传奇人物 Donald E. Knuth 高纳德,真正的技术大牛

1938年12月7日,Donald E. Knuth 出生于美国威斯康星州 密尔沃基市。其父是个中学教师,经常在星期天到教堂演奏管风琴,小 Knuth 耳濡目染,日后也成为教师,业余爱好也是弹管风琴。


1957年大学一年级暑假在学校打工,接触到当时很先进的IBM650 计算机,对其产生浓厚的兴趣。


1960年毕业,因为成绩过于出色,校方打破惯例,Knuth 被同时授予学士和硕士学位。随后进入加州理工学院数学系。

1960-1968年,兼任 Burroughs 公司顾问。












1976年出版第二卷第二版时采用了计算机排版技术。但是,当时的计算机排版与活字排版效果相差甚远,而且前后两卷的字体、版式和文本格式等都不一致。非常失望的 Knuth 暂停了第二卷第二版的出版,决心自己设计一个比活字排版更加优美和适用的排版软件,这就是后来的 TeX 。

1977年5月开始构造后来被称为 TeX 的文字处理系统,他研究了古今的排版技术,把其中最优越的部分引入 TeX(http://www.hudong.com/wiki/TeX) 中,连 TeX 中的字体(METAFONT)全部都是他自行设计的。同年,访问中国三周,行前姚储枫给他起了个中文名字:高德纳。(姚储枫,姚期智的夫人,夫妇都是著名计算机科学家,2000年姚期智获图灵奖。)

1978年应邀在美国数学学会年会上作报告,题为数学排版--TeX 与 METAFONT,引起数学界关注。

1979年,Knuth 教授的著作《TeX 与 METAFONT:排版的新趋势》,由数字设备公司和美国数学学会联合出版。同年,荣获美国总统卡特授予的科学金奖 [颁奖视频]。



1982年使用自己设计的 TeX 软件和字体,Knuth 如愿出版了《计算机程序设计艺术》的第二卷第二版。之后,Knuth 还不遗余力地改进 TeX,并在 TeX 的稳定性上下了很大功夫。在基本式样没有改变的情况下,TeX 第3版又追加了很多功能。9月,公布了 DVI 驱动程序。同年,成为国际电子电气工程师协会荣誉会员,并获计算机先锋奖

1984年,艾迪生-韦斯利公司出版 Knuth 教授的《The TeXbook》,该书成为最权威的 TeX 参考书。

1985年,将 TeX 的默认字体由美国现代改为计算机现代 。




1989年,因其对软件理论的贡献获 J.D. Warnier 奖。


1991年,《3:16 圣经文本阐释》一书出版,他试图用分层随机抽样的方法对圣经进行分析。

1992年退休,但还是斯坦福大学和牛津大学的客座教授。他这么早退休的原因,就是因为研究开发 TeX 系统延误了编写出版《计算机程序设计技巧》这部书,他估计还要花20年来完成。目前此书前三卷已出版,预计要出到第七卷。

1993年宣布不再对 TeX 和 METAFONT 进行更新。






为什么是2.56美元?Knuth 教授的答案是:

“256 pennies is one hexadecimal dollar.”


从1981年夏至1996年7月1日,Knuth 教授给指出错误的人回信250多封,其中一半以上装有奖励支票。从奖励支票清单来看,有一位名叫 Axel Böttcher 的人,曾先后5次得到两块五毛六的支票,3次得到五块一毛二的支票,真可谓牛人背后有牛人。


受麦粒与棋盘的故事影响,Knuth 教授宣布,每发现一个 TeX 程序或 METAFONT 程序中的错误,奖励从2.56美元开始,每年翻倍,最高为327.68美元。1995年有两人领取了这项奖金,此后至今,还无人能够认领!


有网友戏说,什么是聪明:在 Knuth 的书中找到错误;什么是愚蠢:去兑现那张两块五毛六的支票。


Knuth 教授是法国、挪威和德国科学院的外籍院士;还是牛津大学、巴黎大学、斯德哥尔摩皇家理工学院、奥斯陆大学、安特卫普大学、圣彼得堡大学和马其顿大学等十几所大学的荣誉博士。

Knuth 教授带过28个研究生,拥有5项专利,出版25部著作,发表160篇论文;他的著作已有6种文字译本,发行量超过一百万册。英文版的《计算机程序设计艺术》一书已再版11次,该书前三卷中文版于1978年至1992年陆续出版,由苏运霖教授翻译,他曾在1977年与来访的 Knuth 教授在北京座谈。



Knuth 教授爱好音乐,年轻时曾考虑报考音乐专业。在他的书房中放了一个特别定制的84管的管风琴。他还会吹萨克斯管和大号。


TeX 是二十世纪排版技术方面最重大的发明,历经20年的岁月,TeX 在基本没有改动的情况下被世界各地各种语言的人们广泛使用,TeX 的优美排版效果令使用者爱不释手。现在,世界上很多国家都有 TeX 用户组织,TeX 不断地被推广和扩展。


Knuth 教授因在 TeX 及计算机编程方面的巨大贡献和他大量创造性的影响深远的著作而享誉全球。

Donald E. Knuth 这个名字将和 TeX 一起被载入世界科学史册。

第1卷首先介绍编程的基本概念和技术,然后详细讲解信息结构方面的内容,包括信息在计算机内部的表示方法、数据元素之间的结构关系,以及有效的信息处理方法。此外,书中还描述了编程在模拟、数值方法、符号计算、软件与系统设计等方面的初级应用。此第3版增加了数十项简单但重要的算法和技术,并根据当前研究发展趋势在数学预备知识方面做了大量修改。 第2卷对半数值算法领域做了全面介绍,分“随机数”和“算术”两章。本卷总结了主要算法范例及这些算法的基本理论,广泛剖析了计算机程序设计与数值分析间的相互联系,其中特别值得注意的是作者对随机数生成程序的重新处理和对形式幂级数计算的讨论。 本书附有大量习题和答案,标明了难易程度及数学概念的使用。 本书内容精辟,语言流畅,引人入胜,可供从事计算机科学、计算数学、计算技术诸方面的工作人员参考、研究和借鉴,也是相关专业高等院校的理想教材和教学参考书。 《计算机程序设计艺术排序和查找(第3卷)(第2版)》内容简介:这是对第3卷的头一次修订,不仅是对经典计算机排序和查找技术的最全面介绍,而且还对第1卷中的数据结构处理技术作了进一步的扩充,通盘考虑了将大小型数据库和内外存储器。它遴选了一些经过反复检验的计算机方法,并对其效率做了定量分析。第3卷的突出特点是对“最优排序”一节作了修订,对排列论原理与通用散列法作了全新讨论。 ——《豆瓣读书》
资源来自http://b-ok.org/,本人对相关版权等问题不了解,可联系删除 The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 1: Fundamental Algorithms (3rd Edition) Donald E. Knuth This magnificent tour de force presents a comprehensive overview of a wide variety of algorithms and the analysis of them. Now in its third edition, The Art of Computer Programming, Volume I: Fundamental Algorithms contains substantial revisions by the author and includes numerous new exercises. Although this book was conceived several decades ago, it is still a timeless classic. One of the book's greatest strengths is the wonderful collection of problems that accompany each chapter. The author has chosen problems carefully and indexed them according to difficulty. Solving a substantial number of these problems will help you gain a solid understanding of the issues surrounding the given topic. Furthermore, the exercises feature a variety of classic problems. Fundamental Algorithms begins with mathematical preliminaries. The first section offers a good grounding in a variety of useful mathematical tools: proof techniques, combinatorics, and elementary number theory. Knuth then details the MIX processor, a virtual machine architecture that serves as the programming target for subsequent discussions. This wonderful section comprehensively covers the principles of simple machine architecture, beginning with a register-level discussion of the instruction set. A later discussion of a simulator for this machine includes an excellent description of the principles underlying the implementation of subroutines and co-routines. Implementing such a simulator is an excellent introduction to computer design. In the second section, Knuth covers data structures--stacks, queues, lists, arrays, and trees--and presents implementations (in MIX assembly) along with techniques for manipulating these structures. Knuth follows many of the algorithms with careful time and space analysis. In the section on tree structures, the discussion includes a series
资源来自http://b-ok.org/,本人对相关版权等问题不了解,可联系删除 The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 4A: Combinatorial Algorithms, Part 1 Donald E. Knuth The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 4A: Combinatorial Algorithms, Part 1 Knuth’s multivolume analysis of algorithms is widely recognized as the definitive description of classical computer science. The first three volumes of this work have long comprised a unique and invaluable resource in programming theory and practice. Scientists have marveled at the beauty and elegance of Knuth’s analysis, while practicing programmers have successfully applied his “cookbook” solutions to their day-to-day problems. The level of these first three volumes has remained so high,… —Data Processing Digest Knuth, Volume n has been published, where n = 4A. In this long-awaited new volume, the old master turns his attention to some of his favorite topics in broadword computation and combinatorial generation (exhaustively listing fundamental combinatorial objects, such as permutations, partitions, and trees), as well as his more recent interests, such as binary decision diagrams. The hallmark qualities that distinguish his previous volumes are manifest here anew: detailed coverage of the basics, illustrated with well-chosen examples; occasional forays into more esoteric topics and problems at the frontiers of research; impeccable writing peppered with occasional bits of humor; extensive collections of exercises, all with solutions or helpful hints; a careful attention to history; implementations of many of the algorithms in his classic step-by-step form. There is an amazing amount of information on each page. Knuth has obviously thought long and hard about which topics and results are most central and important, and then, what are the most intuitive and succinct ways of presenting that material. Since the areas that he covers in this volume have exploded since he first envisioned writing about them, it is wonderful how he has ma
资源来自http://b-ok.org/,本人对相关版权等问题不了解,可联系删除 The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 2: Seminumerical Algorithms (3rd Edition) Donald E. Knuth Volume 2 of Donald Knuth's classic series The Art of Computer Programming covers seminumerical algorithms, with topics ranging from random number generators to floating point operations and other optimized arithmetic algorithms. Truly comprehensive and meticulously written, this book (and series) is that rarest of all creatures--a work of authoritative scholarship in classical computer science, but one that can be read and used profitably by virtually all working programmers. The book begins with fundamental questions regarding random numbers and how to use algorithms to generate them. Subsequent chapters demonstrate efficient computation of single-precision and double-precision arithmetic calculations and modular arithmetic. The text then presents prime factorization (which can be used in cryptography, for instance) and algorithms for calculating fractions. This volume ends with algorithms for polynomial arithmetic and manipulation of power-series topics, which will benefit those with some knowledge of calculus. Throughout this beautifully presented edition, Knuth incorporates hundreds of useful exercises for trying out the algorithms. These range from simple problems to larger research project topics. (The book provides answers, where appropriate, at the end of the book.) The result is a text that's suitable for college or graduate-level computer science courses or individual study by programmers. Volume 2 is an indispensable part of any working programmer's library.




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