




starts_with,判断string str是否以string sub开始,返回true,或false

istarts_with,判断string str是否以string sub开始,同时忽略大小写,返回true,或false

ends_with,判断string str是否以string sub结尾,返回true,或false

iends_with,判断string str是否以string sub结尾,同时忽略大小写,返回true,或false

contains,判断string str是否包含string sub,返回true,或false

icontains,判断string str是否包含string sub,同时忽略大小写,返回true,或false

equals,判断string str是否与string str1相等,返回true,或false

iequals,判断string str是否包与string str1相等,同时忽略大小写,返回true,或false

lexicographical_compare,判断string str是否小于string str1相等,同时忽略大小写,返回true,或false



#include <boost/algorithm/string/predicate.hpp>
#include <boost/algorithm/string/classification.hpp>

// Include unit test framework
#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>

#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <functional>
#include <boost/test/test_tools.hpp>

using namespace std;
using namespace boost;

void predicate_test()
    string str1("123xxx321");
    string str1_prefix("123");
    string str2("abc");
    string str3("");
    string str4("abc");
    vector<int> vec1( str1.begin(), str1.end() );

    // Basic tests
    BOOST_CHECK( starts_with( str1, string("123") ) );
    BOOST_CHECK( !starts_with( str1, string("1234") ) );

    BOOST_CHECK( istarts_with( "aBCxxx", "abc" ) );
    BOOST_CHECK( !istarts_with( "aBCxxx", "abcd" ) );

    BOOST_CHECK( ends_with( str1, string("321") ) );
    BOOST_CHECK( !ends_with( str1, string("123") ) );

    BOOST_CHECK( iends_with( "aBCxXx", "XXX" ) );
    BOOST_CHECK( !iends_with( "aBCxxX", "xXXX" ) );

    BOOST_CHECK( contains( str1, string("xxx") ) );
    BOOST_CHECK( !contains( str1, string("yyy") ) );

    BOOST_CHECK( icontains( "123XxX321", "xxx" ) );
    BOOST_CHECK( !icontains( "123xXx321", "yyy" ) );

    BOOST_CHECK( equals( str2, string("abc") ) );
    BOOST_CHECK( !equals( str1, string("yyy") ) );

    BOOST_CHECK( iequals( "AbC", "abc" ) );
    BOOST_CHECK( !iequals( "aBc", "yyy" ) );

    BOOST_CHECK( lexicographical_compare("abc", "abd") );
    BOOST_CHECK( !lexicographical_compare("abc", "abc") );
    BOOST_CHECK( lexicographical_compare("abc", "abd", is_less()) );

    BOOST_CHECK( !ilexicographical_compare("aBD", "AbC") );
    BOOST_CHECK( ilexicographical_compare("aBc", "AbD") );
    BOOST_CHECK( lexicographical_compare("abC", "aBd", is_iless()) );

    // multi-type comparison test
    BOOST_CHECK( starts_with( vec1, string("123") ) );
    BOOST_CHECK( ends_with( vec1, string("321") ) );
    BOOST_CHECK( contains( vec1, string("xxx") ) );
    BOOST_CHECK( equals( vec1, str1 ) );

    // overflow test
    BOOST_CHECK( !starts_with( str2, string("abcd") ) );
    BOOST_CHECK( !ends_with( str2, string("abcd") ) );
    BOOST_CHECK( !contains( str2, string("abcd") ) );
    BOOST_CHECK( !equals( str2, string("abcd") ) );

    // equal test
    BOOST_CHECK( starts_with( str2, string("abc") ) );
    BOOST_CHECK( ends_with( str2, string("abc") ) );
    BOOST_CHECK( contains( str2, string("abc") ) );
    BOOST_CHECK( equals( str2, string("abc") ) );

    //! Empty string test
    BOOST_CHECK( starts_with( str2, string("") ) );
    BOOST_CHECK( ends_with( str2, string("") ) );
    BOOST_CHECK( contains( str2, string("") ) );
    BOOST_CHECK( equals( str3, string("") ) );

    //! Container compatibility test
    BOOST_CHECK( starts_with( "123xxx321", "123" ) );
    BOOST_CHECK( ends_with( "123xxx321", "321" ) );
    BOOST_CHECK( contains( "123xxx321", "xxx" ) );
    BOOST_CHECK( equals( "123xxx321", "123xxx321" ) );


int main(int argc, char* [] )
    return 0;


namespace boost {
    namespace algorithm {

//  starts_with predicate  -----------------------------------------------//

        //! 'Starts with' predicate
            This predicate holds when the test string is a prefix of the Input.
            In other words, if the input starts with the test.
            When the optional predicate is specified, it is used for character-wise

            \param Input An input sequence
            \param Test A test sequence
            \param Comp An element comparison predicate
            \return The result of the test

              \note This function provides the strong exception-safety guarantee
        template<typename Range1T, typename Range2T, typename PredicateT>
            inline bool starts_with( 
            const Range1T& Input, 
            const Range2T& Test,
            PredicateT Comp)
            iterator_range<BOOST_STRING_TYPENAME range_const_iterator<Range1T>::type> lit_input(::boost::as_literal(Input));
            iterator_range<BOOST_STRING_TYPENAME range_const_iterator<Range2T>::type> lit_test(::boost::as_literal(Test));

            typedef BOOST_STRING_TYPENAME 
                range_const_iterator<Range1T>::type Iterator1T;
            typedef BOOST_STRING_TYPENAME 
                range_const_iterator<Range2T>::type Iterator2T;

            Iterator1T InputEnd=::boost::end(lit_input);
            Iterator2T TestEnd=::boost::end(lit_test);

            Iterator1T it=::boost::begin(lit_input);
            Iterator2T pit=::boost::begin(lit_test);
                it!=InputEnd && pit!=TestEnd;
                if( !(Comp(*it,*pit)) )
                    return false;

            return pit==TestEnd;

        //! 'Starts with' predicate
        template<typename Range1T, typename Range2T>
        inline bool starts_with( 
            const Range1T& Input, 
            const Range2T& Test)
            return ::boost::algorithm::starts_with(Input, Test, is_equal());

        //! 'Starts with' predicate ( case insensitive )
            This predicate holds when the test string is a prefix of the Input.
            In other words, if the input starts with the test.
            Elements are compared case insensitively.

            \param Input An input sequence
            \param Test A test sequence
            \param Loc A locale used for case insensitive comparison
            \return The result of the test

            \note This function provides the strong exception-safety guarantee
        template<typename Range1T, typename Range2T>
        inline bool istarts_with( 
            const Range1T& Input, 
            const Range2T& Test,
            const std::locale& Loc=std::locale())
            return ::boost::algorithm::starts_with(Input, Test, is_iequal(Loc));

//  ends_with predicate  -----------------------------------------------//

        //! 'Ends with' predicate
            This predicate holds when the test string is a suffix of the Input.
            In other words, if the input ends with the test.
            When the optional predicate is specified, it is used for character-wise

            \param Input An input sequence
            \param Test A test sequence
            \param Comp An element comparison predicate
            \return The result of the test

              \note This function provides the strong exception-safety guarantee
        template<typename Range1T, typename Range2T, typename PredicateT>
        inline bool ends_with( 
            const Range1T& Input, 
            const Range2T& Test,
            PredicateT Comp)
            iterator_range<BOOST_STRING_TYPENAME range_const_iterator<Range1T>::type> lit_input(::boost::as_literal(Input));
            iterator_range<BOOST_STRING_TYPENAME range_const_iterator<Range2T>::type> lit_test(::boost::as_literal(Test));

            typedef BOOST_STRING_TYPENAME 
                range_const_iterator<Range1T>::type Iterator1T;
            typedef BOOST_STRING_TYPENAME boost::detail::
                iterator_traits<Iterator1T>::iterator_category category;

            return detail::

        //! 'Ends with' predicate
        template<typename Range1T, typename Range2T>
        inline bool ends_with( 
            const Range1T& Input, 
            const Range2T& Test)
            return ::boost::algorithm::ends_with(Input, Test, is_equal());

        //! 'Ends with' predicate ( case insensitive )
            This predicate holds when the test container is a suffix of the Input.
            In other words, if the input ends with the test.
            Elements are compared case insensitively.

            \param Input An input sequence
            \param Test A test sequence
            \param Loc A locale used for case insensitive comparison
            \return The result of the test

            \note This function provides the strong exception-safety guarantee
        template<typename Range1T, typename Range2T>
        inline bool iends_with( 
            const Range1T& Input, 
            const Range2T& Test,
            const std::locale& Loc=std::locale())
            return ::boost::algorithm::ends_with(Input, Test, is_iequal(Loc));

//  contains predicate  -----------------------------------------------//

        //! 'Contains' predicate
            This predicate holds when the test container is contained in the Input.
            When the optional predicate is specified, it is used for character-wise

            \param Input An input sequence
            \param Test A test sequence
            \param Comp An element comparison predicate
            \return The result of the test

               \note This function provides the strong exception-safety guarantee
        template<typename Range1T, typename Range2T, typename PredicateT>
        inline bool contains( 
            const Range1T& Input, 
            const Range2T& Test,
            PredicateT Comp)
            iterator_range<BOOST_STRING_TYPENAME range_const_iterator<Range1T>::type> lit_input(::boost::as_literal(Input));
            iterator_range<BOOST_STRING_TYPENAME range_const_iterator<Range2T>::type> lit_test(::boost::as_literal(Test));

            if (::boost::empty(lit_test))
                // Empty range is contained always
                return true;
            // Use the temporary variable to make VACPP happy
            bool bResult=(::boost::algorithm::first_finder(lit_test,Comp)(::boost::begin(lit_input), ::boost::end(lit_input)));
            return bResult;

        //! 'Contains' predicate
        template<typename Range1T, typename Range2T>
        inline bool contains( 
            const Range1T& Input, 
            const Range2T& Test)
            return ::boost::algorithm::contains(Input, Test, is_equal());

        //! 'Contains' predicate ( case insensitive )
            This predicate holds when the test container is contained in the Input.
            Elements are compared case insensitively.

            \param Input An input sequence
            \param Test A test sequence
            \param Loc A locale used for case insensitive comparison
            \return The result of the test

            \note This function provides the strong exception-safety guarantee
        template<typename Range1T, typename Range2T>
        inline bool icontains( 
            const Range1T& Input, 
            const Range2T& Test, 
            const std::locale& Loc=std::locale())
            return ::boost::algorithm::contains(Input, Test, is_iequal(Loc));

//  equals predicate  -----------------------------------------------//

        //! 'Equals' predicate
            This predicate holds when the test container is equal to the
            input container i.e. all elements in both containers are same.
            When the optional predicate is specified, it is used for character-wise

            \param Input An input sequence
            \param Test A test sequence
            \param Comp An element comparison predicate
            \return The result of the test

            \note This is a two-way version of \c std::equal algorithm

            \note This function provides the strong exception-safety guarantee
        template<typename Range1T, typename Range2T, typename PredicateT>
        inline bool equals( 
            const Range1T& Input, 
            const Range2T& Test,
            PredicateT Comp)
            iterator_range<BOOST_STRING_TYPENAME range_const_iterator<Range1T>::type> lit_input(::boost::as_literal(Input));
            iterator_range<BOOST_STRING_TYPENAME range_const_iterator<Range2T>::type> lit_test(::boost::as_literal(Test));

            typedef BOOST_STRING_TYPENAME 
                range_const_iterator<Range1T>::type Iterator1T;
            typedef BOOST_STRING_TYPENAME 
                range_const_iterator<Range2T>::type Iterator2T;
            Iterator1T InputEnd=::boost::end(lit_input);
            Iterator2T TestEnd=::boost::end(lit_test);

            Iterator1T it=::boost::begin(lit_input);
            Iterator2T pit=::boost::begin(lit_test);
                it!=InputEnd && pit!=TestEnd;
                if( !(Comp(*it,*pit)) )
                    return false;

            return  (pit==TestEnd) && (it==InputEnd);

        //! 'Equals' predicate
        template<typename Range1T, typename Range2T>
        inline bool equals( 
            const Range1T& Input, 
            const Range2T& Test)
            return ::boost::algorithm::equals(Input, Test, is_equal());

        //! 'Equals' predicate ( case insensitive )
            This predicate holds when the test container is equal to the
            input container i.e. all elements in both containers are same.
            Elements are compared case insensitively.

            \param Input An input sequence
            \param Test A test sequence
            \param Loc A locale used for case insensitive comparison
            \return The result of the test

            \note This is a two-way version of \c std::equal algorithm

            \note This function provides the strong exception-safety guarantee
        template<typename Range1T, typename Range2T>
        inline bool iequals( 
            const Range1T& Input, 
            const Range2T& Test,
            const std::locale& Loc=std::locale())
            return ::boost::algorithm::equals(Input, Test, is_iequal(Loc));

// lexicographical_compare predicate -----------------------------//

        //! Lexicographical compare predicate
             This predicate is an overload of std::lexicographical_compare
             for range arguments

             It check whether the first argument is lexicographically less
             then the second one.

             If the optional predicate is specified, it is used for character-wise

             \param Arg1 First argument 
             \param Arg2 Second argument
             \param Pred Comparison predicate
             \return The result of the test

             \note This function provides the strong exception-safety guarantee
        template<typename Range1T, typename Range2T, typename PredicateT>
        inline bool lexicographical_compare(
            const Range1T& Arg1,
            const Range2T& Arg2,
            PredicateT Pred)
            iterator_range<BOOST_STRING_TYPENAME range_const_iterator<Range1T>::type> lit_arg1(::boost::as_literal(Arg1));
            iterator_range<BOOST_STRING_TYPENAME range_const_iterator<Range2T>::type> lit_arg2(::boost::as_literal(Arg2));

            return std::lexicographical_compare(

        //! Lexicographical compare predicate
        template<typename Range1T, typename Range2T>
            inline bool lexicographical_compare(
            const Range1T& Arg1,
            const Range2T& Arg2)
            return ::boost::algorithm::lexicographical_compare(Arg1, Arg2, is_less());

        //! Lexicographical compare predicate (case-insensitive)
            This predicate is an overload of std::lexicographical_compare
            for range arguments.
            It check whether the first argument is lexicographically less
            then the second one.
            Elements are compared case insensitively

             \param Arg1 First argument 
             \param Arg2 Second argument
             \param Loc A locale used for case insensitive comparison
             \return The result of the test

             \note This function provides the strong exception-safety guarantee
        template<typename Range1T, typename Range2T>
        inline bool ilexicographical_compare(
            const Range1T& Arg1,
            const Range2T& Arg2,
            const std::locale& Loc=std::locale())
            return ::boost::algorithm::lexicographical_compare(Arg1, Arg2, is_iless(Loc));

//  all predicate  -----------------------------------------------//

        //! 'All' predicate
            This predicate holds it all its elements satisfy a given 
            condition, represented by the predicate.
            \param Input An input sequence
            \param Pred A predicate
            \return The result of the test

            \note This function provides the strong exception-safety guarantee
        template<typename RangeT, typename PredicateT>
        inline bool all( 
            const RangeT& Input, 
            PredicateT Pred)
            iterator_range<BOOST_STRING_TYPENAME range_const_iterator<RangeT>::type> lit_input(::boost::as_literal(Input));

            typedef BOOST_STRING_TYPENAME 
                range_const_iterator<RangeT>::type Iterator1T;

            Iterator1T InputEnd=::boost::end(lit_input);
            for( Iterator1T It=::boost::begin(lit_input); It!=InputEnd; ++It)
                if (!Pred(*It))
                    return false;
            return true;

    } // namespace algorithm

    // pull names to the boost namespace
    using algorithm::starts_with;
    using algorithm::istarts_with;
    using algorithm::ends_with;
    using algorithm::iends_with;
    using algorithm::contains;
    using algorithm::icontains;
    using algorithm::equals;
    using algorithm::iequals;
    using algorithm::all;
    using algorithm::lexicographical_compare;
    using algorithm::ilexicographical_compare;

} // namespace boost


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