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原创 关于前段时间JAVA编程两件糗事

由于不直接编码有了一段时间,加上年纪加大,生活琐事增多,记忆力也慢慢更加弱化了。真希望大脑的记忆块像个大硬盘。哈一)关于HashMap 中一个API的用法,之前的写法        if (!hashMap.containsKey(userId)) {// 第一次加载进来                Credit credit = new Credit(userId);

2013-04-26 11:06:29 483

转载 ICE Manual(Documentation for Ice 3.5)---Java Mapping--Server-Side

Server-Side Slice-to-Java MappingThe mapping for Slice data types to Java is identical on the client side and server side. This means that everything in Client-Side Slice-to-Java Mapping also

2013-04-23 17:58:18 564

转载 ICE Manual(Documentation for Ice 3.5)---Java Mapping--Client-Side

Client-Side Slice-to-Java MappingIn this section, we present the client-side Slice-to-Java mapping. The client-side Slice-to-Java mapping defines how Slice data types are translated to Java type

2013-04-23 16:58:21 1017

转载 ICE Manual(Documentation for Ice 3.5)---Language Mappings

Language MappingsThe rules that govern how each Slice construct is translated into a specific programming language are known as language mappings. For example, for the C++ mapping, a Slice seq

2013-04-23 16:21:15 581

转载 ICE Manual(Documentation for Ice 3.5)---Slice Modules

Modules Reduce ClutterA common problem in large systems is pollution of the global namespace: over time, as isolated systems are integrated, name clashes become quite likely. Slice provides the modu

2013-04-23 15:56:56 526

转载 ICE Manual(Documentation for Ice 3.5)---Slice Lexical Rules

Lexical RulesSlice's lexical rules are very similar to those of C++ and Java, except for some differences for identifiers.CommentsSlice definitions permit both the C and the C++ style of w

2013-04-23 15:55:26 659

转载 ICE Manual(Documentation for Ice 3.5)---Slice Source Files

Slice Source FilesSlice defines a number of rules for the naming and contents of Slice source files.File NamingFiles containing Slice definitions must end in a .ice file extension, for e

2013-04-23 15:39:08 477

转载 ICE Manual(Documentation for Ice 3.5)---Slice Compilation

CompilationA Slice compiler produces source files that must be combined with application code to produce client and server executables.The outcome of the development process is a client executable

2013-04-23 15:33:37 615

翻译 ICE Manual(Documentation for Ice 3.5)---Slice

Slice (Specification Language for Ice)Each Ice object has an interface with a number of operations. Interfaces, operations, and the types of data that are exchanged between client and server are

2013-04-23 15:26:36 576

翻译 ICE Manual(Documentation for Ice 3.5)---Ice Architecture--Architectural Benefits of Ice

The Ice architecture provides a number of benefits to application developers:Object-oriented semantics(面向对象)Ice fully preserves the object-oriented paradigm "across the wire." All operation invo

2013-04-23 15:02:01 470

原创 ICE Manual(Documentation for Ice 3.5)---Ice Architecture--客户端服务端结构

Ice clients and servers have the logical internal structure:Ice Client and Server StructureBoth client and server consist of a mixture of application code, library code, and code generated from

2013-04-23 14:13:02 590

原创 ICE Manual(Documentation for Ice 3.5)---Ice Architecture--异常信息

Run-Time ExceptionsAny operation invocation can raise a run-time exception. Run-time exceptions are pre-defined by the Ice run time and cover common error conditions, such as connection failure, c

2013-04-23 13:48:15 764

原创 ICE Manual(Documentation for Ice 3.5)---Ice Architecture--调用方式介绍

Synchronous Method InvocationBy default, the request dispatch model used by Ice is a synchronous remote procedure call: an operation invocation behaves like a local procedure call, that is, the clie

2013-04-23 13:13:47 568

原创 ICE Manual(Documentation for Ice 3.5)---Ice Architecture--Terminology

Ice ArchitectureIce is an object-oriented middleware platform. Fundamentally, this means that Ice provides tools, APIs, and library support for building object-oriented client-server applications.

2013-04-23 11:08:18 867

原创 关于性能测试时的隐性杀手--日志级别

前端时间,测试人员再做性能测试时,发现TPS 非常地低,一直搞不明白怎么回事。查看线程堆栈,发现很多线程在 争夺 日志文件。最后发现日志级别为DEBUG,那个汗。。。。由此,想了一下,对于应用场景,我们怎么设置我们的日志级别? 比如log4j中,日志记录器(Logger)是日志处理的核心组件。log4j具有5种正常级别(Level)。 日志记录器(Logger)的可

2013-04-22 16:21:30 1613 1

原创 ICE使用笔记---对线程池模式的浅析

因最近项目使用ICE,工作之余看了下,ICE处理线程方面的。因为一个疑问,为什么客户端调用,会有个名为 Ice-ThreadPool.Client-0 的线程。既然客户端调用,使用的是客户端请求线程。带着这个疑问,调试了下代码发现客户端发送请求,接收响应 是这样的假如客户端线程C1 发送一个M消息,给服务端,那么发送以后,C1会挂起,java中表现为wait,Ice-ThreadPoo

2013-04-19 17:37:53 2258

原创 SFS2x 源码分析

因两年前工作的需要,当时看了下SFS2x 的源码。时间久了,算是浅析一下,以便加深对系统架构的理解,特别是他们的编程思想,代码组织结构。也有很多值得学习的地方。本文是基于SFS2X 版本号 2.0.0-RC2a 下进行。请读者朋友注意。

2013-04-16 16:46:53 2130 1

原创 Ibatis 连接 Timesten 的一个诡异问题

近日,调试ibatis(版本:ibatis-连接Timesten(TimesTen release驱动版本 ttjdbc6.jar); 数据源连接池 为c3p0(版本号为 C3p0- 框架(版本 Spring2.5.6)在调用存储过程中,使用 super.getSqlMapClientTemplate()

2013-04-16 16:45:03 1271


不是很全,凑合看吧 有两个文件,这个是第一个啊



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