目标分割:Mask RCNN 气球分割案例 part2



人工智能AI:Keras PyTorch MXNet TensorFlow PaddlePaddle 深度学习实战(不定时更新)

目标分割:Mask RCNN

目标分割:Mask RCNN 气球分割案例 part1

目标分割:Mask RCNN 气球分割案例 part2


Mask R-CNN
Multi-GPU Support for Keras.

Copyright (c) 2017 Matterport, Inc.
Licensed under the MIT License (see LICENSE for details)
Written by Waleed Abdulla

Ideas and a small code snippets from these sources:

import tensorflow as tf
import keras.backend as K
import keras.layers as KL
import keras.models as KM

class ParallelModel(KM.Model):
    """Subclasses the standard Keras Model and adds multi-GPU support.
    It works by creating a copy of the model on each GPU. Then it slices
    the inputs and sends a slice to each copy of the model, and then
    merges the outputs together and applies the loss on the combined

    def __init__(self, keras_model, gpu_count):
        """Class constructor.
        keras_model: The Keras model to parallelize
        gpu_count: Number of GPUs. Must be > 1
        self.inner_model = keras_model
        self.gpu_count = gpu_count
        merged_outputs = self.make_parallel()
        super(ParallelModel, self).__init__(inputs=self.inner_model.inputs,

    def __getattribute__(self, attrname):
        """Redirect loading and saving methods to the inner model. That's where
        the weights are stored."""
        if 'load' in attrname or 'save' in attrname:
            return getattr(self.inner_model, attrname)
        return super(ParallelModel, self).__getattribute__(attrname)

    def summary(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Override summary() to display summaries of both, the wrapper
        and inner models."""
        super(ParallelModel, self).summary(*args, **kwargs)
        self.inner_model.summary(*args, **kwargs)

    def make_parallel(self):
        """Creates a new wrapper model that consists of multiple replicas of
        the original model placed on different GPUs.
        # Slice inputs. Slice inputs on the CPU to avoid sending a copy
        # of the full inputs to all GPUs. Saves on bandwidth and memory.
        input_slices = {name: tf.split(x, self.gpu_count)
                        for name, x in zip(self.inner_model.input_names,

        output_names = self.inner_model.output_names
        outputs_all = []
        for i in range(len(self.inner_model.outputs)):

        # Run the model call() on each GPU to place the ops there
        for i in range(self.gpu_count):
            with tf.device('/gpu:%d' % i):
                with tf.compat.v1.name_scope('tower_%d' % i):
                    # Run a slice of inputs through this replica
                    zipped_inputs = zip(self.inner_model.input_names,
                    inputs = [
                        KL.Lambda(lambda s: input_slices[name][i],
                                  output_shape=lambda s: (None,) + s[1:])(tensor)
                        for name, tensor in zipped_inputs]
                    # Create the model replica and get the outputs
                    outputs = self.inner_model(inputs)
                    if not isinstance(outputs, list):
                        outputs = [outputs]
                    # Save the outputs for merging back together later
                    for l, o in enumerate(outputs):

        # Merge outputs on CPU
        with tf.device('/cpu:0'):
            merged = []
            for outputs, name in zip(outputs_all, output_names):
                # Concatenate or average outputs?
                # Outputs usually have a batch dimension and we concatenate
                # across it. If they don't, then the output is likely a loss
                # or a metric value that gets averaged across the batch.
                # Keras expects losses and metrics to be scalars.
                if K.int_shape(outputs[0]) == ():
                    # Average
                    m = KL.Lambda(lambda o: tf.add_n(o) / len(outputs), name=name)(outputs)
                    # Concatenate
                    m = KL.Concatenate(axis=0, name=name)(outputs)
        return merged

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Testing code below. It creates a simple model to train on MNIST and
    # tries to run it on 2 GPUs. It saves the graph so it can be viewed
    # in TensorBoard. Run it as:
    # python3 parallel_model.py

    import os
    import numpy as np
    import keras.optimizers
    from keras.datasets import mnist
    from keras.preprocessing.image import ImageDataGenerator

    GPU_COUNT = 2

    # Root directory of the project
    ROOT_DIR = os.path.abspath("../")

    # Directory to save logs and trained model
    MODEL_DIR = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, "logs")

    def build_model(x_train, num_classes):
        # Reset default graph. Keras leaves old ops in the graph,
        # which are ignored for execution but clutter graph
        # visualization in TensorBoard.

        inputs = KL.Input(shape=x_train.shape[1:], name="input_image")
        x = KL.Conv2D(32, (3, 3), activation='relu', padding="same",
        x = KL.Conv2D(64, (3, 3), activation='relu', padding="same",
        x = KL.MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2), name="pool1")(x)
        x = KL.Flatten(name="flat1")(x)
        x = KL.Dense(128, activation='relu', name="dense1")(x)
        x = KL.Dense(num_classes, activation='softmax', name="dense2")(x)

        return KM.Model(inputs, x, "digit_classifier_model")

    # Load MNIST Data
    (x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = mnist.load_data()
    x_train = np.expand_dims(x_train, -1).astype('float32') / 255
    x_test = np.expand_dims(x_test, -1).astype('float32') / 255

    print('x_train shape:', x_train.shape)
    print('x_test shape:', x_test.shape)

    # Build data generator and model
    datagen = ImageDataGenerator()
    model = build_model(x_train, 10)

    # Add multi-GPU support.
    model = ParallelModel(model, GPU_COUNT)

    optimizer = keras.optimizers.SGD(lr=0.01, momentum=0.9, clipnorm=5.0)

                  optimizer=optimizer, metrics=['accuracy'])


    # Train
        datagen.flow(x_train, y_train, batch_size=64),
        steps_per_epoch=50, epochs=10, verbose=1,
        validation_data=(x_test, y_test),


Mask R-CNN
Common utility functions and classes.

Copyright (c) 2017 Matterport, Inc.
Licensed under the MIT License (see LICENSE for details)
Written by Waleed Abdulla

import sys
import os
import logging
import math
import random
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
import scipy
import skimage.color
import skimage.io
import skimage.transform
import urllib.request
import shutil
import warnings
from distutils.version import LooseVersion

# URL from which to download the latest COCO trained weights
COCO_MODEL_URL = "https://github.com/matterport/Mask_RCNN/releases/download/v2.0/mask_rcnn_coco.h5"

#  Bounding Boxes

def extract_bboxes(mask):
    """Compute bounding boxes from masks.
    mask: [height, width, num_instances]. Mask pixels are either 1 or 0.

    Returns: bbox array [num_instances, (y1, x1, y2, x2)].
    boxes = np.zeros([mask.shape[-1], 4], dtype=np.int32)
    for i in range(mask.shape[-1]):
        m = mask[:, :, i]
        # Bounding box.
        horizontal_indicies = np.where(np.any(m, axis=0))[0]
        vertical_indicies = np.where(np.any(m, axis=1))[0]
        if horizontal_indicies.shape[0]:
            x1, x2 = horizontal_indicies[[0, -1]]
            y1, y2 = vertical_indicies[[0, -1]]
            # x2 and y2 should not be part of the box. Increment by 1.
            x2 += 1
            y2 += 1
            # No mask for this instance. Might happen due to
            # resizing or cropping. Set bbox to zeros
            x1, x2, y1, y2 = 0, 0, 0, 0
        boxes[i] = np.array([y1, x1, y2, x2])
    return boxes.astype(np.int32)

def compute_iou(box, boxes, box_area, boxes_area):
    """Calculates IoU of the given box with the array of the given boxes.
    box: 1D vector [y1, x1, y2, x2]
    boxes: [boxes_count, (y1, x1, y2, x2)]
    box_area: float. the area of 'box'
    boxes_area: array of length boxes_count.

    Note: the areas are passed in rather than calculated here for
    efficiency. Calculate once in the caller to avoid duplicate work.
    # Calculate intersection areas
    y1 = np.maximum(box[0], boxes[:, 0])
    y2 = np.minimum(box[2], boxes[:, 2])
    x1 = np.maximum(box[1], boxes[:, 1])
    x2 = np.minimum(box[3], boxes[:, 3])
    intersection = np.maximum(x2 - x1, 0) * np.maximum(y2 - y1, 0)
    union = box_area + boxes_area[:] - intersection[:]
    iou = intersection / union
    return iou

def compute_overlaps(boxes1, boxes2):
    """Computes IoU overlaps between two sets of boxes.
    boxes1, boxes2: [N, (y1, x1, y2, x2)].

    For better performance, pass the largest set first and the smaller second.
    # Areas of anchors and GT boxes
    area1 = (boxes1[:, 2] - boxes1[:, 0]) * (boxes1[:, 3] - boxes1[:, 1])
    area2 = (boxes2[:, 2] - boxes2[:, 0]) * (boxes2[:, 3] - boxes2[:, 1])

    # Compute overlaps to generate matrix [boxes1 count, boxes2 count]
    # Each cell contains the IoU value.
    overlaps = np.zeros((boxes1.shape[0], boxes2.shape[0]))
    for i in range(overlaps.shape[1]):
        box2 = boxes2[i]
        overlaps[:, i] = compute_iou(box2, boxes1, area2[i], area1)
    return overlaps

def compute_overlaps_masks(masks1, masks2):
    """Computes IoU overlaps between two sets of masks.
    masks1, masks2: [Height, Width, instances]
    # If either set of masks is empty return empty result
    if masks1.shape[-1] == 0 or masks2.shape[-1] == 0:
        return np.zeros((masks1.shape[-1], masks2.shape[-1]))
    # flatten masks and compute their areas
    masks1 = np.reshape(masks1 > .5, (-1, masks1.shape[-1])).astype(np.float32)
    masks2 = np.reshape(masks2 > .5, (-1, masks2.shape[-1])).astype(np.float32)
    area1 = np.sum(masks1, axis=0)
    area2 = np.sum(masks2, axis=0)

    # intersections and union
    intersections = np.dot(masks1.T, masks2)
    union = area1[:, None] + area2[None, :] - intersections
    overlaps = intersections / union

    return overlaps

def non_max_suppression(boxes, scores, threshold):
    """Performs non-maximum suppression and returns indices of kept boxes.
    boxes: [N, (y1, x1, y2, x2)]. Notice that (y2, x2) lays outside the box.
    scores: 1-D array of box scores.
    threshold: Float. IoU threshold to use for filtering.
    assert boxes.shape[0] > 0
    if boxes.dtype.kind != "f":
        boxes = boxes.astype(np.float32)

    # Compute box areas
    y1 = boxes[:, 0]
    x1 = boxes[:, 1]
    y2 = boxes[:, 2]
    x2 = boxes[:, 3]
    area = (y2 - y1) * (x2 - x1)

    # Get indicies of boxes sorted by scores (highest first)
    ixs = scores.argsort()[::-1]

    pick = []
    while len(ixs) > 0:
        # Pick top box and add its index to the list
        i = ixs[0]
        # Compute IoU of the picked box with the rest
        iou = compute_iou(boxes[i], boxes[ixs[1:]], area[i], area[ixs[1:]])
        # Identify boxes with IoU over the threshold. This
        # returns indices into ixs[1:], so add 1 to get
        # indices into ixs.
        remove_ixs = np.where(iou > threshold)[0] + 1
        # Remove indices of the picked and overlapped boxes.
        ixs = np.delete(ixs, remove_ixs)
        ixs = np.delete(ixs, 0)
    return np.array(pick, dtype=np.int32)

def apply_box_deltas(boxes, deltas):
    """Applies the given deltas to the given boxes.
    boxes: [N, (y1, x1, y2, x2)]. Note that (y2, x2) is outside the box.
    deltas: [N, (dy, dx, log(dh), log(dw))]
    boxes = boxes.astype(np.float32)
    # Convert to y, x, h, w
    height = boxes[:, 2] - boxes[:, 0]
    width = boxes[:, 3] - boxes[:, 1]
    center_y = boxes[:, 0] + 0.5 * height
    center_x = boxes[:, 1] + 0.5 * width
    # Apply deltas
    center_y += deltas[:, 0] * height
    center_x += deltas[:, 1] * width
    height *= np.exp(deltas[:, 2])
    width *= np.exp(deltas[:, 3])
    # Convert back to y1, x1, y2, x2
    y1 = center_y - 0.5 * height
    x1 = center_x - 0.5 * width
    y2 = y1 + height
    x2 = x1 + width
    return np.stack([y1, x1, y2, x2], axis=1)

def box_refinement_graph(box, gt_box):
    """Compute refinement needed to transform box to gt_box.
    box and gt_box are [N, (y1, x1, y2, x2)]
    box = tf.cast(box, tf.float32)
    gt_box = tf.cast(gt_box, tf.float32)

    height = box[:, 2] - box[:, 0]
    width = box[:, 3] - box[:, 1]
    center_y = box[:, 0] + 0.5 * height
    center_x = box[:, 1] + 0.5 * width

    gt_height = gt_box[:, 2] - gt_box[:, 0]
    gt_width = gt_box[:, 3] - gt_box[:, 1]
    gt_center_y = gt_box[:, 0] + 0.5 * gt_height
    gt_center_x = gt_box[:, 1] + 0.5 * gt_width

    dy = (gt_center_y - center_y) / height
    dx = (gt_center_x - center_x) / width
    dh = tf.math.log(gt_height / height)
    dw = tf.math.log(gt_width / width)

    result = tf.stack([dy, dx, dh, dw], axis=1)
    return result

def box_refinement(box, gt_box):
    """Compute refinement needed to transform box to gt_box.
    box and gt_box are [N, (y1, x1, y2, x2)]. (y2, x2) is
    assumed to be outside the box.
    box = box.astype(np.float32)
    gt_box = gt_box.astype(np.float32)

    height = box[:, 2] - box[:, 0]
    width = box[:, 3] - box[:, 1]
    center_y = box[:, 0] + 0.5 * height
    center_x = box[:, 1] + 0.5 * width

    gt_height = gt_box[:, 2] - gt_box[:, 0]
    gt_width = gt_box[:, 3] - gt_box[:, 1]
    gt_center_y = gt_box[:, 0] + 0.5 * gt_height
    gt_center_x = gt_box[:, 1] + 0.5 * gt_width

    dy = (gt_center_y - center_y) / height
    dx = (gt_center_x - center_x) / width
    dh = np.log(gt_height / height)
    dw = np.log(gt_width / width)

    return np.stack([dy, dx, dh, dw], axis=1)

#  Dataset

class Dataset(object):
    """The base class for dataset classes.
    To use it, create a new class that adds functions specific to the dataset
    you want to use. For example:

    class CatsAndDogsDataset(Dataset):
        def load_cats_and_dogs(self):
        def load_mask(self, image_id):
        def image_reference(self, image_id):

    See COCODataset and ShapesDataset as examples.

    def __init__(self, class_map=None):
        self._image_ids = []
        self.image_info = []
        # Background is always the first class
        self.class_info = [{"source": "", "id": 0, "name": "BG"}]
        self.source_class_ids = {}

    def add_class(self, source, class_id, class_name):
        assert "." not in source, "Source name cannot contain a dot"
        # Does the class exist already?
        for info in self.class_info:
            if info['source'] == source and info["id"] == class_id:
                # source.class_id combination already available, skip
        # Add the class
            "source": source,
            "id": class_id,
            "name": class_name,

    def add_image(self, source, image_id, path, **kwargs):
        image_info = {
            "id": image_id,
            "source": source,
            "path": path,

    def image_reference(self, image_id):
        """Return a link to the image in its source Website or details about
        the image that help looking it up or debugging it.

        Override for your dataset, but pass to this function
        if you encounter images not in your dataset.
        return ""

    def prepare(self, class_map=None):
        """Prepares the Dataset class for use.

        TODO: class map is not supported yet. When done, it should handle mapping
              classes from different datasets to the same class ID.

        def clean_name(name):
            """Returns a shorter version of object names for cleaner display."""
            return ",".join(name.split(",")[:1])

        # Build (or rebuild) everything else from the info dicts.
        self.num_classes = len(self.class_info)
        self.class_ids = np.arange(self.num_classes)
        self.class_names = [clean_name(c["name"]) for c in self.class_info]
        self.num_images = len(self.image_info)
        self._image_ids = np.arange(self.num_images)

        # Mapping from source class and image IDs to internal IDs
        self.class_from_source_map = {"{}.{}".format(info['source'], info['id']): id
                                      for info, id in zip(self.class_info, self.class_ids)}
        self.image_from_source_map = {"{}.{}".format(info['source'], info['id']): id
                                      for info, id in zip(self.image_info, self.image_ids)}

        # Map sources to class_ids they support
        self.sources = list(set([i['source'] for i in self.class_info]))
        self.source_class_ids = {}
        # Loop over datasets
        for source in self.sources:
            self.source_class_ids[source] = []
            # Find classes that belong to this dataset
            for i, info in enumerate(self.class_info):
                # Include BG class in all datasets
                if i == 0 or source == info['source']:

    def map_source_class_id(self, source_class_id):
        """Takes a source class ID and returns the int class ID assigned to it.

        For example:
        dataset.map_source_class_id("coco.12") -> 23
        return self.class_from_source_map[source_class_id]

    def get_source_class_id(self, class_id, source):
        """Map an internal class ID to the corresponding class ID in the source dataset."""
        info = self.class_info[class_id]
        assert info['source'] == source
        return info['id']

    def image_ids(self):
        return self._image_ids

    def source_image_link(self, image_id):
        """Returns the path or URL to the image.
        Override this to return a URL to the image if it's available online for easy
        return self.image_info[image_id]["path"]

    def load_image(self, image_id):
        """Load the specified image and return a [H,W,3] Numpy array.
        # Load image
        image = skimage.io.imread(self.image_info[image_id]['path'])
        # If grayscale. Convert to RGB for consistency.
        if image.ndim != 3:
            image = skimage.color.gray2rgb(image)
        # If has an alpha channel, remove it for consistency
        if image.shape[-1] == 4:
            image = image[..., :3]
        return image

    def load_mask(self, image_id):
        """Load instance masks for the given image.

        Different datasets use different ways to store masks. Override this
        method to load instance masks and return them in the form of am
        array of binary masks of shape [height, width, instances].

            masks: A bool array of shape [height, width, instance count] with
                a binary mask per instance.
            class_ids: a 1D array of class IDs of the instance masks.
        # Override this function to load a mask from your dataset.
        # Otherwise, it returns an empty mask.
        logging.warning("You are using the default load_mask(), maybe you need to define your own one.")
        mask = np.empty([0, 0, 0])
        class_ids = np.empty([0], np.int32)
        return mask, class_ids

def resize_image(image, min_dim=None, max_dim=None, min_scale=None, mode="square"):
    """Resizes an image keeping the aspect ratio unchanged.

    min_dim: if provided, resizes the image such that it's smaller
        dimension == min_dim
    max_dim: if provided, ensures that the image longest side doesn't
        exceed this value.
    min_scale: if provided, ensure that the image is scaled up by at least
        this percent even if min_dim doesn't require it.
    mode: Resizing mode.
        none: No resizing. Return the image unchanged.
        square: Resize and pad with zeros to get a square image
            of size [max_dim, max_dim].
        pad64: Pads width and height with zeros to make them multiples of 64.
               If min_dim or min_scale are provided, it scales the image up
               before padding. max_dim is ignored in this mode.
               The multiple of 64 is needed to ensure smooth scaling of feature
               maps up and down the 6 levels of the FPN pyramid (2**6=64).
        crop: Picks random crops from the image. First, scales the image based
              on min_dim and min_scale, then picks a random crop of
              size min_dim x min_dim. Can be used in training only.
              max_dim is not used in this mode.

    image: the resized image
    window: (y1, x1, y2, x2). If max_dim is provided, padding might
        be inserted in the returned image. If so, this window is the
        coordinates of the image part of the full image (excluding
        the padding). The x2, y2 pixels are not included.
    scale: The scale factor used to resize the image
    padding: Padding added to the image [(top, bottom), (left, right), (0, 0)]
    # Keep track of image dtype and return results in the same dtype
    image_dtype = image.dtype
    # Default window (y1, x1, y2, x2) and default scale == 1.
    h, w = image.shape[:2]
    window = (0, 0, h, w)
    scale = 1
    padding = [(0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0)]
    crop = None

    if mode == "none":
        return image, window, scale, padding, crop

    # Scale?
    if min_dim:
        # Scale up but not down
        scale = max(1, min_dim / min(h, w))
    if min_scale and scale < min_scale:
        scale = min_scale

    # Does it exceed max dim?
    if max_dim and mode == "square":
        image_max = max(h, w)
        if round(image_max * scale) > max_dim:
            scale = max_dim / image_max

    # Resize image using bilinear interpolation
    if scale != 1:
        image = resize(image, (round(h * scale), round(w * scale)),

    # Need padding or cropping?
    if mode == "square":
        # Get new height and width
        h, w = image.shape[:2]
        top_pad = (max_dim - h) // 2
        bottom_pad = max_dim - h - top_pad
        left_pad = (max_dim - w) // 2
        right_pad = max_dim - w - left_pad
        padding = [(top_pad, bottom_pad), (left_pad, right_pad), (0, 0)]
        image = np.pad(image, padding, mode='constant', constant_values=0)
        window = (top_pad, left_pad, h + top_pad, w + left_pad)
    elif mode == "pad64":
        h, w = image.shape[:2]
        # Both sides must be divisible by 64
        assert min_dim % 64 == 0, "Minimum dimension must be a multiple of 64"
        # Height
        if h % 64 > 0:
            max_h = h - (h % 64) + 64
            top_pad = (max_h - h) // 2
            bottom_pad = max_h - h - top_pad
            top_pad = bottom_pad = 0
        # Width
        if w % 64 > 0:
            max_w = w - (w % 64) + 64
            left_pad = (max_w - w) // 2
            right_pad = max_w - w - left_pad
            left_pad = right_pad = 0
        padding = [(top_pad, bottom_pad), (left_pad, right_pad), (0, 0)]
        image = np.pad(image, padding, mode='constant', constant_values=0)
        window = (top_pad, left_pad, h + top_pad, w + left_pad)
    elif mode == "crop":
        # Pick a random crop
        h, w = image.shape[:2]
        y = random.randint(0, (h - min_dim))
        x = random.randint(0, (w - min_dim))
        crop = (y, x, min_dim, min_dim)
        image = image[y:y + min_dim, x:x + min_dim]
        window = (0, 0, min_dim, min_dim)
        raise Exception("Mode {} not supported".format(mode))
    return image.astype(image_dtype), window, scale, padding, crop

def resize_mask(mask, scale, padding, crop=None):
    """Resizes a mask using the given scale and padding.
    Typically, you get the scale and padding from resize_image() to
    ensure both, the image and the mask, are resized consistently.

    scale: mask scaling factor
    padding: Padding to add to the mask in the form
            [(top, bottom), (left, right), (0, 0)]
    # Suppress warning from scipy 0.13.0, the output shape of zoom() is
    # calculated with round() instead of int()
    with warnings.catch_warnings():
        mask = scipy.ndimage.zoom(mask, zoom=[scale, scale, 1], order=0)
    if crop is not None:
        y, x, h, w = crop
        mask = mask[y:y + h, x:x + w]
        mask = np.pad(mask, padding, mode='constant', constant_values=0)
    return mask

def minimize_mask(bbox, mask, mini_shape):
    """Resize masks to a smaller version to reduce memory load.
    Mini-masks can be resized back to image scale using expand_masks()

    See inspect_data.ipynb notebook for more details.
    mini_mask = np.zeros(mini_shape + (mask.shape[-1],), dtype=bool)
    for i in range(mask.shape[-1]):
        # Pick slice and cast to bool in case load_mask() returned wrong dtype
        m = mask[:, :, i].astype(bool)
        y1, x1, y2, x2 = bbox[i][:4]
        m = m[y1:y2, x1:x2]
        if m.size == 0:
            raise Exception("Invalid bounding box with area of zero")
        # Resize with bilinear interpolation
        m = resize(m, mini_shape)
        mini_mask[:, :, i] = np.around(m).astype(np.bool)
    return mini_mask

def expand_mask(bbox, mini_mask, image_shape):
    """Resizes mini masks back to image size. Reverses the change
    of minimize_mask().

    See inspect_data.ipynb notebook for more details.
    mask = np.zeros(image_shape[:2] + (mini_mask.shape[-1],), dtype=bool)
    for i in range(mask.shape[-1]):
        m = mini_mask[:, :, i]
        y1, x1, y2, x2 = bbox[i][:4]
        h = y2 - y1
        w = x2 - x1
        # Resize with bilinear interpolation
        m = resize(m, (h, w))
        mask[y1:y2, x1:x2, i] = np.around(m).astype(np.bool)
    return mask

# TODO: Build and use this function to reduce code duplication
def mold_mask(mask, config):

def unmold_mask(mask, bbox, image_shape):
    """Converts a mask generated by the neural network to a format similar
    to its original shape.
    mask: [height, width] of type float. A small, typically 28x28 mask.
    bbox: [y1, x1, y2, x2]. The box to fit the mask in.

    Returns a binary mask with the same size as the original image.
    threshold = 0.5
    y1, x1, y2, x2 = bbox
    mask = resize(mask, (y2 - y1, x2 - x1))
    mask = np.where(mask >= threshold, 1, 0).astype(np.bool)

    # Put the mask in the right location.
    full_mask = np.zeros(image_shape[:2], dtype=np.bool)
    full_mask[y1:y2, x1:x2] = mask
    return full_mask

#  Anchors

def generate_anchors(scales, ratios, shape, feature_stride, anchor_stride):
    scales: 1D array of anchor sizes in pixels. Example: [32, 64, 128]
    ratios: 1D array of anchor ratios of width/height. Example: [0.5, 1, 2]
    shape: [height, width] spatial shape of the feature map over which
            to generate anchors.
    feature_stride: Stride of the feature map relative to the image in pixels.
    anchor_stride: Stride of anchors on the feature map. For example, if the
        value is 2 then generate anchors for every other feature map pixel.
    # Get all combinations of scales and ratios
    scales, ratios = np.meshgrid(np.array(scales), np.array(ratios))
    scales = scales.flatten()
    ratios = ratios.flatten()

    # Enumerate heights and widths from scales and ratios
    heights = scales / np.sqrt(ratios)
    widths = scales * np.sqrt(ratios)

    # Enumerate shifts in feature space
    shifts_y = np.arange(0, shape[0], anchor_stride) * feature_stride
    shifts_x = np.arange(0, shape[1], anchor_stride) * feature_stride
    shifts_x, shifts_y = np.meshgrid(shifts_x, shifts_y)

    # Enumerate combinations of shifts, widths, and heights
    box_widths, box_centers_x = np.meshgrid(widths, shifts_x)
    box_heights, box_centers_y = np.meshgrid(heights, shifts_y)

    # Reshape to get a list of (y, x) and a list of (h, w)
    box_centers = np.stack(
        [box_centers_y, box_centers_x], axis=2).reshape([-1, 2])
    box_sizes = np.stack([box_heights, box_widths], axis=2).reshape([-1, 2])

    # Convert to corner coordinates (y1, x1, y2, x2)
    boxes = np.concatenate([box_centers - 0.5 * box_sizes,
                            box_centers + 0.5 * box_sizes], axis=1)
    return boxes

def generate_pyramid_anchors(scales, ratios, feature_shapes, feature_strides,
    """Generate anchors at different levels of a feature pyramid. Each scale
    is associated with a level of the pyramid, but each ratio is used in
    all levels of the pyramid.

    anchors: [N, (y1, x1, y2, x2)]. All generated anchors in one array. Sorted
        with the same order of the given scales. So, anchors of scale[0] come
        first, then anchors of scale[1], and so on.
    # Anchors
    # [anchor_count, (y1, x1, y2, x2)]
    anchors = []
    for i in range(len(scales)):
        anchors.append(generate_anchors(scales[i], ratios, feature_shapes[i],
                                        feature_strides[i], anchor_stride))
    return np.concatenate(anchors, axis=0)

#  Miscellaneous

def trim_zeros(x):
    """It's common to have tensors larger than the available data and
    pad with zeros. This function removes rows that are all zeros.

    x: [rows, columns].
    assert len(x.shape) == 2
    return x[~np.all(x == 0, axis=1)]

def compute_matches(gt_boxes, gt_class_ids, gt_masks,
                    pred_boxes, pred_class_ids, pred_scores, pred_masks,
                    iou_threshold=0.5, score_threshold=0.0):
    """Finds matches between prediction and ground truth instances.

        gt_match: 1-D array. For each GT box it has the index of the matched
                  predicted box.
        pred_match: 1-D array. For each predicted box, it has the index of
                    the matched ground truth box.
        overlaps: [pred_boxes, gt_boxes] IoU overlaps.
    # Trim zero padding
    # TODO: cleaner to do zero unpadding upstream
    gt_boxes = trim_zeros(gt_boxes)
    gt_masks = gt_masks[..., :gt_boxes.shape[0]]
    pred_boxes = trim_zeros(pred_boxes)
    pred_scores = pred_scores[:pred_boxes.shape[0]]
    # Sort predictions by score from high to low
    indices = np.argsort(pred_scores)[::-1]
    pred_boxes = pred_boxes[indices]
    pred_class_ids = pred_class_ids[indices]
    pred_scores = pred_scores[indices]
    pred_masks = pred_masks[..., indices]

    # Compute IoU overlaps [pred_masks, gt_masks]
    overlaps = compute_overlaps_masks(pred_masks, gt_masks)

    # Loop through predictions and find matching ground truth boxes
    match_count = 0
    pred_match = -1 * np.ones([pred_boxes.shape[0]])
    gt_match = -1 * np.ones([gt_boxes.shape[0]])
    for i in range(len(pred_boxes)):
        # Find best matching ground truth box
        # 1. Sort matches by score
        sorted_ixs = np.argsort(overlaps[i])[::-1]
        # 2. Remove low scores
        low_score_idx = np.where(overlaps[i, sorted_ixs] < score_threshold)[0]
        if low_score_idx.size > 0:
            sorted_ixs = sorted_ixs[:low_score_idx[0]]
        # 3. Find the match
        for j in sorted_ixs:
            # If ground truth box is already matched, go to next one
            if gt_match[j] > -1:
            # If we reach IoU smaller than the threshold, end the loop
            iou = overlaps[i, j]
            if iou < iou_threshold:
            # Do we have a match?
            if pred_class_ids[i] == gt_class_ids[j]:
                match_count += 1
                gt_match[j] = i
                pred_match[i] = j

    return gt_match, pred_match, overlaps

def compute_ap(gt_boxes, gt_class_ids, gt_masks,
               pred_boxes, pred_class_ids, pred_scores, pred_masks,
    """Compute Average Precision at a set IoU threshold (default 0.5).

    mAP: Mean Average Precision
    precisions: List of precisions at different class score thresholds.
    recalls: List of recall values at different class score thresholds.
    overlaps: [pred_boxes, gt_boxes] IoU overlaps.
    # Get matches and overlaps
    gt_match, pred_match, overlaps = compute_matches(
        gt_boxes, gt_class_ids, gt_masks,
        pred_boxes, pred_class_ids, pred_scores, pred_masks,

    # Compute precision and recall at each prediction box step
    precisions = np.cumsum(pred_match > -1) / (np.arange(len(pred_match)) + 1)
    recalls = np.cumsum(pred_match > -1).astype(np.float32) / len(gt_match)

    # Pad with start and end values to simplify the math
    precisions = np.concatenate([[0], precisions, [0]])
    recalls = np.concatenate([[0], recalls, [1]])

    # Ensure precision values decrease but don't increase. This way, the
    # precision value at each recall threshold is the maximum it can be
    # for all following recall thresholds, as specified by the VOC paper.
    for i in range(len(precisions) - 2, -1, -1):
        precisions[i] = np.maximum(precisions[i], precisions[i + 1])

    # Compute mean AP over recall range
    indices = np.where(recalls[:-1] != recalls[1:])[0] + 1
    mAP = np.sum((recalls[indices] - recalls[indices - 1]) *

    return mAP, precisions, recalls, overlaps

def compute_ap_range(gt_box, gt_class_id, gt_mask,
                     pred_box, pred_class_id, pred_score, pred_mask,
                     iou_thresholds=None, verbose=1):
    """Compute AP over a range or IoU thresholds. Default range is 0.5-0.95."""
    # Default is 0.5 to 0.95 with increments of 0.05
    iou_thresholds = iou_thresholds or np.arange(0.5, 1.0, 0.05)
    # Compute AP over range of IoU thresholds
    AP = []
    for iou_threshold in iou_thresholds:
        ap, precisions, recalls, overlaps =\
            compute_ap(gt_box, gt_class_id, gt_mask,
                        pred_box, pred_class_id, pred_score, pred_mask,
        if verbose:
            print("AP @{:.2f}:\t {:.3f}".format(iou_threshold, ap))
    AP = np.array(AP).mean()
    if verbose:
        print("AP @{:.2f}-{:.2f}:\t {:.3f}".format(
            iou_thresholds[0], iou_thresholds[-1], AP))
    return AP

def compute_recall(pred_boxes, gt_boxes, iou):
    """Compute the recall at the given IoU threshold. It's an indication
    of how many GT boxes were found by the given prediction boxes.

    pred_boxes: [N, (y1, x1, y2, x2)] in image coordinates
    gt_boxes: [N, (y1, x1, y2, x2)] in image coordinates
    # Measure overlaps
    overlaps = compute_overlaps(pred_boxes, gt_boxes)
    iou_max = np.max(overlaps, axis=1)
    iou_argmax = np.argmax(overlaps, axis=1)
    positive_ids = np.where(iou_max >= iou)[0]
    matched_gt_boxes = iou_argmax[positive_ids]

    recall = len(set(matched_gt_boxes)) / gt_boxes.shape[0]
    return recall, positive_ids

# ## Batch Slicing
# Some custom layers support a batch size of 1 only, and require a lot of work
# to support batches greater than 1. This function slices an input tensor
# across the batch dimension and feeds batches of size 1. Effectively,
# an easy way to support batches > 1 quickly with little code modification.
# In the long run, it's more efficient to modify the code to support large
# batches and getting rid of this function. Consider this a temporary solution
def batch_slice(inputs, graph_fn, batch_size, names=None):
    """Splits inputs into slices and feeds each slice to a copy of the given
    computation graph and then combines the results. It allows you to run a
    graph on a batch of inputs even if the graph is written to support one
    instance only.

    inputs: list of tensors. All must have the same first dimension length
    graph_fn: A function that returns a TF tensor that's part of a graph.
    batch_size: number of slices to divide the data into.
    names: If provided, assigns names to the resulting tensors.
    if not isinstance(inputs, list):
        inputs = [inputs]

    outputs = []
    for i in range(batch_size):
        inputs_slice = [x[i] for x in inputs]
        output_slice = graph_fn(*inputs_slice)
        if not isinstance(output_slice, (tuple, list)):
            output_slice = [output_slice]
    # Change outputs from a list of slices where each is
    # a list of outputs to a list of outputs and each has
    # a list of slices
    outputs = list(zip(*outputs))

    if names is None:
        names = [None] * len(outputs)

    result = [tf.stack(o, axis=0, name=n)
              for o, n in zip(outputs, names)]
    if len(result) == 1:
        result = result[0]

    return result

def download_trained_weights(coco_model_path, verbose=1):
    """Download COCO trained weights from Releases.

    coco_model_path: local path of COCO trained weights
    if verbose > 0:
        print("Downloading pretrained model to " + coco_model_path + " ...")
    with urllib.request.urlopen(COCO_MODEL_URL) as resp, open(coco_model_path, 'wb') as out:
        shutil.copyfileobj(resp, out)
    if verbose > 0:
        print("... done downloading pretrained model!")

def norm_boxes(boxes, shape):
    """Converts boxes from pixel coordinates to normalized coordinates.
    boxes: [N, (y1, x1, y2, x2)] in pixel coordinates
    shape: [..., (height, width)] in pixels

    Note: In pixel coordinates (y2, x2) is outside the box. But in normalized
    coordinates it's inside the box.

        [N, (y1, x1, y2, x2)] in normalized coordinates
    h, w = shape
    scale = np.array([h - 1, w - 1, h - 1, w - 1])
    shift = np.array([0, 0, 1, 1])
    return np.divide((boxes - shift), scale).astype(np.float32)

def denorm_boxes(boxes, shape):
    """Converts boxes from normalized coordinates to pixel coordinates.
    boxes: [N, (y1, x1, y2, x2)] in normalized coordinates
    shape: [..., (height, width)] in pixels

    Note: In pixel coordinates (y2, x2) is outside the box. But in normalized
    coordinates it's inside the box.

        [N, (y1, x1, y2, x2)] in pixel coordinates
    h, w = shape
    scale = np.array([h - 1, w - 1, h - 1, w - 1])
    shift = np.array([0, 0, 1, 1])
    return np.around(np.multiply(boxes, scale) + shift).astype(np.int32)

def resize(image, output_shape, order=1, mode='constant', cval=0, clip=True,
           preserve_range=False, anti_aliasing=False, anti_aliasing_sigma=None):
    """A wrapper for Scikit-Image resize().

    Scikit-Image generates warnings on every call to resize() if it doesn't
    receive the right parameters. The right parameters depend on the version
    of skimage. This solves the problem by using different parameters per
    version. And it provides a central place to control resizing defaults.
    if LooseVersion(skimage.__version__) >= LooseVersion("0.14"):
        # New in 0.14: anti_aliasing. Default it to False for backward
        # compatibility with skimage 0.13.
        return skimage.transform.resize(
            image, output_shape,
            order=order, mode=mode, cval=cval, clip=clip,
            preserve_range=preserve_range, anti_aliasing=anti_aliasing,
        return skimage.transform.resize(
            image, output_shape,
            order=order, mode=mode, cval=cval, clip=clip,


Mask R-CNN
Display and Visualization Functions.

Copyright (c) 2017 Matterport, Inc.
Licensed under the MIT License (see LICENSE for details)
Written by Waleed Abdulla

import os
import sys
import random
import itertools
import colorsys

import numpy as np
from skimage.measure import find_contours
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import patches,  lines
from matplotlib.patches import Polygon
import IPython.display

# Root directory of the project
ROOT_DIR = os.path.abspath("../")

# Import Mask RCNN
sys.path.append(ROOT_DIR)  # To find local version of the library
from mrcnn import utils

#  Visualization

def display_images(images, titles=None, cols=4, cmap=None, norm=None,
    """Display the given set of images, optionally with titles.
    images: list or array of image tensors in HWC format.
    titles: optional. A list of titles to display with each image.
    cols: number of images per row
    cmap: Optional. Color map to use. For example, "Blues".
    norm: Optional. A Normalize instance to map values to colors.
    interpolation: Optional. Image interpolation to use for display.
    titles = titles if titles is not None else [""] * len(images)
    rows = len(images) // cols + 1
    plt.figure(figsize=(14, 14 * rows // cols))
    i = 1
    for image, title in zip(images, titles):
        plt.subplot(rows, cols, i)
        plt.title(title, fontsize=9)
        plt.imshow(image.astype(np.uint8), cmap=cmap,
                   norm=norm, interpolation=interpolation)
        i += 1

def random_colors(N, bright=True):
    Generate random colors.
    To get visually distinct colors, generate them in HSV space then
    convert to RGB.
    brightness = 1.0 if bright else 0.7
    hsv = [(i / N, 1, brightness) for i in range(N)]
    colors = list(map(lambda c: colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(*c), hsv))
    return colors

def apply_mask(image, mask, color, alpha=0.5):
    """Apply the given mask to the image.
    for c in range(3):
        image[:, :, c] = np.where(mask == 1,
                                  image[:, :, c] *
                                  (1 - alpha) + alpha * color[c] * 255,
                                  image[:, :, c])
    return image

def display_instances(image, boxes, masks, class_ids, class_names,
                      scores=None, title="",
                      figsize=(16, 16), ax=None,
                      show_mask=True, show_bbox=True,
                      colors=None, captions=None):
    boxes: [num_instance, (y1, x1, y2, x2, class_id)] in image coordinates.
    masks: [height, width, num_instances]
    class_ids: [num_instances]
    class_names: list of class names of the dataset
    scores: (optional) confidence scores for each box
    title: (optional) Figure title
    show_mask, show_bbox: To show masks and bounding boxes or not
    figsize: (optional) the size of the image
    colors: (optional) An array or colors to use with each object
    captions: (optional) A list of strings to use as captions for each object
    # Number of instances
    N = boxes.shape[0]
    if not N:
        print("\n*** No instances to display *** \n")
        assert boxes.shape[0] == masks.shape[-1] == class_ids.shape[0]

    # If no axis is passed, create one and automatically call show()
    auto_show = False
    if not ax:
        _, ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=figsize)
        auto_show = True

    # Generate random colors
    colors = colors or random_colors(N)

    # Show area outside image boundaries.
    height, width = image.shape[:2]
    ax.set_ylim(height + 10, -10)
    ax.set_xlim(-10, width + 10)

    masked_image = image.astype(np.uint32).copy()
    for i in range(N):
        color = colors[i]

        # Bounding box
        if not np.any(boxes[i]):
            # Skip this instance. Has no bbox. Likely lost in image cropping.
        y1, x1, y2, x2 = boxes[i]
        if show_bbox:
            p = patches.Rectangle((x1, y1), x2 - x1, y2 - y1, linewidth=2,
                                alpha=0.7, linestyle="dashed",
                                edgecolor=color, facecolor='none')

        # Label
        if not captions:
            class_id = class_ids[i]
            score = scores[i] if scores is not None else None
            label = class_names[class_id]
            caption = "{} {:.3f}".format(label, score) if score else label
            caption = captions[i]
        ax.text(x1, y1 + 8, caption,
                color='w', size=11, backgroundcolor="none")

        # Mask
        mask = masks[:, :, i]
        if show_mask:
            masked_image = apply_mask(masked_image, mask, color)

        # Mask Polygon
        # Pad to ensure proper polygons for masks that touch image edges.
        padded_mask = np.zeros(
            (mask.shape[0] + 2, mask.shape[1] + 2), dtype=np.uint8)
        padded_mask[1:-1, 1:-1] = mask
        contours = find_contours(padded_mask, 0.5)
        for verts in contours:
            # Subtract the padding and flip (y, x) to (x, y)
            verts = np.fliplr(verts) - 1
            p = Polygon(verts, facecolor="none", edgecolor=color)
    if auto_show:

def display_differences(image,
                        gt_box, gt_class_id, gt_mask,
                        pred_box, pred_class_id, pred_score, pred_mask,
                        class_names, title="", ax=None,
                        show_mask=True, show_box=True,
                        iou_threshold=0.5, score_threshold=0.5):
    """Display ground truth and prediction instances on the same image."""
    # Match predictions to ground truth
    gt_match, pred_match, overlaps = utils.compute_matches(
        gt_box, gt_class_id, gt_mask,
        pred_box, pred_class_id, pred_score, pred_mask,
        iou_threshold=iou_threshold, score_threshold=score_threshold)
    # Ground truth = green. Predictions = red
    colors = [(0, 1, 0, .8)] * len(gt_match)\
           + [(1, 0, 0, 1)] * len(pred_match)
    # Concatenate GT and predictions
    class_ids = np.concatenate([gt_class_id, pred_class_id])
    scores = np.concatenate([np.zeros([len(gt_match)]), pred_score])
    boxes = np.concatenate([gt_box, pred_box])
    masks = np.concatenate([gt_mask, pred_mask], axis=-1)
    # Captions per instance show score/IoU
    captions = ["" for m in gt_match] + ["{:.2f} / {:.2f}".format(
        (overlaps[i, int(pred_match[i])]
            if pred_match[i] > -1 else overlaps[i].max()))
            for i in range(len(pred_match))]
    # Set title if not provided
    title = title or "Ground Truth and Detections\n GT=green, pred=red, captions: score/IoU"
    # Display
        boxes, masks, class_ids,
        class_names, scores, ax=ax,
        show_bbox=show_box, show_mask=show_mask,
        colors=colors, captions=captions,

def draw_rois(image, rois, refined_rois, mask, class_ids, class_names, limit=10):
    anchors: [n, (y1, x1, y2, x2)] list of anchors in image coordinates.
    proposals: [n, 4] the same anchors but refined to fit objects better.
    masked_image = image.copy()

    # Pick random anchors in case there are too many.
    ids = np.arange(rois.shape[0], dtype=np.int32)
    ids = np.random.choice(
        ids, limit, replace=False) if ids.shape[0] > limit else ids

    fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(12, 12))
    if rois.shape[0] > limit:
        plt.title("Showing {} random ROIs out of {}".format(
            len(ids), rois.shape[0]))
        plt.title("{} ROIs".format(len(ids)))

    # Show area outside image boundaries.
    ax.set_ylim(image.shape[0] + 20, -20)
    ax.set_xlim(-50, image.shape[1] + 20)

    for i, id in enumerate(ids):
        color = np.random.rand(3)
        class_id = class_ids[id]
        # ROI
        y1, x1, y2, x2 = rois[id]
        p = patches.Rectangle((x1, y1), x2 - x1, y2 - y1, linewidth=2,
                              edgecolor=color if class_id else "gray",
                              facecolor='none', linestyle="dashed")
        # Refined ROI
        if class_id:
            ry1, rx1, ry2, rx2 = refined_rois[id]
            p = patches.Rectangle((rx1, ry1), rx2 - rx1, ry2 - ry1, linewidth=2,
                                  edgecolor=color, facecolor='none')
            # Connect the top-left corners of the anchor and proposal for easy visualization
            ax.add_line(lines.Line2D([x1, rx1], [y1, ry1], color=color))

            # Label
            label = class_names[class_id]
            ax.text(rx1, ry1 + 8, "{}".format(label),
                    color='w', size=11, backgroundcolor="none")

            # Mask
            m = utils.unmold_mask(mask[id], rois[id]
                                  [:4].astype(np.int32), image.shape)
            masked_image = apply_mask(masked_image, m, color)


    # Print stats
    print("Positive ROIs: ", class_ids[class_ids > 0].shape[0])
    print("Negative ROIs: ", class_ids[class_ids == 0].shape[0])
    print("Positive Ratio: {:.2f}".format(
        class_ids[class_ids > 0].shape[0] / class_ids.shape[0]))

# TODO: Replace with matplotlib equivalent?
def draw_box(image, box, color):
    """Draw 3-pixel width bounding boxes on the given image array.
    color: list of 3 int values for RGB.
    y1, x1, y2, x2 = box
    image[y1:y1 + 2, x1:x2] = color
    image[y2:y2 + 2, x1:x2] = color
    image[y1:y2, x1:x1 + 2] = color
    image[y1:y2, x2:x2 + 2] = color
    return image

def display_top_masks(image, mask, class_ids, class_names, limit=4):
    """Display the given image and the top few class masks."""
    to_display = []
    titles = []
    titles.append("H x W={}x{}".format(image.shape[0], image.shape[1]))
    # Pick top prominent classes in this image
    unique_class_ids = np.unique(class_ids)
    mask_area = [np.sum(mask[:, :, np.where(class_ids == i)[0]])
                 for i in unique_class_ids]
    top_ids = [v[0] for v in sorted(zip(unique_class_ids, mask_area),
                                    key=lambda r: r[1], reverse=True) if v[1] > 0]
    # Generate images and titles
    for i in range(limit):
        class_id = top_ids[i] if i < len(top_ids) else -1
        # Pull masks of instances belonging to the same class.
        m = mask[:, :, np.where(class_ids == class_id)[0]]
        m = np.sum(m * np.arange(1, m.shape[-1] + 1), -1)
        titles.append(class_names[class_id] if class_id != -1 else "-")
    display_images(to_display, titles=titles, cols=limit + 1, cmap="Blues_r")

def plot_precision_recall(AP, precisions, recalls):
    """Draw the precision-recall curve.

    AP: Average precision at IoU >= 0.5
    precisions: list of precision values
    recalls: list of recall values
    # Plot the Precision-Recall curve
    _, ax = plt.subplots(1)
    ax.set_title("Precision-Recall Curve. AP@50 = {:.3f}".format(AP))
    ax.set_ylim(0, 1.1)
    ax.set_xlim(0, 1.1)
    _ = ax.plot(recalls, precisions)

def plot_overlaps(gt_class_ids, pred_class_ids, pred_scores,
                  overlaps, class_names, threshold=0.5):
    """Draw a grid showing how ground truth objects are classified.
    gt_class_ids: [N] int. Ground truth class IDs
    pred_class_id: [N] int. Predicted class IDs
    pred_scores: [N] float. The probability scores of predicted classes
    overlaps: [pred_boxes, gt_boxes] IoU overlaps of predictions and GT boxes.
    class_names: list of all class names in the dataset
    threshold: Float. The prediction probability required to predict a class
    gt_class_ids = gt_class_ids[gt_class_ids != 0]
    pred_class_ids = pred_class_ids[pred_class_ids != 0]

    plt.figure(figsize=(12, 10))
    plt.imshow(overlaps, interpolation='nearest', cmap=plt.cm.Blues)
               ["{} ({:.2f})".format(class_names[int(id)], pred_scores[i])
                for i, id in enumerate(pred_class_ids)])
               [class_names[int(id)] for id in gt_class_ids], rotation=90)

    thresh = overlaps.max() / 2.
    for i, j in itertools.product(range(overlaps.shape[0]),
        text = ""
        if overlaps[i, j] > threshold:
            text = "match" if gt_class_ids[j] == pred_class_ids[i] else "wrong"
        color = ("white" if overlaps[i, j] > thresh
                 else "black" if overlaps[i, j] > 0
                 else "grey")
        plt.text(j, i, "{:.3f}\n{}".format(overlaps[i, j], text),
                 horizontalalignment="center", verticalalignment="center",
                 fontsize=9, color=color)

    plt.xlabel("Ground Truth")

def draw_boxes(image, boxes=None, refined_boxes=None,
               masks=None, captions=None, visibilities=None,
               title="", ax=None):
    """Draw bounding boxes and segmentation masks with different

    boxes: [N, (y1, x1, y2, x2, class_id)] in image coordinates.
    refined_boxes: Like boxes, but draw with solid lines to show
        that they're the result of refining 'boxes'.
    masks: [N, height, width]
    captions: List of N titles to display on each box
    visibilities: (optional) List of values of 0, 1, or 2. Determine how
        prominent each bounding box should be.
    title: An optional title to show over the image
    ax: (optional) Matplotlib axis to draw on.
    # Number of boxes
    assert boxes is not None or refined_boxes is not None
    N = boxes.shape[0] if boxes is not None else refined_boxes.shape[0]

    # Matplotlib Axis
    if not ax:
        _, ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(12, 12))

    # Generate random colors
    colors = random_colors(N)

    # Show area outside image boundaries.
    margin = image.shape[0] // 10
    ax.set_ylim(image.shape[0] + margin, -margin)
    ax.set_xlim(-margin, image.shape[1] + margin)


    masked_image = image.astype(np.uint32).copy()
    for i in range(N):
        # Box visibility
        visibility = visibilities[i] if visibilities is not None else 1
        if visibility == 0:
            color = "gray"
            style = "dotted"
            alpha = 0.5
        elif visibility == 1:
            color = colors[i]
            style = "dotted"
            alpha = 1
        elif visibility == 2:
            color = colors[i]
            style = "solid"
            alpha = 1

        # Boxes
        if boxes is not None:
            if not np.any(boxes[i]):
                # Skip this instance. Has no bbox. Likely lost in cropping.
            y1, x1, y2, x2 = boxes[i]
            p = patches.Rectangle((x1, y1), x2 - x1, y2 - y1, linewidth=2,
                                  alpha=alpha, linestyle=style,
                                  edgecolor=color, facecolor='none')

        # Refined boxes
        if refined_boxes is not None and visibility > 0:
            ry1, rx1, ry2, rx2 = refined_boxes[i].astype(np.int32)
            p = patches.Rectangle((rx1, ry1), rx2 - rx1, ry2 - ry1, linewidth=2,
                                  edgecolor=color, facecolor='none')
            # Connect the top-left corners of the anchor and proposal
            if boxes is not None:
                ax.add_line(lines.Line2D([x1, rx1], [y1, ry1], color=color))

        # Captions
        if captions is not None:
            caption = captions[i]
            # If there are refined boxes, display captions on them
            if refined_boxes is not None:
                y1, x1, y2, x2 = ry1, rx1, ry2, rx2
            ax.text(x1, y1, caption, size=11, verticalalignment='top',
                    color='w', backgroundcolor="none",
                    bbox={'facecolor': color, 'alpha': 0.5,
                          'pad': 2, 'edgecolor': 'none'})

        # Masks
        if masks is not None:
            mask = masks[:, :, i]
            masked_image = apply_mask(masked_image, mask, color)
            # Mask Polygon
            # Pad to ensure proper polygons for masks that touch image edges.
            padded_mask = np.zeros(
                (mask.shape[0] + 2, mask.shape[1] + 2), dtype=np.uint8)
            padded_mask[1:-1, 1:-1] = mask
            contours = find_contours(padded_mask, 0.5)
            for verts in contours:
                # Subtract the padding and flip (y, x) to (x, y)
                verts = np.fliplr(verts) - 1
                p = Polygon(verts, facecolor="none", edgecolor=color)

def display_table(table):
    """Display values in a table format.
    table: an iterable of rows, and each row is an iterable of values.
    html = ""
    for row in table:
        row_html = ""
        for col in row:
            row_html += "<td>{:40}</td>".format(str(col))
        html += "<tr>" + row_html + "</tr>"
    html = "<table>" + html + "</table>"

def display_weight_stats(model):
    """Scans all the weights in the model and returns a list of tuples
    that contain stats about each weight.
    layers = model.get_trainable_layers()
    table = [["WEIGHT NAME", "SHAPE", "MIN", "MAX", "STD"]]
    for l in layers:
        weight_values = l.get_weights()  # list of Numpy arrays
        weight_tensors = l.weights  # list of TF tensors
        for i, w in enumerate(weight_values):
            weight_name = weight_tensors[i].name
            # Detect problematic layers. Exclude biases of conv layers.
            alert = ""
            if w.min() == w.max() and not (l.__class__.__name__ == "Conv2D" and i == 1):
                alert += "<span style='color:red'>*** dead?</span>"
            if np.abs(w.min()) > 1000 or np.abs(w.max()) > 1000:
                alert += "<span style='color:red'>*** Overflow?</span>"
            # Add row
                weight_name + alert,



import os
import json
import sys
import numpy as np
from mrcnn import utils, visualize
from mrcnn.config import Config
import skimage

class BalloonConfig(Config):
    # 给配置一个名称
    NAME = "balloon"


    # 类别数量(包括背景),气球类别+1
    NUM_CLASSES = 1 + 1

    # 一个epoch的步数

    # 检测的时候过滤置信度的阈值

class BalloonDataset(utils.Dataset):
    def load_balloon(self, dataset_dir, subset):
        :param dataset_dir: 数据集目录
        :param subset: 训练集还是测试机
        # 添加数据集类别数量
        self.add_class("balloon", 1, "balloon")

        # 是否提供在训练或者验证集字符串
        assert subset in ["train", "val"]
        dataset_dir = os.path.join(dataset_dir, subset)
        # Load annotations
        # { 'filename': '28503151_5b5b7ec140_b.jpg',
        #   'regions': {
        #       '0': {
        #           'region_attributes': {},
        #           'shape_attributes': {
        #               'all_points_x': [...],
        #               'all_points_y': [...],
        #               'name': 'polygon'}},
        #       ... more regions ...
        #   },
        # }
        # 读取标注区域:
        annotations = json.load(open(os.path.join(dataset_dir, "via_region_data.json")))
        annotations = list(annotations.values())

        # 如果annotations不存在直接跳过
        annotations = [a for a in annotations if a['regions']]
        # 添加每张图片的坐标
        for a in annotations:
            # 获取所有多边形的x, y 的所有点坐标,存储在shape_attributes
            # 判断其中类型是否是字典,若果字典
            if isinstance(a['regions'], dict):
                polygons = [r['shape_attributes'] for r in a['regions'].values()]
                polygons = [r['shape_attributes'] for r in a['regions']]

            # 读取图片内容获取长宽
            image_path = os.path.join(dataset_dir, a['filename'])
            image = skimage.io.imread(image_path)
            height, width = image.shape[:2]

            # 加入到image_info字典当中
                width=width, height=height,

    def load_mask(self, image_id):
        :param image_id: 图片ID
        :return: masks: 一个实例的布尔形状 [height, width, instance count]
        class_ids: 类别的 1D 数组
        # 如果不是balloon类别的图片数据,默认返回空
        image_info = self.image_info[image_id]
        if image_info["source"] != "balloon":
            return super(self.__class__, self).load_mask(image_id)

        # 将坐标转换成bitmap [height, width, instance_count]
        info = self.image_info[image_id]
        mask = np.zeros([info["height"], info["width"], len(info["polygons"])],
        for i, p in enumerate(info["polygons"]):
            # Get indexes of pixels inside the polygon and set them to 1
            # 获取图片像素中的这个mask多边形区域中像素下标,将其标记为1
            rr, cc = skimage.draw.polygon(p['all_points_y'], p['all_points_x'])
            mask[rr, cc, i] = 1

        # 返回mask区域标记 [height, width, instance count]
        # 以及mask物体的个数
        return mask.astype(np.bool), np.ones([mask.shape[-1]], dtype=np.int32)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    dataset_train = BalloonDataset()
    dataset_train.load_balloon("../balloon_data/", "train")

    # 打印结果
    print("图片数量: {}".format(len(dataset_train.image_ids))) #61
    print("类别数量: {}".format(dataset_train.num_classes)) #2
    for i, info in enumerate(dataset_train.class_info):
        """0. BG
          1. balloon"""
        print("{}. {}".format(i, info['name']))

    # 1、随机选择部分图片进行展示mask区域
    image_id = np.random.choice(dataset_train.image_ids, 1)[0]
    image = dataset_train.load_image(image_id)
    mask, class_ids = dataset_train.load_mask(image_id)
    # 显示mask
    visualize.display_top_masks(image, mask, class_ids, dataset_train.class_names)

    # 2、计算bbox
    bbox = utils.extract_bboxes(mask)

    from mrcnn.model import log
    log("image", image) #shape: (1421, 2048, 3)       min:    0.00000  max:  255.00000  uint8
    log("mask", mask)   #shape: (1421, 2048, 3)       min:    0.00000  max:    1.00000  bool
    log("class_ids", class_ids) #shape: (3,)                  min:    1.00000  max:    1.00000  int32
    log("bbox", bbox)           #shape: (3, 4)                min:    2.00000  max: 1652.00000  int32
    # 显示mask,以及bbox
    visualize.display_instances(image, bbox, mask, class_ids, dataset_train.class_names)

    # 3、计算anchor结果
    config = BalloonConfig()
    # resnet101网络每一层特征图形状:添加一个特征图大小属性(这里做测试需要设置一下才能用generate_pyramid_anchors),dataset中直接计算出来特征图大小
    # resnet默认有5个特征图,第一层特征图大小256x256,每一层特征图当中的每一个像素点有3个预测anchors先验框
    config.BACKBONE_SHAPES = [[256, 256], [128, 128], [64, 64], [32, 32], [16, 16]]
    # utils.generate_pyramid_anchors 需要rpn anchor的大小,rpn anchor的长宽比率等参数
    anchors = utils.generate_pyramid_anchors(config.RPN_ANCHOR_SCALES,

    # 打印anchor相关信息
    num_levels = len(config.BACKBONE_SHAPES) # 特征图总共有5级特征,每一层特征图的每一个像素有多少种不同类别的rpn生成的anchors先验框
    anchors_per_cell = len(config.RPN_ANCHOR_RATIOS) #anchors的比率值为3。5种尺度,3种比率,一共3*5=15种不同类别的 anchors先验框
    # 手动生成的anchors先验框的数量有多少
    print("Count: ", anchors.shape[0])           #5个特征图一共有 261888 个anchors先验框
    print("Scales: ", config.RPN_ANCHOR_SCALES) #anchors先验框 5种尺度 (32, 64, 128, 256, 512)
    print("ratios: ", config.RPN_ANCHOR_RATIOS) #anchors先验框 3种比率 [0.5, 1, 2]
    print("Anchors per Cell: ", anchors_per_cell)  #3种比率
    print("Levels: ", num_levels)                   #5种尺度
    anchors_per_level = []
    for l in range(num_levels):
        num_cells = config.BACKBONE_SHAPES[l][0] * config.BACKBONE_SHAPES[l][1]
        anchors_per_level.append(anchors_per_cell * num_cells // config.RPN_ANCHOR_STRIDE ** 2)
        """  resnet默认有5个特征图,第一层特征图大小256x256,每一层特征图当中的每一个像素点有3个预测anchors先验框。
                Anchors in Level 0: 196608  (256x256x3=196608)
                Anchors in Level 1: 49152   (128x128x3=49152)
                Anchors in Level 2: 12288
                Anchors in Level 3: 3072
                Anchors in Level 4: 768
        print("Anchors in Level {}: {}".format(l, anchors_per_level[l]))

    (1)根据参数配置的RPN_TRAIN_ANCHORS_PER_IMAGE = 256,对默认标记的RPN样本统计正负样本,正样本位置进行refine显示,
    (2)根据参数配置的TRAIN_ROIS_PER_IMAGE = 200,对于RPN产生的261888去做感兴趣区域计算得到默认200个输入到msrcnn中,

    # 4、anchor到rois感兴趣区域
    from mrcnn import model
    random_rois = 2000
    1.random_rois = 2000:
    2.DataGenerator 的 __getitem__:
            最后anchor先验框偏移变成bbox的结果,最后build_rpn_targets函数返回rpn_match, rpn_bbox 。
    # 获取4个数据测试看结果
    g = model.DataGenerator(dataset_train, config,
    # 针对数据集的GT计算得到rpn的预测框以及mrcnn的输出预测框
    # inputs, outputs = __getitem__(0):返回第一个批次的数据,random_rois大于0,也返回outputs列表
    [normalized_images, image_meta, rpn_match, rpn_bbox, gt_class_ids, gt_boxes, gt_masks, rpn_rois, rois], \
    [mrcnn_class_ids, mrcnn_bbox, mrcnn_mask] = g.__getitem__(0)

    # 打印rois以及mrcnn
    #shape: (2, 200, 4):RPN的anchor过滤之后传入maskrcnn阶段的200个感兴趣区域,2指的样本数默认最小返回数量即2个图片为一个批量,4表示bbox框的4个位置
    log("rois", rois)
       根据参数配置的TRAIN_ROIS_PER_IMAGE = 200,对于RPN产生的261888去做感兴趣区域计算得到默认200个输入到msrcnn中,
    #shape: (2, 200, 1):1表示msrnn中用于训练的候选框的ID,200表示 RPN的anchor过滤之后传入maskrcnn阶段的200个感兴趣区域,第一个2表示2个图片为一个批量
    log("mrcnn_class_ids", mrcnn_class_ids)
    #shape: (2, 200, 2, 4):4表示mrcnn中bbox的4个位置,第一个2表示2个图片为一个批量
    log("mrcnn_bbox", mrcnn_bbox)
    #shape: (2, 200, 28, 28, 2) 28x28表示感兴趣区域的大小,最后一个2表示有两个mask标记的物体,第一个2表示2个图片为一个批量
    log("mrcnn_mask", mrcnn_mask)

    # 打印GT结果
    #shape: (2, 100):第一个2表示2个图片为一个批量
    log("gt_class_ids", gt_class_ids)
    #shape: (2, 100, 4):100表示GT框数量,根据参数配置MAX_GT_INSTANCES = 100 设置每张图的GT实例数量的最大值,第一个2表示2个图片为一个批量
    log("gt_boxes", gt_boxes)
    #shape: (2, 56, 56, 100):第一个2表示2个图片为一个批量
    log("gt_masks", gt_masks)
    #shape: (2, 261888, 1):resnet101网络有5个特征图一共有 261888 个anchors先验框,1表示要标记的正负样本的类别值(1=positive anchor, -1=negative, 0=neutral)
    log("rpn_match", rpn_match, )
    #每张图 RPN 使用256个正负样本 进行训练,第一个2表示2个图片为一个批量
    #shape: (2, 256, 4) :anchor与GT之间计算的偏移值,从261888个anchors先验框中 计算出256个ROIs感兴趣区域 标记正负样本 用于 RPN网络训练,4表示bbox框的4个位置
    log("rpn_bbox", rpn_bbox)
    image_id = image_meta[0][0]
    print("image_id: ", image_id)

    1.261888个先验框与GT目标框进行匹配,得到 Positive/Negative/Neutral 即 10+246=256和256+261632=261888的 RPN网络标记的 正负样本和无效样本,
    # 5、对于其中一张图片进行anchor的refine
    # 获取正负样本匹配结果
    b = 0
    #rpn_match 默认有两个图片,shape(2, 261888, 1) 第一个2表示2个图片为一个批量,因此此处rpn_match[0]获取第一张图片的正负样本
    #rpn_match[0]==比较的1、-1、0:表示(1=positive anchor, -1=negative, 0=neutral) 正负样本分类值判断
    positive_anchor_ids = np.where(rpn_match[b] == 1)[0]
    ## RPN标记正样本数量 10+246=256
    print("Positive anchors: {}".format(len(positive_anchor_ids))) #正样本 数量 10
    negative_anchor_ids = np.where(rpn_match[b] == -1)[0]
    print("Negative anchors: {}".format(len(negative_anchor_ids))) #负样本 数量 246
    neutral_anchor_ids = np.where(rpn_match[b] == 0)[0]
    print("Neutral anchors: {}".format(len(neutral_anchor_ids))) #RPN标记无效框数量 261632

    # 对于标记为正样本anchor进行位置refine(提纯)计算
    indices = np.where(rpn_match[b] == 1)[0]
    refined_anchors = utils.apply_box_deltas(anchors[indices], rpn_bbox[b, :len(indices)] * config.RPN_BBOX_STD_DEV)
    log("anchors", anchors) # anchors总数量 shape: (261888, 4)
    log("refined_anchors", refined_anchors) # 正样本进行refined之后的anchor数量  shape: (10, 4)

    # 获取其中默认第一张图片的数据,打印正样本标记结果和负样本标记结果
    sample_image = model.unmold_image(normalized_images[b], config)
    # ROI的类别数量
    #mrcnn_class_ids的shape: (2, 200, 1):2表示2个图片为一个批量,1表示msrnn中用于训练的候选框的ID,200表示RPN的anchor过滤之后传入maskrcnn阶段的200个感兴趣区域,
    for c, n in zip(dataset_train.class_names, np.bincount(mrcnn_class_ids[b].flatten())):
        # 其中这200个bbox框的类别结果:用于输入到msrcnn当中176+24=200个的候选框数量(类别结果)
        # 背景数量
        BG                     : 176
        # 气球数量
        balloon                : 24
        if n:
            print("{:23}: {}".format(c[:20], n))

    # 展示正样本输出结果
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(16, 16))
    # 展示正样本输出结果
    visualize.draw_boxes(sample_image, boxes=anchors[positive_anchor_ids],
                         refined_boxes=refined_anchors, ax=ax)
    # 展示负样本输出
    visualize.draw_boxes(sample_image, boxes=anchors[negative_anchor_ids])

    Positive ROIs:  66
    Negative ROIs:  134
    Positive Ratio: 0.33
    # 6、正负rois区域比例
    print("Positive ROIs: ", mrcnn_class_ids[b][mrcnn_class_ids[b] > 0].shape[0])
    print("Negative ROIs: ", mrcnn_class_ids[b][mrcnn_class_ids[b] == 0].shape[0])
    print("Positive Ratio: {:.2f}".format(
        mrcnn_class_ids[b][mrcnn_class_ids[b] > 0].shape[0] / mrcnn_class_ids[b].shape[0]))


import numpy as np
import skimage

def draw_segmentation(image, mask):
    :param image: 输出图片 RGB image [height, width, 3]
    :param mask: 分割区域[height, width, instance count]
    :return: 返回黑白图片,并且将分割区域保留原来的颜色
    # 1、将彩色图片变成灰度图,并保留image以及同份灰色的图片
    # 注意从RGB到灰度图格式格式会从float32到unit8转换
    gray = skimage.color.gray2rgb(skimage.color.rgb2gray(image)) * 255

    # 2、将彩色格式中mask部分保留其余部分都设置成灰色,
    if mask.shape[-1] > 0:
        np.where(condition, x, y) 满足条件(condition),输出x,不满足输出y
        >>> aa = np.arange(10)
        >>> aa
        array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])
        >>> np.where(aa, 1, -1)
        array([-1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1])
        >>> np.where(aa > 5, 1, -1)
        array([-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,  1,  1,  1,  1])
        # 求出每个像素点需要保留和显示灰度图的判断
        mask = (np.sum(mask, -1, keepdims=True) >= 1)
        segmentation = np.where(mask, image, gray).astype(np.uint8)
        segmentation = gray.astype(np.uint8)
    return segmentation

def detect_and_draw_segmentation(args, model):
    :param args: 命令行参数
    :param model: 模型
    if not args.image or not args.video:
        raise ValueError("请提供要检测的图片或者视频路径之一")

    # 传入的图片
    if args.image:
        # 1、读取图片
        image = skimage.io.imread(args.image)
        # 2、模型检测返回结果
        r = model.detect([image], verbose=1)[0]
        # 3、画出分割区域
        segmentation = draw_segmentation(image, r['masks'])
        # 4、保存输出
        file_name = "./images/segment_{}".format(args.image.split("/")[-1])
        skimage.io.imsave(file_name, segmentation)

    if args.video:
        import cv2
        # 1、获取视频的读取
        vcapture = cv2.VideoCapture(args.video)
        width = int(vcapture.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH))
        height = int(vcapture.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT))
        fps = vcapture.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS)

        # 2、定义video writer后续写入
        file_name = "./images/segmentation_{}".format(args.video.split("/")[-1])
        vwriter = cv2.VideoWriter(file_name,
                                  fps, (width, height))

        # 3、循环获取每帧数据进行处理,完成之后写入本地文件
        count = 0
        success = True
        while success:
            print("帧数: ", count)
            # 读取图片
            success, image = vcapture.read()
            if success:
                # OpenCV 返回的BGR格式转换成RGB
                image = image[..., ::-1]
                # 模型检测mask
                r = model.detect([image], verbose=0)[0]
                # 画出区域
                segmentation = draw_segmentation(image, r['masks'])
                # RGB -> BGR
                segmentation = segmentation[..., ::-1]
                # 添加这张图到video writer
                count += 1

    print("保存到检测结果到路径文件:", file_name)


import numpy as np
import skimage.draw
import argparse

from mrcnn import model as maskrcnn
from utils.balloon_dataset import BalloonDataset, BalloonConfig
from utils.draw_segmention_utils import detect_and_draw_segmentation
import os
os.environ["TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL"] = "2"

# 命令行参数
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
parser.add_argument("--command", type=str, default='test',
                    help="'train' or 'test' 训练还是进行测试")
parser.add_argument('--dataset', type=str, default='./balloon_data',
#权重下载链接 https://github-production-release-asset-2e65be.s3.amazonaws.com/64878964/7ee9c8c6-5e1c-11e6-95f9-0ce2eddabcab?X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=AKIAIWNJYAX4CSVEH53A%2F20200403%2Fus-east-1%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20200403T091749Z&X-Amz-Expires=300&X-Amz-Signature=54a83d5413957b8eceb0eb4f8557741fb606d3b7e7fd63e182a5c410a68cf963&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&actor_id=29617050&response-content-disposition=attachment%3B%20filename%3Dresnet50_weights_tf_dim_ordering_tf_kernels_notop.h5&response-content-type=application%2Foctet-stream
parser.add_argument('--weights', type=str, default='imagenet',
parser.add_argument('--logs', type=str, default='./logs/',
parser.add_argument('--image', type=str, default='./images/2917282960_06beee649a_b.jpg',
parser.add_argument('--video', type=str, default='./images/v0200fd10000bq043q9pskdh7ri20vm0.MP4',
1.第一个预训练模型权重:mask_rcnn_balloon.h5 专门用于气球检测模型
2.第二个预训练模型权重:resnet50_weights_tf_dim_ordering_tf_kernels_notop.h5 预训练模型权重下载,该模型无法直接应用于气球检测
parser.add_argument('--model', type=str, default='./logs/mask_rcnn_balloon.h5',
# parser.add_argument('--model', type=str, default='./logs/resnet50_weights_tf_dim_ordering_tf_kernels_notop.h5',
#                     help='指定测试使用的训练好的模型文件')

def train(model):
    :param model: maskrcnn模型
    # 1、获取分割数据集
    dataset_train = BalloonDataset()
    dataset_train.load_balloon(args.dataset, "train")

    # 2、获取分割验证数据集
    dataset_val = BalloonDataset()
    dataset_val.load_balloon(args.dataset, "val")

    # 3、开始训练
    model.train(dataset_train, dataset_val,

if __name__ == '__main__':

    args = parser.parse_args()

    # 1、进行参数传入判断
    if args.command == "train":
        assert args.dataset, "指定训练的时候必须传入 --dataset数据目录"
    elif args.command == "test":
        assert args.image or args.video,\

    # 2、配置模型的参数、数据集的训练读取配置
    if args.command == "train":
        config = BalloonConfig()
        # 测试的配置修改:设置batch_size为1,Batch size = GPU_COUNT * IMAGES_PER_GPU
        class InferenceConfig(BalloonConfig):
            GPU_COUNT = 1
            IMAGES_PER_GPU = 1
        config = InferenceConfig()

    # 3、创建模型
    if args.command == "train":
        model = maskrcnn.MaskRCNN(mode="training", config=config,
        model = maskrcnn.MaskRCNN(mode="inference", config=config,
    # 4、训练测试逻辑实现
    if args.command == "train":
        # # 选择加载的预训练模型类别并下载
        # if args.weights.lower() == "imagenet":
        #     weights_path = model.get_imagenet_weights()
        # else:
        #     raise ValueError("提供一种预训练模型种类")

        # # 加载预训练模型权重
        # print("Loading weights ", weights_path)
        # model.load_weights(weights_path, by_name=True)

        # 加载预训练模型权重
        print("Loading weights ", args.model)
        model.load_weights(args.model, by_name=True)

        # 进行训练

    elif args.command == "test":
        model.load_weights(args.model, by_name=True)
        # 进行 图片检测+视频检测
        detect_and_draw_segmentation(args, model)
        print("'{}' 传入参数无法识别. "
              "请使用 'train' or 'test'".format(args.command))





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