FTP 550 No such file or directory-

FTP is a simple method to upload files to the server.

Although, it is rather easy to transfer files, FTP users often get stuck with errors. One such FTP error is “550 No such file or directory“.

Broadly speaking, this error means that the file or folder do not exist.

Today, we’ll see the causes for the error “FTP 550 no such file or directory” and how to fix them.

What is FTP 550 error?

Firstly, let’s get a quick idea on the FTP 550 error.

The 5xx error falls under the permanent negative completion reply status of the FTP server. And, it means that the FTP server did not accept the command and the requested action did not take place. Further more, x5x error denotes File system errors in FTP server.
Overall, the 550 error means the file was not found or there are access restrictions for the file.

Causes for “FTP 550 no such file or directory”

Recently, one of our customers reported trouble with FTP upload. The logs of his FTP session looked as shown below.

STATUS:> Transferring file "/mydir/home.html"...
COMMAND:> SIZE home.html
550 home.html: No such file.
STATUS:> Requested action not taken (e.g., file or directory not found, no access).
COMMAND:> CWD /mydir/home.html
550 /mydir/home.html: No such file or directory.

Here, the customer was trying to PUT the file home.html via FTP. And that resulted in the error.

Now, let’s see the top causes for the error.

1. Incorrect path

Usually, “FTP 550 no such file or directory” error happens when the customers try to upload files from the wrong directory.

For example, when the file is present in the folder /home/user/abc.html, an attempt to upload from the path /home will cause this error.

This error also happens when customer uses the relative path in FTP.

2. Permission problems

Similarly, wrong permission on the files or folders can also cause this 550 error. When the user do not have privileges on the file they are trying to access, it will report the 550 error.

Additionally, a typo in the file name will also lead to this error.

3. Wrong Mount points

Again, we often see FTP 550 errors when users trying to access files in the mounted file systems.

For instance, recently a customer complained about the problems accessing files via FTP. In his server, he had a mounted file system. But, this mount failed after a server reboot. And, when he tried to access a file in this mounted directory, it resulted in the error:

550 : No such file or directory

How to fix FTP 550 error?

Till now, we saw the various causes for the FTP 550 error. Let’s now have a look on how to fix it.

We already know that the underlying reason for the FTP 550 error could be file not residing at the path.

That’s why, our Support Engineers first check the exact path that the customer uses via FTP. We connect to the server via SSH and confirm the presence of the file. If the file is not found on the path, we advise customer on the correct path. Or, for file name typo issues, we educate customer on the exact file name.

We always encourage customers to use the absolute path of the file in FTP connections.

Similarly, we check the server mount points and confirm the availability of file system and its contents too.

[Are you getting 550 error while accessing files via FTP? ]


In short, FTP error “550 no such file or directory” happens mainly when the file do not exist at the path, due to permission problems, etc.

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这个错误是由于 PHP 无法找到指定的文件或目录而引起的。以下是可能导致此错误的一些常见原因和解决方法: 1. 文件路径错误:确保在打开文件时使用正确的路径。可以使用绝对路径或相对路径。如果使用相对路径,请确保相对路径是相对于当前脚本的路径而不是相对于包含脚本的文件夹的路径。 2. 权限问题:确保您有足够的权限来访问文件或目录。如果尝试访问需要特殊权限的文件或目录,可能需要使用 chmod 命令更改权限。 3. 文件不存在:确保文件或目录实际存在。如果文件不存在,则可能需要使用文件系统或 FTP 客户端创建文件。 4. php.ini 设置问题:检查 php.ini 文件中的 open_basedir 设置。如果此设置限制了文件可以访问的目录,则可能需要更改此设置以允许访问所需的目录。 5. 找不到扩展:如果使用了扩展库,确保已启用该扩展库。可以通过编辑 php.ini 文件或使用 PHP 函数来启用扩展库。 6. 文件名大小写问题:如果使用的是 Linux 或 macOS 等区分大小写的操作系统,请确保文件名的大小写与实际文件名匹配。 7. 错误的函数使用:确保使用正确的函数打开文件。例如,如果尝试打开 JPEG 文件,则应使用 imagecreatefromjpeg() 函数而不是 imagecreatefrompng() 函数。 以上是一些常见的问题和解决方法,但是具体原因可能因环境而异。如果以上方法无法解决问题,请尝试搜索相关文档或寻求技术支持。


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