政府主导,市场驱动---IEEE SA对中国标准管理体系改革方案的解读


State Council [2015] No. 13

TWO: Overall goals of the standardization reform


1.       Streamline the standards system and establish a new type of system, by unifying “government-oriented” and market-driven standards. Encourage "group standards", while strengthen the management of mandatory stds

2.       Refer to the advanced practice of developed countries, develop a standards architecture and administration systems with Chinese charactistics that fit the current reality in China.

3.       Clarify the roles of different gov’t agencies in standardization. The standards management agencies under State Council will primarily be coordinating. Each ministry will develop, implement, and supervise the standards fall within its own scope.

4.       Speed up the reform of standardization law.       

The overall goal of this reform is to

-          Establish a new architecture that unify  “government-oriented standards and market-driven standards

-          Improve the efficiency of standards management system driven by both gov't and industry.

-          The future scheme will have the characteristics of gov't-guide, market-driven, and participation from the entire community.


THREE: Detailed Action Plans

Switch from the current single-mode of “government-orientedstandards to a new mode, where gov't-initiated stds and market-initiated stds coexist.

The gov't-initiated stds will be consolidated from 6 categories down to 4:

·         Mandatory national stds [MNS hereafter]

·         Recommended national stds

·         Recommended sector stds [<-- removed the old “mandatory sector stds” category]

·         Recommended local stds

Gov’t initiated stds will focus on addressing the basic needs [of the society]. Market-initiated standards will focus on improving competitiveness

1.       State Council will convene person-in-charge from various ministries to jointly

·         develop key strategies,

·         research on major policies,

·         coordinate the development of cross-ministry / cross-technology standards and projects with significant disputes.

(SAC) will be the agency in charge of day-to-day operation.

2.       Gradually merge the existing mandatory nation stds, [mandatory] sector stds, and [mandatory] local stds into the new mandatory national stds[MNS] category, the scope of which will be strictly limited to safety, national security, environment protection, and satisfy the basic needs of economy operation.


Each ministry will be responsible for project application, organizing [WG], developing / reviewing draft, implementing and supervising the MNS it's responsible for.


The national agency in charge [SAC again, I assume] will manage the project applications and coding of MNS, and issue external notifications according to WTO rules. 

Approval of MNS will be issued by the State Council itself or delegated [to other agencies]. Public will get free access to MNS.


MNS on environment protection, construction, medicine; [old] mandatory sector stds; and [old] mandatory local stds will be managed in the same way as before.


Stds related to production safety, public security, and taxation will temporarily stay as the same


Stds related to national safety and security, such as nuclear/aerospace will be managed by agencies in charge of defense technologies and industries.


3.       Optimize the architecture of recommended (national, sector, local) stds. Reduce the number of existing recommended stds and gradually transit the gov’t role to creating stds for public-goods.


4.       Cultivate "group stds". Encourage capable societies/associations/trade groups/social organizations/industry-alliances/technology-alliances to coordinate with relevant stakeholders and jointly develop standards that benefit the market and innovation, which will be available for voluntary adoption by the market.These group stds will NOT need regulatory approval and can be published by social organizations / industry alliances themselves. Their success or failure will be subject to the decision of the market. The State Council and Ministries will develop general guidelines, define the good-practices, and provide necessary supervision on group stds. This will start with trial from sectors that are more market-oriented, with strong innovation, and large number of product-specific stds. Encourage the inclusion of patents in group stds to advance technology.

5.       Give enterprises more freedom to develop and implement enterprise stds based their own needs. Encourage companies to develop internal stds above the criteria of national/sector/local stds to increase their competitiveness.

6.       Improve the internationalization of [Chinese] stds. Encourage social organizations, industry alliances, and companies to actively participate in global SDOs’ projects and take more responsibility of the governance roles[Walter: not sure if it is still limited to the 3I or will include IEEE-SA]. Improved the work of translating Chinese standards [to foreign languages]. Encourage the mutual-accreditation on stds between major trade partners and promote standards in industries that China has an edge. Establish the "Contributed-by-China standards" brands.Leveraging oversea construction contracts and major export orders to promote Chinese stds, and leverage such globalization [of Chinese stds] to support the export of Chinese products/technology/services.  Further relax the control on foreign enterprises to participate in stds development in China.

FOUR: Implementation

Stage 1 (2015-2016): Trial phase

Speed up the Standardization Law revision and propose amendment [to NPC] (by 2016.06)

Review and consolidate existing national/sector/local stds. (by 2016.12)

Revoke unusable mandatory stds and convert some to recommended stds (by 2015.12)

Choose capable social organizations and industry alliances as trials. Develop general guidelines and best-practice (by 2015.12)

Led and/or participate in 50%+ of all the international standards projects each year [Walter: need some further clarification on the “basis”] (by 2016)

Stage 2 (2017-2018): gradually transit to the new system

Cultivate several influential group stds SDOs. (by 2017)

Improve the harmonization between domestic stds and international stds. For major consumer products, the harmonization rate should be over 95% (By 2018)

Stage 3 (2019-2020): establish the new stds system

Gov't led stds be limited to public-goods categories. (by 2020)

Take more governance roles in global SDOs. Significantly increase the mutual-accredited stds with major trade partners (by 2020)






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