【kubernetes/k8s源码分析】kubelet crio 启动源码分析

github: https://github.com/cri-o/cri-o


Compatibility matrix: CRI-O ⬄ Kubernetes

Version - BranchKubernetes branch/versionMaintenance status
CRI-O 1.12.x - release-1.12Kubernetes 1.12 branch, v1.12.x=
CRI-O 1.13.x - release-1.13Kubernetes 1.13 branch, v1.13.x=
CRI-O 1.14.x - release-1.14Kubernetes 1.14 branch, v1.14.x=
CRI-O 1.15.x - release-1.15Kubernetes 1.15 branch, v1.15.x=
CRI-O HEAD - masterKubernetes master branch


参考:  K8sMeetup社区                                                



初始化 defaultStoreOptions

func init() {
   defaultStoreOptions.RunRoot = "/var/run/containers/storage"
   defaultStoreOptions.GraphRoot = "/var/lib/containers/storage"
   defaultStoreOptions.GraphDriverName = ""

   ReloadConfigurationFile(defaultConfigFile, &defaultStoreOptions)


1. main

    1.1 DefaultConfig 函数

       路径: internal/lib/config/config.go,DefaultStoreOptions 函数如果是 root 权限(uid=0(root) gid=0(root) 组=0(root)),则配置文件在 /etc/containers/storage.conf,可以 man 5 containers-storage.conf 查看详细说明

// DefaultConfig returns the default configuration for crio.
func DefaultConfig() (*Config, error) {
	storeOpts, err := storage.DefaultStoreOptions(rootless.IsRootless(), rootless.GetRootlessUID())
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

    1.1.1 结构体 Config 

// Config represents the entire set of configuration values that can be set for
// the server. This is intended to be loaded from a toml-encoded config file.
type Config struct {

      结构体包括 RootConfig,RunRoot 默认路径 /var/run/containers/storage,Root 默认路径 /var/lib/containers/storage

      APIConifg,Listen GRPC server 监听地址为 /var/run/crio/crio.sock

      默认 GRPCMaxSendMsgSize:16777216, GRPCMaxRecvMsgSize:16777216

return &Config{
	RootConfig: RootConfig{
		Root:           storeOpts.GraphRoot,
		RunRoot:        storeOpts.RunRoot,
		Storage:        storeOpts.GraphDriverName,
		StorageOptions: storeOpts.GraphDriverOptions,
		LogDir:         "/var/log/crio/pods",
	APIConfig: APIConfig{
		Listen:             CrioSocketPath,
		StreamAddress:      "",
		StreamPort:         "0",
		GRPCMaxSendMsgSize: defaultGRPCMaxMsgSize,
		GRPCMaxRecvMsgSize: defaultGRPCMaxMsgSize,

    1.1.2 RuntimeConfig 配置

       默认的 runtime 为 runc,

RuntimeConfig: RuntimeConfig{
	DefaultRuntime: defaultRuntime,
	Runtimes: Runtimes{
		defaultRuntime: {
			RuntimePath: "",
			RuntimeType: defaultRuntimeType,
			RuntimeRoot: DefaultRuntimeRoot,
	Conmon: "",
	ConmonEnv: []string{
	ConmonCgroup:             "pod",
	SELinux:                  selinuxEnabled(),
	SeccompProfile:           "",
	ApparmorProfile:          DefaultApparmorProfile,
	CgroupManager:            cgroupManager,
	DefaultMountsFile:        "",
	PidsLimit:                DefaultPidsLimit,
	ContainerExitsDir:        containerExitsDir,
	ContainerAttachSocketDir: ContainerAttachSocketDir,
	LogSizeMax:               DefaultLogSizeMax,
	LogToJournald:            DefaultLogToJournald,
	DefaultCapabilities:      DefaultCapabilities,
	LogLevel:                 "error",
	DefaultSysctls:           []string{},
	DefaultUlimits:           []string{},
	AdditionalDevices:        []string{},

    1.1.3 ImageConfig 配置

     配置文件 /etc/crio/crio.conf,可以覆盖,默认的 docker://,pause 镜像 k8s.gcr.io/pause:3.1,

ImageConfig: ImageConfig{
	DefaultTransport:    defaultTransport,
	GlobalAuthFile:      "",
	PauseImage:          pauseImage,
	PauseImageAuthFile:  "",
	PauseCommand:        pauseCommand,
	SignaturePolicyPath: "",
	ImageVolumes:        ImageVolumesMkdir,
	Registries:          []string{},
	InsecureRegistries:  []string{},

    1.1.4 NetworkConfig 配置

     配置 cni 默认路径为 /etc/cni/net.d/,默认的二进制可执行文件路径为 /opt/cni/bin/

NetworkConfig: NetworkConfig{
	NetworkDir: cniConfigDir,
	PluginDirs: []string{cniBinDir},


    1. 2 建立 GRPC server,默认的监听地址为 /var/run/crio/crio.sock

lis, err := server.Listen("unix", config.Listen)
if err != nil {
	logrus.Fatalf("failed to listen: %v", err)

grpcServer := grpc.NewServer(


    1.3 server.New 函数实例化 Server

service, err := server.New(ctx, systemContext, configPath, config)
if err != nil {


2. New 函数

       路径 server/server.go

// New creates a new Server with the provided context, systemContext,
// configPath and configuration
func New(
	ctx context.Context,
	systemContext *types.SystemContext,
	configPath string,
	configIface libconfig.Iface,
) (*Server, error) {

	if configIface == nil || configIface.GetData() == nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("provided configuration interface or its data is nil")
	config := configIface.GetData()

    2.1 创建目录 ContainerAttachSocketDir ContainerExitsDir

     ContainerAttachSocketDir: /var/run/crio


if err := os.MkdirAll(config.ContainerAttachSocketDir, 0755); err != nil {
	return nil, err

// This is used to monitor container exits using inotify
if err := os.MkdirAll(config.ContainerExitsDir, 0755); err != nil {
	return nil, err

    2.2 实例化 ContainerServer

     第 3 章节讲解

containerServer, err := lib.New(ctx, systemContext, configIface)
if err != nil {
	return nil, err

    2.3 InitCNI 函数

       调用 initCNI 初始化 cni 网络插件,initCNI 函数使用默认的 DefaultExec 执行命令,newWatcher 函数监控配置目录,如果有变更则重新加载网络配置

// InitCNI takes a binary directory in which to search for CNI plugins, and
// a configuration directory in which to search for CNI JSON config files.
// If no valid CNI configs exist, network requests will fail until valid CNI
// config files are present in the config directory.
// If defaultNetName is not empty, a CNI config with that network name will
// be used as the default CNI network, and container network operations will
// fail until that network config is present and valid.
func InitCNI(defaultNetName string, confDir string, binDirs ...string) (CNIPlugin, error) {
	return initCNI(nil, "", defaultNetName, confDir, binDirs...)


3. New 函数

    路径 internal/lib/container_server.go

// New creates a new ContainerServer with options provided
func New(ctx context.Context, systemContext *types.SystemContext, configIface libconfig.Iface) (*ContainerServer, error) {
	if configIface == nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("provided config is nil")
	store, err := configIface.GetStore()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	config := configIface.GetData()

    3.1 configIface 接口

      实现在 internal/lib/config/config.go

// GetStore returns the container storage for a given configuration
func (c *Config) GetStore() (cstorage.Store, error) {
	return cstorage.GetStore(cstorage.StoreOptions{
		RunRoot:            c.RunRoot,
		GraphRoot:          c.Root,
		GraphDriverName:    c.Storage,
		GraphDriverOptions: c.StorageOptions,

// GetData returns the Config of a Iface
func (c *Config) GetData() *Config {
	return c

    3.2 GetImageService 函数

      实例化 imageService 

// GetImageService returns an ImageServer that uses the passed-in store, and
// which will prepend the passed-in defaultTransport value to an image name if
// a name that's passed to its PullImage() method can't be resolved to an image
// in the store and can't be resolved to a source on its own.
func GetImageService(ctx context.Context, sc *types.SystemContext, store storage.Store, defaultTransport string, insecureRegistries, registries []string) (ImageServer, error) {
	if store == nil {
		var err error
		storeOpts, err := storage.DefaultStoreOptions(rootless.IsRootless(), rootless.GetRootlessUID())
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		store, err = storage.GetStore(storeOpts)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

	is := &imageService{
		store:                 store,
		defaultTransport:      defaultTransport,
		indexConfigs:          make(map[string]*indexInfo),
		insecureRegistryCIDRs: make([]*net.IPNet, 0),
		imageCache:            make(map[string]imageCacheItem),
		ctx:                   ctx,

    3.3 设置 registries 配置

  registries = [

if len(registries) != 0 {
	seenRegistries := make(map[string]bool, len(registries))
	cleanRegistries := []string{}
	for _, r := range registries {
		if seenRegistries[r] {
		cleanRegistries = append(cleanRegistries, r)
		seenRegistries[r] = true

	is.unqualifiedSearchRegistries = cleanRegistries
} else {
	systemRegistries, err := sysregistriesv2.UnqualifiedSearchRegistries(sc)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	is.unqualifiedSearchRegistries = systemRegistries

    3.4 实例化 runtimeService,使用 image 服务

      实现了接口 runtimeServer

// GetRuntimeService returns a RuntimeServer that uses the passed-in image
// service to pull and manage images, and its store to manage containers based
// on those images.
func GetRuntimeService(ctx context.Context, storageImageServer ImageServer) RuntimeServer {
	return &runtimeService{
		storageImageServer: storageImageServer,
		ctx:                ctx,

    3.4.1 包裹了 runtime 接口

// RuntimeServer wraps up various CRI-related activities into a reusable
// implementation.
type RuntimeServer interface {
   // CreatePodSandbox creates a pod infrastructure container, using the
   // specified PodID for the infrastructure container's ID.  In the CRI
   // view of things, a sandbox is distinct from its containers, including
   // its infrastructure container, but at this level the sandbox is
   // essentially the same as its infrastructure container, with a
   // container's membership in a pod being signified by it listing the
   // same pod ID in its metadata that the pod's other members do, and
   // with the pod's infrastructure container having the same value for
   // both its pod's ID and its container ID.
   // Pointer arguments can be nil.  Either the image name or ID can be
   // omitted, but not both.  All other arguments are required.
   CreatePodSandbox(systemContext *types.SystemContext, podName, podID, imageName, imageAuthFile, imageID, containerName, metadataName, uid, namespace string, attempt uint32, idMappings *idtools.IDMappings, labelOptions []string) (ContainerInfo, error)
   // RemovePodSandbox deletes a pod sandbox's infrastructure container.
   // The CRI expects that a sandbox can't be removed unless its only
   // container is its infrastructure container, but we don't enforce that
   // here, since we're just keeping track of it for higher level APIs.
   RemovePodSandbox(idOrName string) error

   // GetContainerMetadata returns the metadata we've stored for a container.
   GetContainerMetadata(idOrName string) (RuntimeContainerMetadata, error)
   // SetContainerMetadata updates the metadata we've stored for a container.
   SetContainerMetadata(idOrName string, metadata *RuntimeContainerMetadata) error

   // CreateContainer creates a container with the specified ID.
   // Pointer arguments can be nil.  Either the image name or ID can be
   // omitted, but not both.  All other arguments are required.
   CreateContainer(systemContext *types.SystemContext, podName, podID, imageName, imageID, containerName, containerID, metadataName string, attempt uint32, idMappings *idtools.IDMappings, labelOptions []string) (ContainerInfo, error)
   // DeleteContainer deletes a container, unmounting it first if need be.
   DeleteContainer(idOrName string) error

   // StartContainer makes sure a container's filesystem is mounted, and
   // returns the location of its root filesystem, which is not guaranteed
   // by lower-level drivers to never change.
   StartContainer(idOrName string) (string, error)
   // StopContainer attempts to unmount a container's root filesystem,
   // freeing up any kernel resources which may be limited.
   StopContainer(idOrName string) error

   // GetWorkDir returns the path of a nonvolatile directory on the
   // filesystem (somewhere under the Store's Root directory) which can be
   // used to store arbitrary data that is specific to the container.  It
   // will be removed automatically when the container is deleted.
   GetWorkDir(id string) (string, error)
   // GetRunDir returns the path of a volatile directory (does not survive
   // the host rebooting, somewhere under the Store's RunRoot directory)
   // on the filesystem which can be used to store arbitrary data that is
   // specific to the container.  It will be removed automatically when
   // the container is deleted.
   GetRunDir(id string) (string, error)



    第4 章节开始分析创建一个 pod ,从 CRI 发送 GRPC RunPodSandbox 请求

// RunPodSandbox creates and runs a pod-level sandbox.
func (s *Server) RunPodSandbox(ctx context.Context, req *pb.RunPodSandboxRequest) (resp *pb.RunPodSandboxResponse, err error) {
   // platform dependent call
   return s.runPodSandbox(ctx, req)


4.  runPodSandbox 函数

     路径 server/sandbox_run_linux.go

func (s *Server) runPodSandbox(ctx context.Context, req *pb.RunPodSandboxRequest) (resp *pb.RunPodSandboxResponse, err error) {
	const operation = "run_pod_sandbox"
	defer func() {
		recordOperation(operation, time.Now())
		recordError(operation, err)

    4.1  CreatePodSandbox 创建 pod 的 sandbox

      根据 RuntimeService 实现了 RuntimeServer 的接口,实现路径为 internal/pkg/storage/runtime.go

podContainer, err := s.StorageRuntimeServer().CreatePodSandbox(s.systemContext,
	name, id,

    4.1.1 createContainerOrPodSandbox 函数

     检验 pod 名,id,镜像名 id,容器名等不能为空

func (r *runtimeService) createContainerOrPodSandbox(systemContext *types.SystemContext, podName, podID, imageName, imageAuthFile, imageID, containerName, containerID, metadataName, uid, namespace string, attempt uint32, idMappings *idtools.IDMappings, labelOptions []string, isPauseImage bool) (ContainerInfo, error) {
	var ref types.ImageReference
	if podName == "" || podID == "" {
		return ContainerInfo{}, ErrInvalidPodName
	if imageName == "" && imageID == "" {
		return ContainerInfo{}, ErrInvalidImageName
	if containerName == "" {
		return ContainerInfo{}, ErrInvalidContainerName
	if metadataName == "" {
		metadataName = containerName

     4.1.2 CreateContainer 函数创建容器的结构体信息

     实现为 github.com/containers/storage/store.go

     rlstore.Create 创建一个 top 层,一个读写层

     containerStore Create 方法创建容器的结构体信息 container *Container

container, err := r.storageImageServer.GetStore().CreateContainer(containerID, names, img.ID, "", string(mdata), &coptions)
if err != nil {
	if metadata.Pod {
		logrus.Debugf("failed to create pod sandbox %s(%s): %v", metadata.PodName, metadata.PodID, err)
	} else {
		logrus.Debugf("failed to create container %s(%s): %v", metadata.ContainerName, containerID, err)
	return ContainerInfo{}, err

    4.2 New 函数实例化 sandbox

// New creates and populates a new pod sandbox
// New sandboxes have no containers, no infra container, and no network namespaces associated with them
// An infra container must be attached before the sandbox is added to the state
func New(id, namespace, name, kubeName, logDir string, labels, annotations map[string]string, processLabel, mountLabel string, metadata *pb.PodSandboxMetadata, shmPath, cgroupParent string, privileged bool, runtimeHandler, resolvPath, hostname string, portMappings []*hostport.PortMapping, hostNetwork bool) (*Sandbox, error) {
	sb := new(Sandbox)
	sb.id = id
	sb.namespace = namespace
	sb.name = name
	sb.kubeName = kubeName
	sb.logDir = logDir
	sb.labels = labels
	sb.annotations = annotations
	sb.containers = oci.NewMemoryStore()
	sb.processLabel = processLabel
	sb.mountLabel = mountLabel
	sb.metadata = metadata
	sb.shmPath = shmPath
	sb.cgroupParent = cgroupParent
	sb.privileged = privileged
	sb.runtimeHandler = runtimeHandler
	sb.resolvPath = resolvPath
	sb.hostname = hostname
	sb.portMappings = portMappings
	sb.createdAt = time.Now()
	sb.hostNetwork = hostNetwork

	return sb, nil

    4.3 使用 host network 模式

// set up namespaces
if hostNetwork {
	err = g.RemoveLinuxNamespace(string(runtimespec.NetworkNamespace))
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

    4.4 为 sandbox 创建网络 namespace

else if s.config.ManageNetworkNSLifecycle {
		// Create the sandbox network namespace
		if err := sb.NetNsCreate(nil); err != nil {
			return nil, err

		defer func() {
			if err == nil {

			if netnsErr := sb.NetNsRemove(); netnsErr != nil {
				log.Warnf(ctx, "Failed to remove networking namespace: %v", netnsErr)

		// Pass the created namespace path to the runtime
		err = g.AddOrReplaceLinuxNamespace(string(runtimespec.NetworkNamespace), sb.NetNsPath())
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err


5. CreateContainer 函数

// createContainerPlatform performs platform dependent intermediate steps before calling the container's oci.Runtime().CreateContainer()
func (s *Server) createContainerPlatform(container, infraContainer *oci.Container, cgroupParent string) error {
	if s.defaultIDMappings != nil && !s.defaultIDMappings.Empty() {
		rootPair := s.defaultIDMappings.RootPair()

		for _, path := range []string{container.BundlePath(), container.MountPoint()} {
			if err := os.Chown(path, rootPair.UID, rootPair.GID); err != nil {
				return errors.Wrapf(err, "cannot chown %s to %d:%d", path, rootPair.UID, rootPair.GID)
			if err := makeAccessible(path, rootPair.UID, rootPair.GID); err != nil {
				return errors.Wrapf(err, "cannot make %s accessible to %d:%d", path, rootPair.UID, rootPair.GID)
	return s.Runtime().CreateContainer(container, cgroupParent)

    5.1 newRuntimeImpl 函数

      默认的 runtime 为 OCI,但是可以设置为 vm

func (r *Runtime) newRuntimeImpl(c *Container) (RuntimeImpl, error) {
	// Define the current runtime handler as the default runtime handler.
	rh := r.config.Runtimes[r.config.DefaultRuntime]

	// Override the current runtime handler with the runtime handler
	// corresponding to the runtime handler key provided with this
	// specific container.
	if c.runtimeHandler != "" {
		runtimeHandler, err := r.ValidateRuntimeHandler(c.runtimeHandler)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		rh = runtimeHandler

	if rh.RuntimeType == RuntimeTypeVM {
		return newRuntimeVM(rh.RuntimePath), nil

	// If the runtime type is different from "vm", then let's fallback
	// onto the OCI implementation by default.
	return newRuntimeOCI(r, rh), nil

    5.1.1 vm runtime 情况,需要实例化 vm OCI

    runtimeVM 实现了 RuntimeImpl 接口,定义在 internal/oci/runtime_vm.go 中

// newRuntimeVM creates a new runtimeVM instance
func newRuntimeVM(path string) RuntimeImpl {
	logrus.Debug("oci.newRuntimeVM() start")
	defer logrus.Debug("oci.newRuntimeVM() end")

	// FIXME: We need to register those types for now, but this should be
	// defined as a specific package that would be shared both by CRI-O and
	// containerd. This would allow shim implementation to import a single
	// package to do the proper registration.
	const prefix = "types.containerd.io"
	// register TypeUrls for commonly marshaled external types
	major := strconv.Itoa(rspec.VersionMajor)
	typeurl.Register(&rspec.Spec{}, prefix, "opencontainers/runtime-spec", major, "Spec")
	typeurl.Register(&rspec.Process{}, prefix, "opencontainers/runtime-spec", major, "Process")
	typeurl.Register(&rspec.LinuxResources{}, prefix, "opencontainers/runtime-spec", major, "LinuxResources")
	typeurl.Register(&rspec.WindowsResources{}, prefix, "opencontainers/runtime-spec", major, "WindowsResources")

	return &runtimeVM{
		path: path,
		ctx:  context.Background(),
		ctrs: make(map[string]containerInfo),

     5.1.2 实例化默认的 runc runtime

// newRuntimeOCI creates a new runtimeOCI instance
func newRuntimeOCI(r *Runtime, handler *config.RuntimeHandler) RuntimeImpl {
	runRoot := config.DefaultRuntimeRoot
	if handler.RuntimeRoot != "" {
		runRoot = handler.RuntimeRoot
	return &runtimeOCI{
		Runtime: r,
		path:    handler.RuntimePath,
		root:    runRoot,

    5.2 CreateContainer runtime 为 vm 

// CreateContainer creates a container.
func (r *runtimeVM) CreateContainer(c *Container, cgroupParent string) (err error) {
	logrus.Debug("runtimeVM.createContainer() start")
	defer logrus.Debug("runtimeVM.createContainer() end")

	// Lock the container
	defer c.opLock.Unlock()

     5.2.1 startRuntimeDaemon 函数启动 runtime daemon 服务

func (r *runtimeVM) startRuntimeDaemon(c *Container) error {
	logrus.Debug("runtimeVM.startRuntimeDaemon() start")
	defer logrus.Debug("runtimeVM.startRuntimeDaemon() end")

	// Prepare the command to run
	args := []string{"-id", c.ID()}
	if logrus.GetLevel() == logrus.DebugLevel {
		args = append(args, "-debug")
	args = append(args, "start")

    5.3 runtimeOCI 的 CreateContainer 方法

     启动的命令为  /usr/libexec/crio/conmon --syslog

-c 48f06b6121b1482b80bb8d2bbd69058ca207091cdd4833a5f28eea74897ed8dd    容器ID

-n k8s_POD_mysql-hostpath-7d97c48d75-czprl_default_91f6b4a4-bd99-11e9-9aea-3497f6d36b76_0

-u 48f06b6121b1482b80bb8d2bbd69058ca207091cdd4833a5f28eea74897ed8dd    容器UUID

-r /usr/sbin/runc   runtime 运行路径

-b /var/run/containers/storage/overlay-containers/48f06b6121b1482b80bb8d2bbd69058ca207091cdd4833a5f28eea74897ed8dd/userdata

-p /var/run/containers/storage/overlay-containers/48f06b6121b1482b80bb8d2bbd69058ca207091cdd4833a5f28eea74897ed8dd/userdata/pidfile   容器PID文件

-l /var/log/pods/91f6b4a4-bd99-11e9-9aea-3497f6d36b76/48f06b6121b1482b80bb8d2bbd69058ca207091cdd4833a5f28eea74897ed8dd.log

--exit-dir /var/run/crio/exits --socket-dir-path /var/run/crio --log-level info --runtime-arg --root=/run/runc

// CreateContainer creates a container.
func (r *runtimeOCI) CreateContainer(c *Container, cgroupParent string) (err error) {
	var stderrBuf bytes.Buffer
	parentPipe, childPipe, err := newPipe()
	childStartPipe, parentStartPipe, err := newPipe()
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("error creating socket pair: %v", err)
	defer parentPipe.Close()
	defer parentStartPipe.Close()


6. PullImage 函数

func (svc *imageService) PullImage(systemContext *types.SystemContext, imageName string, inputOptions *copy.Options) (types.ImageReference, error) {
	policy, err := signature.DefaultPolicy(systemContext)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	policyContext, err := signature.NewPolicyContext(policy)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err



     本文分析了启动 crio 服务,加载配置,服务主要包括 runtime 和 image,内容太多了略过

     CreatePodSandbox 创建容器的配置信息

     主要是生成配置文件,调用 conmon 启动命令,包括 runtime,主要逻辑在 kata-runtime 中

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