etc. What is the best
way to answer?

1.Answer yes or no.

2.Answer yes and give a specific example.

3.Answer yes and give an explanation.

3. Describe yourself.

1.Outline personal data, hobbies, and interests.
2.Give an overview of your personality and work habits.
3.Give three specific examples of your personality traits and accomplishments.

4. Why are you in the job market?

1."I have invested a great deal of time with my company and become disenchanted with the way things are done."

2."I have a solid plan for my career. Within that plan I am looking for additional responsibility and more room for growth."

3."I have been passed over for promotions when I know I am capable of doing more. I want to move on to a company that will not
stunt my growth."

5. What are you looking for in a position?

1."I'm looking for an opportunity to apply my skills and contribute to the growth of the company while helping create some advancement opportunities for myself."

2."I'm looking for an organization that will appreciate my contributions and reward my efforts."

3."I'm looking for a position that will allow me to make enough money to support my lifestyle. I am a hard worker and will give a concerted effort to earn the money I need."

6. What do you know about our organization?

1."I've done a little homework and here is what I know about your organization...(cite examples)"

2."Everything I've seen and heard makes me want to be a part of this organization. I understand your industry is ________ and your primary customer is __________. A particularly exciting part of your business appears to be _________ ."

3."I know enough to know this is an exciting place to work. It appears to be fit for my career goals."

7. What do you look for when hiring people?

1."Different positions require different types of people. I try to assess the candidate's fundamental knowledge of the position and
ability to learn new things. Also of importance is the candidate's attitude and ability to "fit in"."

2."A primary characteristic I look for is a driven person. I move at a fast pace and it is critical that people working with me keep up."

3."When I hire people I look for people who are independent. I find it important for everyone to be able to operate on their own and think on their feet as this is often the environment they would have to work in."

8. How would you characterize your management philosophy?

1."I am a very driven person. I believe everyone should be dedicated to the company and achieving results necessary for success."

2."People are our most important asset. I try to focus on the needs of the employees. The loyalty that results takes care of everything else."

3."I like to balance my focus between bottom line results and the employees. I find attention to employee needs important in
building loyalty. I also keep a keen eye on the bottom line and careful measurement of productivity."

9. What are your strengths?

1."I am good at giving constructive criticism to my coworkers. This honesty is something I'm very proud of and have found
essential to having open working relationships."

2."I consider myself to be very consistent. I have proven myself to be someone who can be counted upon to do what is expected."

3."I would have to chose between two skills. I am very proud of my determination and ability to get things done. At the same time, I am very proud of my analytical abilities and problem solving skills. These skills combine to give me a unique
ability to solve problems and then implement the solutions."

10. What do subordinates think of you?

1."They perceive me as a leader. The people who have worked for me learned great deal under my direction and accomplished in many cases more than they thought possible."

2."My employees would tell you they got direction when they needed and the room to work when it was appropriate. I believe a measure of a good manager is how much he is able to get done through others."

3."They perceive me as someone who cared abou t them personally and had high expectations. I get a great deal of satisfaction from helping others do their best. My former employees would highlight three of my priorities which are to build loyalty
and a team environment, obtain results and develop people."

11. Why haven't you taken a job yet?

1."I've talked to a number of people, but it is very difficult to find an organization that is the right fit."

2."I've come across a few attractive opportunities but, so far, I haven't found a position that pays what I feel I am worth."

3."I have done some careful planning because this decision is very important to me. I have been offered positions but, to date, I have not been able to find a position that meets my criteria and this is important because the match must be good for
me and the company. The position we are discussing today appears to be a good fit."

12. What makes you think you have senior management potential?

1."I have a degree in management and a strong desire to manage a staff."

2."I've had several recent experiences that have prepared me for the role. I've had departmental forecasting, budgeting, and staff management responsibilities. I've also managed several projects of increasingly complex nature. Additionally, I've
been a resource to management for cost savings ideas and profit increasing ideas.

3."I've been in lower level management for several years and think it is time to move up"

13. What are your short term objectives?

1."Short term, I just want a job."

2."Billsare beginning to pile up. In the short run I need to find work so I can keep up with my obligations."

3."Short-term, I'd like to find a position that is a good fit and where I can contribute to a company's bottom line. The position we are
here to discuss today would appear to be such an opportunity. Could you tell me more about it?"

14. What are your long term objectives?

1."I would think over long term I would be preparing myself to do your job."

2."If selected I would hope to meet my goals and take advantage of opportunitites to learn so I will be considered for other positions within the company. I hope to build my career with a company such as this one."

3."Long term, I hope to start my own business."

15. Where do you see yourself in five years?

1."In five years I will have either been promoted to your job or have started my own business."

2."This is a very volatile market. I find it difficult to project out five years."

3."That really depends on the firm I join. I would like to take a position with some respnsibility and room for growth. The key is with


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