


module of example programs

pygame.examples.aliens.mainplay the full aliens example
pygame.examples.oldalien.mainplay the original aliens example
pygame.examples.stars.mainrun a simple starfield example
pygame.examples.chimp.mainhit the moving chimp
pygame.examples.moveit.maindisplay animated objects on the screen
pygame.examples.fonty.mainrun a font rendering example
pygame.examples.freetype_misc.mainrun a FreeType rendering example
pygame.examples.vgrade.maindisplay a vertical gradient
pygame.examples.eventlist.maindisplay pygame events
pygame.examples.arraydemo.mainshow various surfarray effects
pygame.examples.sound.mainload and play a sound
pygame.examples.sound_array_demos.mainplay various sndarray effects
pygame.examples.liquid.maindisplay an animated liquid effect
pygame.examples.glcube.maindisplay an animated 3D cube using OpenGL
pygame.examples.scrap_clipboard.mainaccess the clipboard
pygame.examples.mask.maindisplay multiple images bounce off each other using collision detection
pygame.examples.testsprite.mainshow lots of sprites moving around
pygame.examples.headless_no_windows_needed.mainwrite an image file that is smoothscaled copy of an input file
pygame.examples.fastevents.mainstress test the fastevents module
pygame.examples.overlay.mainplay a .pgm video using overlays
pygame.examples.blend_fill.maindemonstrate the various surface.fill method blend options
pygame.examples.blit_blends.mainuses alternative additive fill to that of surface.fill
pygame.examples.cursors.maindisplay two different custom cursors
pygame.examples.pixelarray.maindisplay various pixelarray generated effects
pygame.examples.scaletest.maininteractively scale an image using smoothscale
pygame.examples.midi.mainrun a midi example
pygame.examples.scroll.mainrun a Surface.scroll example that shows a magnified image video captured live from an attached camera
pygame.examples.playmus.mainplay an audio file

These examples should help get you started with pygame. Here is a brief rundown of what you get. The source code for these examples is in the public domain. Feel free to use for your own projects.

There are several ways to run the examples. First they can be run as stand-alone programs. Second they can be imported and their main()methods called (see below). Finally, the easiest way is to use the python -m option:

python -m pygame.examples.<example name> <example arguments>


python -m pygame.examples.scaletest someimage.png

Resources such as images and sounds for the examples are found in the pygame/examples/data subdirectory.

You can find where the example files are installed by using the following commands inside the python interpreter.

>>> import pygame.examples.scaletest
>>> pygame.examples.scaletest.__file__

On each OS and version of Python the location will be slightly different. For example on Windows it might be in 'C:/Python26/Lib/site-packages/pygame/examples/' On Mac OS X it might be in '/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/lib/python2.6/site-packages/pygame/examples/'

You can also run the examples in the python interpreter by calling each modules main() function.

>>> import pygame.examples.scaletest
>>> pygame.examples.scaletest.main()

We're always on the lookout for more examples and/or example requests. Code like this is probably the best way to start getting involved with python gaming.

examples as a package is new to pygame 1.9.0. But most of the examples came with pygame much earlier.


play the full aliens example

aliens.main() -> None

This started off as a port of the SDL demonstration, Aliens. Now it has evolved into something sort of resembling fun. This demonstrates a lot of different uses of sprites and optimized blitting. Also transparency, colorkeys, fonts, sound, music, joystick, and more. (PS, my high score is 117! goodluck)


play the original aliens example

oldalien.main() -> None

This more closely resembles a port of the SDL Aliens demo. The code is a lot simpler, so it makes a better starting point for people looking at code for the first times. These blitting routines are not as optimized as they should/could be, but the code is easier to follow, and it plays quick enough.


run a simple starfield example

stars.main() -> None

A simple starfield example. You can change the center of perspective by leftclicking the mouse on the screen.


hit the moving chimp

chimp.main() -> None

This simple example is derived from the line-by-line tutorial that comes with pygame. It is based on a 'popular' web banner. Note there are comments here, but for the full explanation, follow along in the tutorial.


display animated objects on the screen

moveit.main() -> None

This is the full and final example from the Pygame Tutorial, "How Do I Make It Move". It creates 10 objects and animates them on the screen.

Note it's a bit scant on error checking, but it's easy to read. :] Fortunately, this is python, and we needn't wrestle with a pile of error codes.


run a font rendering example

fonty.main() -> None

Super quick, super simple application demonstrating the different ways to render fonts with the font module


run a FreeType rendering example

freetype_misc.main() -> None

A showcase of rendering features the pygame.freetype.FontCreate a new Font instance from a supported font file. class provides in addition to those available with pygame.font.Fontcreate a new Font object from a file. It is a demonstration of direct to surface rendering, with vertical text and rotated text, opaque text and semi transparent text, horizontally stretched text and vertically stretched text.


display a vertical gradient

vgrade.main() -> None

Demonstrates creating a vertical gradient with pixelcopy and NumPy python. The app will create a new gradient every half second and report the time needed to create and display the image. If you're not prepared to start working with the NumPy arrays, don't worry about the source for this one :]


display pygame events

eventlist.main() -> None

Eventlist is a sloppy style of pygame, but is a handy tool for learning about pygame events and input. At the top of the screen are the state of several device values, and a scrolling list of events are displayed on the bottom.

This is not quality 'ui' code at all, but you can see how to implement very non-interactive status displays, or even a crude text output control.


show various surfarray effects

arraydemo.main(arraytype=None) -> None

Another example filled with various surfarray effects. It requires the surfarray and image modules to be installed. This little demo can also make a good starting point for any of your own tests with surfarray

The arraytype parameter is deprecated; passing any value besides 'numpy' will raise ValueError.


load and play a sound

sound.main(file_path=None) -> None

Extremely basic testing of the mixer module. Load a sound and play it. All from the command shell, no graphics.

If provided, use the audio file 'file_path', otherwise use a default file. optional command line argument: an audio file


play various sndarray effects

sound_array_demos.main(arraytype=None) -> None

Uses sndarray and NumPy to create offset faded copies of the original sound. Currently it just uses hardcoded values for the number of echoes and the delay. Easy for you to recreate as needed.

The arraytype parameter is deprecated; passing any value besides 'numpy' will raise ValueError.


display an animated liquid effect

liquid.main() -> None

This example was created in a quick comparison with the BlitzBasic gaming language. Nonetheless, it demonstrates a quick 8-bit setup (with colormap).


display an animated 3D cube using OpenGL

glcube.main() -> None

Using PyOpenGL and pygame, this creates a spinning 3D multicolored cube.


access the clipboard

scrap_clipboard.main() -> None

A simple demonstration example for the clipboard support.


display multiple images bounce off each other using collision detection

mask.main(*args) -> None

Positional arguments:

one or more image file names.

This pygame.masks demo will display multiple moving sprites bouncing off each other. More than one sprite image can be provided.

If run as a program then takes one or more image files as command line arguments.


show lots of sprites moving around

testsprite.main(update_rects = True, use_static = False, use_FastRenderGroup = False, screen_dims = [640, 480], use_alpha = False, flags = 0) -> None

Optional keyword arguments:

update_rects - use the RenderUpdate sprite group class
use_static - include non-moving images
use_FastRenderGroup - Use the FastRenderGroup sprite group
screen_dims - pygame window dimensions
use_alpha - use alpha blending
flags - additional display mode flags

Like the testsprite.c that comes with SDL, this pygame version shows lots of sprites moving around.

If run as a stand-alone program then no command line arguments are taken.


write an image file that is smoothscaled copy of an input file

headless_no_windows_needed.main(fin, fout, w, h) -> None


fin - name of an input image file
fout - name of the output file to create/overwrite
w, h - size of the rescaled image, as integer width and height

How to use pygame with no windowing system, like on headless servers.

Thumbnail generation with scaling is an example of what you can do with pygame.

NOTE: the pygame scale function uses MMX/SSE if available, and can be run in multiple threads.

If is run as a program it takes the following command line arguments:

-scale inputimage outputimage new_width new_height
eg. -scale in.png outpng 50 50


stress test the fastevents module

fastevents.main() -> None

This is a stress test for the fastevents module.

  • Fast events does not appear faster!

So far it looks like normal pygame.eventpygame module for interacting with events and queues is faster by up to two times. So maybe fastevent isn't fast at all.

Tested on Windows XP SP2 Athlon, and FreeBSD.

However... on my Debian Duron 850 machine fastevents is faster.


play a .pgm video using overlays

overlay.main(fname) -> None

Play the .pgm video file given by a path fname.

If run as a program takes the file name as a command line argument.


demonstrate the various surface.fill method blend options

blend_fill.main() -> None

A interactive demo that lets one choose which BLEND_xxx option to apply to a surface.


uses alternative additive fill to that of surface.fill

blit_blends.main() -> None

Fake additive blending. Using NumPy. it doesn't clamp. Press r,g,b Somewhat like blend_fill.


display two different custom cursors

cursors.main() -> None

Display an arrow or circle with crossbar cursor.


display various pixelarray generated effects

pixelarray.main() -> None

Display various pixelarray generated effects.


interactively scale an image using smoothscale

scaletest.main(imagefile, convert_alpha=False, run_speed_test=True) -> None


imagefile - file name of source image (required)
convert_alpha - use convert_alpha() on the surf (default False)
run_speed_test - (default False)

A smoothscale example that resized an image on the screen. Vertical and horizontal arrow keys are used to change the width and height of the displayed image. If the convert_alpha option is True then the source image is forced to have source alpha, whether or not the original images does. If run_speed_test is True then a background timing test is performed instead of the interactive scaler.

If is run as a program then the command line options are:

ImageFile [-t] [-convert_alpha]
[-t] = Run Speed Test
[-convert_alpha] = Use convert_alpha() on the surf.


run a midi example

midi.main(mode='output', device_id=None) -> None


mode - if 'output' run a midi keyboard output example
          'input' run a midi event logger input example
          'list' list available midi devices
       (default 'output')
device_id - midi device number; if None then use the default midi input or
            output device for the system

The output example shows how to translate mouse clicks or computer keyboard events into midi notes. It implements a rudimentary button widget and state machine.

The input example shows how to translate midi input to pygame events.

With the use of a virtual midi patch cord the output and input examples can be run as separate processes and connected so the keyboard output is displayed on a console.

new to pygame 1.9.0


run a Surface.scroll example that shows a magnified image

scroll.main(image_file=None) -> None

This example shows a scrollable image that has a zoom factor of eight. It uses the Surface.scroll() function to shift the image on the display surface. A clip rectangle protects a margin area. If called as a function, the example accepts an optional image file path. If run as a program it takes an optional file path command line argument. If no file is provided a default image file is used.

When running click on a black triangle to move one pixel in the direction the triangle points. Or use the arrow keys. Close the window or press ESC to quit.


display video captured live from an attached camera

camera.main() -> None

A simple live video player, it uses the first available camera it finds on the system.


play an audio file

playmus.main(file_path) -> None

A simple music player with window and keyboard playback control. Playback can be paused and rewound to the beginning.






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