YUV pixel formats

9/21/2010 7:46:59 PM


YUV formats fall into two distinct groups, the packed formats where Y, U (Cb) and V (Cr) samples are packed together into macropixels which are stored in a single array, and the planar formats where each component is stored as a separate array, the final image being a fusing of the three separate planes. (眨眼分为两种形式packed formatsplanar formatspacked formats 降YUV都压缩进一个数组,而planar formats将YUV分别压缩为一个数组,即Y数组、U数组、V数组分别存放)。

In the diagrams below, the numerical suffix attached to each Y, U or V sample indicates the sampling position across the image line, so, for example, V0 indicates the leftmost V sample and Yn indicates the Y sample at the (n+1)th pixel from the left.

Subsampling intervals in the horizontal and vertical directions may merit some explanation. The horizontal subsampling interval describes how frequently across a line a sample of that component is taken while the vertical interval describes on which lines samples are taken. For example, UYVY format has a horizontal subsampling period of 2 for both the U and V components indicating that U and V samples are taken for every second pixel across a line.(UYVY 意思是针对一个像素取一个U和Y,然后下一个像素取一个V和Y,这样相对于整个行就是Y是每个像素都取值,而U和V都是隔一个像素取一次) Their vertical subsampling period is 1 indicating that U and V samples are taken on each line of the image. (UYVY 则每一行都是按这个规则,也就是每行都是按上面的规则取。)

For YVU9, though, the vertical subsampling interval is 4. This indicates that U and V samples are only taken on every fourth line of the original image. Since the horizontal sampling period is also 4, a single U and a single V sample are taken for each square block of 16 image pixels.

Also, if you are interested in YCrCb to RGB conversion, you may find this page helpful.

People reading this page may be interested in a freeware codec眨眼codec 的意思是compress and decompress) from Drastic Technologies which allegedly handles the vast majority of YUV formats listed here. I've not tried it but you can find it here.

Packed YUV Formats

LabelFOURCC in HexBits per pixelDescription
AYUV0x5655594132Combined YUV and alpha
CLJR0x524A4C438Cirrus Logic format with 4 pixels packed into a u_int32. A form of YUV 4:1:1 wiht less than 8 bits per Y, U and V sample.
cyuv0x7675796316Essentially a copy of UYVY except that the sense of the height is reversed - the image is upside down with respect to the UYVY version.
GREY0x594552478Apparently a duplicate of Y800 (and also, presumably, "Y8  ")
IRAW0x57615349?Intel uncompressed YUV. I have no information on this format - can you help?
IUYV0x5659554916Interlaced version of UYVY (line order 0, 2, 4,....,1, 3, 5....) registered by Silviu Brinzei of LEAD Technologies.
IY410x3134594912Interlaced version of Y41P (line order 0, 2, 4,....,1, 3, 5....) registered by Silviu Brinzei of LEAD Technologies.
IYU10x315559491212 bit format used in mode 2 of the IEEE 1394 Digital Camera 1.04 spec. This is equivalent to Y411
IYU20x325559492424 bit format used in mode 0 of the IEEE 1394 Digital Camera 1.04 spec
HDYC0x4359444816YUV 4:2:2 (眨眼Y sample at every pixel, U and V sampled at every second pixel horizontally on each line). A macropixel contains 2 pixels in 1 u_int32. This is a suplicate of UYVY except that the color components use the BT709 color space (as used in HD video).
UYNV0x564E595516A direct copy of UYVY registered by NVidia to work around problems in some old codecs which did not like hardware which offered more than 2 UYVY surfaces.
UYVP0x5056595524?YCbCr 4:2:2 extended precision 10-bits per component in U0Y0V0Y1 order. Registered by Rich Ehlers of Evans & Sutherland. (Awaiting confirmation of component packing structure)
UYVY0x5956595516YUV 4:2:2 (Y sample at every pixel, U and V sampled at every second pixel horizontally on each line). A macropixel (JUN:眨眼像素宏单元可以认为是一个最小的非重复的单元)contains 2 pixels in 1 u_int32.
V2100x303132563210-bit 4:2:2 YCrCb equivalent to the Quicktime format of the same name.
V4220x3232345616I am told that this is an upside down version of UYVY.
V6550x3535365616?16 bit YUV 4:2:2 (JUN:眨眼16-bit 是指一个packed像素占用的位数,而4:2:2指的是下采样比例)format registered by Vitec Multimedia. I have no information on the component ordering or packing.
VYUY0x59555956?ATI Packed YUV Data (format unknown but you can get hold of a codec supporting it here)
Y4220x3232345916Direct copy of UYVY as used by ADS Technologies Pyro WebCam firewire camera.
YUY20x3259555916YUV 4:2:2 as for UYVY but with different component ordering within the u_int32 macropixel.
YUYV0x5659555916Duplicate of YUY2
YUNV0x564E555916A direct copy of YUY2 registered by NVidia to work around problems in some old codecs which did not like hardware which offered more than 2 YUY2 surfaces.
YVYU0x5559565916YUV 4:2:2 as for UYVY but with different component ordering within the u_int32 macropixel.
Y41P0x5031345912YUV 4:1:1 (Y sample at every pixel, U and V sampled at every fourth pixel horizontally on each line). A macropixel contains 8 pixels in 3 u_int32s.
Y4110x3131345912YUV 4:1:1 with a packed, 6 byte/4 pixel macroblock structure.
Y2110x313132598Packed YUV format with Y sampled at every second pixel across each line and U and V sampled at every fourth pixel.
Y41T0x5431345912Format as for Y41P but the lsb of each Y component is used to signal pixel transparency .
Y42T0x5432345916Format as for UYVY but the lsb of each Y component is used to signal pixel transparency .
YUVP0x5056555924?YCbCr 4:2:2 extended precision 10-bits per component in Y0U0Y1V0 order. Registered by Rich Ehlers of Evans & Sutherland.
Y8000x303038598Simple, single Y plane for monochrome images.
Y80x202038598Duplicate of Y800 as far as I can see.
Y160x203631591616-bit uncompressed greyscale image.


Planar YUV Formats

LabelFOURCC in HexBits per pixel


YVU90x3955565998 bit Y plane followed by 8 bit 4x4 subsampled V and U planes. Registered by Intel.
YUV90x395655599?Registered by Intel., this is the format used internally by Indeo video code
IF090x393046499.5As YVU9 but an additional 4x4 subsampled plane is appended containing delta information relative to the last frame. (Bpp is reported as 9)
YV160x36315659168 bit Y plane followed by 8 bit 2x1 subsampled V and U planes.
YV120x32315659128 bit Y plane followed by 8 bit 2x2 subsampled V and U planes.
I4200x30323449128 bit Y plane followed by 8 bit 2x2 subsampled U and V planes.
IYUV0x5655594912Duplicate FOURCC, identical to I420.
NV120x3231564E128-bit Y plane followed by an interleaved U/V plane with 2x2 subsampling
NV210x3132564E12As NV12 with U and V reversed in the interleaved plane
IMC10x31434D4912As YV12 except the U and V planes each have the same stride as the Y plane
IMC20x32434D4912Similar to IMC1 except that the U and V lines are interleaved at half stride boundaries
IMC30x33434D4912As IMC1 except that U and V are swapped
IMC40x34434D4912As IMC2 except that U and V are swapped
CLPL0x4C504C4312Format similar to YV12 but including a level of indirection.
Y41B0x4231345912?Weitek format listed as "YUV 4:1:1 planar". I have no other information on this format.
Y42B0x4232345916?Weitek format listed as "YUV 4:2:2 planar". I have no other information on this format.
Y8000x303038598Simple, single Y plane for monochrome images.
Y80x202038598Duplicate of Y800 as far as I can see.
CXY10x3159584312Awaiting clarification of format.
CXY20x3259584216Awaiting clarification of format.



A derivative of YVU9, IF09 contains the basic 3 planes for Y, V and U followed by an additional (N/4)x(N/4) plane of "skip blocks". This final plane forms a basic delta encoding scheme which can be used by a displayer to decide which pixels in the image are unchanged from the previous displayed frame. The strange number of bits per pixel listed for the format results from the fact that an NxN image is described using N2+3(N/4)2 bytes.

This format is generated by Intel's Indeo codecs though users should beware - the original 32 bit Indeo 3.2 shipped with Windows 95 and the beta levels of Indeo 4.1 contain bugs which cause them to generate protection faults when using IF09. Fixed versions of these codecs are available from Intel.

Y Sample Period11
V Sample Period44
U Sample Period44

Positive biHeight implies top-down image (top line first)

Delta plane definition

To be completed...


This is the format of choice for many software MPEG codecs. It comprises an NxM Y plane followed by (N/2)x(M/2) V and U planes.

Y Sample Period11
V Sample Period22
U Sample Period22


Positive biHeight implies top-down image (top line first)

ATI says they have a download which contains this codec but I can't find it on their site. If you would like something similar for Quicktime, try here.


This format is basically a version of YV12 with higher chroma resolution. It comprises an NxM Y plane followed by (N/2)xM U and V planes.

Y Sample Period11
V Sample Period21
U Sample Period21

IYUV and I420

These formats are identical to YV12 except that the U and V plane order is reversed. They comprise an NxN Y plane followed by (N/2)x(N/2) U and V planes. Full marks to Intel for registering the same format twice and full marks to Microsoft for not picking up on this and rejecting the second registration.

(Note: There is some confusion over these formats thanks to the definitions on Microsoft's site which tend to suggest that the two FOURCCs are different. One is described as a 4:2:0 format while the other is described as 4:1:1. Later, however, the same page states that YV12 is the same as both of these with the U and V plane order reversed. I would consider 4:2:0 to imply 1 chroma sample for every 2x2 luma block and 4:1:1 to imply 1 chroma sample for every 4x1 luma block but it seems as if the Microsoft writer may have been using the terms interchangeably. If you know these formats, please could you let me know whether the definition here is correct or whether I need to update one or other?)

Y Sample Period11
V Sample Period22
U Sample Period22

Positive biHeight implies top-down image (top line first)


This format contains only a single, 16 bit Y plane for monochrome images. Each pixel is represented by a 16 bit, little endian luminance sample.

Y Sample Period11
V Sample PeriodN/AN/A
U Sample PeriodN/AN/A



YUV 惊讶惊讶惊讶惊讶惊讶惊讶惊讶4:2:0 image with a plane of 8 bit Y samples followed by an interleaved U/V plane containing 8 bit 2x2 subsampled colour difference samples.

Y Sample Period11
V (Cr) Sample Period22
U (Cb) Sample Period22

Microsoft defines this format as follows:

 "A format in which all Y samples are found first in memory as an array of unsigned char with an even number of lines (possibly with a larger stride for memory alignment), followed immediately by an array of unsigned char containing interleaved Cb and Cr samples (such that if addressed as a little-endian WORD type, Cb would be in the LSBs and Cr would be in the MSBs) with the same total stride as the Y samples. This is the preferred 4:2:0 pixel format."





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