【PyTorch】教程:torch.nn (2)

理解 torch.nn

PyTorch 提供设计优雅的模块和类 torch.nn, torch.optim, Dataset, DataLoader,帮助您创建和训练神经网络。为了充分利用他们的能力并针对您的问题定制他们,您需要真正了解他们在做什么。为了加深这种理解,我们将首先在 MNIST 数据集上训练基本神经网络,而不使用这些模型的任何特征;我们最初只使用最基本的 PyTorch Tensor 功能。然后,我们将一次从 torch.nn、torch.optim、DatasetDataLoader 中递增地添加一个功能,准确地显示每个部分的功能,以及如何使代码更简洁或更灵活。

这个教程假设你已经完全安装了 PyTorch ,并且熟悉 Tensor 的操作,如果熟悉 Numpy array 操作,那么 PyTorch tensor 操作几乎相同。

MNIST 数据准备

我们将使用 MNIST 数据集,他们包含了黑白的手写字体(数字 0~9)。

利用 pathlib 处理路径,利用 requests 下载数据集。


from pathlib import Path
import requests

DATA_PATH = Path("data")
PATH = DATA_PATH / "mnist"

PATH.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

URL = "https://github.com/pytorch/tutorials/raw/main/_static/"
FILENAME = "mnist.pkl.gz"

if not (PATH / FILENAME).exists():
    content = requests.get(URL + FILENAME).content
    (PATH / FILENAME).open("wb").write(content)

This dataset is in numpy array format, and has been stored using pickle, a python-specific format for serializing data.


数据集是 numpy array 格式的,并且利用 pickle 存储的

import pickle
import gzip 

DATA_PATH = Path("../../../datasets")
PATH = DATA_PATH / "mnist"
PATH.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
FILENAME = "mnist.pkl.gz"

with gzip.open((PATH / FILENAME).as_posix(), "rb") as f:
    ((x_train, y_train), (x_valid, y_valid), _) = pickle.load(f, encoding="latin-1")

每个图像大小为 28*28, 存储的时候是拉长的数据,数据长度为 784 (28*28), 在使用之前,需要改变为 2D 数据。

from matplotlib import pyplot
import numpy as np 

pyplot.imshow(x_train[0].reshape((28,28)), cmap="gray")

# (50000, 784)


PyTorch 使用 tensor 而不是 numpyarray ,所以我们需要转换数据。

import torch

x_train, y_train, x_valid, y_valid = map(
    torch.tensor, (x_train, y_train, x_valid, y_valid)

n, c = x_train.shape
print(x_train, y_train)
print(y_train.min(), y_train.max())
tensor([[0., 0., 0.,  ..., 0., 0., 0.],
        [0., 0., 0.,  ..., 0., 0., 0.],
        [0., 0., 0.,  ..., 0., 0., 0.],
        [0., 0., 0.,  ..., 0., 0., 0.],
        [0., 0., 0.,  ..., 0., 0., 0.],
        [0., 0., 0.,  ..., 0., 0., 0.]]) tensor([5, 0, 4,  ..., 8, 4, 8])
torch.Size([50000, 784])
tensor(0) tensor(9)

手动创建 NN ( 不用 torch.nn)

让我们创建一个模型,只使用 PyTorchtensor 不用其他封装的函数。

PyTorch 提供了创建随机和0值的 tensor ,我们可以用它创建 weightsbias 。这是一个标准的 tensor ,唯一不同的是,我们需要指定需要梯度信息,这样可以在计算时可以记录梯度信息,并用于反向传播。

对于 weights , 我们在初始化后,设置 requires_grad = True , 后缀 _ 代表的是 in-place 操作。

NOTE: 使用 Xavier initialisation ( 乘以 1/sqrt(n)) 初始化权重,

import math 

weights = torch.randn(784, 10) / math.sqrt(784)
bias = torch.zeros(10, requires_grad=True)

因为 PyTorch 强大的自动求导机制,我们可以使用标准的 Python 函数作为模型。

所以让我们写一个简单的矩阵乘法和广播加法来创建一个简单线性模型。我们还需要一个激活函数,所以我们将编写 log_softmax 并使用它。请记住:尽管 PyTorch 提供了许多预先编写的损失函数、激活函数等,但您可以使用普通 Python 轻松编写自己的函数。PyTorch 甚至会自动为您的功能创建快速 GPU 或矢量化 CPU 代码。

def log_softmax(x):
    return x - x.exp().sum(-1).log().unsqueeze(-1)
def model(xb):
    return log_softmax(xb @ weights + bias)

上面 @ 是矩阵乘法,我们可以调用一批数据(这里,是64张图像),这是一个前向传递。请注意,在这个阶段,我们的预测不会比随机更好,那么我们从随机权重开始。

bs = 64 # batch size

xb = x_train[0:bs] # 小批量
preds = model(xb)  # 预测

preds[0], preds.shape 
print(preds[0], preds.shape)
tensor([-2.5138, -1.8509, -2.5235, -3.0260, -2.1639, -2.7076, -1.9549, -2.2125,
        -2.2198, -2.3855], grad_fn=<SelectBackward0>) torch.Size([64, 10])

从上面可以看到, preds tensor 不仅包含了 tensor 的值,还包含了 gradient 函数,我们等会要做反向传播。让我们实现负对数似然作为损失函数(同样,我们可以使用标准 Python):

# negative log-likelihood
def nll(input, target):
    return -input[range(target.shape[0]), target].mean()
loss_func = nll 

yb = y_train[0:bs]
print(loss_func(preds, yb))

# output: tensor(2.3346, grad_fn=<NegBackward0>)

让我们检查以下随机模型的 loss , 看是否在反向传播时改进了一些。

tensor(2.3346, grad_fn=<NegBackward0>)


def accuracy(out, yb):
    preds = torch.argmax(out, dim=1)
    return (preds == yb).float().mean()

print(accuracy(preds, yb))




  • 选择小批数据
  • 利用模型进行预测
  • 计算 loss
  • 反向传播,更新模型( weightsbias
from IPython.core.debugger import set_trace

lr = 0.5  # 学习率
epochs = 10 # 训练的轮数

for epoch in range(epochs):
    for i in range((n-1) // bs + 1):
        # set_trace()
        # 读入数据
        start_i = i * bs 
        end_i = start_i + bs
        xb = x_train[start_i:end_i]
        yb = y_train[start_i:end_i]
        pred = model(xb)
        # 计算 loss
        loss = loss_func(pred, yb)
        # 反向传播 loss
        # 更新模型
        with torch.no_grad():
            weights -= weights.grad * lr 
            bias -= bias.grad * lr
print(loss_func(model(xb), yb), accuracy(model(xb), yb))

以上就是我们手动编写了一个最小的神经网络 (线性回归,没有隐藏层)并进行了训练,然我们来检测一下 lossaccuracy 并与之前的进行对比,我们期望 loss 下降, accuracy 上升。

tensor(0.0528, grad_fn=<NegBackward0>) tensor(1.)


# 完整代码
import pickle
import gzip
import torch
import math 

DATA_PATH = Path("../../../datasets")
PATH = DATA_PATH / "mnist"
PATH.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
FILENAME = "mnist.pkl.gz"

# 读取数据到 x_train, y_train 和 x_valid, y_valid
with gzip.open((PATH / FILENAME).as_posix(), "rb") as f:
    ((x_train, y_train), (x_valid, y_valid),
    _) = pickle.load(f, encoding="latin-1")

# 数据转换
x_train, y_train, x_valid, y_valid = map(
    torch.tensor, (x_train, y_train, x_valid, y_valid))
# ## 检查数据
# n, c = x_train.shape
# print(x_train, y_train)
# print(x_train.shape)
# print(y_train.min(), y_train.max())

# 初始化模型数据
weights = torch.randn(784, 10) / math.sqrt(784)
bias = torch.zeros(10, requires_grad=True)

# 定义模型
def log_softmax(x):
    return x - x.exp().sum(-1).log().unsqueeze(-1)

def model(xb):
    return log_softmax(xb @ weights + bias)

# 定义 loss 函数
# negative log-likelihood
def nll(input, target):
    return -input[range(target.shape[0]), target].mean()
loss_func = nll 

# 定义 accuracy 
def accuracy(out, yb):
    preds = torch.argmax(out, dim=1)
    return (preds == yb).float().mean()

# 训练模型
lr = 0.5  # 学习率
epochs = 5  # 训练的轮数

for epoch in range(epochs):
    for i in range((n-1) // bs + 1):
        # 读入数据
        start_i = i * bs
        end_i = start_i + bs
        xb = x_train[start_i:end_i]
        yb = y_train[start_i:end_i]
        pred = model(xb)

        # 计算 loss
        loss = loss_func(pred, yb)

        # 反向传播 loss

        # 更新模型
        with torch.no_grad():
            weights -= weights.grad * lr
            bias -= bias.grad * lr
print(loss_func(model(xb), yb), accuracy(model(xb), yb))
tensor(0.0625, grad_fn=<NegBackward0>) tensor(1.)

利用 torch.nn.functional 改造 loss 和 model

我们现在将重构我们的代码,使其执行与以前相同的操作,但我们将开始利用 PyTorch 的 nn 类,使其更加简洁和灵活。

第一步也是最简单的一步是用 torch.nn.functional (通常按照惯例将其导入命名空间F)中的函数替换我们手写的激活和损失函数,从而缩短代码。此模块包含 torch.nn 库中的所有函数(而库的其他部分包含类)。除了广泛的损失和激活函数外,您还可以在这里找到一些创建神经网络的方便函数,例如池化操作。(也有用于卷积、线性层等的函数,但正如我们将看到的,这些函数通常使用库的其他部分处理得更好。)

如果您使用的是负对数似然损失和 log-softmax 激活函数,那么Pytorch提供了一个将两者结合的函数F.cross_entropy。因此,我们甚至可以从模型中删除激活函数。

import torch.nn.functional as F

loss_func = F.cross_entropy

def model(xb):
    return xb @ weights + bias

print(loss_func(model(xb), yb), accuracy(model(xb), yb))
tensor(0.0625, grad_fn=<NegBackward0>) tensor(1.)

利用 nn.Module 改造

接下来,我们将使用 nn.Modulenn.Parameter ,以获得更清晰、更简洁的训练循环。我们子类 nn.Module(它本身是一个类,能够跟踪状态)。在这种情况下,我们希望创建一个类,该类保存我们的权重、偏差和前进步骤的方法。 nn.Module 有许多我们将要使用的属性和方法(例如 .prarameters().zero_grad() )。

nn.Module (uppercase M) is a PyTorch specific concept, and is a class we’ll be using a lot. nn.Module is not to be confused with the Python concept of a (lowercase m) module, which is a file of Python code that can be imported.

nn.Module (M 为大写)是 PyTorch 特殊的概念,不要与小写的 module 混淆。

################ 改造2
# # 初始化模型数据
# weights = torch.randn(784, 10) / math.sqrt(784)
# weights.requires_grad_()
# bias = torch.zeros(10, requires_grad=True)

# # 定义模型
# def log_softmax(x):
#     return x - x.exp().sum(-1).log().unsqueeze(-1)

# def model(xb):
#     return log_softmax(xb @ weights + bias)

class Mnist_Logistic(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self):
        self.weights = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(784, 10) / math.sqrt(784))
        self.bias = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(10))
        self.linear = nn.Linear(784, 10)

    def forward(self, xb):
        return xb @ self.weights + self.bias
################ 改造2
# for epoch in range(epochs):
#     for i in range((n-1) // bs + 1):
#         # 读入数据
#         start_i = i * bs
#         end_i = start_i + bs
#         xb = x_train[start_i:end_i]
#         yb = y_train[start_i:end_i]
#         pred = model(xb)

#         # 计算 loss
#         loss = loss_func(pred, yb)

#         # 反向传播 loss
#         loss.backward()

#         # 更新模型
#         with torch.no_grad():
#             weights -= weights.grad * lr
#             bias -= bias.grad * lr
#             weights.grad.zero_()
#             bias.grad.zero_()

def fit():
    for epoch in range(epochs):
        for i in range((n - 1) // bs + 1):
            start_i = i * bs
            end_i = start_i + bs
            xb = x_train[start_i:end_i]
            yb = y_train[start_i:end_i]
            pred = model(xb)
            loss = loss_func(pred, yb)

            with torch.no_grad():
                for p in model.parameters():
                    p -= p.grad * lr


利用 using nn.Linear 改造

PyTorch 有很多预定义的层,可以大大简化代码,提高运行速度。

class Mnist_Logistic(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self):
        ################ 改造3
        # self.weights = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(784, 10) / math.sqrt(784))
        # self.bias = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(10))
        self.linear = nn.Linear(784, 10)

    def forward(self, xb):
        ################ 改造3
        # return xb @ self.weights + self.bias
        return self.linear(xb)

利用 optim 改造

Pytorch 有很多优化算法包, torch.optim, 我们可以用 step 方法代替手动更新参数。

################ 改造4
# model = Mnist_Logistic()
def get_model():
    model = Mnist_Logistic()
    return model, optim.SGD(model.parameters(), lr=lr)
model, opt = get_model()
            ################ 改造4
            # 更新模型
            # with torch.no_grad():
            #     for p in model.parameters():
            #         p -= p.grad * lr
            #     model.zero_grad()

利用 Dataset 改造

TensorDataset 可以将 x_trainy_train 打包,方便迭代和切片。

################## 改造5
train_ds = TensorDataset(x_train, y_train)
            ################## 改造5
            # start_i = i * bs
            # end_i = start_i + bs
            # xb = x_train[start_i:end_i]
            # yb = y_train[start_i:end_i]
            xb, yb = train_ds[i*bs: i*bs+bs]

利用 DataLoader 改造

DataLoader 可以很方便的对数据进行批量迭代。

################## 改造6
train_dl = DataLoader(train_ds, batch_size=bs)
################## 改造6
# def fit():
#     for epoch in range(epochs):
#         for i in range((n - 1) // bs + 1):
#             ################## 改造5
#             # start_i = i * bs
#             # end_i = start_i + bs
#             # xb = x_train[start_i:end_i]
#             # yb = y_train[start_i:end_i]
#             xb, yb = train_ds[i*bs: i*bs+bs]

#             pred = model(xb)

#             # 计算 loss
#             loss = loss_func(pred, yb)

#             # 反向传播 loss
#             loss.backward()

#             ################ 改造4
#             # 更新模型
#             # with torch.no_grad():
#             #     for p in model.parameters():
#             #         p -= p.grad * lr
#             #     model.zero_grad()
#             opt.step()
#             opt.zero_grad()

def fit():
    for epoch in range(epochs):
        for xb, yb in train_dl:
            pred = model(xb)

            # 计算 loss
            loss = loss_func(pred, yb)

            # 反向传播 loss

            ################ 改造4
            # 更新模型


# 完整代码---改造1---改造2---改造3---改造4---改造5---改造6

import pickle
import gzip
import torch
import math
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torch import nn
from torch import optim
from torch.utils.data import TensorDataset
from torch.utils.data import DataLoader

DATA_PATH = Path("../../../datasets")
PATH = DATA_PATH / "mnist"
PATH.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
FILENAME = "mnist.pkl.gz"

# 读取数据到 x_train, y_train 和 x_valid, y_valid
with gzip.open((PATH / FILENAME).as_posix(), "rb") as f:
    ((x_train, y_train), (x_valid, y_valid),
     _) = pickle.load(f, encoding="latin-1")

# 数据转换
x_train, y_train, x_valid, y_valid = map(
    torch.tensor, (x_train, y_train, x_valid, y_valid))

################ 改造2
# # 初始化模型数据
# weights = torch.randn(784, 10) / math.sqrt(784)
# weights.requires_grad_()
# bias = torch.zeros(10, requires_grad=True)

# # 定义模型
# def log_softmax(x):
#     return x - x.exp().sum(-1).log().unsqueeze(-1)

# def model(xb):
#     return log_softmax(xb @ weights + bias)

class Mnist_Logistic(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self):
        ################ 改造3
        # self.weights = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(784, 10) / math.sqrt(784))
        # self.bias = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(10))
        self.linear = nn.Linear(784, 10)

    def forward(self, xb):
        ################ 改造3
        # return xb @ self.weights + self.bias
        return self.linear(xb)

################ 改造4
# model = Mnist_Logistic()

def get_model():
    model = Mnist_Logistic()
    return model, optim.SGD(model.parameters(), lr=lr)

model, opt = get_model()

################ 改造1
# 定义 loss 函数
## negative log-likelihood
# def nll(input, target):
#     return -input[range(target.shape[0]), target].mean()
# loss_func = nll
loss_func = F.cross_entropy

def accuracy(out, yb):
    # 定义 accuracy
    preds = torch.argmax(out, dim=1)
    return (preds == yb).float().mean()

# 训练模型
lr = 0.01  # 学习率
epochs = 5  # 训练的轮数
bs = 64 # batch size

################ 改造2
# for epoch in range(epochs):
#     for i in range((n-1) // bs + 1):
#         # 读入数据
#         start_i = i * bs
#         end_i = start_i + bs
#         xb = x_train[start_i:end_i]
#         yb = y_train[start_i:end_i]
#         pred = model(xb)

#         # 计算 loss
#         loss = loss_func(pred, yb)

#         # 反向传播 loss
#         loss.backward()

#         # 更新模型
#         with torch.no_grad():
#             weights -= weights.grad * lr
#             bias -= bias.grad * lr
#             weights.grad.zero_()
#             bias.grad.zero_()

################## 改造5
train_ds = TensorDataset(x_train, y_train)
################## 改造6
train_dl = DataLoader(train_ds, batch_size=bs)

################## 改造6
# def fit():
#     for epoch in range(epochs):
#         for i in range((n - 1) // bs + 1):
#             ################## 改造5
#             # start_i = i * bs
#             # end_i = start_i + bs
#             # xb = x_train[start_i:end_i]
#             # yb = y_train[start_i:end_i]
#             xb, yb = train_ds[i*bs: i*bs+bs]

#             pred = model(xb)

#             # 计算 loss
#             loss = loss_func(pred, yb)

#             # 反向传播 loss
#             loss.backward()

#             ################ 改造4
#             # 更新模型
#             # with torch.no_grad():
#             #     for p in model.parameters():
#             #         p -= p.grad * lr
#             #     model.zero_grad()
#             opt.step()
#             opt.zero_grad()

def fit():
    for epoch in range(epochs):
        for xb, yb in train_dl:
            pred = model(xb)

            # 计算 loss
            loss = loss_func(pred, yb)

            # 反向传播 loss

            ################ 改造4
            # 更新模型

print(loss_func(model(xb), yb), accuracy(model(xb), yb))


# 完整代码----改造完成后
import pickle
import gzip
import torch
import math
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torch import nn
from torch import optim
from torch.utils.data import TensorDataset
from torch.utils.data import DataLoader

DATA_PATH = Path("../../../datasets")
PATH = DATA_PATH / "mnist"
PATH.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
FILENAME = "mnist.pkl.gz"

# 读取数据到 x_train, y_train 和 x_valid, y_valid
with gzip.open((PATH / FILENAME).as_posix(), "rb") as f:
    ((x_train, y_train), (x_valid, y_valid),
    _) = pickle.load(f, encoding="latin-1")

# 数据转换
x_train, y_train, x_valid, y_valid = map(
    torch.tensor, (x_train, y_train, x_valid, y_valid))

# 定义模型
class Mnist_Logistic(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self):
        self.linear = nn.Linear(784, 10)

    def forward(self, xb):
        return self.linear(xb)

def get_model():
    model = Mnist_Logistic()
    return model, optim.SGD(model.parameters(), lr=lr)

# 实例化与参数获取
model, opt = get_model()

# 损失函数
loss_func = F.cross_entropy

def accuracy(out, yb):
    # 定义 accuracy
    preds = torch.argmax(out, dim=1)
    return (preds == yb).float().mean()

# 训练模型
lr = 0.01  # 学习率
epochs = 5  # 训练的轮数
bs = 64 # batch size

# 数据 dataloader
train_ds = TensorDataset(x_train, y_train)
train_dl = DataLoader(train_ds, batch_size=bs)

def fit():
    for epoch in range(epochs):
        for xb, yb in train_dl:
            pred = model(xb)

            # 计算 loss
            loss = loss_func(pred, yb)

            # 反向传播 loss

            ################ 改造4
            # 更新模型

print(loss_func(model(xb), yb), accuracy(model(xb), yb))




# 完整代码----改造完成后
import pickle
import gzip
import torch
import math
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torch import nn
from torch import optim
from torch.utils.data import TensorDataset
from torch.utils.data import DataLoader

DATA_PATH = Path("../../../datasets")
PATH = DATA_PATH / "mnist"
PATH.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
FILENAME = "mnist.pkl.gz"

# 读取数据到 x_train, y_train 和 x_valid, y_valid
with gzip.open((PATH / FILENAME).as_posix(), "rb") as f:
    ((x_train, y_train), (x_valid, y_valid),
     _) = pickle.load(f, encoding="latin-1")

# 数据转换
x_train, y_train, x_valid, y_valid = map(
    torch.tensor, (x_train, y_train, x_valid, y_valid))

# 定义模型

class Mnist_Logistic(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self):
        self.linear = nn.Linear(784, 10)

    def forward(self, xb):
        return self.linear(xb)

def get_model():
    model = Mnist_Logistic()
    return model, optim.SGD(model.parameters(), lr=lr)

# 实例化与参数获取
model, opt = get_model()

# 损失函数
loss_func = F.cross_entropy

def accuracy(out, yb):
    # 定义 accuracy
    preds = torch.argmax(out, dim=1)
    return (preds == yb).float().mean()

def loss_batch(model, loss_func, xb, yb, opt=None):
    loss = loss_func(model(xb), yb)

    if opt is not None:

    return loss.item(), len(xb)

# 训练模型
lr = 0.01  # 学习率
epochs = 5  # 训练的轮数
bs = 64  # batch size

# # 数据 dataloader
train_ds = TensorDataset(x_train, y_train)
# train_dl = DataLoader(train_ds, batch_size=bs)

# ## 
valid_ds = TensorDataset(x_valid, y_valid)
# valid_dl = DataLoader(valid_ds, batch_size=bs * 2)

def get_data(train_ds, valid_ds, bs):
    return (
        DataLoader(train_ds, batch_size=bs, shuffle=True),
        DataLoader(valid_ds, batch_size=bs * 2),

def loss_batch(model, loss_func, xb, yb, opt=None):
    loss = loss_func(model(xb), yb)

    if opt is not None:

    return loss.item(), len(xb)

def fit(epochs, model, loss_func, opt, train_dl, valid_dl):
    for epoch in range(epochs):
        for xb, yb in train_dl:
            loss_batch(model, loss_func, xb, yb, opt)

        with torch.no_grad():
            losses, nums = zip(
                *[loss_batch(model, loss_func, xb, yb) for xb, yb in valid_dl]
        val_loss = np.sum(np.multiply(losses, nums)) / np.sum(nums)

        print(epoch, val_loss)

train_dl, valid_dl = get_data(train_ds, valid_ds, bs)
model, opt = get_model()
fit(epochs, model, loss_func, opt, train_dl, valid_dl)
print(loss_func(model(xb), yb), accuracy(model(xb), yb))







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