
从现在开始,我将发表一系列关于敏捷开发的博客。这些博客都是我译自《professional codeigniter》一书中的第二章的内容,他的第二章的标题是“敏捷方法和实现”,在书中作者以一个跟用户面对面访谈的分析人员的身份,来阐述敏捷方法在实践中的实施过程。作者的思维足够敏捷,书中访谈人员面对的只是一家零售店的老板,当然这位老板没有什么技术背景,但是访谈人员却能以最直观的方式——画草图——跟自己的顾客来交流,两者合作的非常愉快。通过两者的合作,访谈人员得到了需求并且形成了设计的雏形,而顾客也把自己想表达的意思原原本本的和盘托出,这不正是我们想要的结果吗?

























另外一个重大的错误观点由发布敏捷者提出(重复一下,请原谅广泛的使用标签),认为敏捷运动曾经将瀑布方法排挤出行业,每个人都对这种糟糕的预测熟悉不过。现在他们发现,每个人都试图遵守《敏捷宣言》Agile Manifest还有其他标准文档)把他们作为一种圣经,把起先讨论的问题变成了固守信条。



Robert Wysocki有两本介绍敏捷开发信息和实例的书:

《高效项目管理》:传统的、灵活的、对适应性项目框架极限项目管理(对传统项目管理方法的补充)的灵活处理。他的另一本书,《高效软件项目管理》,包含了大量的信息。第四章讲到了基于软件周期的项目管理的策略,包括瀑布方法、ScrumRational统一过程、动态系统开发等。第五部分讲到了适应性项目框架和其他适应性的开发策略。第六部分讲到了“激励”和灵活模型极限策略。如果你想了解关于敏捷开发的更多的信息,Wysocki的书提供了丰富的信息。应外一个了解信息的地方是登陆www.agilealliance.com www.agilemanifesto.org




With our preliminary overview of MVC and CodeIgniter complete, let’s take a slight detour. Don’t

worry, you’re not being taken on a joyride; this detour lays some pretty important foundational

blocks. In other words, the goal of this chapter is for you to be able to marry what you’ve learned

about MVC with Agile methodologies. Knowing about MVC and Agile and combining that

knowledge with CodeIgniter allow you to build applications very quickly.



 What Is Agile?

 A lot of different definitions for Agile exist, ranging from the superficial to the authoritative and

pedantic. Not every definition is useful, nor is every definition really applicable to your job as a

software developer. Things only get more confusing once you realize that various Agile

methodologies exist, all of them competing for your attention.


 At the end of the day, the most important thing to remember is this: Agile software development is

a conceptual framework that seeks to minimize risk by developing software in short amounts of

time. A typical iteration can last 1 to 4 weeks, during which time a software team performs tasks

from a complete project life cycle (planning, design, coding, testing, documentation). Each iteration

usually starts with stories (what Agile calls  requirements ) and culminates in potentially shippable

software. Another important aspect of Agile is the team’s ability to self-organize as they

communicate face-to-face with stakeholders and other team members.


 If you’re not familiar with Agile, you probably have one of two reactions:


 “How is this different from cowboy coding? Agile sounds just like every chaotic code-and-

 fix project I’ve ever been part of.

 “How does anyone get anything done in so short a time? Agile sounds like a perpetual

hamster wheel where everyone burns out.”



 First of all, if you have doubts when you first encounter Agile, welcome to the club. Rest assured that

everyone who takes a closer look and sees Agile in action usually crosses over.


 Second, many people out there made the initial mistake of distinguishing Agile methodologies as

somehow  “lightweight” (as opposed to the heavyweight models like waterfall) or  “unplanned” (which

inspires the mistaken belief that Agile developers are undisciplined).


 A better way to look at Agile is to say that the entire process is  adaptive  instead of predictive. For

example, if you were to start a project using waterfall methods, you would spend a lot of time trying to

nail down schedules, resources, requirements, deadlines, milestones, and the like. If anything changes,

you have to go back and reevaluate your initial inputs. It’s very much like planning a road trip to Las

Vegas down to the last detail (including where you would make rest stops, how much gas you would

buy at each gas station, what sandwiches to pack) but then encountering a sandstorm right at the edge of

the city and having to turn back home to try again later.


 An Agile road trip to Vegas would be different. The process would start with a focus on gambling in

Vegas, and then a minimal amount of work would be done to get the car ready and rolling. Everyone

would bring his or her own snacks and gas money. Once on the road, travelers are free to take advantage

of opportunities. Perhaps someone sees a casino just outside the town they left from, and the group

decides to gamble there. After all, the goal is to gamble, right? It’s this kind of adaptive thinking that

gives Agile its power and flexibility.


 Third, many outsiders have a bone to pick over the short iterations in Agile. They can’t conceive that

quality software can be developed in a week or two. Normally, this assertion would be true, but with the

right tools (i.e., CodeIgniter and other MVC frameworks, especially those that focus on delivering

convention-over -configuration benefits), you can achieve in hours what normally would take days or

weeks. Most people don’t stop to consider that an enormous amount of overhead time is devoted to non-

 programming tasks. Developers tend to forget the painful hours spent in meetings, all the hours devoted

to planning and analysis, and all the time spent debugging. On a typical project, a developer might

spend 2 to 3 hours a day programming and the rest in meetings, debugging, documenting, or

researching a tough problem. If she’s lucky! On the other hand, it is possible, with the right tools and the

right methodologies, to create shippable software in very short iterations. The result is working software,

happy customers, and developers with a sense of job satisfaction. What could be better?


 Are there places where Agile is not a good idea? Of course: Agile works best when you have smaller

teams in one location, more experienced developers, quickly changing environments, and a culture that

is not exclusively driven by top-down command and control structures. In other words, trying to build a

giant weapons software platform for the Army that involves 1,000 developers in three geographically

separate locations would probably not make a good case study for any Agile methodology.


 That being said, your average web application can easily be built following Agile. It doesn’t matter what

kind of application: blog, newsletter tool, content management, shopping cart, or content portal. If you

can keep the team under 20 developers (or better yet, a dozen) and keep them communicating well,

you can pull it off.


 Any successful movement will have some members who eventually move on to something else. In the

case of Agile methodologies, there is Post-Agilism. What is Post-Agilism? It’s a loose group of

developers and other IT professionals who have experience with Agile but have now moved on to other



 The most thoughtful Post-Agilists (if they would allow themselves to be labeled as such, and even that is

up for grabs) make a fine distinction between being  “agile” (defined as being adaptive in a social or

commercial circumstance) and being  “Agile” (living by the rules, dogma, or inherited wisdom of a

particular Agile methodology, like Scrum or XP). It’s therefore possible to be  “agile” without necessarily

having to take on all the trappings of any particular Agile approach.


 Of course, the way I am using  “agile” and  “Agile” here is merely to differentiate the concepts. Within

the Agile community and throughout this book,  “Agile” is the way you see the word presented. There is

no formal distinction between  “Agile” and  “agile.”


 Another extremely valid concern brought up by Post-Agilists (again, please forgive the use of broad

labels) is that the Agile movement was once about shaking the industry out of the waterfall

methodology, the predictive mess to which everyone was so well accustomed. Now they feel that

everyone is trying to follow the  Agile Manifesto  (and other touchstone documents) as some kind of

canonical bible, replacing the earlier problem with a newer adherence-to-dogma problem.


 To be clear, any time that  “Agile” is mentioned in this book, it is in the spirit of little-“a”  “agile.” It is

more important for you, the developer, to be adaptive and successfully complete a project than to adhere

strictly to the rules of a certain methodology.


Resources/Further Reading

Robert Wysocki has two books that include information on and examples of Agile methodologies:

Effective Project Management: Traditional, Adaptive, Extreme deals with the Adaptive Project

 Framework and Extreme Project Management (in addition to traditional project management methods).

His other book, Effective Software Project Management, covers a lot of information. Part IV covers

the evolutionary development waterfall method, Scrum, Rational Unified Process, and Dynamic Sys-

tems Development as iterative software development project management strategies. Part V covers the

 Adaptive Project Framework and other adaptive software development strategies. Part VI covers

INSPIRE and flexible model extreme strategies. If you want more information on Agile methodologies,

Wysocki’s books offer a wealth of information. Other good places to find information are at

www.agilealliance.com and www.agilemanifesto.org.








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