TeeChart for PHP教程(七):函数的使用

    TeeChart for PHP包含100%的PHP源代码。它支持PHP5及更高的版本。它可作为一个调色板组件整合到针对PHP的Delphi编程环境中,从而让其他人在运行时以创建组件的方式来引用。第一个版本提供17种图表类型(2D和3D的多种组合),11个数学函数和一些图表工具组件以扩展功能。

点击下载TeeChart for PHP试用版

    本教程是TeeChart for PHP教程中与系列一起工作这一节。本章节的内容主要分为以下几个部分:


  • 功能特点

  • 功能的添加

  • 定义数据源

  • 功能期

  • 功能期的对齐

  • 派生自定义功能



    TeeChart Pro功能是一个系列,几乎可以是任何系列类型,可以应用代数函数,也可以是另一个图表系列的数据源。所有函数都派生自函数组件并继承函数的Period方法。

    TeeChart Pro包含以下预定义功能列表。有关所有功能类型的完整列表,请参阅TeeChart Editor Gallery和Helpfile:

功能类型 投入数量 描述
Add Unlimited Plots sum of inputs
ADX Unlimited
Average Unlimited The Average Function will calculate the average of every group of Period points
Count Unlimited
Divide Unlimited The Divide Function plots inputs divided in descending order of inclusion
High Unlimited The High Function plots high point of inputs
Low Unlimited The Low Function plots low point of inputs
Multiply Unlimited The Multiply Function plots value of inputs multiplied
Subtract Unlimited Plots value of inputs subtracted in descending order of inclusion
Mode 1 The mode function returns the source series value that is repeated more times.
Median 1 Calculates the median value of the source series values.
Count 1 Draws horizontal line at Y position that is defined by the number of points in underlying Series.
Subset of Pro version only functions
Bollinger 1 The Bollinger Function uses simple or exponential moving average to constructs Bollinger Trading Bands
Curve Fitting 1 Draws fitted polynomial through data inputs using the TypeFitting formula
Exponential Average 1 Exponential average based on Weight
Exponential Moving Average 1 Exponential moving average based on Weight 
Exponential Trend 1 Draws best exponential trend line through points in input series
MACD 1 Moving Average Convergence Divergence
Momentum 1 Each Y value is the current point's Y value less the last Period point's Y value
Momentum Division 1 Each Y values is the current point's Y value divided by the last Period point's YValue, expressed in percents
Moving Average 1 The Moving Average Function will calculate the simple or weighted average of every group of Period points
Root Mean Square Unlimited The Root Mean Square Function plots RMS value of inputs
Relative Strength Index 1 RSI Function calculates a percent value based on financial data. Depending on TRSISyle type different formula will be used to calculate RSI value
Standard Deviation 1 Maps the Standard Deviation (or Complete Standard Deviation) of every group of Period points
Stochastic 1
Trend 1 Draws best trend line through points of input Series





private function Load() {

//Add a data Series
l i n e 1 = n e w L i n e ( line1 = new Line( line1=newLine(tChart1->getChart());

//Populate it with data (here random)

//Add a series to be used for an Average Function
l i n e 2 = n e w L i n e ( line2 = new Line( line2=newLine(tChart1->getChart());

//Define the Function Type for the new Series
$average1 = new Average();
KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '&' at position 7: line2-&̲gt;setFunction(average1);

//Define the Datasource for the new Function Series
KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '&' at position 7: line2-&̲gt;setDataSourc…line1);

//*Note - When populating your input Series manually you will need to
//use the Checkdatasource method
//- See the section entitled 'Defining a Datasource'
//Change the Period of the Function so that it groups averages
//every 2 Points


//Let's change to 2D for visibility 
//Add another Series to be used for a 2nd Function 
$line3 = new Line($tChart1->getChart()); 
//Define the Function Type for the new Series 
$high1 = High(); 
//Define the Datasource for the new Function Series 
//Use the existing Function (Series2) as input 
//Leave the Period at default 0 (No Period set) to draw 
//A line at Highest of all points of the Average Function


    上面示例重点介绍了使用Datasource按代码对函数进行内容处理。Series使用Datasource定义Function的输入或定义Series Dataset数据源。按代码的数据源使用Series-> Datasource属性。


require_once "../sources/TChart.php"; $tChart1 = new TChart(600,450); 

private function Load() {

public function button1_click() {
l i n e 1 = n e w L i n e ( line1 = new Line( line1=newLine(tChart1->getChart());
$average3 = new Average();
t m p D a t a S o u r c e = A r r a y ( tmpDataSource = Array( tmpDataSource=Array(bar1,$bar2);
KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '&' at position 7: line1-&̲gt;setFunction(tmpDataSource);
KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '&' at position 7: line1-&̲gt;setDataSourc…bar1);



public function button1_click() {
for($i = 0; $i < 10; ++$i) 





public function button3_click() {
      $cumulative1 = Cumulative(); 












require_once "../sources/TChart.php"; $tChart1 = new TChart(600,450); 

//Add in a Bar Series and Average Function .
b a r = n e w B a r ( bar = new Bar( bar=newBar(tChart1->getChart());
//Populate it with data (here random) $bar->fillSampleValues(10); //Add a series to be used for an Average Function l i n e 2 = n e w L i n e ( line2 = new Line( line2=newLine(tChart1->getChart()); $average1 = new Average();
KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '&' at position 7: line2-&̲gt;setFunction(average1);

private function Load() {

    $today = date_time(‘U’);


    for($i = 0; $i < 60; ++$i)  
        $days7 = 7 * 86400; 
        $today = $today + $days7; 
        $bar1->add($today, rand(0,100),"",Color::RED()); 




     for($i = 0; $i < 60; ++$i)  
        $bar1->add($i, rand(0,100),"",Color::RED()); 

    这将计算每个6区间内每组点的平均值。(X> = 6,X



Period = Month.TotalDays和PeriodAligns.First



Period = Month.TotalDays和PeriodAligns.Last





  • Function.Calculate:public virtual double Calculate((Series)Source,(int)First,(int)Last)

  • Function.CalculateMany:public virtual double CalculateMany((ArrayList)SourceSeries,(int)ValueIndex)




public class quareSum extends Functions {
public function quareSum($c=null) {

public calculate($sourceSeries, $firstIndex, $lastIndex) {
    $v = $this-&gt;valueList($sourceSeries);
    if ($firstIndex == -1) {
        return $v-&gt;getTotal();
    } else {
        result = 0;
        for ($t = $firstIndex; $t getValue($t));
        return (Double)$result;

public function calculateMany($sourceSeriesList, $valueIndex) {
    $result = 0;

    for ($t = 0; $t &lt; sizeof($sourceSeriesList); $t++) {
        $v = $this-&gt;valueList($sourceSeriesList[$t]);
        if ($v-&gt;count &gt; $valueIndex) {
    return $result;






    这一章节教程就是这样了,下一节将会介绍TeeChart for PHP的缩放与滚动。

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钱包余额 0


