create table (id int,bj nvarchar(6),zf float) insert table values select 1,'1',701 union select 2,'2',702 union select 3,'1',681 union select 4,'2',501 union select 5,'1',401 union select 6,'1',101
分数段 计1 累1 计2 累2 总计 总累
700 1 1
690 0 1
680 1 2
. . .
. . .
300 0
其余 1
红色1表示1班在680 <=zf <690范围有1名学生
绿色2表示1班在680 <=zf范围有2名学生
“计”只是本段人数,“累”是由本段向上,不封顶,“其余”段0 <zf <300,总计=计1+计2+..计n
if object_id('tb') is not null drop table tb go create table tb([编号] int,[班级] nvarchar(10),[成绩] float) insert tb select 1,'高三1班',701 union select 2,'高三1班',702 union select 3,'高三2班',675 union select 4,'高三2班',501 union select 5,'高三2班',401 union select 6,'高三1班',459 union select 1,'高三2班',700 union select 2,'高三1班',690 union select 3,'高三1班',681 union select 4,'高三1班',671 union select 5,'高三2班',450 union select 6,'高三1班',209 IF OBJECT_ID('f_fsd', N'FN') IS NOT NULL DROP FUNCTION f_fsd go create function f_fsd(@a int) returns varchar(4) as begin declare @s varchar(4) if (@a>0) and (@a <300) set @s='其余' else set @s=convert(varchar(3),((@a/10)*10)) return @s end go declare @s nvarchar(4000) set @s='' ;with t as ( select dbo.f_fsd([成绩]) as [分数段],[班级], count(*) as [人数] from tb group by dbo.f_fsd([成绩]),[班级] ) select @s=@s+',['+班级+'人数]=sum(case when [班级]='+quotename([班级],'''')+' then [人数] else 0 end),'+ '['+班级+'人数累计]=isnull((select sum([人数]) from t'+ ' where (([分数段]>=t1.[分数段] and [分数段]<>''其余'')or(t1.[分数段]=''其余''))'+ ' and [班级]='+ quotename([班级],'''')+'),0)' from t group by [班级] declare @i int declare @s2 varchar(1200) set @s2='' set @i=700 while @i>290 begin set @s2=@s2+' union select '''+convert(char(3),@i)+''',''dump'',0' set @i=@i-10 end; set @s2=@s2+' union select ''其余'',''dump'',0' exec( 'with t as'+ '('+ ' select dbo.f_fsd([成绩]) as [分数段],[班级], count(*) as [人数]'+ ' from tb'+ ' group by dbo.f_fsd([成绩]),[班级]'+ @s2+ ') '+ ' select [分数段]'+@s+ ' ,[总计]=(select sum([人数]) from t where [分数段]=t1.[分数段])'+ ' ,[总累计]='+ ' case when [分数段]=''其余'' then (select sum([人数]) from t) else '+ '(select sum([人数]) from t where [分数段]>=t1.[分数段] and [分数段]<>''其余'') end'+ ' from t t1 group by [分数段]'+ ' order by (case when [分数段]=''其余'' then 1 else 0 end), [分数段] desc') --drop table tb --drop function f_fsd