Learning PROC REPORT by Comparison
Keith Cranford, Office of the Attorney General of Texas, Austin, Texas
*****PROC PRINT****;
title 'Simple Listing' ;
proc print data=sashelp.class ;
var name sex age height weight ;
title2 'PROC PRINT' ;
run ;
*****PROC REPORT****;
proc report data=sashelp.class nowd headskip ;
column name sex age height weight ; /*COLUMN和PROC PRINT中VAR语句效果同 */
define sex / width=3 ; /*DEFINE设置属性选项*/
title2 'PROC REPORT' ;
run ;
****specifying formats***** ;
proc report data=sashelp.class nowd headskip ;
column Obs name sex age height weight ;
define sex / width=3 center ;
define age / width=5 ;
define height / format=6.1 ;
define weight / format=6.1 ;
define obs / computed ;
compute obs ;
count+1 ;
obs=count ;
endcomp ;
title2 'PROC REPORT, again' ;
run ;
****proc sort,proc print*****;
proc sort data=sashelp.class out=class ;
by sex ;
run ;
title 'Sorted Listing' ;
proc print data=class ;
var name age ;
by sex ;
id sex ;
title2 'PROC PRINT' ;
run ;
****proc report*****;
proc report data=sashelp.class nowd headskip ;
column sex name age ;
define sex / order width=3 ;
break after sex / skip ; /*brack after ,skip每组后插入空格*/
title2 'PROC REPORT' ;
run ;
*****proc print, suby******;
title 'Subtotals' ;
proc print data=class ;
var name age ;
by sex ;
id sex ;
sumby sex ; /*sumby对所有数值型变量求和*/
title2 'PROC PRINT' ;
run ;
*******proc report*********;
proc report data=sashelp.class nowd ;
column sex name age ;
define sex / order width=3 ;
define age / analysis sum format=4.;
break before sex / skip ;
break after sex / summarize ol ; /*ol,(overline)跨线*/
rbreak after / summarize dol ; /*dol,(double overline)双跨线*/
title2 'PROC REPORT' ;
run ;
*****with other statistics such as mean*****;
proc report data=sashelp.class nowd ;
column sex sex2 name age ;
define sex / order width=3 noprint ;
define sex2 / computed 'Sex' ; /*揭示sex2是计算列*/
define age / mean format=best4. ; /*求mean*/
break before sex / skip ;
break after sex / summarize ol ;
rbreak after / summarize dol ;
compute sex2 / character length=15 ; /*详细说明sex2的属性*/
sex2=sex ;
endcomp ;
compute after sex ;
sex2='Average for ' || sex ; /*改变sex2的显示为Average for F or M*/
endcomp ;
compute after ;
sex2='Overall Average' ;
endcomp ;
title2 'PROC REPORT and more' ;
run ;
****creating a new column ***;
proc format ;
value $gender 'F'='females'
'M'='males' ;
run ;
proc report data=sashelp.class nowd headline ;
column sex name age ;
define sex / order width=3 ;
define age / mean ;
break after sex / skip ;
compute after sex ;
text='Average for ' || strip(put(sex, $gender.)) ||
' is ' || put(age.mean, 4.1) ;
line ' '; /*line 语句与data 步中的put语句类似*/
line text $40. ;
endcomp ;
compute after ;
line 'Overall Average is ' age.mean 4.1 ;
endcomp ;
title2 'PROC REPORT and more, again' ;
run ;
***proc tabulate***;
title 'Summary Statistics' ;
proc tabulate data=sashelp.class ;
class sex ;
var age ;
table sex, age*(n*f=4. mean*f=6.2) ;
title2 'PROC TABULATE' ;
run ;
proc report data=sashelp.class nowd split='~' box ;
column sex age age=avg_age ;
define sex / group width=3 ;
define age / n 'N' format=4.0 width=4;
define avg_age / mean 'Average~Age' format=6.2 width=7;
title2 'PROC REPORT' ;
run ;
**Removing the BOX option**;
proc report data=sashelp.class nowd split='~' headline ;
column sex age age=avg_age ;
define sex / group width=3 ;
define age / n 'N' format=4.0 width=4;
define avg_age / mean 'Average~Age' format=6.2 width=7;
title2 'PROC REPORT' ;
run ;
options missing='0' ;
title 'Cross-tabulation' ;
proc tabulate data=sashelp.class ;
class sex age ;
table age, sex*n*f=4. ;
title2 'PROC TABULATE' ;
run ;
proc report data=sashelp.class nowd headline ;
column age sex ;
define age / group ;
define sex / across width=3 right ;
title2 'PROC REPORT' ;
run ;
options missing='?';
title 'Cross-tabulation with Summary' ;
proc tabulate data=sashelp.class ;
class sex age ;
var height ;
table age, sex*height*mean*f=6.1 ;
title2 'PROC TABULATE' ;
run ;
proc report data=sashelp.class nowd split='~' headline ;
column age sex, height ;
define age / group ;
define sex / across '__Sex__' width=3 right ;
define height / analysis mean 'Average~Height'
format=6.1 width=8 ;
title2 'PROC REPORT' ;
run ;
title 'Percentages' ;
proc tabulate data=sashelp.class ;
class sex ;
table sex, n pctn<sex> ;
title2 'PROC TABULATE' ;
run ;
proc report data=sashelp.class nowd box ;
column sex N pctn ;
define sex / group width=3;
define n / width=5 ;
define pctn / '%' format=percent7.1 ;
title2 'PROC REPORT' ;
run ;
title 'Summary Statistics 2' ;
proc means data=sashelp.class mean std min max maxdec=1;
class sex ;
var height ;
title2 'PROC MEANS' ;
run ;
proc report data=sashelp.class nowd split='~' headline ;
column sex height, (n mean std min max) ;
define sex / group width=3 ;
define height / '__Height__' ;
define n / 'N' width=3 ;
define mean / 'Mean' format=5.1 ;
define std / 'Std~Dev' format=5.2 ;
define min / 'Min' format=5.1 ;
define max / 'Max' format=5.1 ;
title2 'PROC REPORT' ;
run ;