功能覆盖率Functional Coverage_英文介绍

Why You Need Functional Coverage

Functional Coverage Tracks Your Test Plan

Functional coverage is code that observes execution of a test plan.  As such, it is code you write to track whether important values, sets of values, or sequences of values that correspond to design or interface requirements, features, or boundary conditions have been exercised.

Functional coverage is important to any verification approach since it is one of the factors used to determine when testing is done.  Specifically, 100% functional coverage indicates that all items in the test plan have been tested.  Combine this with 100% code coverage and it indicates that testing is done.

Functional coverage that examines the values within a single object is called either point (SystemVerilog) or item (‘e’) coverage. I prefer the term item coverage since point can also be a single value within a particular bin.  One relationship we might look at is different transfer sizes across a packet based bus.  For example, the test plan may require that transfer sizes with the following size or range of sizes be observed: 1, 2, 3, 4 to 127, 128 to 252, 253, 254, or 255.

Functional coverage that examines the relationships between different objects is called cross coverage.  An example of this would be examining whether an ALU has done all of its supported operations with every different input pair of registers.

Many think functional coverage is an exclusive capability of a verification language such as SystemVerilog.  However, functional coverage collection is really just a matter of implementing a data structure.

VHDL’s Open Source VHDL Verification Methodology (OSVVM) provides a package, CoveragePkg, with a protected type that facilitates capturing the data structure and writing functional coverage.

Code Coverage is not enough

VHDL simulation tools can automatically calculate a metric called code coverage (assuming you have licenses for this feature).   Code coverage tracks what lines of code or expressions in the code have been exercised.

Code coverage cannot detect conditions that are not in the code.  For example, in the packet bus item coverage example discussed above, code coverage cannot determine that the required values or ranges have occurred – unless the code contains expressions to test for each of these sizes.  Instead, we need to write functional coverage.

In the ALU cross coverage example above, code coverage cannot determine whether particular register pairs have been used together, unless the code is written this way. Generally each input to the ALU is selected independently of the other.  Again, we need to write functional coverage.

Code coverage on a partially implemented design can reach 100%.  It cannot detect missing features (oops forgot to implement one of the timers) and many boundary conditions (in particular those that span more than one block).  Hence, code coverage cannot be used exclusively to indicate we are done testing.

In addition, code coverage is an optimistic metric.  In combinational logic code in an HDL, a process may be executed many times during a given clock cycle due to delta cycle changes on input signals.  This can result in several different branches of code being executed.  However, only the last branch of code executed before the clock edge truly has been covered.

Test Done = Test Plan Executed  and All Code Executed

To know testing is done, we need to know that both the test plan is executed and all of the code has been executed.   Is 100% functional coverage enough?

Unfortunately a test can reach 100% functional coverage without reaching 100% code coverage. This indicates the design contains untested code that is not part of the test plan. This can come from an incomplete test plan, extra undocumented features in the design, or case statement others branches that do not get exercised in normal hardware operation. Untested features need to either be tested or removed.

As a result, even with 100% functional coverage it is still a good idea to use code coverage as a fail safe for the test plan.

Why You Need Functional Coverage, even with Directed Testing

You might think, “I have written a directed test for each item in the test plan, I am done right?”

As design size grows, the complexity increases.  A test that completely validates one version of the design, may not validate the design after revisions.  For example, if the size of a FIFO increases, the test may no longer provide enough stimulus values to fill it completely and cause a FIFO Full condition.  If new features are added, a test may need to change its configuration register values to enable the appropriate mode.

Without functional coverage, you are assuming your directed, algorithmic, file based, or constrained random test actually hits the conditions in your test plan.

Don’t forget the engineers creed, “In the divine we trust, all others need to show supporting data.”    Whether you are using directed, algorithmic, file based, or constrained random test methods, functional coverage provides your supporting data.


This entry was posted in Functional CoverageOSVVM on April 20, 2013.

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