EasyTag 是开源软件,用于编辑常用音频文件的属性,比如专辑、封面、风格等信息。
类似软件还有 tageditor, 但是 tageditor 对视频文件不支持。
1. 从 gitlab 下载代码
git clone https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/easytag.git
2. cd easytag
3. ./autogen.sh
### Requirements
* GLib version greater than 2.38.0 (http://www.gtk.org)
* GTK+ version greater than 3.14.0 (http://www.gtk.org)
* libid3tag (http://www.underbit.com/products/mad) (if not deactivated by './configure --disable-mp3')
* id3lib version greater than 3.7.12 (http://id3lib.sourceforge.net) (Recommended: id3lib-3.8.3) (if not deactivated by './configure --disable-id3v23')
* flac (http://flac.sourceforge.net) (if not deactivated by './configure --disable-flac')
* libogg and libvorbis (http://www.vorbis.com) (if not deactivated by './configure --disable-ogg')
* libnautilus-extension (https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Nautilus) (if not deactivated by ./configure --disable-nautilus-actions')
* libsoup (https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/libsoup) (if not deactivated for './configure --disable-cddb')
* opus and opusfile (http://www.opus-codec.org/) (if not deactivated by './configure --disable-opus')
* taglib (http://taglib.github.com/) (if not deactivated by './configure --disable-mp4')
* wavpack (http://www.wavpack.com/) (if not deactivated by './configure --disable-wavpack')
* yelp (https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Yelp) is required at runtime for showing the user help
* yelp-tools (https://git.gnome.org/browse/yelp-tools)
* libc 6 (glibc 2.1) or greater
* appdata-tools (https://github.com/hughsie/appdata-tools)
* intltool (if not deactivated by './configure --disable-nls')
回到 easytag目录再次执行./autogen.sh,这时候没问题了,结果如下:
Linker ..................: gcc
CDDB support ............: yes
MP3 file support ........: no
ID3v2.3 tags support ....: no
Ogg Vorbis file support .: yes
Ogg Speex file support ..: yes
Ogg Opus file support ...: no
FLAC file support .......: yes
MP4 file support ........: no
WavPack support .........: no
NLS/gettext .............: yes
Nautilus actions ........: no
Tests during make check .: yes
EasyTAG depends on GTK+ and optionally flac, vorbisfile, ogg, opusfile, speex, id3tag, id3lib, taglib and wavpack libraries.
1. libid3tag 0.15.1b https://sourceforge.net/projects/mad/files/libid3tag/
2. id3lib 3.8.3 https://sourceforge.net/projects/id3lib/files/
编译问题: configure: error: Missing a vital header file for id3lib