1. 复制下面的代码到文本编辑器,然后另存为Decompile Chm2html Tool.bat文件;
2. 双击Decompile Chm2html Tool.bat文件,显示如下窗口。
3. 拖拽需要转换的.chm文件到上图所示的界面上,即可在Decompile Chm2html Tool.bat所在的目录中产生一个CHM的文件夹,该文件夹中的内容就是转换后的文件。
@echo off
title CHM File Decompile Tool
color a
set /p urlfile=Please Drag Chm File into this Prompt and Click Enter Key:
copy %urlfile% chmfile.chm > nul
hh -decompile .\CHM chmfile.chm
rem del /q chmfile.chm > nul You can remove the <rem> key in the from of this row, and which will delete the source file when the decompile is completed
echo Decompile successfully and all the files decompiled are saved at .\CHM forld. Please click any key to exit
rem pause > nul