



You have just come back from the U.S. as a member of a Sino-American cultural
exchange program. Write a letter to your American colleague to
1 Express your thanks for his/her warm reception;
2 Welcome him/her to visit China in due course.


My Dear Friend,

第 一 段 叙 述 收 信 人 的 热 情 接 待 , 并 对 此 表 达 感 激 之 情 \color{#FF0000}{第一段叙述收信人的热情接待,并对此表达感激之情}

I would like to convey my heartfelt thanks to you for your kindness to receive me when I participated in an exchange program in USA.Your generous help made it possible that I had a very pleasant stay and a chance to know American cultures better. Besides, I think it is an honor for me to make friends with you and I will cherish the goodwill you showed to me wherever I go.

第 二 段 邀 请 收 信 人 来 中 国 餐 参 观 , 以 此 回 报 先 前 的 热 情 款 待 \color{#FF0000}{第二段邀请收信人来中国餐参观,以此回报先前的 热情款待}

Additionally, I highly welcome you to com to Chinan in due course so that I can reciprocate your hospitality.I promise you a fantastic visit ,through which you may gain a deep insight into Chinese culture .Look forward to you visit.




Suppose your cousin Li Ming has just been admitted to a university. Write him/her a letter to
1 congratulate him/her, and
2 give him/her suggestions on how to get prepared for university life.


My Dear Friend,

第 一 段 对 对 方 表 示 祝 贺 \color{#FF0000}{第一段对对方表示祝贺}

Dear Li Ming,
I must congratulate you for winning the fierce competition for admission to a prestigious university.This success means that you have acquired extraordinary learning capacity and, if this capacity can befurther developed and purposefully used in university, you will become competent to build a gittering career,

第 二 段 提 建 议 \color{#FF0000}{第二段提建议}

However, I must also warn you that the approaching university life is different to your previous school life. You should make important adjustment for it; that is, you should mentally and practically prepare to be independent and learn not for examination but for your life purpose. I wish you could learn to manage life and study by yourself in the following four years, and gradually grow into an adult wholly responsible for yourself.






Suppose you have found something wrong with the electronic dictionary that you bought from an onlin store the other day ,Write an email to the customer service center to
1)make a complaint and
2)demand a prompt solution


第 一 段 说 明 要 投 诉 的 问 题 以 及 解 决 方 案 \color{#FF0000}{第一段说明要投诉的问题以及解决方案}

Dear Sir or Madam,
The day before yesterday I bought an electronic dictionary, P 900,in your online store. lo my dismay,within three days of the purchase I found it couldn’t work normally. It shuts itself down automatically within tolerable frequency. I expect you to provide a new one for replacement or, at least, to follow the warranty policy by repairing it. If no satisfaction can be gained by these means, I will have to demand a refund.

第 二 段 要 求 别 人 联 系 , 说 出 联 系 方 式 \color{#FF0000}{第二段要求别人联系,说出联系方式}

Thank you for taking the time to read this letter. If detailed information is required, please reach meat 12345678.
Yours faithfully,
Zhang Wei






Suppose your class is to hold a charity sale foe kids in need of help. Write your
classmates an email to
1 inform them about the details and encourage them to participate .
2 Don ’ t use your own name, use “ Li Ming ” instead. Don ’ t write your
address.(10 points)


第 一 段 说 明 活 动 举 办 的 时 间 和 地 点 以 及 举 办 该 活 动 的 目 的 \color{#FF0000}{第一段说明活动举办的时间和地点以及举办该活动的目的}

Dear classmates,
is a great honor to inform you that a charity sale is scheduled for September 23 from 8 a.m. to 5 p. m. This sale is going to be held in the auditorium for the sake of kids on the average of dropping out and the gain will be donated to the Project Hope. We are desirous of raising sufficient money ta help 15 kids in financially strained families. Your participation is necessary to achieve this aim.

第 二 段 提 出 希 望 对 方 参 加 \color{#FF0000}{第二段提出希望对方参加}

Hopefully, you can come and pick up your desired commodities. You will happily find latest books and pretty stationery being sold at a discount there.
Yours sincerely,
Li Ming






Directions: Suppose you are going to study abroad and share an apartment with John, a local student. Write him to email to
1)tell him about your living habits, and
2)ask for advice about living there.


第 一 段 表 示 自 己 很 高 兴 , 并 提 出 初 步 了 解 的 意 义 \color{#FF0000}{第一段表示自己很高兴,并提出初步了解的意义}

Dear John,
I am glad that it is you who will be my roommate during my overseas study and cannot wait to meet you. Before my moving in, I think it is necessary to arrive at a basic understanding about each other`s living habits.

第 二 段 对 自 己 的 情 况 进 行 介 绍 \color{#FF0000}{第二段对自己的情况进行介绍}

As a typical Chinese, I observe traditional living rules, sleeping and getting up early, having gorgeous breakfast, good lunch and humble supper and keeping room tidy and clean. In addition, I prefer cooking Chinese dishes at home and hope to get your tolerance for occasional spicy smell during dish preparation. There must also be some special living rules to be respected in your country. Can you explain them to me in advance? Hope to get your early reply.
Li Ming




6.适用类型:招募启事 用于招募志愿者或者职员


Suppose your university is going to host a summer camp for high school students. Write a
notice to
1 briefly introduce the camp activities, and
2 call for volunteers.
You should write about 100 words on the ANSWER SHEET.
Do not use your name or the name of your university.
Do not write your address. (10 points)


第 一 段 首 先 提 出 招 募 对 象 以 及 对 招 募 方 的 介 绍 \color{#FF0000}{第一段首先提出招募对象以及对招募方的介绍}

Recruitment Announcement
We are looking for some volunteers for the summer camp for high school students. The summer camp is organized to facilitate high school students’ academic learning and more importantly cultivate their cooperation ability and practical skills through activities including but not limited to reading salon and business starting competition.

第 二 段 指 出 对 招 募 对 象 的 要 求 以 及 联 系 方 式 \color{#FF0000}{第二段指出对招募对象的要求以及联系方式}

Volunteers are required to help organize activities and cope with daily affairs during the summer camp. Ideal candidates should be patient, active, warm-hearted and responsible. Having relevant experience is preferred. Anyone interested please contact us by students’ union@ abcuniversity. edu. cn or reach us at 12345678.


要求志愿者帮助组织活动,并处理夏令营中的日常事务。理想的人选应该有耐心、积极、热心并且负责。有相关经验更佳。感兴趣者请通过students’ union@ abcuniversity. edu. cn联系我们,或者拨打电话12345678联系我们。


7.适用类型:建议信 用于针对别人的问题提出自己建议


Suppose you won a translation contest and your friend Jack wrote an email to congratulate you,
and ask advice on translation. Write him a reply to
1 thank him;
2 give your advice.


第 一 段 首 先 表 达 感 谢 , 简 述 事 由 \color{#FF0000}{第一段首先表达感谢,简述事由}

Dear Jack,
I’m writing to express my gratitude for your congratulation on my success in the translation contest.Since you asked for my advice, I’d like to share with you some of my thoughts on how to improve translation skills.

第 二 段 根 据 自 身 的 经 历 提 出 感 悟 和 建 议 \color{#FF0000}{第二段根据自身的经历提出感悟和建议}

To begin with, it is vital that you appreciate the beauty of language and hone your reading skills.Besides, a good translator usually reads extensively and constantly exposes himself to quality reading materials. One should cultivate a broad knowledge base and keep abreast of current events and issues.Moreover, be persistent. Language learning is not a task that can be accomplished within a short time.Only with a lot of sustained efforts can we improve our translation skills.

第 三 段 重 申 目 的 , 并 表 示 期 待 \color{#FF0000}{第三段重申目的,并表示期待}

I wish you find these suggestions useful and I’m more than willing to discuss it with you about further details. I’m looking forward to your reply.
Yours sincerely,
Li Ming






Suppose you are invited by Professor Williams to give a presentation about Chinese culture to a group of international students. Write a reply to
1 Accept the invitation, and
2 Introduce the key points of your presentation.


第 一 段 首 先 表 示 已 收 到 邀 请 , 并 接 受 邀 请 \color{#FF0000}{第一段首先表示已收到邀请,并接受邀请}

Dear Professor Williams,
I am honored to give a presentation about Chinese culture to international students at your invitation. I am pleased to take this opportunity to communicate with foreign friends about cultures.

第 二 段 明 确 讲 座 主 题 , 并 讲 述 主 题 内 容 \color{#FF0000}{第二段明确讲座主题,并讲述主题内容}

My presentation will be focused on Chinese martial arts, which is an important component of Chinese culture.to begin with ,I will briefly introduce it and its development over millennia! Then, I will focus on some common styles of Chinese martial arts, each of which has its own set of techniques and ideas. Furthermore,I will show some photos of relevant historical locations and figures. I believe graphic visual depiction will be more impressive than boring language.

第 三 段 表 达 感 谢 , 并 表 示 期 待 见 面 \color{#FF0000}{第三段表达感谢,并表示期待见面}

Thank you for your invitation.I am looking forward to seeing you.
Sincerely yours,
Li Ming


讲座将以中国文化的一个重要组成部分 中国武术为主题。首先,我会对中国武术及其几千年来的发展历程进行简要介绍。然后,我将重点介绍一些常见的中国武术门派,其中每一派都有各自的技术和思想体系。此外,一些相关的历史遗迹和历史人物将用照片呈现给大家。我相信,相对于干瘪的文字,生动形象的视觉描绘可以给大家留下更深刻的印象。


9.适用类型:道歉信 用于由于某些原因无法出席活动等回信


Suppose you have to cancel your travel plan and will not be able to visit Professor
Smith. Write him an email to
1 Apologize and explain the situation, and
2 Suggest a future meeting


第 一 段 首 先 说 明 道 歉 事 由 , 并 表 示 歉 意 \color{#FF0000}{第一段首先说明道歉事由,并表示歉意}

Dear Professor Smith,
I am writing to apologize for not being able to visit you as planned, since I have to cancel my travel plan for some reason. I am terribly sorry for any inconvenience this causes you and any changes that it necessitates in your current plans.

第 二 段 明 确 讲 座 主 题 , 并 讲 述 主 题 内 容 \color{#FF0000}{第二段明确讲座主题,并讲述主题内容}

I have been looking forward to seeing you since we made the appointment. Unexpectedly, I was asked to substitute for a classmate who suddenly fell ill to attend an important meeting. If it is possible, I would like to reschedule our appointment to a time convenient for you,

第 三 段 表 达 感 谢 , 并 表 示 期 待 见 面 \color{#FF0000}{第三段表达感谢,并表示期待见面}

Thank you for understanding in this matter. Looking forward to your reply.




10.适用类型:建议信 用于建议某项活动


Suppose Professor Smith asked you to plan a debate on the theme of city traffic. Write him an email to
1 suggest a specific topic with your reasons, and
2 tell him about your arrangements.


第 一 段 首 先 说 明 活 动 准 备 情 况 , 并 引 出 讨 论 的 话 题 \color{#FF0000}{第一段首先说明活动准备情况,并引出讨论的话题}

Dear Professor Smith,
Thank you for trusting me to arrange the debate,Now the competition is ready except for the debate topic, so I am writing to offer my advice regarding the topic.

第 二 段 对 这 个 话 题 进 行 解 释 , 并 说 明 带 来 的 意 义 \color{#FF0000}{第二段对这个话题进行解释,并说明带来的意义}

I suggest making “Is Traffic Jam Caused by Inadequate Transport Infrastructure or Poor Management” our debate topic. This topic is debatable as it contains two major reasons of traffic paralysis. And given that urban planning and public policies involved are taught in this semester, I think the argumentation surrounding this topic will deepen students’understanding of their courses. Finally, this topic which includes hot issues concerning every student, like shared bikes, is a great way to get them think and talk.

第 三 段 说 明 辩 论 赛 比 赛 的 时 间 地 点 , 并 表 示 期 待 \color{#FF0000}{第三段说明辩论赛比赛的时间地点,并表示期待}

The debate will be held at school hall from 6 :00 p. m,to 8:00 p. m. on Friday. I will be waiting for your response on this matter.



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