
package java.lang;
import  java.util.*;

public class Throwable implements Serializable {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = -3042686055658047285L;

    private transient Object backtrace;

    private String detailMessage;

    private static class SentinelHolder {
        public static final StackTraceElement STACK_TRACE_ELEMENT_SENTINEL =
            new StackTraceElement("", "", null, Integer.MIN_VALUE);

        public static final StackTraceElement[] STACK_TRACE_SENTINEL =
            new StackTraceElement[] {STACK_TRACE_ELEMENT_SENTINEL};

    private static final StackTraceElement[] UNASSIGNED_STACK = new StackTraceElement[0];

    定一个Throwable对象名字为cause 值为this
    private Throwable cause = this;

    private StackTraceElement[] stackTrace = UNASSIGNED_STACK;

    private static final List<Throwable> SUPPRESSED_SENTINEL =
        Collections.unmodifiableList(new ArrayList<Throwable>(0));

    private List<Throwable> suppressedExceptions = SUPPRESSED_SENTINEL;

    private static final String NULL_CAUSE_MESSAGE = "Cannot suppress a null exception.";

    private static final String SELF_SUPPRESSION_MESSAGE = "Self-suppression not permitted";

    private static final String CAUSE_CAPTION = "Caused by: ";

    private static final String SUPPRESSED_CAPTION = "Suppressed: ";

    public Throwable() {

    public Throwable(String message) {
        detailMessage = message;

    public Throwable(String message, Throwable cause) {
        detailMessage = message;
        this.cause = cause;

    public Throwable(Throwable cause) {
        detailMessage = (cause==null ? null : cause.toString());
        this.cause = cause;
    protected Throwable(String message, Throwable cause,
                        boolean enableSuppression,
                        boolean writableStackTrace) {
        if (writableStackTrace) {
        } else {
            stackTrace = null;
        detailMessage = message;
        this.cause = cause;
        if (!enableSuppression)
            suppressedExceptions = null;

    public String getMessage() {
        return detailMessage;

    public String getLocalizedMessage() {
        return getMessage();
    public synchronized Throwable getCause() {
        return (cause==this ? null : cause);
    public synchronized Throwable initCause(Throwable cause) {
        if (this.cause != this)
            throw new IllegalStateException("Can't overwrite cause with " +
                                            Objects.toString(cause, "a null"), this);
        if (cause == this)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Self-causation not permitted", this);
        this.cause = cause;
        return this;
    public String toString() {
        String s = getClass().getName();
        String message = getLocalizedMessage();
        return (message != null) ? (s + ": " + message) : s;
    public void printStackTrace() {
    public void printStackTrace(PrintStream s) {
        printStackTrace(new WrappedPrintStream(s));
    private void printStackTrace(PrintStreamOrWriter s) {
        // Guard against malicious overrides of Throwable.equals by
        // using a Set with identity equality semantics.
        Set<Throwable> dejaVu =
            Collections.newSetFromMap(new IdentityHashMap<Throwable, Boolean>());

        synchronized (s.lock()) {
            // Print our stack trace
            StackTraceElement[] trace = getOurStackTrace();
            for (StackTraceElement traceElement : trace)
                s.println("\tat " + traceElement);

            // Print suppressed exceptions, if any
            for (Throwable se : getSuppressed())
                se.printEnclosedStackTrace(s, trace, SUPPRESSED_CAPTION, "\t", dejaVu);

            // Print cause, if any
            Throwable ourCause = getCause();
            if (ourCause != null)
                ourCause.printEnclosedStackTrace(s, trace, CAUSE_CAPTION, "", dejaVu);
    private void printEnclosedStackTrace(PrintStreamOrWriter s,
                                         StackTraceElement[] enclosingTrace,
                                         String caption,
                                         String prefix,
                                         Set<Throwable> dejaVu) {
        assert Thread.holdsLock(s.lock());
        if (dejaVu.contains(this)) {
            s.println("\t[CIRCULAR REFERENCE:" + this + "]");
        } else {
            // Compute number of frames in common between this and enclosing trace
            StackTraceElement[] trace = getOurStackTrace();
            int m = trace.length - 1;
            int n = enclosingTrace.length - 1;
            while (m >= 0 && n >=0 && trace[m].equals(enclosingTrace[n])) {
                m--; n--;
            int framesInCommon = trace.length - 1 - m;

            // Print our stack trace
            s.println(prefix + caption + this);
            for (int i = 0; i <= m; i++)
                s.println(prefix + "\tat " + trace[i]);
            if (framesInCommon != 0)
                s.println(prefix + "\t... " + framesInCommon + " more");

            // Print suppressed exceptions, if any
            for (Throwable se : getSuppressed())
                se.printEnclosedStackTrace(s, trace, SUPPRESSED_CAPTION,
                                           prefix +"\t", dejaVu);

            // Print cause, if any
            Throwable ourCause = getCause();
            if (ourCause != null)
                ourCause.printEnclosedStackTrace(s, trace, CAUSE_CAPTION, prefix, dejaVu);
    public void printStackTrace(PrintWriter s) {
        printStackTrace(new WrappedPrintWriter(s));
    private abstract static class PrintStreamOrWriter {
        /** Returns the object to be locked when using this StreamOrWriter */
        abstract Object lock();

        /** Prints the specified string as a line on this StreamOrWriter */
        abstract void println(Object o);

    private static class WrappedPrintStream extends PrintStreamOrWriter {
        private final PrintStream printStream;

        WrappedPrintStream(PrintStream printStream) {
            this.printStream = printStream;

        Object lock() {
            return printStream;

        void println(Object o) {

    private static class WrappedPrintWriter extends PrintStreamOrWriter {
        private final PrintWriter printWriter;

        WrappedPrintWriter(PrintWriter printWriter) {
            this.printWriter = printWriter;

        Object lock() {
            return printWriter;

        void println(Object o) {
    public synchronized Throwable fillInStackTrace() {
        if (stackTrace != null ||
            backtrace != null /* Out of protocol state */ ) {
            stackTrace = UNASSIGNED_STACK;
        return this;

    private native Throwable fillInStackTrace(int dummy);

    public StackTraceElement[] getStackTrace() {
        return getOurStackTrace().clone();

    private synchronized StackTraceElement[] getOurStackTrace() {
        // Initialize stack trace field with information from
        // backtrace if this is the first call to this method
        if (stackTrace == UNASSIGNED_STACK ||
            (stackTrace == null && backtrace != null) /* Out of protocol state */) {
            int depth = getStackTraceDepth();
            stackTrace = new StackTraceElement[depth];
            for (int i=0; i < depth; i++)
                stackTrace[i] = getStackTraceElement(i);
        } else if (stackTrace == null) {
            return UNASSIGNED_STACK;
        return stackTrace;

    public void setStackTrace(StackTraceElement[] stackTrace) {
        // Validate argument
        StackTraceElement[] defensiveCopy = stackTrace.clone();
        for (int i = 0; i < defensiveCopy.length; i++) {
            if (defensiveCopy[i] == null)
                throw new NullPointerException("stackTrace[" + i + "]");

        synchronized (this) {
            if (this.stackTrace == null && // Immutable stack
                backtrace == null) // Test for out of protocol state
            this.stackTrace = defensiveCopy;

    native int getStackTraceDepth();

    native StackTraceElement getStackTraceElement(int index);

    private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s)
        throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
        s.defaultReadObject();     // read in all fields
        if (suppressedExceptions != null) {
            List<Throwable> suppressed = null;
            if (suppressedExceptions.isEmpty()) {
                // Use the sentinel for a zero-length list
                suppressed = SUPPRESSED_SENTINEL;
            } else { // Copy Throwables to new list
                suppressed = new ArrayList<>(1);
                for (Throwable t : suppressedExceptions) {
                    // Enforce constraints on suppressed exceptions in
                    // case of corrupt or malicious stream.
                    if (t == null)
                        throw new NullPointerException(NULL_CAUSE_MESSAGE);
                    if (t == this)
                        throw new IllegalArgumentException(SELF_SUPPRESSION_MESSAGE);
            suppressedExceptions = suppressed;
        } // else a null suppressedExceptions field remains null

        if (stackTrace != null) {
            if (stackTrace.length == 0) {
                stackTrace = UNASSIGNED_STACK.clone();
            }  else if (stackTrace.length == 1 &&
                        // Check for the marker of an immutable stack trace
                        SentinelHolder.STACK_TRACE_ELEMENT_SENTINEL.equals(stackTrace[0])) {
                stackTrace = null;
            } else { // Verify stack trace elements are non-null.
                for(StackTraceElement ste : stackTrace) {
                    if (ste == null)
                        throw new NullPointerException("null StackTraceElement in serial stream. ");
        } else {
            // A null stackTrace field in the serial form can result
            // from an exception serialized without that field in
            // older JDK releases; treat such exceptions as having
            // empty stack traces.
            stackTrace = UNASSIGNED_STACK.clone();

    private synchronized void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s)
        throws IOException {
        // Ensure that the stackTrace field is initialized to a
        // non-null value, if appropriate.  As of JDK 7, a null stack
        // trace field is a valid value indicating the stack trace
        // should not be set.

        StackTraceElement[] oldStackTrace = stackTrace;
        try {
            if (stackTrace == null)
                stackTrace = SentinelHolder.STACK_TRACE_SENTINEL;
        } finally {
            stackTrace = oldStackTrace;

    public final synchronized void addSuppressed(Throwable exception) {
        if (exception == this)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(SELF_SUPPRESSION_MESSAGE, exception);

        if (exception == null)
            throw new NullPointerException(NULL_CAUSE_MESSAGE);

        if (suppressedExceptions == null) // Suppressed exceptions not recorded

        if (suppressedExceptions == SUPPRESSED_SENTINEL)
            suppressedExceptions = new ArrayList<>(1);


    private static final Throwable[] EMPTY_THROWABLE_ARRAY = new Throwable[0];

    public final synchronized Throwable[] getSuppressed() {
        if (suppressedExceptions == SUPPRESSED_SENTINEL ||
            suppressedExceptions == null)
            return EMPTY_THROWABLE_ARRAY;
            return suppressedExceptions.toArray(EMPTY_THROWABLE_ARRAY);

package com.hexiang.utils; import java.awt.Component; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; /** * This class ExceptionManager and its subclasses are a form of * Exception. It is used to wrap all the Throwable instances * and handle them in a unified way. It will show the information which consists of * StackTraces and Messages by using JOptionPanel. * * @author Estelle * @version 1.0 * @see java.lang.Exception * @since jdk 1.5 */ public class ExceptionManager extends RuntimeException { private static final long serialVersionUID = -6963187366089365790L; /** * This field alerter is used to show the information the Class offered. * * @see javax.swing.JOptionPane */ private JOptionPane alerter; /** * This static method create an instance of the ExceptionManager by invoking the * constructor ExceptionManager(String msg). * * @param msg The message will pass the specified constructor * @return An instance of the ExceptionManager created by invoking the constructor * ExceptionManager(String msg). */ public static ExceptionManager wrap(String msg){ return new ExceptionManager(msg); } /** * This static method create an instance of the ExceptionManager by invoking the * constructor ExceptionManager(Throwable throwable). * * @param throwable The cause will pass the specified constructor * @return An instance of the ExceptionManager created by invoking the constructor * ExceptionManager(Throwable throwable). */ public static ExceptionManager wrap(Throwable throwable){ return new ExceptionManager(throwable); } /** * This static method create an instance of the ExceptionManager by invoking the * constructor ExceptionManager(String msg,Throwable throwable). * * @param msg The message will pass the specified constructor * @param throwable The cause will pass the specified c




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