Inhouse interview(websense)

1、Tell me about yourself?

My name is xxx,i 'm from xxx. now , I am a postgratuation and my major subject is computer application.

I worked at shanghai kinglong Internet of things company last year,I got a lot of innovate knowledge from my work about hardware,energy management and optimization, which is I cannot get from my book.and it provide me a lot of practical exprience such as analsying complex problem and the communication skills with customs and colleagues.I think the experience of the previous job  will make me a better candidate about this position. Although i appricate my previous job,I think websense will provide me not only the experience which my preivous job give me ,but also it can offer me an international vision.

ok, that is all,thank you for your attention.

2、Why are you interested in this position?

There are three reasons why I am interested in this job .firstly,being a member of a great team and do the things of changging the world in a certain field is my dream.there is no doubt that websense is a great company about security. Secondly,I can get the innovate knowledge of websense,such as websense triton ['traɪtn] The last one is that as a Global company,websense can privade me an international vision.

3、What are your strengths?/why you feel you are candidate for this position?

All the strengths come from my working exprience .

First,I have analytical problem solving and planning when I met a complex question,I still can keep my confidence.this come form my expriece of testing.

Second,I have the ability of deal with people.I have the experience of a coordinator of a projector.

4、What are your weekness?

As far as weaknesses, I feel that my coding skills could be stronger and lack exprience of security field but I am not affrid of that because I am constantly working to improve them.

5、why you feel you are candidate for this position?

   The answer is same as question 3:

   1)the ability about deal with complex problem

   2) the communication skill with my customs and cllogues

   3) learn some innovation knowledge from my previous job

6、Can you give me the highlight of your resume?

The exprience of being a software development engineer at my previous provide me a lot skills which can be used in the work.

7、Why do you choose your major?

 I have always been interested in computer and that is why I applied for a course in that subject at university. As we all known ,computer is already spread all over the world.and computer engineer will and must be change the world. I am so excited I will be the member of them.

8、What are you interested in?

Basketball.because it not only make me strong but also it can cultivate the senseof teamwork.

9、What are your short and long term goals?\

My short-term goal is to gain a position with a progressive[不断前进的] company, such as websense. 

My long-term goals involve growing with a company like websense where I can continue to learn, take on additional responsibilities, and contribute as much value as I can.

10、tell me how your former boss would describe you?

My boss would describe me as hard working, loyal, friendly and committed. He would say that I work well on my own initiative and deliver what he wants on time and to a high standard

11、Using single words to describe your three strength and one weakness?

Strength:Competitive【争强好胜】/Creative /endurance

Weekness:newbie (lack of exprience)

12、What motivates you to succeed?

   Seeing a challenge and conquering it。

13、What qualities do you feel are important to be successful in SDL?

 A strong sense of Teamwork:because a software need many kinds of technology such as coding/design/testing/art design.the project will be lose if any part of those break down.

 The skill of analyse problem solving:if you have this skill, you will keep your confidence no matter what complex problem you meet.

14、What previous exprience has helped you developed those qualities?

The SDL intern exprience in the previous job.

15、 Can you give me an example of teamwork and leadership?

In my last postion, I was part of a software implementation team. We all worked together to plan and manage the implementation schedule, to provide customer training, and ensure a smooth transition for our customers. Our team always completed our projects ahead of schedule with very positive reviews from our clients.

16、What is your greatest difficult and how did you overcome it?

I have not testing the device successful before the deadline of the project.We analyse the problem and divided it into several small parts,and spent days going through all related reference material.  and consult the experts and ask someone with the experience of tesing device,and to my excited,I make it,and that day is the December 21st 2012,it is said the end of the world,but I said it’s the beginning of  my career.

17、 Why should I hire you over the other candidates I am interviewing?

  My experience at XYZ Company has given me the perfect background for this job

18、Do you have any questions?

What's the most important thing I can do to help within the first 90 days of my employment?

In your opinion, what are my strongest assets and possible weaknesses?

What are the next steps in your hiring process?

I am  an intern,lack of the exprience aobut security,AS a expert in security field,can you give me some advices?

19、What are your compensation expectation?(这次面试不需要)

20、 What was your greatest accomplishment in the past time?

My greatest achievement would likely be when I was able to complete the task before the deadline of the porject .there are about one million records per month ,and the system’s correct rate is over 95%.

21、Have you ever be asked to do something unethical?if yes ,how did you handle it?

Yes, many people is asked to do things they don't agree with, I am no different.But every time I am asked to do something like this I evaluate it on it's merits[优点]. If the only disagreement is that I have never done it that way, and the proposed【建议】 way is as good - I'll try it. If the proposal is to make the something conform【遵守】 to policies and procedures I am not aware of, I will do it that way. If the proposal is to do something immoral【不道德=unethical】, dishonest or unethical, I will walk away from it.

22、What do you do if you totally disagree with a request made by your manager?

If  the request is good of the company ahead I will do it.if not,I will proceed thoughtfully and are well prepared to present a rational[合理的] argument and then refuse it.

23、How do you prioritize when you are given too many tasks to accomplish?

(1)Write down an initial draft of a To Do list. Once you have written down these five or six tasks that you would like to accomplish, you will have a clearer picture.(2)Take a look at them and give yourself some time to analyze which tasks you feel you ought to accomplish first.Once you have completed your analysis, you can rewrite the To Do list with the top priority task listed first, and so on and so forth.(3)If you are having trouble prioritizing tasks on your own either at work or at home, do not hesitate to ask for help

24、Why are manhole covers round?为什么小水道的盖子是圆的?


25、Tell me about a goal you set for yourself and how you accomplished it?

Coding the program of energy cloud platform using C++ in two months.

First,I divied the requirement of the project into several parts,such as collection,upload data.During this part ,i realized that it is a very important skills about analysis the problem sloving and divied a whole question to several small parts.Second,coding the project day by day,during this days,I learn use the existed knowledge,such as boost and libcurl.

26、Do you typically achieve what you set out to do?

Yes,Generally speaking ,i am a hard working student especially do the thing i am interested in. i will try my best to finish it no matter how difficult it is.

But sometimes,I will fail.such as go abroad for further learning.I have been preparing english about 1years,but during I became an intern ,I fount I am prefer to stay in company,because it can get a lot of knowledge and cultivate me the sense of  enginner.

27、What de-motivates or discourages you?

I am not afraid of difficult and complex problems,they only make me more excited.but I will be discourage if the manage is always not recognized my achievements.

28、Do you work better in teams or by yourself?

I think an excellent employee needs to be good at both of them.  When in a group ,you need to work with team members,you can get help from them if you meet complex question.and can learn something of your collegues .When you are doing your own responsbility,you need to work by maybe  high effective.

29、How important to you is a positive attitude?

Positive attitude will raise your energy to higher levels and inspire you to reach for higher ground.for example,when I was puzzling about the coding,I alway think that I will be overcome it and never give up.and finally I overcome it.

30、What is you definition of success?

Success means different things to different people. Success is a journey. It has multiple peaks and not one ultimate pinnacle(最终的顶峰). One success builds on another. Setbacks and mistake will also help you build success. At different periods of your life, success is defined differently. 

My definition of success about This periods is to get a position of a progressive company like websense.

31、What is your biggest disappointation during your college?


31、Tell me about the most difficult decision you have had to make?

Come to Beijing.

32、What is your ideal job?

   Work hard ,have fun ,make history

33、Do you have any other company waiting for interview?

 If you already have interviewed other companies or have scheduled interviews, give them the information. But, don't tell them what are the companies you have or will have interview with.

34 .what’s your opinion about Websense?

Websense, Inc. is a global leader in protecting organizations from the latest cyberattacks and data theft. Websense® TRITON® comprehensive security solutions unify web security, email security, mobile security and data loss prevention (DLP) at the lowest total cost of ownership. Tens of thousands of enterprises rely on Websense TRITON security intelligence to stop advanced persistent threats, targeted attacks and evolving malware[恶意软件]. Websense prevents data breaches【破坏】, intellectual property theft【知识产权盗窃】 and enforces security compliance【执行安全性】 and best practices. 






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