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原创 建立和理解Java 并发的基础

Happens-before 和 synchronizes-with是用来建立和理解Java 并发的基础 。HAPPENS-BEFORE:这个关系用来指示“一段代码在其他代码开始执行前已经完全执行完毕”。SYNCHRONIZES-WITH:这个关系表示一个行为在发生时,它首先把要操作的那些对象同主存同步完毕之后才继续执行。HAPPENS-BEFORE  HAPPENS-BEFO

2013-07-25 11:54:08 647

原创 架构的落地生根与项目的路障清扫


2013-07-23 16:31:48 704

原创 由重构想到性能优化

重构这个词,现在已经被很多人理解为了,系统优化的代名词。或是推到重来的口头语。那在软件开发这个领域,重构官方定义是什么呢?        重构        重构(Refactoring)就是在不改变软件现有功能的基础上,通过调整程序代码改善软件的质量、性能,使其程序的设计模式和架构更趋合理,提高软件的扩展性和维护性。在软件工程学里,重构代码一词通常是指在不改变代码的外部行

2013-07-19 14:16:31 1830 1

原创 互联网项目开发版本划分


2013-07-15 16:39:35 2129 1

转载 ICE Manual(Documentation for Ice 3.5)---The Ice Protocol(与IIOP对比)

对Ice 的协议及编码和CORBA 的Inter-ORB Interoperability Protocol(IIOP) 及Common Data Representation (CDR) 编码进行对比,是一件有意思的事情。Ice 协议及编码在许多重要方面都与IIOP 及CDR 不同:• 数据类型更少CORBA IDL 的有些数据类型在Ice 中没有提供,比如字节和宽字符、定点数、数组 、

2013-07-15 16:37:49 1196 1

原创 ICE项目中使用现状分析

近一段时间,看了下ICE相关文档,联系到目前项目中使用的情况,记录一下自己的一些理解。从两个方面论述,一个是运行期质量属性。一个是关于轮子的问题。一、运行期质量属性1.1、安全性        首先,项目组中大多采用copy方式从其他地方获得ICE Slice 文件,而一些不明就里人员在什么时候在方法的签名前 加上了 idempotent 这个关键字,以致copy 人员也直接在所以

2013-05-25 15:36:13 2526

转载 ICE Manual(Documentation for Ice 3.5)---IceGrid(Getting Started)

The Ripper ApplicationOur application "rips" music tracks from a compact disc (CD) and encodes them as MP3 files, as shown below:Overview of sample application.Ripping an entire CD usually tak

2013-05-21 15:29:30 936

转载 ICE Manual(Documentation for Ice 3.5)---IceGrid Architecture

An IceGrid domain consists of a registry and any number of nodes. Together, the registry and nodes cooperate to manage the information and server processes that comprise applications. Each applicati

2013-05-21 14:21:04 700

转载 ICE Manual(Documentation for Ice 3.5)---IceGrid

IceGrid is the location and activation service for Ice applications. For the purposes of this discussion, we can loosely define grid computing as the use of a network of relatively inexpensive compute

2013-05-21 13:59:56 700

原创 关于重复造轮子的一些延续思考

总是会见到有人时不时讨论 重复造轮子(点击这里) 的问题。其实,不管造与不造,首要的是搞清楚问题,以及我们所处的环境,所在的层次。还有最后的实践验证。1、我们遇到了什么问题?用什么样的方法解决这样的问题?这个方法的好与不好,产生什么样的后果?遇到同类问题,怎么去解决?怎么去应付这个快速变化的世界?2、其实现实环境往往是正确的不一定是对的。我们所处的是一个什么样的环境?自己的

2013-05-19 19:30:16 700 1

原创 由ICE 连接与浏览器“长”连接以至数据库连接池的一些想法

作为JEE Web程序开发人员,特别是使用过那些个SSH,亦或是SSI等这些框架的,早已对数据库数据源配置,以及其中配置常用连接池DBCP或是CP30等最为熟悉了。也许我们也曾思考过,这个地方为什么要使用数据库连接池,以及不使用的话,有什么样的问题;或是干脆自己写出一个出来。下面连接池内容来自网络使用连接池的理由JDBC是一套通用的Java语言与多种数据库(文件)通讯的标准

2013-05-16 17:48:05 1243

转载 ICE Manual(Documentation for Ice 3.5)---The Ice Protocol(与IIOP对比)

对Ice 的协议及编码和CORBA 的Inter-ORB Interoperability Protocol(IIOP) 及Common Data Representation (CDR) 编码进行对比,是一件有意思的事情。Ice 协议及编码在许多重要方面都与IIOP 及CDR 不同:• 数据类型更少CORBA IDL 的有些数据类型在Ice 中没有提供,比如字节和宽字符、定点数、数组 、

2013-05-16 16:33:31 579

转载 ICE Manual(Documentation for Ice 3.5)---The Ice Protocol(Protocol and Encoding Versions)

Version FlexibilityAs we saw in the preceding sections, both the Ice protocol and encoding have separate major and minor version numbers. Separate versioning of protocol and encoding has the advanta

2013-05-16 15:34:29 1167

转载 ICE Manual(Documentation for Ice 3.5)---The Ice Protocol(Protocol Compression)

Compression is an optional feature of the Ice protocol; whether it is used for a particular message is determined by several factors:Compression may not be supported on all platforms or in all lan

2013-05-16 15:33:18 603

转载 ICE Manual(Documentation for Ice 3.5)---The Ice Protocol(Protocol Messages)

The Ice protocol uses five messages:Request (from client to server)Batch request (from client to server)Reply (from server to client)Validate connection (from server to client)Close connection (cl

2013-05-16 15:07:24 737

转载 ICE Manual(Documentation for Ice 3.5)---The Ice Protocol(Basic Data Encoding)

Encoding for SizesMany of the types involved in the data encoding, as well as several protocol message components, have an associated size or count. A size is a non-negative number. Sizes and coun

2013-05-14 17:37:48 680

转载 ICE Manual(Documentation for Ice 3.5)---The Ice Protocol(Data Encoding)

The key goals of the Ice data encoding are simplicity and efficiency. In keeping with these principles, the encoding does not align primitive types on word boundaries and therefore eliminates the wast

2013-05-14 14:11:23 511

翻译 中间件主要内置功能服务

Remote method Invocations.(远程方法调用)----We need logic that connects a client and server via a network connection. This includes dispathing method requests,brokering parameters,and more.Load balancin

2013-05-14 13:23:22 949 1

转载 ICE Manual(Documentation for Ice 3.5)---The Ice Protocol(Overview)

Ice provides an RPC protocol that can use either TCP/IP or UDP as an underlying transport. In addition, Ice also allows you to use SSL as a transport, so all communication between client and server

2013-05-14 11:23:56 546

转载 ICE Manual(Documentation for Ice 3.5)---Connection Management(Bidirectional Connections)

Use Cases for Bidirectional ConnectionsAn Ice connection normally allows requests to flow in only one direction. If an application's design requires the server to make callbacks to a client, the ser

2013-05-14 11:15:20 706

转载 ICE Manual(Documentation for Ice 3.5)---Connection Management(Connection Closure)

The Ice run time may close a connection for many reasons, including the situations listed below:When deactivating an object adapter or shutting down a communicatorAs required by active connectio

2013-05-14 10:43:07 543

转载 ICE Manual(Documentation for Ice 3.5)---Connection Management(Using Connections)

Applications can gain access to an Ice object representing an established connection。The Connection InterfaceThe Slice definition of the Connection interface is shown below:Slicemodu

2013-05-14 10:28:48 751

转载 ICE Manual(Documentation for Ice 3.5)---Connection Management(Active Connection Management)

Active Connection Management (ACM) is enabled by default and helps to improve scalability and conserve application resources by closing idle connections.Configuring Active Connection Management

2013-05-14 10:15:03 526

转载 ICE Manual(Documentation for Ice 3.5)---Connection Management(Connection Establishment)

Connections are established as a side effect of using proxies. The first invocation on a proxy causes the Ice run time to search for an existing connection to one of the proxy's endpoints; only if n

2013-05-13 17:34:32 886

转载 ICE Manual(Documentation for Ice 3.5)---The Ice Run Time in Detail(Automatic Retries)

Ice may automatically retry a proxy invocation after a failure. This is a powerful feature that, when used in the proper situations, can significantly improve the robustness of your application withou

2013-05-07 14:56:34 932

转载 关于Java性能的9个谬论


2013-05-07 14:32:52 600

转载 ICE Manual(Documentation for Ice 3.5)---The Ice Run Time in Detail(Location Transparency)

Ice run time 的一个有用的特性是位置透明性(location transparent):客户无需知道Ice 对象的实现的位置;对某个对象的调用会被自动引导到正确的目标,不管这个对象的实现是在本地地址空间中,在同一台机器上的另一个地址空间中,还是在一台远地机器上的另一个地址空间中。位置透明性十分重要,因为有了它,我们能够改变对象实现的位置,而不会破坏客户程序,同时,通过使用IceGrid

2013-05-07 10:41:55 710

转载 ICE Manual(Documentation for Ice 3.5)---The Ice Run Time in Detail(ICE Stats)

Ice run time 通过Ice::Stats 接口报告,所有的操作调用在线路上发送和接收的字节数:module Ice {local interface Stats {void bytesSent(string protocol, int num);void bytesReceived(string protocol, int num);};local interfa

2013-05-07 10:05:11 703

转载 ICE Manual(Documentation for Ice 3.5)---The Ice Run Time in Detail(Logger Facility)

取决于各种属性的设置, Ice run time 会产生跟踪、警告,或错误消息。这些消息是通过Ice::Logger 接口输出的:module Ice {    local interface Logger {        void print(string message);        void trace(string category, string message);

2013-05-06 17:51:01 765

转载 ICE Manual(Documentation for Ice 3.5)---The Ice Run Time in Detail(Time Out)

A synchronous remote invocation does not complete on the client side until the server has finished processing it. Occasionally, it is useful to be able to force an invocation to terminate after some t

2013-05-06 17:38:56 844

原创 中间件技术点

本图只是粗略地整理一下,通用 中间件的相关的通用的一些技术点,其中难免与各位理解的有不一致的地方,请读者朋友自我斟酌。下图为中间件一般集中具有的服务分布,各个服务都是依据上述技术点作为支撑的。中间件是一种独立的系统软件或服务程序,分布式应用软件借助这种软件在不同的技术之间共享资源。中间件位于客户机/ 服务器的操作系统之上,管理计算机资源和网络通讯。是连接两个独立

2013-05-04 16:39:53 642

原创 构建一个大型分布式系统的影响因素

这个是在某个过去的时间点,就某个特殊的事件,大致说了自己的看法,虽没具体的措施,但也在思考这个宽泛的问题,怎么做的更好?首先这是一个很宽泛的问题,大型分布式系统---分布式。结合培训经历以及工作一段时间,谈谈自己的体会。分以下几个方面阐述1.技术      技术是基础。是解决业务,产品规划等的需求的最终落地。不管我们的业务如何复杂,产品如何宏大,归根到底,是要程序员一行一行

2013-05-03 17:30:33 771 1

原创 对java synchronized 关键字的理解

最近项目开发中,在代码检视中发现不少的问题,可归为JAVA的基础问题。看来,真的是应了那句,入门容易出师难。本文不打算详细介绍 synchronized 关键字的详细解释,只就其中几个自己遇到的常见问题,做下论述。现将自己对 JAVA synchronized 关键字的理解,阐述一下,如有雷同,纯属巧合。一、Synchronized 与对象,锁的关系      很早之前,看

2013-05-03 16:43:14 951

原创 关于前段时间JAVA编程两件糗事

由于不直接编码有了一段时间,加上年纪加大,生活琐事增多,记忆力也慢慢更加弱化了。真希望大脑的记忆块像个大硬盘。哈一)关于HashMap 中一个API的用法,之前的写法        if (!hashMap.containsKey(userId)) {// 第一次加载进来                Credit credit = new Credit(userId);

2013-04-26 11:06:29 483

转载 ICE Manual(Documentation for Ice 3.5)---Java Mapping--Server-Side

Server-Side Slice-to-Java MappingThe mapping for Slice data types to Java is identical on the client side and server side. This means that everything in Client-Side Slice-to-Java Mapping also

2013-04-23 17:58:18 564

转载 ICE Manual(Documentation for Ice 3.5)---Java Mapping--Client-Side

Client-Side Slice-to-Java MappingIn this section, we present the client-side Slice-to-Java mapping. The client-side Slice-to-Java mapping defines how Slice data types are translated to Java type

2013-04-23 16:58:21 1014

转载 ICE Manual(Documentation for Ice 3.5)---Language Mappings

Language MappingsThe rules that govern how each Slice construct is translated into a specific programming language are known as language mappings. For example, for the C++ mapping, a Slice seq

2013-04-23 16:21:15 581

转载 ICE Manual(Documentation for Ice 3.5)---Slice Modules

Modules Reduce ClutterA common problem in large systems is pollution of the global namespace: over time, as isolated systems are integrated, name clashes become quite likely. Slice provides the modu

2013-04-23 15:56:56 526

转载 ICE Manual(Documentation for Ice 3.5)---Slice Lexical Rules

Lexical RulesSlice's lexical rules are very similar to those of C++ and Java, except for some differences for identifiers.CommentsSlice definitions permit both the C and the C++ style of w

2013-04-23 15:55:26 659

转载 ICE Manual(Documentation for Ice 3.5)---Slice Source Files

Slice Source FilesSlice defines a number of rules for the naming and contents of Slice source files.File NamingFiles containing Slice definitions must end in a .ice file extension, for e

2013-04-23 15:39:08 477


不是很全,凑合看吧 有两个文件,这个是第一个啊



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